Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.248 Fulfill the Prophecy

CH.248 Fulfill the Prophecy

[Still 3rd person POV]

The two girls floated in the air. Both the same, but also very different.

Alice Watchman. She was a young girl, just sixteen years of age. She was still wearing a stylish dress, which had been made for her to wear in her grandfather's sixtieth birthday party. Her blond hair, which had been tied up in a waterfall braid, had come loose and was now flowing in every which way it wanted.

Next to her, her teacher. Dark Magician Girl, also known as Mana. Unlike her student, Mana had learned dark magic a long time ago, and mastered it to quite an extent. In some situations, she could even best her own master, the Dark Magician. Like her student, Mana also had her blond hair loose, and it flowed through the air every time she moved.


They were moving fast through the air, dodging stones of different sizes, spears of rock and even huge boulders, all sent towards them by one beast. The behemoth.

But the girls knew they could take it down. That is what they felt. Just a bit more. Just a bit more. Then we can finish this. That is what both of them thought. 

After another round of spells, the teacher decided it was enough. This would have to do, or she would run out of mana. No, not her student. Her student was still drawing mana from the power of the prophecy, but Mana herself was running out. If they had a bit more time, perhaps Mana could fly next to her student, and she could share some of hers, but that just wasn’t possible.

… or was it?

“Alice! Activate the Spellbinding Circle Brian set on you!” Mana called out to her student.


Alice didn’t have any reason to refuse, so she moved her left hand onto her right shoulder, the place where that card was set, and said its name to activate the card, outside of its own activation condition. “Spellbinding Circle.”

The magical circle, powerful enough to partially contain the godlike power of Exodia, formed around the behemoth and took a hold of it. The beast might be powerful, but it isn’t a god. If a god cannot break the circle, no beast is able to either. At least if they are the ones held in the spell.

“Alice. I’m running out of mana. Can you fill me up?” Mana asked, as she regrouped with her student. “Then we will blast that thing with everything we have to take it down.”

Alice simply nodded to her teacher, giving one of her hands to her. Then, a huge amount of mana gushed from Alice into Mana.

“Wow, wow, wow. Enough. Don’t give me too much.” Mana said.

Alice simply stopped, again not saying a word. While Mana was worried about her students' lack of speech, she knew why it was. She was under the control of the prophecy. Alice Watchman was simply a passenger in her own body, as the prophecy guided her towards its eventual conclusion.

The two girls, one full and one overflowing with mana, landed about a hundred meters from the behemoth. The next spell was going to end this.

““Dark, flash away the light and strike my enemy, Dark Blaster!!”” They both chanted together.

The reason they used Dark Blaster was that the spell could be used with any amount of mana. And with the mana from the prophecy coming in, Alice could easily use her entire mana supply, because it would get filled near instantly anyway. And casting the same spell twice, with exactly the same timing, the spells perfectly mixed together and made one truly mighty spell, making it much stronger than even Mana’s strongest spell.

The beam of darkness fully enveloped the giant beast and everyone, including the two magicians, thought that it would have killed the beast. Sadly they were wrong.

[Brian POV]

We reached the Alewatch plains just in time to see Alice and Mana casting a massive spell at an even more massive monster, bound by what is likely Spellbinding Circle.

But after the spell dissipated and we saw the behemoth, I knew the truth. 

“It… It’s still alive.” I said.

“How?” Lua asked. She was sitting inside Gradius with me, so she had been the only one to hear that truth. “How do you know?”

“The Spellbinding Circle.” I answered. “It is still active. When the target it is equipped to dies, it should automatically be destroyed.”

“... so …”

“Our missions are still on.” I said, as I took another look at my system mission.

Mission: Fulfill the Prophecy
Information: A Prophecy made with Divination magic has begun coming true in Alewatch and individual Alice Watchman is in the center of it. Make sure the prophecy comes true.
Goal: Help Alice Watchman defeat the behemoth and fulfill the prophecy
Reward: System Feature: Chosen Evolution will be unlocked

Lua also has a mission, not unlike mine. I don’t know what her reward is, but I’ll be sure to find out as soon as we solve this mess.

“Brian! The circle. It is breaking.” Lua called out.

I turned my gaze from the system mission back to Gradius’ targeting systems, and saw exactly that. Perhaps because of the spell Alice used, or maybe because of the behemoth’s power, the Spellbinding Circle which was holding it was quickly vanishing.

