Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.264 Clearing Dungeon 27_001, part 5

CH.264 Clearing Dungeon 27_001, part 5

Another day of dungeon diving incoming. … I really hope we will be done soon, because even though I’ve been sleeping alright, waking up every two hours to recast Swords of Revealing Light, along with all of the daily activities, is starting to take a toll on my body. Not that I’d actually admit that to any of my party members. But as long as this dungeon is only 50 floors, I think we can get the rest done today.

“It’s getting hot again…” Alice complained a bit, as we walked towards the next floor. 

Both she and Lua had already swapped to their fire resistant equipment, so it shouldn’t get that bad, but it is true that it is hot.

“... another fire floor, I guess. I was honestly expecting water, but what can you do?” I commented, as we walked into the room.

There, waiting for us, was a scene not too far from what we went through a few floors ago. A volcanic area. But unlike the last one, which was a relativity flat volcanic mountain region, this one had one massive volcano. There were also things like continuous rock slides, and the sun on this floor seemed extremely bright and blinding. 

“Well, let’s just go the easy route, and fly over this all.” I decided. “Dragonmaid Tinkhec, Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8.” I summoned two fire dragons.


We got on the two dragons. Lua was riding with me this time, and Alice was with Ria.

The monsters on this floor were a mix of different stuff. There were boulder golems, which are just big rock golems, lava golems, you know what they are, and crystal golems. Crystal golems are annoying, because they attack with light magic and are super tanky against ranged attacks, but they shatter quite easily against physical attacks. In that way, they are basically the opposite of the lava golems, which you want to attack with magic from a range. You don’t want to get burned, after all. Boulder golems … well, just don’t get hit by a boulder flying at highway speeds and you will be fine.

As for the boss of the floor, it was another golem. A multi-element golem, to be specific. It had the center of its body made from a giant boulder, legs and ‘head’ made of crystal, and arms made of lava. Or I guess magma, but either way. It attacked us with a mix of lasers from its head area, and molten rocks thrown by its arms.

It honestly might have been quite a threat, but I went a bit overkill on it by summoning Cosmo Queen, and blasting the golem with multiple destruction spells. Hammer Shot, Smashing Ground, I even used a Fissure on it, and between the spells and Cosmo Queen’s attack, the golem went down.


I made sure to collect what remained of the golem before we headed for the next floor. The crystal parts might come in handy, even though I’m not sure for what. They do seem to be light attributed, so maybe they can be used for a light attribute magic staff. … or maybe I can use one to make a magic gun… Later. Think about that later.

“I hear water…” Lua commented, as we were approaching.

“Kind of expected at this point. Last floor was fire, earth, light, right? So this is going to be water, wind, dark?” I guessed.

Sadly, I was correct. I say sadly, because this was not a floor I wanted to be on at all. It was another ocean, like the one on floor 42. But this one was way worse. It was pitch dark and the weather was extremely stormy, so the ocean was filled with giant waves. It was also raining heavily.

“... so, Brian. Any ideas how we get past all of this?” Alice asked. “I don’t think we can sail, like we did last time.”

“Yeah. I don’t think that would be a good idea. Riding dragons in this storm won’t be nice either. And I’m not sure how well Big Core or Crystal Core could take on this storm.”

“So… what do we do?”

“Just because our usual means don’t work, doesn’t mean that there isn’t a card for that.” I told Alice, as I took out two cards. “World Suppression. Burning Land.”


The two anti-field-spell cards went to work, and quickly, the raging sea calmed, the storm clouds above us parted, and all we were left with was a calm and clear ocean. I honestly expected that they would have destroyed the ocean, but I guess even my cards have limits.

“Now we can just ride across the sea. I’ll summon our ride. Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness.” 


Orca Mega-Fortress is a massive beast. It honestly is almost hilariously large, but I guess if you compare it to Big Core and Crystal Core, it isn’t that bad. … Well, the Orca was still around 150 meters long, from head to tail, so it was still one of the largest monsters in my arsenal, and it could just barely even swim in the oceans of my factory. But we are not in the factory, so who cares?

