Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.291 Status Update

CH.291 Status Update

“Wow. This is nice. Great work Wilma.” I thanked Wilma for her work, as she returned my mithril sword to me. 

It had been taken apart for two days now, and Wilma had made a new grip, guard and pommel to it, as well as a new scabbard. It now looked a lot better, and something that a noble might actually use. I did like the simplicity of the old one, but this is better. The grip also felt … grippier? I don’t think that is the correct term, but it was easier to hold onto and easier to index the blade. You know, making sure the edge will hit the opponent and that stuff. Still, the visual upgrade was probably the more important part, as now it is something more than just a fighting weapon. Now it is also a status statement.

But yeah. Wilma had taken … is it three days then, considering that she began during that night? Yeah. Design day and then two more days after that to make this piece. Quite fast, considering that she is only able to work on this while we are stopped for meals, or for the night.

As for what I’ve been doing for the past two days, well, I do have a lot of design work to do. You know, HomeBase and all of that. For that reason, I’ve been spending a lot of the day in the Factory, to the point where my sense of time is a bit off. Factory does operate at an accelerated time compared to the real world, so staying there for what is there a bit over 8 hours, and it only being 4 on the other side does cause some minor issues.

Anyway. Outside of that, I’ve just been hanging out with Alice and Lua. They deserve my attention outside of my 9 to 5 job. Wait, I don’t have one. It is just me working on my own project.

When it comes to them, Alice has finally gotten her Fire Magic skill. You know, from the install of Molten Destruction a while ago. 


She also got a skill called Polearm Technique from her practice with her swordstaff. So it counts as a polearm for the skills. I wonder if the skill will eventually evolve into Swordstaff Technique? Or maybe it will combine with the Staff Technique skill for that? Well, I guess we will find out when it happens.

Anyway. Alice learning the skills did lead us to a few discussions. One was about me getting mithril. You know, for Alice’s swordstaff. Yes, I can get it from HomeBase, and I probably should. … but my order for it should also be ready in about a week, so we could wait. But yeah. I would have asked Wilma to work on it, but the honor of designing and making that swordstaff was already taken by my monsters in the factory, so they will take care of it.

The second thing was something more important. Well, in a way. It was Alice and Lua arguing about installs. Mainly, which one of them would pick up Earth Magic, and which one would take Wind Magic.

Perhaps in some interesting twist of fate, Alice and Lua both have the opposing attributes, for the two that they have. Alice had fire, while Lua has water. Lua has light, while Alice has dark. So the two of them came to the conclusion that they should split wind and earth between the two of them as well, but they are arguing about which one will get which.

And it wasn’t really like either of them had a real problem with it, it is just that they both want both, but I just can’t do that.

Alice could use wind because it goes well with fire. It might also help her fly faster. But because of her father, Alice wasn’t the biggest fan of wind magic.

Lua could use wind because it will help her heal breathing problems. Had she known how to use wind magic, she may have been able to keep Wilma from… well, you know. It might even help her take flight. She does have wings after all.

As for earth. It would go decently with Alice’s dark magic, as she could use it to make traps and stuff, while using dark magic to hide them away. She could also combine it with her fire magic to use lava based attacks, and that could be terrifying.

And for Lua, earth would be good for healing bones and all of that. Outside of the airways and breathing, fixing broken bones was the biggest weakness Lua had when it came to her healing.

In my opinion, the answer was simple. Alice takes earth, because she doesn’t want wind, and Lua will just take wind. But for some reason, the two just didn’t want to come to an agreement on that, so I let them argue a bit more about it. They could even both take earth magic. Wind be damned.

Anyway. Now that we are talking about our skills, I guess I’ll give you a general update.

Lua has gotten the Vampiric Body Modification, and learned it to the point where she can actually hide away her wings. Though she herself has admitted that it feels weird, so she doesn’t keep them hidden outside of training the skill.

Ria on the other hand has been learning how to grow herself a pair of wings with said skill, but it is still a work-in-progress. She can make something that look relatively like extra appendages growing from her back, but they are definitely not wings. More like arms that have no hands. She does now know how to ‘harden’ her body in different parts, so she can do things like grow out long nails and then harden them into actual weapons. But her fighting style can’t really use that much, so she only uses it to make her skin a bit tougher. Oh, and she got the racial skill Brawling. The one she has access to because she evolved into a dhampir brawler. I think it is from the hand-to-hand matches she has with Agunan, probably. Agunan has been using those matches to learn how to act on a humanoid level, but I feel like his standard is way off, as most humanoids aren’t LV.99 like Ria is.

And me… well, I’ve been slacking off on everything, except sword practice. Not because I don’t want to train the Spiritual Human racial skill Spirit Magic with the water spirits, or because I don’t want to practice Draconic Magic with Agunan, but simply because I just don’t have the time at the moment. HomeBase takes the priority. But I guess the good news is that I learned Shield Technique, so that is something.

Even Agunan had gotten a bit stronger, at least based on his HP and mana. You know, the ones I see as +xx.xxx after my HP and mana. They used to be +19,400 and +17,700, but now they are just a bit higher.


So yeah. All around, we are doing fine.

“Still nothing?” I asked my summon.

“I apologize. But it appears as if they don’t have a solid memory of what happened.”

