Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.261 Clearing Dungeon 27_001, part 2

CH.261 Clearing Dungeon 27_001, part 2

(Brian. It's your turn to keep guard.) Laura woke me up with her soft voice. She must have chosen an optimal time to match my sleep cycle, because I was feeling great, despite just having woken up. When she woke me up to activate another copy of Swords of Revealing Light, I was feeling a bit worse, but now, I feel just fine.


I got out of my sleeping bag, used Storage to quickly put my clothes on, and looked around. The Swords of Revealing Light were still up, but I could feel the early warning signs of the card wearing off from my Founder’s terminal, but that means I still have about 5 or so minutes before the card wears off.

“Hey, Agunan. How was your shift?” I asked the dragon, who had been keeping guard before me.

“None of the monsters got through this spell Master used, so it has been peaceful.” Agunan answered. “I even considered leaving this area to have some fun, but that might have woken you up.”

“Well, I’m thankful that you didn’t.” I responded. “You can go to sleep now.”

“... are you sure? Master, I can keep guard for you. You don’t have to do it yourself.” 

“Agunan. We went over this already. We all need sleep, and by taking turns, we all get the same amount of rest.”

“No, we don’t.” Agunan denied. “You get less than the rest of us, because you have to keep waking up to recast this spell.”

“... perhaps, but sadly, there is nothing we can do about it. And we have a ten hour rest period anyway, so I’ll still get plenty of sleep.”

“You should just sleep the entire night, only waking up to recast the spell. Please, leave your shift to me.” Agunan requested.

“... no. I’m not going to do that.” I told him. “Go to sleep, before I force you to do it.”

I said that with compassion, not force. I know Agunan isn’t fully adjusted to our sleep schedule, so he would have it the worst. He says that he is fine, but I don’t think he really is. The rest of us should be fine.

“... as you with, Master.” Agunan gave in. “But you really are too kind. You should learn to use your servants to reduce your own burden.”

“... maybe. But at the end of the day, I know my own body the best. I'd rather force it to do something, than force someone else.”

“Just don’t kill yourself with that attitude.” Agunan warned.

“I’ll try not to.”

As Agunan got onto his sleeping pelt and curled up into the fetus position which he liked to sleep in, I got a System notification.

Mission: Good Master
Life Dedicated Agunan respects you as his Master.
Reward: Dragonmaid Sheou

Eh? … oh yeah… That mission I got when Ria became my slave. … but I really didn’t think it would apply to Agunan. I guess the System did say something about him doing anything I ordered and so forth, so maybe the mission treats him the same as a slave?

Yeah. That has to be it, I think. And either way, getting back to the reward. I don’t recognize it, but based on the attribute and looks of the dragon, it has to be the dragon form of House Dragonmaid right? I don’t think it had been revealed before I was … transported here.

… now I really want to summon her. But I think that would be a bad idea. While this dungeon’s rooms were big enough to where even Agunan’s dragon form could be inside of it, summoning something that large will for sure wake the others up.

But I can at least summon something a bit smaller to keep me company, so after activating another copy of Swords of Revealing Light, and returning the previous copy to my collection, I summoned Rescue Cat and Cat's Ear Tribe to keep me company. 


“Ria… it is your turn to keep guard.” I softly spoke into her ear, as I was shaking the girl a bit to wake her up. 

Soon enough, she was up and ready to take the watch.

“... what are? Brian? Did you summon them?” Ria asked, referring to the cats I had summoned.

“Yeah. It would have been lonely, if I was all alone, so why not?”

“... Can you keep them summoned? I want to … have some company as well.”

“You know I can’t, sorry. I’ll give you one, if you want.”

“... would you, please?”

“Sure, just a second.” I responded, as I checked my collection. 

So, a fire-attribute beast-type monster.

… I only have two. And Great Agnus is an absolute no-go. But luckily, the other is perfect.


“Here. You can have this.” I handed the card to Ria.


“No problem. I’ll recast the Swords, unsummon those two and go to sleep.” I told Ria, as I went about my business.

“Yes. I’ll summon this one now. Little Chimera.”


What appeared from the card was a huge cat, with large wings and a tail that looked like a horse’s tail. It had silvery-gray fur, green wings, and a purple tail. And an effect to boost anyone with the fire-attribute, so it was perfect for Ria.

Well, I recast the Swords and unsummoned my beasts, so off to dreamland with me. 

Another two hours later, I once again woke up to recast the Swords of Revealing Light. Lua was already up, and was talking with Ria in a quiet voice.

She noticed me, and came to talk to me for a second.

“... Brian… can I have one as well?” She asked, looking at Ria’s cat.

“... sure.” I agreed and quickly searched for water-attribute beast-type monsters. 

Sadly the only beast-type one I had is Fenrir, and the only Beast-Warrior I have is Mother Grizzly, not really that cute. So I went with just water-attribute and found a few good ones, like some of the Penguin monsters.


