Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.238 Arrival of the first Guests

CH.238 Arrival of the first Guests

“Alright. Was that all?” I confirmed, after I shoved three carriages, multiple luggage chests and a handful of other stuff into my storage.

“Yes. That is all.” Henry confirmed. He wasn’t actually coming, as he would be the one responsible for the town, while both the Lord and Lady were absent. “But I have to say, you skill truly is wonderful. To think an item box could store that much.”

“Well, it is the upgraded form of the skill.” I said, before changing the subject. “Henry, your cards. Pass them to me for a second. I’ll put some toploaders onto your cards.” 

“Toploaders? Well, if you say so.” He seemed to question my intentions at first, but then agreed.

As I was putting the toploaders onto the cards, I quickly explained to him the difference between the two. The biggest one really is how often you can summon the monsters, but some might argue that the ability to come back after ‘death’ is better.

And for those that want a reminder, Henry has a total of four machine monsters. Slot Machine, Steel Ogre Grotto #2, Steel Ogre Grotto #1 and Overdrive.


After a bit more time, Christina and Brandon came outside, ready to go. And as they were the last ones, we were now ready to go.

“I’ll summon our ride then.” I announced. “B.E.S. Big Core.”


Now as always, Big Core was invisible, so no one but me and Lua actually saw it. It is surprisingly easy, if you know to look for the blue light of the main engine. Or power source. Whichever it is.

I called down the teleportation beams and began loading my passengers. I had Lua head up first, so she could manage things there. I’m honestly super thankful that she came with me, as this was a lot more difficult when I did it solo with the knights. I think I understand why planes have flight attendants, even outside of serving drinks and stuff.

First, we loaded the horses. They were the largest and would take the most space. And they would have to be done one at a time. The coachmen were responsible for their horses, and the knights for theirs, so the coachmen had to come back down to get their second horse as well. I still have no clue how they breed these animals, as they are stupidly calm and don’t react at all even when they get teleported.

(Brian, you didn’t set out the seats in the back.) Lua sent me a message. 

(Yeah. I know. I’ll do it when I get up there. We have a lot of large animals riding with us, so I didn’t want to take up space.) I responded to Lua. I did make some couches with the dungeon which I could set out in the cargo area of Big Core for more seats, but they are currently in my storage.

Next up, we got the maids up to the ship. Then last, the noble pair. After we loaded everyone up, I checked up on the knights and coachmen in the back and gave them two couches they could use.

In terms of seating, I let Brandon take the lead navigator’s seat. It is his first time, and that is the spot for first time flyers. Though we have multiple first time flyers on this ride.

Lua was, of course, in the lead weapons officer’s seat and the captain’s seat was mine. Christina took a seat on the secondary navigator’s seat and the four maids spread to the other seats on the bridge. Sana and Nicole were in the gunner’s seats, while Aneesa and Jenna were in the communicator’s seats. And as stated earlier, the knights and the coachmen were in the back with the horses.

After I confirmed that everyone was ready to go, I took my seat and picked up the mic for the internal PA. 

“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome on board BrianAir flight … 001 from Alewatch to Sawyer City. Our estimated travel time is fifteen minutes. Please stay seated during the flight, outside of emergencies, and in case of an emergency, immediately contact either the captain, or the first officer. Please enjoy the flight.” I made a joking flight announcement, because why not? What is the point in flying an airship, if you can’t have a bit of fun with it?

I got some looks from my passengers on the bridge, but nothing more than that. A real captain might ask why there are passengers on the bridge, but this world doesn’t have FAAFederal Aviation Administration rules so why not? And I’m decently sure that before a certain terrorist attack involving tall buildings and airplanes, the pilots would actually allow passengers to take a look at the cockpit of the plane. Well, mine doesn’t have a cockpit as this is a full on bridge.

Our flight was just as peaceful as expected. Even if we ran into some small bird-monsters, they couldn’t actually do much to Big Core. We would have to run into at least a wyvern for any real threat. And we could just shoot something of that size down. But we didn’t, so no worries.

As planned, I stopped Big Core just about 5 kilometers outside the city walls, and we began dismounting the ship. In basically the same order as we came in. First the horses with the knights and coachmen, then the maids, and lastly, the nobles. I then took out all of their stuff from my storage and gave it to them. They hooked the horses up to the carriages, got in, and got a move on towards the city.

I watched until they were all ready to go, before returning to Big Core and flying both Lua and I back to the city. Officially, we never left, so we can’t enter through the gates without raising questions.

