Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.254 Celebration at Alewatch

CH.254 Celebration at Alewatch

After I got our flight clearance from Thomas, the Watchman parents had finished their goodbyes and all of their stuff had been packed into my storage, I summoned B.E.S. Big Core. With the cloaking device on, of course.

Even still, with most of the Sawyer sisters there, at least two of them spotted the light coming from the main engine of Big Core. Those two were Mariina and Violet. Interestingly, as I’ve learned over the past few days, Violet, the sixth daughter, actually has an affinity for light magic. Out of the sisters, she is the only one to have that, so that might have helped her spot the engine. Oh. I guess as we are talking about the sisters, the second sister Sylvia had affinity to water, instead of earth. But that is less strange than Violet, considering that Paulina has both water and earth affinity. And the fifth daughter Cressida does have an affinity for earth magic, but it is on the lower side, so she couldn’t really keep up with her older sister Mariina. And lastly, William, the Earl to be, could also use both water and earth magic like Paulina.

But yeah. With the goodbyes said, and all of the servants, guards and coachmen already boarded, I took the nobles up to Big Core so we could be off. Daniel for his part stayed quite calm. Apparently he got information about Big Core from his parents before boarding. And Agunan didn’t seem to care either. Well, he did see a ton of my summons in the factory, so compared to that, this was likely not that strange.

Then, just a short flight later, we were in Alewatch.

We left the maids to unpack, as Lua, Ria, Agunan and I, along with the rest of the Watchman family, headed into town on the carriages I just pulled out of my storage. Lua and Alice were with me, The rest of the Watchman family was in another carriage and Ria and Aguan got the third one for themselves.

While in the carriage, we had a quick talk about Alice’s new unique skill and race, using our system link to ‘talk’ so no one could overhear.

For a quick overview, Alice’s race was a magic specialized race, but it was a bit more balanced that Lua’s Dhampir Monarch, which was fully magic based. It boosted the acquisition of magic based skills, as well as movement based skills like Mana Flight, Flicker Step and stuff like that. I guess magical girls aren’t supposed to get hit, or something.

For her unique-racial skill, that is where things get a bit more interesting. First, basically just like Lua, Alice could turn any clothing into a ‘magical girl outfit’. It honestly was so close to Lua’s unique skill that I almost laughed. 

But there were a few differences as well. First, while wearing the outfit, Alice would have a small mana upkeep cost. While she recovered mana faster than the outfit drained, wearing her magical girl outfit would slow her mana recovery. But at the same time, while wearing it, she had heightened HP recovery speed, as well as increased strength and magic stats.

Second part of the skill was ‘Realize Weapon’. With it, Alice could make any weapon she wanted out of just mana. … but if it wasn’t constantly supplied with more mana, the weapon would soon break apart, and the weapons she makes cannot be used by anyone but her. The main problem with it was the mana costs. Just making a basic steel sword would take around 500 mana, with an upkeep cost of 30 mana per minute. And that was just a steel sword. Something like a mithril sword would be a lot more expensive, in terms of mana. 

Combining that with the upkeep cost of her magical girl outfit, even with her LV.10 Mana Recovery, Alice couldn’t recover mana faster than the upkeep costs, so she would eventually run out. … and the only ‘weapon skill’ she has is her Staff Technique LV.3.

The last, and perhaps the strongest part, of her skill was ‘Imaginary Magic’. With it, Alice could basically imagine new spells and make them into reality. … but again, the mana costs for this were insanely high. It seems that this is how Alice cast that last spell she used against the behemoth, considering that she herself admitted that she likely couldn’t use that spell at this moment. With Imaginary Magic, Alice could also use spells outside of the attributes she has an affinity for, but they did come with a higher mana cost as a penalty. But still, quite the skill and a good reason to give her another two attributes. Too bad I can’t give her all six with my cards, but that is just the limit they have.

