Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.240 Is this a pre-party, or my party?

CH.240 Is this a pre-party, or my party?

After we got back to the Sawyer manor, I was guided to the backyard of the house. There, I saw a bunch of tables set up, some of them already filled with food and the maids were actively bringing in more.

I hadn’t heard about this party. I knew there was supposed to be some sort of pre-party this evening, but it isn’t even noon yet.

“This is just a simple party to celebrate your peerage.” Thomas told me. “I hope you enjoy it.”

“... I … Thank you.” I thanked him for putting out all of this food for us. “But you really should have asked. I could have helped prepare everything.”

“You shouldn’t worry about something like that.” Thomas said. “This is not anything really elaborate or anything. We didn’t officially invite anyone or anything, but the people who arrived to know we are offering lunch, so some will come. You should get to know them, and I believe this is a good chance for that.”

“... Alright. Thank you.” 

The ‘party’ clearly hadn’t started yet, as they were still setting up everything, so I just stood there, looking at everyone doing things.

I soon noticed that Ria had joined the maids. In the church, she had been in her more ‘normal’ clothing, a dark cloth shirt, with some sort of leather pants, and a cloak, but now she was back in the ‘maid’ dress. I guess they didn’t have time to replicate the maid outfits from the picture of Laura in one I gave them. … unless they are saving them for tomorrow? Yeah, no way, right? But I can dream. I’ll have to ask for that picture back, so I can make a proper maid outfit for Ria later.

“Brian.” I soon heard a familiar voice calling out to me.

I turned to see Lua in her black dress coming towards me. She had worn it back at the church as well. I wonder why she didn’t use the new white and purple one instead? Is she saving that for tomorrow? Well, she can do what she wants.

“Hi.” I said to her, as I felt a smile come to my face. I’d been a bit tense since I heard about … everything that has already happened today, but Lua really calmed me back down.

She approached me and gave me a soft hug. As she did, she whispered into my ear. 

“Your status, what did you do?” She asked.

“Laura did it. As an advanced, she can do that.” I answered.

“I see… Brian, congratulations on becoming a noble.” She said, as she let me go from her hug. Not that she was holding me tight or anything.

“Thanks. I’m happy I could share this moment with you.”

After Lua had ‘opened the floodgates’ some others came to congratulate me as well. Well, most of them were Thomas’ daughters, but still. I don’t know if the other nobles were scared, or just waiting for their turn, but I guess this was fine.

“Sir Wood. May I have a moment?” One of Thomas’ daughters came up to me and asked.

“Of course. And please, just call me Brian.” I answered. “May I call you by your first name as well, Lady Mariina?”

“It would simplify things, so I’ll allow it.” She agreed. “Do you mind a few questions?”

“Depends on the question, but go for it. The worst that will happen is that I refuse to answer.”

“I see… Well, first of all. Your level. Is it really 88?” Mariina asked.

“Oh that. Well, the status doesn’t lie, does it?” I asked back, averting the question.

“I suppose not. But how would you get to such a high level this quickly? About a month ago, you were level 25.”

“You know about that?” I asked before I even really had time to think about what I said. A month ago, huh. It has been little over a month since I registered in the adventurer’s guild. I had to show my status at that time, and I was level 25 back then.

“A sage’s apprentice has their ways.” She answered. “So it is true. Just how many monsters would you have to kill for that..? Well, it doesn’t really matter.” She muttered under her breath. “Then what about telekinesis? Can you really use it?”

“Sure.” I confirmed. “Do you want a demonstration?”

“Yes. If you would.” Mariina responded.

I turned my vision to a nearby table which had a bunch of glasses and some sort of drink bowl. Had this been a different kind of party, I’d have said it is a punch bowl, but I think it might be just juice. I took a hold of one of the glasses, then the ladle, filled the glass with the drink and brought it over to us. It wasn’t exactly easy, but I could handle moving a few light objects at the same time. And with my Laura hacks now boosted to advanced level, I found it more than doable.

“Here you go.” I said, as I floated the glass of juice between us.

Mariina took the glass into her hands, but she stayed silent. While she just stared back and forth between the glass and me, I took another glass, filled it and levitated it over, so I could take a sip.

“.... HOW!?” A yell shook everyone present. “Are you a sage or something? You are doing that so easily.” Mariina questioned me.