“So, anyone want to ride a whale… well, an orca?” I asked, as I looked at my wide eyed party members.

“... Brian…”


“... forget it. But really… How?”

“You know how I work. Let’s get on. I’ll summon a few other monsters to keep this guy safe while I’m at it.” I told everyone.

This Orca might be massive, but it isn’t that strong. Well, I guess 2100 attack is nothing to laugh at, but its defense is only 1200. If B-rank monsters keep hitting it, it will die quite quickly. I could keep activating something like Waboku to keep it safe, but that would be a pain. I really need that one equip spell which makes monsters undestroyable by battle.


For our defense, I first summoned the duo of Aitsu and Koitsu. 


That duo might be a pair of joke monsters, but at the same time, when Koitsu is equipped to Aitsu as a Union monster, their attack stat is no joke. 

I also called out Suijin, as well as one Torpedo Fish and one Cannonball Spear Shellfish, since I do have the Orca out.


The way to the boss was relatively fine. With Burning Land keeping the storm in check, Suijin reducing the attack power of any attacking monster, and the Aitsu/Koitsu union demolishing anything that came to the sea surface, our little cruise was fine. The monsters on this floor were these winged fishes, as well as dark sharks. The dark sharks were a pain in the ass, as they were basically invisible, and you would have to look at the disturbance they made in the water, so spotting them was difficult.

The boss for the floor was a winged sea serpent, but as I didn’t feel like playing around. I sealed it with Spellbinding Circle, Shadow Spell and Nightmare Wheel, before having Orca Mega-Fortress bombard it with a bunch of torpedo fish, while Aitsu/Koitsu union attacked from the air.


“... is this it?” I questioned, as we reached the next floor.

We were in, well, it looked like a box made of metal. A metal cube, and we were inside of it. 

The box was a lot smaller than the previous massive floors, being only about 200x200 meters and about 70 meters high. At the center of it stood what I recognized as the dungeon’s core pedestal. On it was a monster core about 50 cm in diameter.

But there was a small problem. … okay, it was actually quite large. Right behind the pedestal was a big … blob. Well, it is a monster, but it looks like a blob when it is sleeping like that.

But it wasn’t sleeping for long, because it soon woke up, as was apparent when six heads rose from the blob. Yes, what we were facing was in fact a six-headed hydra. And based on its color scheme, it had one head for each attribute, making this into a real SS-rank monster, and arguably the worst hydra you could ever face. An every-attribute six-headed hydra.

“Agunan, I’ll borrow some of your HP.” I warned the dragon. “Wall of Revealing Light.”


By allocating 10,000 HP from Agunan, I activated the trap card. He didn’t actually lose any HP, thank you Health Conscious, but this was the first time I used it like this outside of the factory, so I went with only half of his max HP, just to be sure. But we now had a nice barrier against any attacks the hydra might attempt. Not that I’m planning on giving it too much time.

Because I’m bringing out The A. Forces.

“Black Luster Soldier, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Silent Swordsman LV7, Silent Magician LV8 and Dark Paladin.” I summoned five monsters, after I activated the continuous spell The A. Forces.


With my forces here, it was time for the final battle.

As the battle between my A. Forces and the hydra kept going, I realized that I underestimated the hydra. Even with some of my strongest monsters on the job, boosted by The A. Forces, it wasn’t a surefire victory. Mainly, because The A. Forces. doesn’t boost the defense of my monsters, and because a hydra isn’t a dragon, so Dark Paladin does not get his boost.

The first of my monsters to go down was my Silent Swordsman LV7. His defense of 1000 just couldn’t hang in there, when the hydra used a mix of fire and earth attributes to turn the battleground into a lava ground. He was then quickly followed by Silent Magician LV8, falling to the same fate. And with my two warriors losing 400 attack, their attacks began to lack a bit of the punch they previously had, so the hydra was able to start regenerating at a speed similar to how fast they were damaging it.

I needed another plan. Sure I could try to have Envoy banish the hydra, but I’m not sure if that would be a good idea. If that hydra is somehow connected to the dungeon’s rogue core, I might run into issues if I eliminate the core, without eliminating the hydra.