After we got back, I decided to spend some more time practicing. I got some sword practice in at the Alewatch guild, but I want some time for magic practice, and this was going to be it. While not everyone would arrive today, both the Watchmans as well as that massive convoy from the capital would arrive today. I don’t think I’ll have to greet anyone today, but I still want to get the practice in now, just in case I’m needed for something else. My clothes even came in. You know, my suit. They did the final adjustments and I now have it in my room. Not in my storage yet, but it will go there soon. I’ll just have to wear it once, then I can shove it into storage and put it on from there with the new clothes swap ability Tahlia gained.

But back to magic practice, because it finally paid off.


A new skill for me. And it is an extra skill. Why is it an extra skill?

(Because of rarity.) Laura answered. (And normally, non-attribute magic is racial, so all magic that isn’t attribute magic or racial magic counts as ‘extra’.)

(... okay. So an extra skill isn’t an extra skill just because it is extra, but because it is rare?) I asked to confirm.

(Basically. Though the easier way to look at it is that an extra skill always requires a base skill for it to be learned. Space magic, in most cases, is only learned by advanced mages, who have already mastered an attribute magic.) Laura told me. (You could look at it in a similar light to your Summoner’s Unity. That skill is useless unless you can use summoning magic, or have another way of performing a summoning. That is why it is ‘extra’.)

(Yeah, I guess. But that doesn’t exactly work with space magic, as I don’t have any other magic skills.)

(You do have Mana Control.) Laura reminded. (While not quite the same, Mana Control is basically a requirement for any other magic skill.)

(... basically? Does that mean it isn’t actually required?)

(According to the records, there have been times people have cast spells without the Mana Control skill.) Laura answered. (And even people who’ve gained a magic skill before Mana Control. So while not strictly necessary, almost everyone gains the Mana Control skill before their first magic skill. And racial magic skills are a completely different thing as well, but Mia would be better at explaining that.)

(Oh. Yeah, I guess I understand. So skills that are more rare, or require another skill to be able to be used at all are ‘extra’.)

(In short, yes.) Laura confirmed.

So for my extra skills, Space Magic and Telekinesis are extra because they are rare and they need Mana Control.

Summoner’s Unity is extra because it needs summoning magic and/or another way to summon something.

And Dungeon Founder, Summon Water Spirit and Health Conscious are extra because they are rare.

At least that is what I think.

“... that is a lot of carriages…” Ria muttered.

“Sure is.” Lua agreed.

“Just how many people are coming?” Alice wondered.

The four of us were watching into the front yard of the manor from one of the second storey windows. We weren’t asked to be present for anything, so we were free to just do anything, as long as we were out of the way.

But to get back to Alice’s question, the answer was not as many as you would think, based on the number of carriages. They had a ton of maids, cooks, civil officials and various other people. As well as all of the guards they had. If you compare it to the Watchman party coming, you can really see what I mean. 

Only Brandon and Christina are actual guests for the party, but they still have three carriages and a total of 12 people coming. And they considered that ‘traveling light’, because they didn’t have to consider things like sleeping arrangements or anything like that. They would have likely had to triple the number of guards had they been sleeping on the way. Though I think at that point they might have just hired adventurers, but what do I know? I just fly over those issues. Also, speaking of the two, they arrived a little while ago, and have already situated themselves into the house. They had taken the room right next to Alice, while their maids were taking up spare spots in the servants quarters. I don’t know where the knights or the coachmen will stay, but not my problem to solve either. I guess I should mention that Jenna actually took a cot, similar to the one Ria is using, to Alice’s room and is sleeping there instead. I guess she used to be Alice’s ‘personal’ maid, so that does check out. And Alice will need some help to get dressed for the party and stuff. She can’t just ‘magic’ her dress on, like Lua can. And Lua has Ria, if she needs help. Or me, but I’m not a professional in this stuff. I only really know how to zip up a dress. Don’t ask me to make complicated knots, or beautiful ribbons, please. Or if you do, at least give me time to study up first. And practice as well. … you know what, maybe I’ll just summon a monster that is better at that stuff. That would be easier.  … then again, I don’t want to take the easy way out in this. If Lua wants me to tie her hair or something, then I’ll learn how to do it. Yes, I will. I can do that much.

Anyway, back to the guests arriving. First, there was the Earl Bernald Marsh and his wife, Sylvia. Also known as Thomas’ second daughter and her family. Even their son, Oskar, was there.

With them, came a duo of boys, about 18 and 15 respectfully. They should be William and Daniel. William is of course Thomas’ son, while Daniel is Christina’s son, aka. Alice’s younger brother. They had both come from the capital, where they were studying in the Royal academy. Both of the boys had brown hair, unlike most of their family members who favor blond colors and despite their age difference, they seemed like decent friends.