But the one Lua ended up picking was.

“Gora Turtle.”


It was a small turtle, with a cute face. And like Little Chimera, it had a powerful effect. While the effect. While not as powerful as it is in Yugioh, Gora Turtle’s effect does still prevent attacks with more than 1900 power from being launched. But that just means you have to use a weaker attack, and you can get past that problem. In the real world, you don’t always have to attack with full power. But still, it could be a very powerful tool to surprise an enemy with. The only problem was that it would also limit you.

“Thank you, Brian. I think this will make keeping watch more fun.” Lua thanked me. “I’ll help you go back to sleep.” She then added.

I returned to my sleeping bag, and after giving Lua my arm, she softly bit into it. It didn’t hurt or anything, but I still didn’t expect that. The other thing I didn’t expect was that I fell asleep basically right on the spot after the bite.

This day was spent just like the last. I summoned powerful monsters, boosted them even more with equip spells, and we were rushing right through. 

That was, until we reached what should be the thirty-fifth room. I guess I could also call them ‘floors’ as they are more like floors in traditional dungeons. Except that each large room would always have an entrance from the previous one, as well as an exit. … wait, I just described a dungeon floor. God dammit. TinaWood is confusing me. TinaWood is just so small that it is a lot more like rooms than floors. But this dungeon wasn’t, so I guess what in TinaWood are rooms, are here more like floors.

But back to the thirty-fifth floor.

“... a forest?” Alice questioned. “Also, what is that sky? Aren’t we underground?”

We were in fact on a dungeon floor that resembled a full on forest, with a fake sky. At least I assume that it is a fake sky.

(This is just a dungeon floor.) Alice, Lua and I heard the voice of Dan … I mean Kekri, in our heads. (It has just been made to resemble a forest to disorientate those who seek to conquer the dungeon. It also allows for better habitat for the monsters.)

I didn’t know that dungeons could do that. TinaWood just looked like a cave, so I assumed all dungeons would be like that. Even this dungeon had been like that until this floor, so …

(Is the sky an illusion then?) I asked. It must be, because even though I haven’t flown around the Ever forest that much, I should have covered enough of the areas nearby to have spotted an opening like this. 

… oh, and the sky is in the shape of a dome… so it can’t be a hole to the surface. … I asked a dumb question.

(It is indeed.) Laura confirmed. (If you want to test it out, then grab a rock with telekinesis and throw it at the sky? It will crash into the fake sky.)

I did as she told me, and doing that did tell me one thing, this room was a lot taller than all the previous ones. They had been around 50 meters high, but this room was a bit over 200 meters, in terms of height. Also, judging by the dome shaped ‘sky roof’ this room was massive.

… I should really call it a floor, not a room.

“I think we should trade to flying monsters.” I told everyone. “If we walk through this place, it will take us forever to clear this floor.”

No. I’m not suggesting this because I want an excuse to summon Sheou. You are wrong. … okay, maybe not, but I still think it is a good idea, and everyone agreed with me.

Anyway. Let’s just summon the dragon.

“I activate Polymerization. I fuse together Dragonmaid Tinkhec and Tri-Horned Dragon to fusion-summon Dragonmaid Sheou.”


Since Sheou’s materials were what they are, I decided to use Tinkhec as the Dragonmaid for the summon. I could have used Kitchen, but in case something went wrong, using Tinkhec was just a bit safer, considering that Kitchen is the one who gave me a copy of Tinkhec. And Tri-Horned Dragon is just … well, it is a dragon, with a level of 7 or higher.

As for Sheou. She was about 24-ish meters high, measured while standing to her shoulder level as I do with dragons. So larger than my regular Blue-Eyes and even Twin-Burst, but not as large as Shining.

{Pliso. Svanoa nomag si faestir wux?}(Master. How may I serve you?) Sheou asked in draconic. Now with the Language Comprehension (draconic), I could understand it just fine without Laura having to translate for me. I could even speak it … but it was quite difficult to make some of the sounds with a human mouth.

“I need a ride. You’ll also need to kill some monsters.” I answered the dragon.

{Yes. I shall do that.} Sheou answered in the regular human language. 

She lowered herself to the ground, so I could get on. 

Alice mounted her Red-Eyes, Lua her Hyozanryu and Ria was on her Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys.


Agunan on the other hand didn’t revert to his dragon form, because it apparently took a lot of energy to go back and forth. Instead, he just flapped his wings and flew besides us in his humanoid form.

Soon after taking flight, we ran into the first set of monsters. They were large B-rank monsters, called rain birds. You might be able to figure out why they are called rain birds. Yes. Whenever they flapped their wings, some amount of water fell off of them, causing some rain to fall down. If they weren’t so darn aggressive, they could be seen as rain gods, but they attack basically anything on sight, so they most definitely aren’t something to play around with. They can also use powerful water magic, so that is also a threat.