As we arrived at the guild, there was a large crowd of townspeople following our carriages. Perhaps because they spotted multiple boxed carriages, which are rare in this town, they realized who was inside and followed.

As we pulled into a stop, Ria basically bolted out of the carriage she had been riding in and came to open the door to our carriage. By the way, she wasn’t wearing any sort of maid uniform, just some casual clothes that you could see on any lady in Sawyer city. I don’t know when she bought them, but I do recall giving her some money from our adventuring job, so maybe she went shopping with one of the maids from Sawyer manor.

After Ria opened the door for us, I got out of the carriage first. Then I helped first Lua and then Alice out of the carriage, and as Alice emerged, the crowd nearly exploded with the applause she was getting.

She winced a bit, but quickly regained some confidence, as I took a hold of her hand.

Lucky for us, the applause stopped about as abruptly as it had begun as soon as Agunan jumped out of the carriage he had been riding in. I guess a tall man, with red scales instead of skin, and a pair of large red wings, as well as a tail, would look intimidating.

Perhaps because of the commotion, Zay soon came out of the guild's front door.

“... you are here?”

What? Is there something wrong with that? Aren’t you the one who wanted us to come?

After a bit of a talk with Zay, we got back outside. There was going to be a celebration this evening, so for now, we were free to do as we wished.

And because of that, we ditched Ria and Agunan and went on an improvised date in Alewatch. … Well, it was also largely just to show the town’s people that we are here and to tell them about stuff happening later tonight, but we still made sure to have some fun. 

We made a lot of stops at both street stalls and actual stores, picking up whatever we happen to find interesting. I was paying for everything, except the free stuff that a lot of people were shoving our way. It wasn’t anything really much, or I would have paid for it, but we still got everything from free skewers to cookies and drinks.

For lunch, we enjoyed some great food at the Boar’s Lounge inn. We could have gotten it for free, but I ended up sneaking the payment into the waitress’ hand at one point, so I wouldn’t feel bad. I have the money, so mind as well spread it around a bit. And great food is always worth paying for.

Soon after our lunch, the celebration was on. I have to say, I’m impressed by the speed at which this town operates. In a matter of hours, they had set up a full street celebration at the main square of the town. That included ‘seats of honor’ for Alice and I. … I don’t know why I was included, as I really didn’t do that much, so I actually refused to take my seat and gave it to Brandon instead. Honestly speaking, considering what I heard, he did more than I did, so he deserves it. There is also the fact that he likely fed a ton of mana into the prophecy over the years of being a prophecy obsessed fool.

… and admittedly, him having Ultimate Obedient Fiend was actually a good thing, and because it died in the fight against the behemoth, I’ll give him something new to take its place. I’ll also give the knight who has the insect monsters a few new ones to make up for the two he lost against the behemoth. His cards weren’t in toploaders, so they were in fact lost.

I ended up giving Brandon Perfect Machine King, Machine King, Barrel Dragon and Blowback Dragon.


Now why those four, you might ask. Well, because I think they will fit. Henry, his butler, already has Machine-type monsters, so Perfect Machine King and Machine King will work with those. And Christina also has a Cyber Falcon, so even more advantage. And Barrel and Blowback Dragons are just a bit of extra for Brandon, because I do actually have a bit of respect for him now.

As for the knight, I gave him a new copy of both Insect Princess and Insect Knight that he lost, as well as a copy of Empress Mantis. He did seem to like the insect summons, so why not? And unlike before, now all of his cards had toploaders, so they would no longer disappear if the monster summoned by them died.


It really just is too bad that Insect Princess is only at full power when it fights against other insect monsters, but that is just something he will have to deal with. That is also why I gave him the Empress Mantis. Just to help in situations where stupidly strong monsters appear. He might also be able to fly on the Mantis, so that is a nice extra.

Great Moth and Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth could have also worked, but I would have had to look over him for the duration of the summoning, so I decided not to go with those.

I also gave Zay The Hunter with 7 Weapons.