And the behemoth had realized that as well. It had opened its mouth and was charging up some sort of attack. If it was a dragon, I’d know it was about to let out a breath attack, but I have no idea what kind of an attack a behemoth can let loose. But I do know, I don’t want that attack to hit Alice.

I opened my five-point harness which kept me on the Gradius’s seat, stood up and pushed the canopy open. I had already pushed the opening button, but it took too long, so I assisted it a little. Then I jumped.

I didn’t really know why. I just acted on instinct. I knew I had to get to the ground as fast as possible, but I probably should have just flown Gradius instead of jumping. It might have been faster. But what is done is done. I pulled my hands next to my body, and used telekinesis to accelerate towards the ground, so I could stand between Alice and that beast.

But I was too late.

From the behemoth’s mouth, out came a massive amount of fire which wasn’t inferior to the fire Agunan could breath out. And as soon as I reached the point where it did any actual damage to me, the Negate Attack I set on myself activated and the flames vanished, just as quickly as they had appeared.


But as I said, I was too late. The flame had already hit Alice and Mana.

My landing wasn’t exactly a superhero landing, but with telekinesis, I at least managed to turn my feet towards the ground and slow my descent a bit. I still crashed with enough force that I took just over 200 HP of damage, but who's counting?

The flame had enough power to instantly kill Mana. At least that is what I assumed, as where Alice had been standing, Mana's grayed out card was on the ground. I’m actually a bit surprised the card survived the flame, but I still made sure to pick it up.

Alice, on the other hand, had taken a huge hit, and she was sent flying backwards, where she landed a bit over 100 meters from where she had been standing.

“You. Stay!” I commanded the behemoth. The stun from Negate Attack would end soon, so I needed to bind it up again. This time, with a bit more than just one card. “Spellbinding Circle. Shadow Spell. Swords of Revealing Light.” I activated three different spells, just to make sure that thing would stay in place while I do what I want to do.


The behemoth, now under three layers of prevented movement, couldn’t do anything anymore. I could easily kill it right here and now, but that isn’t what is supposed to happen.

I turned back to where Alice had been thrown to and rushed towards her. As I did, Lua, who had taken command of Gradius, landed the ship next to her as well. Because of that, she reached Alice before I did.

“You know, you should have just activated that card from the ship.” Lua said, as I arrived by their side. “It would have been faster than jumping out.”

“... oh yeah. I could have done that.” I realized. “Well, what is done is done. How is she?”

“Alive. Somehow.” Lua answered. Of course neither Brian or Lucia knew that Alice only survived because of the massive overheal she got when the Draining Shield activated.


“Can you heal her?”

“Already working on it. How about a spell card?”

“Sure. Just a second.” I said, as I opened my collection. It is too bad that I used all of my Dian Ketos and Soul of the Pures to heal Agunan, but I still have some other stuff. “Poison of the Old Man. I need a healing potion.” I activated the card. A glass bottle with green liquid in it appeared in my hand. “Lua, can you make her drink this?”

“Yes. Summon Water Spirit.” Lua said, as she activated her skill. The greater water spirit soon appeared at our side. Its body began from a small ball of water which Lua had just made for it. “Synchro with me.” Lua said to the spirit, and the spirit did as ordered. 

With the spirit now helping her, I’m sure Lua will heal up Alice, so I could focus my efforts into other things. 

First, I should probably summon this girl back.

“Monster Reborn.” I activated a card. “Resurrect Dark Magician Girl.”

The card in my hand quickly regained its color and Mana appeared once again.

As she saw me, her face paled a bit.

“... master… I let you down.” She apologized.

“No. No you didn’t.” I said. “How is what happened here letting me down?” I asked.

“I … I let Miss Alice get badly hurt.”

After she said that, I gave her a light karate chop on the head.

“Are you stupid?” I then asked.

“Eh? Master?”

“I asked you a question. Are you stupid?”

“... I don’t believe so, Master. Do you think I am?”

“Well, you are acting quite dumb at the moment.” I told her. “That” I pointed at the bound beast, “Is a behemoth. An SS-rank monster. Something you two have no business taking on. And despite that, you … well, I was going to say both of you lived, but I guess not exactly. But you two still did more than just hold your own.”

As I was having my little talk with Mana, Alice began to wake up.

“... It is… still alive… I’ll keep … going…” She was trying to force herself off the ground.