Then there was the fourth daughter, Mariina. I’d seen her already, from Gradius, but now I got a better look at her. She was in her late 20s, by my estimation, with medium length blond hair. In her hand was a magic staff taller than she is, with a large beige magic stone at the end of it. I wish Paulina was here with us, so she could tell us more about her, but she was busy with something else. The fifth daughter, Cressida, was sharing a carriage with her sister. Maybe the golem carriages are just better? As far as I know, she is some sort of civil official in the capital, not currently married. 

There were some other noble families as well, but I didn’t know them yet. I know they are barons, by rank, but that is all. I should be introduced in the pre-party tomorrow, so I guess I’ll find out then.

And last, but not least, was the Royal family member. He was quite the tall male, in his mid twenties. He had a well built, muscular frame, and short cut scarlet red hair. Had he been dressed in anything other than the super fine clothing he was wearing, I’d have guessed that he is an adventurer, not a prince.

There was no official ‘pre-party’ or anything today. Perhaps because of the long travel, or maybe because of some etiquette or something. Or maybe because of the chaos caused by everyone coming in. 

Luckily, we did find out about the extra VIP guest beforehand, so Thomas and the rest of them were able to arrange a full guest house for the prince. I don’t know how, but I also don’t care.

For our part, we, Lua and I, were just staying in our rooms. Ria had once again been borrowed for maid duties, and she agreed to go help. It was somewhat funny, seeing her carry two giant luggage chests at the same time, but she has the strength for it, so why not?

For dinner, I enjoyed it with a slightly different crew than usually. Neither Thomas or Ellanora were dining with us, as they were eating with His Highness instead. Also, the entire Garner family, who were usually here, were eating at their own house today.

But we did have some others, who usually weren’t here. Well, they arrived today, so of course they wouldn’t be.

Mariina and Cressida both joined us. By the way, Alice was eating somewhere else with her family, so she wasn’t here either. So at the table, it was just Mariina, Cressida, Paulina, Lua and I.

After introductions, and breaking up an almost fight between Mariina and Paulina, we all sat down to eat together.

I, and Lua, were the ‘odd man out’ at this table, so we got a lot of questions about it. This led to some explanations about us, well mainly me. Lua is just an extension of me. Well, officially that is. She is just as special, if not moreso, as me. She was just able to keep it a secret. Well, mostly a secret. Her wings are kind of a giveaway that something strange is going on with her.

“So you are the summoner, huh. I see, I see…” Mariina said, after she heard some things about me. She has heard about me? From where? “What are you able to summon, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Do you want the list?” I jokingly asked.

“Yes, if possible.” She answered, completely serious.

“... wow. Yeah, let’s not do that.” I instantly took back my offer. Even if I just add my monsters, that is still over 1000 cards. 

“Why not?” She asked.

“Because it would be too long. I have a lot of things I can summon, as some of the people on this table can ensure.” 

Of course Lua is the one that knows it the best, but Paulina has some level of an idea on just how many monsters I have. 

“Really? Would you at least give me a number?” She asked.

“... sure, if you want. I have an arsenal of around 1000 unique monsters I can summon.” I answered honestly.

“... could you repeat that? I think I misheard.” Mariina requested.

“I can summon about 1000 unique monsters.” I repeated. 

“... that … is that even …” Instead of yelling out, Mariina seemed to fall deep into thought. 

“Amazing, isn’t he?” Paulina gloated, as if my power was in any way hers to gloat about. “And they are super strong. They can take down A-rank monsters like they are nothing.”

“... they can take on A-ranks?” Mariina questioned.

“Not all of them.” I specified. “Only the strongest of them.”

“... yes. Of course. … and how many of these ‘strongest’ would you happen to have?”

“Well, I have 26 monsters with 3000 or more attack.” I answered. “Oh, that 3000 is just a number I can use to differentiate the offensive power of monsters I can summon.” I specified. “From the two times I’ve faced A-rank monsters, 3000 seems to be enough to kill A-rank monsters, but I’m not sure about how they would fare against stronger monsters.”

“Twenty … six? … This is… I … That. Can that be?” Mariina was muttering. Did she break?

“He can also use Telekinesis.” Paulina said. “Did you learn it already?”

“...” While Mariina clearly reacted to what Paulina said, she didn’t actually respond to it. She must have broken.

After that we kept eating our dinner. It was actually surprisingly more quiet after that, possibly because Paulina could no longer engage in any kind of BS with Mariina, not that the two of them had been too bad, after their initial little scuffle. 

I have a lot of first meetings coming tomorrow, so off to bed with me. No Level Up!s today, by the way. We can take a few days break from those. 

So for now, good night.

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