I really had no reason to, because it is a lot weaker than some other stuff he has, but considering that he has been using his monsters to instruct the young adventurers, a monster that can use a multitude of weapons might be good for him.

For Alex, I gave Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon. I would have given him the adult one, but that one is a promo only release until a lot later, so I don’t actually have access to it yet. 


Well, I’ll just have to come back to give him the adult one once I get it.

And finally, I also gave Henry a Launcher Spider. Just to go with the machines he already has. And so that he would have some better ranged attacks against monsters like the behemoth.


I was honestly seriously considering giving him a B.E.S. Big Core, but those can actually be somewhat dangerous and easy to get lost with. They don’t, by default, come with any sort of maps. I always use maps made by Laura when I fly either it or Gradius.

A little while later, I was in the south of town with Alex, Agunan and a few others. It started with Alex asking if I could look over him as he tried to fly his new Baby Dragon and that led to other adventurers asking if I could summon dragons for them to fly.

I actually almost refused, until I got a system mission.

Mission: Memorable Celebration
Info: Celebrating after a victory is important.
Goal: Make sure this is a celebration everyone will remember
Reward: Opens Promo Trades , and .

It was nothing too bad, and the reward is alright. The main card I really wanted was of course the Harpie’s Pet Dragon, so I could give it to Alex. But honestly, Metalmorph, Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon and the Silent Magicians aren’t bad either. The Magnet Warriors are a bit more … whatever cards. Especially as they don’t come with Valkyrion the Magna Warrior.

The Silent Magicians will also be nice for Lua. They should be able to teach her light magic. I just need to figure out how to evolve the LV.4 into LV.8. But even if it cannot generate counters with its own effect, I think I can just use Pitch-Black Power Stones to transfer counters from the stones onto the Silent Magician LV4.


Anyway. Back to what I was doing for the mission. Because I was asked, and I had the permission to do so, I ended up having a little dragon flight stall. … I think that is what this is.

For it, I summoned Koumori Dragon, Blackland Fire Dragon, Masked Dragon, Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1 and The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave.


I also summoned Sky Scout and Dark Witch to act as ‘spotters’ in case someone fell off a dragon.


At first, it was just adventurers who came to ride my dragons, but eventually even the regular townspeople got brave enough to try.

Even Alice and Lua eventually came outside. They were going to join the ‘flight school’ with their dragons, but before Alice had time to summon hers, I interrupted her.

“Alice, I think it is time for a stronger dragon.” I told her, as I handed her a card in a toploader.

“Thanks.” She just said, as she took the card. After looking at its name, she summoned it. “Red-Eyes Black Dragon.”


Yes. I had given her a Red-Eyes. I think it will work for her, and now I can give her some other Red-Eyes cards later, like the Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon I’ll hopefully get access to, or Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon from the Dragon's Roar Structure Deck.

… I also just think it is cool to see the savior of the town flying on the back of the dragon that once also helped to save the town.

As dinner time approached, I offered to put up something big for us to eat. And for that, I summoned a few earth monsters to level a part of the ground outside to act as a ‘table’.

Then, with Mystik Wok, I cooked up a beast that fits to be on the table for a ‘we defeated a behemoth’ celebration.

Behemoth the King of All Animals.


I noticed a few scared people, as the Behemoth appeared, but they quickly calmed down as it was getting cut into pieces and fried on an enormous wok pan. Not that my behemoth was anywhere close to the size of the behemoth Alice fought. Mine was only about half the size.

Still, the behemoth tasted amazing, and as the night finally came to an end, my mission gave me the reward for it.

Mission: Memorable Celebration
Mission Complete
Reward: , and have been unlocked as promo trades.

We spent the night in the Watchman manor. Tomorrow Daniel, Agunan, Ria, Lua, Alice and I will be heading back to Sawyer city though.

I ended up sleeping next to Alice, but don’t worry because nothing bad happened. Well, some cuddling might have happened, but nothing more. Still, I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.

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