“Wait. Not yet. You need more healing.” Lua said, as she was forcefully holding Alice down.

I took a good look at the injured girl and I noticed something off about her. 

Her eyes… looked strange. They have a nice blue color usually, but now they were this off hue light blue and looked extremely glossy. Almost as if she was blind or something. Did that flame blind her?

“Out of … my way…” Alice said, as she tried to push Lua, but Lua still has more strength, so she was able to manage.

“Is she… possessed?” I wondered. The way she is acting is almost like she is possessed. At least I think so. That might explain her eyes as well.

(It is the effect of the prophecy trying to come true.) Laura answered. (She is pseudo possessed. Really just a passenger in her own body, not really able to affect what she does. But she is also immensely powerful in that state. That is likely why she was able to survive.)

(... yeah. Another thing I want explained later. … so, should I do something?) I asked.

(You can, if you want. Even if she regains control, the other effects of the prophecy will still stay active.) Laura said.

(... well, if there is no harm, then.) I got the next card out of my collection, and activated it. “Remove Brainwashing.”


As I activated the card, the color seemed to return to Alice’s eyes. And Mana’s card, which I had placed into one of the monster slots on my duel disk, flew out of it and straight into Alice’s hand. I guess she was the original summoner, so she would technically be the current owner of the card. I just resummoned Dark Magician Girl when it was ‘in the GY’, so of course it would go back to Alice. Now if I returned it to the deck, or the collection in this case, with something like Compulsory Evacuation Device, it should return to me. I think. I should test that out. Just in case some unsavory individual gets the Card Summoner skill and tries to use my cards against me.

As Alice regained her sense of self, or something like that, she looked around to gather all of the info she could, before I noticed some tears rolling down her face. Her dress was all ripped up, and her hair was a mess. She also had dirt covering most of her body.

“B-Brian?” She questioned.

“Yes. I’m here.” I confirmed, as I took two steps so I was right besides her and kneeled down. “It's alright now.”

“Brian!” Alice called again, as she forced herself off of the ground and threw her arms around me. 

I just let her do that. It might be a bit insensitive, considering Lua, but I’ll give a special exception because of the situation on hand. As she kept hugging me, I heard Alice sobbing.

“Don’t worry. It is fine now.” I said, as I took her in closer. “Everything will be alright.”

“... but… I … I can’t beat it. I … even with …”

“Alice. It is fine. Prophecies be damned.” I told her. “All that matters is what you want. So Alice, do you want to beat that behemoth?”

“... I… Yes!” Alice called out, as she forcefully stopped her tears with just her determination. “I’ll beat it.”

“I thought you’d say that. Don’t worry. I’ll use enough equip spells to make you into a demigod. There is no way you will lose.”

“Okay.” Alice agreed. She then looked around and spotted Mana. “... Brian … could you … fuse me with Mana?” She then requested.

“... sure, I can do that.” I didn’t expect that. Why would she? 

“Thanks. Mana. Let’s defeat that thing. Together.” Alice said, as she let go of me and stood up next to Mana.

“Of course.” Mana agreed. “We’ll kill it for sure this time.”

I also stood up, and got a card out of my collection.

“You two sure about this?” I asked.

“Of course.” “Yes.” They answered.

“Alrighty then. Here goes something. I activate Polymerization. I fuse together Alice Watchman and Dark Magician Girl.”


The swirling vortex took in the two girls, and when it subsided, just one remained.

She was a bit taller than Alice had been, with the same blond hair both of the girls shared. One eye was the same blue as Alice had, while the other was a greenish color to match Dark Magician Girl. And she was wearing a dark green and bright blue magical girl outfit, styled somewhat similar as what Mana wore.

“... wow. This is… This feels … Amazing!” The combined girl called out. Her voice sounded like Alice and Mana were speaking in perfect sync. 

“Sure. No problem. Just one more thing.” I said, as I got out another card. “I activate Mage Power and I equip it to Alice.” Because I now had a total of five spells and/or traps active, that card should give Alice an extra 2500 attack. I think.


“Thank you, Brian. I will finish this fight now.” She said, before she flew into the sky.

[Alice POV]

I felt so strong. We felt so strong. Together, we can do anything. With mana still coming into my body because of the prophecy trying to come true, I didn’t have to save any of it. And because Mana was now sharing my body with me, I knew how to use all of her spells and techniques. 