Because of the opponents, I summoned the dragon I thought would have the best time dealing with them.

“Black Skull Dragon!”


While Black Skull Dragon might be more known for its fire attacks, it was still half Summoned Skull. And Summoned Skull is a lightning demon. That meant that Black Skull Dragon could still use those lightning attacks. And the lightning seemed to be super effective against the birds, because they quickly fell to the ground, as the lightning attacks hit them.

I thought about collecting their corpses, but I would have had to fly quite close with Sheou, so I decided to just leave them. After the dungeon becomes mine, I can just use the admin tools to absorb them all.

After we cleared the floor’s boss, the A-rank rainstorm bird, we ran into our next problem.

Our dragons, and Ria’s winged beast, were too large to fit through the passage to the next floor. We would either have to shrink them or, wait I don’t actually have Shrink yet. Well, I could Micro Ray them, but Micro Ray has a limited time it is active for, so if they grow back to full size too quickly…

So yeah. We just had to unsummon our dragons. And just as I feared, the next floor was basically the same as the previous one. Another huge forest. And with the dragons on cooldown, we would need something else.

“Brian? Can’t we just use that ship? The Big Core? Or that Crystal Core?” Alice asked. “We can just get in, fly to the boss and get out, right?”

… Alice, are you a genius or something?

“Yes. I think we can do that.” I answered. 

Sure Big Core and Crystal Core are huge, but so are these rooms. They can easily fit in here. And while we would run into the same issue of the ships not fitting into the corridors, they should make clearing these floors a breeze.

… if only that would have been the case.

“WE ARE GOING DOWN!” I called out.

Our ship, despite being ‘invisible’, had been attacked by monsters. A large group of flare birds had come and either crashed into Big Core, or just began roosting on the ship's exterior. Their heat quickly caused damage to the hull and the main reactor, causing us to lose power and now we were on a crash course with the ground.

“Agunan, make us an exit!” I ordered. There is no way we would be able to evacuate in time.

Agunan did as ordered, and let out a massive fire breath, blowing open the forward facing wall of the bridge. 

“Let’s get out, before this thing crashes!” I ordered everyone. “Agunan, take me and Ria. Alice, can you carry Lua?”

“Yes.” Alice answered.

“As you wish.” Agunan also confirmed.

Agunan grabbed both me and Ria, holding us under his arms, as he flapped his wings to get us out of the hole he just made, while Alice took Lua into a hug, before using Mana Flight to get both of them out of the crashing ship.

We landed in the forest, before we realized that we most certainly were not safe. The forest itself was alive. Alive with tree monsters, or treants. Crimson treants, to be specific. Last floor had treants as well, but I didn’t think we needed to worry about them, as we would just fly right over them, but now, we were surrounded on all sides by moving trees. And because crimson treants were resistant to fire, I couldn’t just have Agunan burn all of these ones down.

(Use wind monsters.) Laura recommended.

“Sure. Armed Dragon LV7!” I summoned my monster.


My monster soon appeared, ready to intercept the moving trees. At least treants were quite slow, so that was something good.

“Now, I discard Simorgh, Bird of Divinity, to activate Armed Dragon’s effect. Take these treants down with Genocide Cutter!”


My dragon did as ordered, and soon, hundreds of blades of wind flew from his lower stomach area, crashing into the treants. Some of them also went to the skies, clearing out the flare birds flying in the sky. In terms of effectiveness, I’d say it was 95% effective, as that was the estimated percentage of dead monsters from all targets. 

Now, I guess I can summon another monster to help clear out the rest of these treants, as well as those flare birds.

“I activate Polymerization. I fuse together Elemental HERO Avian and Elemental HERO Burstinatrix to fusion-summon Elemental HERO Flame Wingman.


Flame Wingman is a wind monster, so it should fit. And being half-fire, it should also be able to take hits from those flare birds. He can also fly, unlike Armed Dragon LV7, so that is a nice boost.

… and I just like seeing these two monsters fighting side-by-side, instead of against each other.

I then boosted the Flame Wingman with Fusion Weapon, and also added Dragon's Rage to help the Armed Dragon.


With those two by our side, we made our way, on foot, through the floor. I guess good part is that I’m getting some crimson treant wood, but the bad part is that we won’t be able to go through that many floors per day, if we have to walk through them all.

By the end of our second day, we only managed to clear a total of four forested floors, as well as the two non-forest floors. Two of the forest floors we just ‘skipped over’ with dragons, but the other two we couldn’t. Well, we could have, but decided against it. 

The lightning birds that made that one floor their home, along with bright-wood treants that shot lasers at us, made flying on that floor quite dangerous. It was honestly easier to just go on the ground. 

Next time, I need to just burrow under the ground with something like Drillroid. Too bad I didn’t get the Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill yet.


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