So while I watched as my warriors struggled against the hydra, I went through my collection. Sure I could boost them with equip spells, but I’ve done that already. I want to try something else. And I think I have just the thing.

“I need just a bit more time. Hang in there.” I called out to my summons, as I took out a pile of monsters from my collection, along with one spell card. “Card Destruction.” I activated the spell.


With it, the massive pile of dragon-type monsters that were in my hand instantly went on cooldown, and I gained a Pack token for each. Had Laura not made that Pack token factory, this might have been a good way of getting a ton of Pack tokens as well. But I don’t really care about the tokens at this time. I care that I just got a total of twenty dragons to go on the ‘death cooldown’ aka. in the GY. Because I happen to have one monster that can take a massive advantage of that fact.

“I summon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon!”


My beautiful Blue-Eyed dragon, shining with its own beauty appeared in the room, and the hydra turned all of its heads to look at the new opponent. Yes. Look at him. He will be the one to do you in.

“Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon, attack that hydra with Shining Neutron Burst!” I commanded my dragon.

It collected a bit of energy into its mouth, before letting out a burst brighter than a solar flare. Those of us in the peanut gallery covered our eyes to shield us from the brightness, and when we finally opened them, we saw what remained of the hydra. Well, there wasn’t much left, as the entire main body had vanished, but the heads were mostly there.

“... wow.” I just quietly muttered.

Like, I knew Shining Dragon with 20 dragons in the ‘GY’ would be strong, but I didn’t expect that. He just annihilated the hydra with one attack. And it wasn’t even his special effect.

(Brian, a report.) Laura said. (Your Pack Opener just leveled up.)

(Really? Thanks for telling me.) I thanked Laura.

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human ✯
Level: 99
HP: 3520 (+19,400)
Mana: 4620 (+17,700)
Strength: 1190
Defense: 1420 
Magic: 1370
Pack Opener LV.6 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.3 (unique)
Storage LV.10 (unique)
Space Magic LV.2 (extra)
Telekinesis LV.5 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.10 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Sword Technique LV.3
Mana Control LV.10
Defense Boost LV.1
Dragon Life Dedication (Greater True Fire Dragon)
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Honorary Baron of Ruiso Kingdom
Language Comprehension (humanoid) (draconic)
Slave Master
Slaves: Rhianna

I quickly confirmed it, but of course Laura wouldn’t lie. I took a quick look at the skill’s own menu as well.

Pack Opener
[Sleeve maker]
[Summoning Challenge]
[Set lists]
[Open Packs]
[Promo Trade] (+1)
[Buy Decks] (+4)

I quickly confirmed the new things. First, I had a Graveyard tab now. In all simplicity, all cards that were on ‘death cooldown’ would now be visible in the GY, making it a lot easier to keep track of them. After the cooldown is done, they'd return to the deck or collection, depending on where they had been. I could also move stuff to the GY manually whenever I wanted, so I wouldn’t have to do things like that Card Destruction trick in the future. I could just move a pile of cards into the GY whenever I wanted. They would still go on the ‘death cooldown’ so I would lose the ability to use them for 24 hours, but that was the same with the Card Destruction trick anyway.

For promo trades, I had a few more cards available from the Shonen Jump promotional cards.

Elemental HERO Stratos
Elemental HERO Ocean
Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest
Dreadscythe Harvester

Stratos and Ocean make a really nice combo, and I think those two can make me new Heroes with their effects combined. ... wait, that might not work. Well it will, but I won't need Ocean. Stratos adds stuff to my hand, it doesn't special summon HEROes. So I won't need Ocean to return a HERO that is already in my hand, to my hand.

Sadly, both Baboon and Dreadscythe Harvester are just … well, kind of meh.

And I also had four new structure decks I could pick up.

Rise of the Dragon Lords
The Dark Emperor
Zombie World
Spellcaster's Command

I’ll look into them more later, but it seems like they have nice stuff. 

The dungeon is cleared and my skill even leveled up. I guess all that is left is to address my party.

I turned to the others, before I said: “We did it.”

… wow. Brain? Is that the best you could come up with?

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