“... is it really that good? I just moved a glass of juice.” I defended myself.

“Of course it is. It takes immense concentration and control just to move a pebble. You just moved multiple objects, while taking precise care with their orientation and the speed they moved with. That shouldn’t be possible if your telekinesis level is just 3.” Mariina said.

Well admittedly, I probably couldn’t do this with LV.3 telekinesis, even with Laura helping me. I would have likely had to put the glass down on the table, before moving the ladle. Then return the ladle to the bowl, pick up the glass and bring it over.

“Well, I can. I suppose I could blame part of that on Laura, but that is also a part of my power, so what are you going to do?”

“Laura? And who would that be?”

“Not something you need to know.”

“Wow. Is that why you are popular with the ladies? You teaser.”

“Please don’t say that. I have a girlfriend and I’m honestly not sure if I could pull off multiple.”

“Then just answer the question.”

“You could answer one of mine instead.” I countered. “How about you tell me how strong sages are?”

“... That is not an easy question to answer.” Mariina said. “It depends highly on the sage.”

“Well how about this? Can all sages use telekinesis?”

“As far as I know, but not all of them are that good at it.”

“And how many sages are there?”

“I’ve met fourteen, but there should be a total of twenty-two.” Mariina said.

Twenty-two, huh. I was expecting less. Like under ten. But what do I know? Well, more now.

Mariina kept bothering me about my skills, while I was also able to gain some info from her, until someone finally came to save me. Well, save might be wrong, but still.

“You two seem to have an interesting topic. Mind if I join you?” A certain red-headed prince cut into our conversation.

“Y-your highness.” I had a half panicked reaction to him just suddenly showing up, so I staggered a bit as I bowed down.

“Oh. It’s you…” Mariina didn’t react quite the same as I did. “Just as I was getting him to talk about his spirit’s blessing and everything.”

“Don’t be like that. We are to be wed, so you can open up a little.” The prince said. “I already have your father’s blessing and everything.”

“I never agreed to that.” Mariina said. “And I’m under the jurisdiction of the Sage’s tower. I have no real connection to this country any more, so you hold no power over me. Neither does my father. If he tries to force me into something like marriage, I’ll just abandon my family name instead. I don’t need it and I can take a new one when I become a sage anyway.”

Yeah. That was something I had learned during our conversation. Mariina was basically guaranteed to become a sage. She had all of the classifications for one, and she could use telekinesis. She wasn’t quite as good as I was with Laura hacks, but she could do what I can without Laura helping me. And apparently, a sage is basically a noble and they can get their own family name. 

But still, what is this development? The prince wants to marry her? Well, they are of … similar age. I think Mariina is a year or two older than the prince, but close enough. And Mariina is a good magician. While I’m honestly still not sure if magic is in any way hereditary, it might be. Or maybe people just believe that it is, as noble families have more resources, so they can dedicate more time to magic practice.

“I’ll get you to change your mind.” The prince said, before turning back to me. “But that can wait. I’d like to speak a bit with the new noble, if you don’t mind.”

“Fine. Do as you wish.” Mariina said in an annoyed tone, and quickly left, almost like she was running away from the prince.

“... your highness, what may I do for you?” I carefully asked, after Mariina was some distance away.

“Don’t be that nervous.” He said, probably trying to calm me down, but it really didn’t do anything to calm my nerves. “I’d just like to ask a few questions.”

“Y-yes. I’ll answer to the best of my abilities.”

After taking a look around, the prince said. “We should take this inside.”

I followed the prince inside and into the study of Thomas. I don’t know if the prince asked to use it or just said he would, but not my problem.

“Leave us.” After we both sat down, the prince ordered the two Royal knights who were acting as his guards to leave the room.

“Your highness? Are you..?” 

“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He said.

The guards quickly left the room and just the two of us were left. I don’t know if this counts as overly trusting, or if he is just reckless.

“Now then.” The prince took some sort of tool from his pocket and placed it on the table. He then pressed a button on it, and it let out a soft hum. “This is an anti-eavesdropping device. The knights, nor anyone else can hear us, so you can speak freely.”

“... I understand, your Highness.”

“Try to not be so stiff.” He said. “You are really something, aren’t you? System support, two unique skills and even a spirits blessing.”