That included knowing how to fly with Mana Flight. I know I had done it when I was under the control of the prophecy magic, but now I was in control. I knew so many new spells, and I wanted to test them all right now. But at the same time, Mana’s consciousness told me we should finish this now, so that is what we will do instead. … that is boring, but I guess we should.

The behemoth was nice and bound up by Brian so it was an easy target. And it was quite damaged from our previous attack, so it should only take one or two big hits to bring it down.

So I began my chant.

“Dark, burn with the might of fiery flames and destroy my enemy, Dark Burning Attack!”

Our spell took the form of a large purple sphere surrounded by crackling lightning. Together, we brought our hand down from over our head and tossed the ball at the behemoth.

The behemoth let out a roar, but that spell hadn’t been enough to take it down.

“Alright. Another one.” I said. “Let’s try an upgraded version. We have all this mana and all.

Dark, make spheres of burning darkness and strike my enemy, Dark Burning Barrage!” I don’t even know this spell, but I was still able to use it. It made about twenty spheres around me, and then they all hit the behemoth one after the other. Each hit dealing more and more damage, until the behemoth was no longer.

The chains and magic circle binding the behemoth disappeared, proving that the beast had died.

As it did, I felt all of the power leaving my body. The prophecy had come to be, so it would no longer give me power, and with the disappearance of both the Spellbinding Circle and the Shadow Spell, the power boost I was getting from Mage Power had been cut by 1000.

I quickly landed on the ground, because flying was getting harder and harder.

Then, I ran to Brian.

“... I did it.” I exclaimed as I reached him.

“Yeah. Yeah, you did.”

“Thank you, Brian.” I said, as I hugged him. “You too, Lua.”

“Of course.” Brian answered.

“Happy to help.” Lua added.

That was the last I heard, before I fell asleep in Brian’s arms.

[Brian POV]

“Wow.” I called out, as I caught Alice. It seems like her legs had given out from under her, as she was hugging me, so I took a good hold of her so she wouldn’t fall. “Alice? Are you alright?” I asked, but she didn’t answer. Instead, I heard her breathing steadily as she went completely limp in my arms. “... did she… fall asleep?”

“Can’t really blame her if she did.” Lua said. “I probably would have as well, if I’d done half of what she just did.”

“... yeah. I guess.” I admitted. “So, what now? Gather the behemoth’s corpse and Brandon and head back?”

“... yes. We should go back and report. We kind of left in a hurry.”

(No. We have one more thing to do.) Laura interrupted. (We have to close the dimensional fissure.)

(The what?) I questioned.

(D-did you say dimensional fissure?) Lua confirmed, sounding a bit scared.

(Yes. The dimensional fissure.) Laura confirmed, as the mission popped up.

Mission: Close the Fissure
Goal: Close the dimensional fissure close to Alewatch.
Information: A dimensional fissure appeared close to Alewatch. It is the reason a behemoth appeared, and if it is not closed, more similar monsters will appear.
Mission Item(s): 1 Dimensional Barrier card.
Reward: A talk with the Goddess.
[Accept] the Mission to claim the Mission Item(s).

Well, I guess that is a thing. Not sure how I feel about that reward, but all things considered, I should probably do that, considering it seems like I’ll literally get the card I need for that.

I took the sleeping Alice into my arms and princess carried her. She is the hero today, so she deserves to see this to the end, even if she is sleeping.

We walked towards the behemoth first, and I took the entire carcass into my storage. 

(Laura, make sure Tahlia doesn’t mess it up, in case we need it for something.) I requested. I don’t want another hydra situation on my hands. I want to be able to show it all in one piece.

After the behemoth was gone, I lifted the Swords of Revealing Light.

When I had stored the behemoth, we spotted what had to be the fissure. It was a chaotic mess of purple smog and crackling lightning. It didn’t look large enough that an entire behemoth could fit through it, but I might be wrong. Well, not my problem at the moment. Let’s just close it.

“Dimensional Barrier.” I activated the card I got for the mission. It was a bit different from my other cards, because I couldn’t put it into my collection and I couldn’t put a sleeve or toploader on it either. It was also single use, so after activating it, it disappeared.

I was also a bit worried, because usually you have to declare either Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Pendulum and then that type of monster cannot be summoned, but I apparently didn’t have to worry about it, as the card just activated and the purple mess began to shrink down, until it was fully gone.

… I guess it is now really over.

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