Over the past two days, when we had the time, I have been summoning my spellcasters to try and look into the minds of the two catfolk kids. Just so we would have a better description of the person responsible for their slave marks. But all we have gotten is the same vague image they have.

Mariina theorized that the person who drew the mark ordered the kids to forget him or something, as that mark may have been able to do that. It was something you could order with even the more modern slave mark, because the ability to keep things secret from slaves was seen as necessary when the modern one was developed. It works quite well, but the order cannot erase all memories, so that is where that vague image comes in. Sadly, because the catfolk have literally forgotten the details, we cannot get anything more than that from them. 

It is a shame that me dusting away the mark didn’t bring their memories back, but that is just something we’ll have to live with.

“Alright. Some packs then.” I muttered to myself.

Over the past two days, I didn’t open any packs like I planned, but I now had an opportunity, so I was going to take it. 

I was laying in our tent, next to Alice. Lua was outside keeping guard with Wilma recently. My turn would be after her, but after Alice got a bit aggressive, … not that aggressive, just some kisses. Anyway. I didn’t feel sleepy, even though Alice is so calm even after her aggression. So I decided to quickly pull open Pack Opener and disappoint myself to sleep. 

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Shadow of Infinity’?
[Yes] [No]

Of course going with more Shadow of Infinity. I still really want to pull those Sacred Beasts.


As I said, disappointing myself to sleep. Well, at least I have more tokens, so I don’t have to end after just one bad pack. Next.


Two more with just … bad cards. At least give me something. Or do you really want me to go to sleep disappointed?


Nope! You most definitely don’t. Thank you, Pack Opener. And hello Uria. Let’s get that Divine sleeve for this Uria and … wait for me to find something I can sick you onto. 

… is it wrong that I really want to summon Uria, for no reason other than just to summon him? Asking for a friend. Wait, that doesn’t work out in this context. 

Well anyway, I got my Uria and it is now in a Divine sleeve. For those that want to know, because of the sleeve, its effects changed a bit.

First, I can use any traps as tributes to special summon my Uria, when normally you have to use face-up Trap Cards. Two, mine will gain attack for each trap in my GY, not just for each Continuous Trap Card. Three. If Uria is in my GY, after I have properly summoned it, I can toss a Trap Card into the GY to special summon Uria from the GY. 

So yeah. I basically have the anime version of Uria. And that is nice.

And in case you were wondering, my Divine sleeved Hamon also had some extra effects.


Unlike the TCG Hamon, I could use any spells as tributes for it, not just face-up Continuous Spells. Two, while Hamon is out, I take no damage from any Spell cards, and this probably extends to the ‘natural’ spells of this world.I know, this isn’t anime Hamon’s effect, but with how bloated anime Uria is, I wanted to add a bit more to Hamon. And anime Hamon does have this effect: If this Defense Position card is destroyed, you take no damage for the rest of this turn, so I just modified it a bit.

Three. If Hamon is in the GY, after being properly summoned, I can resurrect it by sending a spell from my hand to the GY, like I can Uria with trap cards.Again, not Anime Hamon’s effect, but something I feel like the anime version should have had. Just to match Uria. It is so strange that just Uria had that effect, while the other two didn’t.

But yeah. Two Sacred Beasts. Maybe I can get a third? Let’s go to ten packs today as well, and see what we can get.


Well, at least I got a Chainsaw Insect, if I want to cut down a forest or something. Too bad it is still a repeat. Next.


… that wasn’t an invite for more Chainsaw Insects… Well, maybe the next pack won’t have one.


Oh? A new B.E.S. monster? Nice. And I think Covered Core is one of the smaller ones. In terms of physical size, I mean. So it will be great to use, as long as it has some space on the inside. So yeah. That is actually really nice. Great work, packs.

Three more left. Maybe I can get one more SR or UR.


The answer is yes. I can get another SR. Divine Dragon - Excelion, huh. Too bad it really isn’t that good. And I can even abuse it, because I can have three Excelions in the GY when I summon it, so it will gain all three of its effects. Sadly, none of those effects are all that good.

Still, it is always nice to pull an SR. Maybe with a lot of luck I can get one more? … okay, let’s be honest, probably not. But I can dream and open the next pack.


Now I know what you might think. There is nothing good here. But you’d be wrong. Princess Pikeru is actually quite nice. It is a light attribute Spellcaster-type monster with a healing effect. And if you don’t know why that is good, then let me introduce you to Lua. She has been learning light attribute healing magic from White Magician Pikeru, so getting the upgraded form is more than nice. I’ll give it to her soon, along with the Trial of the Princesses.


One more. Let’s see something as good as that Pikeru.


Yeah. That would be something as good. Sure Ruin, Queen of Oblivion is not a Sacred Beast or anything, but it is more than nice to have. Now I have both of the Ritual monsters from this set. I even got the End of the World ritual spell in the same pack. 

By the way. Why is it called End of the World? And this isn’t just some TCG translation. Even in the OCG, the ritual spell is called End of the World. Is it just because of Demise?


I mean, Demise does destroy everything on the field, except itself. But still. For a ritual spell called ‘End of the World’, you’d expect it to summon some 5000/5000 ritual super monster, not a 2400/2000 attack monster with a field nuke. Well, maybe that is just me.

Well, anyway. I got some great stuff this time. Last time was… not so hot, so this one was great to get. 

Now off to dreamland with me, as tomorrow will be another busy day.

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