“... Your Highness, if you don’t mind, could we get onto why you brought me here?” I asked. I know that might have been a bit rude, but I feel like the longer he monologues, the ruder I’ll become.

“Straight to the point, huh. Well, I don’t dislike those kinds of people.” The prince said. “As I said outside, I just have a few questions. I want you to answer them honestly.”

“Yes, your Highness.” I agreed, even though I will 100% lie if I feel it to be necessary.

“Then, first question. How you obtained your system support?” The prince asked.

“It happened when I eliminated the dungeon.” I answered honestly.

“... that’s it? Are you sure?” The prince asked.

“Yes. I swear that is how it happened.”

“... I see. Do you know if that is the way to obtain the system support?”

“I apologize, but I do not know.” I answered. 

“... I see. Then. What can the system support do?” He asked.

What? He doesn’t know that? … Well, I guess it might be secret information or something.

I gave him a quick run down on some of Laura’s basic abilities. I kept it at the most basic level though. Things like helping with mana control, being able to tell ways of acquiring basic skills and giving answers to basic questions. As well as the system missions, but I worded it a little differently, where the missions seemed more like warnings from the system, rather than actual missions the system wants you to do.

“... I see. What about your spirit’s blessing? Tell me about that.” He next asked. Or was that an order? 

Well, either way. It isn’t a secret, so I quickly told him about the sprite attack, and how the system had ‘warned’ me that Brandon was under attack. How I flew there on the back of a dragon and took down the sprites. And how a greater spirit had appeared before me and gave me her blessing as a thanks for taking down her corrupted children.

“So you can summon dragons. Well, let that be. Now, I did hear a strange rumor. I heard that during this rescue mission, you used resurrection magic. Is that true?” The prince asked.

“No, but also yes.” I answered. “It technically isn’t magic, but my unique skill.” I again honestly told him.

“The ‘Pack Opener’, I assume?”

“Yes, that.” I confirmed.

“Would you mind explaining that skill a little?” The Prince asked before adding. “This isn’t an order. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”

“No. I don’t mind, as long as it is just the basics. I’ve told others the basics already.” I answered. “It just allows me to make these ‘cards’. Then I can use them to either summon monsters, or perform magic. Including things like resurrection magic.”

As I said that, I got a card out of my collection. I picked 7 Colored Fish, as it is the first normal monster in my collection, under the default sorting.


“This is a ‘monster card’.” I explained. “I can use these to summon the monster on them.”

“... I see. Can anyone use these cards?”

“... yes, but also no.” I answered. “This one, as it has this protective sleeve on it, can only be used by people with a certain extra skill.” Actually, the fish had a toploader, but that is all the same. “But if the cards don’t have it, anyone can use it.”

“So if someone stole these ‘cards’ from you, they could use at least some of them?”

“Again, yes and no.” I said. “If you take a good look at the card, you might see you cannot read it. Now I’m not sure if Language Comprehension allows you to read it, but as far as I know, only the skill I previously mentioned allows you to. Again, anyone can actually use one, but they have to actually know the name of the card for that.”

“That does seem to be true. I do possess the Language Comprehension humanoid, just as you do, but I cannot read this card.” The prince admitted. “Would it be possible for me to keep this? Try it out with other variants of the Language Comprehension?”

“Sure, but not that one. I’ll give you another one, if you don’t mind.” I answered.

“I think any card is fine.” The prince said.

I took back the fish and took out a non-sleeved Gigobyte instead.


“Here.” I said. “This card isn’t sleeved, so anyone can theoretically use it, as long as you know the name of it. You can have it.” I placed the card on the table. “If you’d like, I can tell you its name. It summons a weak monster, basically on the level of a kobold, or maybe just a bit stronger, so don’t think it can actually protect you or anything.” I warned him though.

“You are willing to tell its name? Even if it is weak, getting a summoned beast is quite an honor.” The prince said.

“You can only summon it once, though.” I said.

“Oh? … Well, I guess that is a bit less impressive.” 

“Also, to summon it, all you have to do is to say the name while you hold the card, so try not to do that.” I warned him.

I ended up writing the card's name down on a piece of paper, which I ripped out of my notebook, instead of telling it verbally. 

After a few more questions, the prince seemed satisfied and let me get back to the backyard lunch party.

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