Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.230 Ria is Evolving

CH.230 Ria is Evolving

(Brian. Brian! Wake up.)

I woke up to Laura calling for me in my head. I quickly looked around, mainly to look at the window. I couldn’t see any light coming from the edges of the shades, so it must still be nighttime.

(Laura, what is it?) I asked.

(Ria’s evolution began.) She answered. (I thought you might want to know.)

(...eh? Yeah. That is something I wanted to know.) I responded and quickly got out of bed.

I moved next to the cot Ria was sleeping on and put my hand on her forehead. Usually, or at least the times I know, evolution and/or level up sleep comes with a fever, so I wanted to confirm if Ria was running one, but she still felt a bit cool to me, like dhampirs usually do.

(... she feels normal. Are you sure?) I asked Laura. It’s not that I’m doubting her, but my confirmation doesn’t work, so I do think something is not normal.

(Yes. Look at her status through yours, and you will see.) Laura said.

I did as told and looked at my status. Mine was just the same as yesterday evening. Then I tried to open Ria’s, but instead.

Status of individual Rhianna cannot be shown,
as she is undergoing an evolution.

… yeah. So she is evolving. But why doesn’t she have the usual fever? 

(The evolution just began. Her fever will come in the next 20 to 30 minutes.) Laura said. (I only caught it, because I was actively keeping her status up, and as soon as the error appeared, I informed you.)

(Ah. Okay. … so, what should I do? Do I summon a water monster to keep her cool, like I did with Lua? Or just wait?)

(Yes. Summon one. It will make the evolution easier.) Laura confirmed.

(... easier? How?)

(If efficient outside cooling can be used, the system can hasten the evolution process, as it won’t damage the body, making the time it takes to evolve shorter.) Laura said. (If that isn’t supplied, the evolution has to be slower, as only natural cooling of the body will be available.)

(Oh? So that’s how it works. But what even causes the fever? Is it just natural, or system caused?)

(I don’t have access to that information. I only know how to make evolutions and level up sleep easier.) Laura said.

(... of course. What else would you expect? Well, I’ll summon something now then.) I said as I searched for a card from my collection. I knew exactly what I needed, so no advanced search this time. “Cure Mermaid.” I said quietly to summon my monster.


Cure Mermaid just is perfect for this. As a water attribute monster, it can use water magic. And because of its healing effect, it is much better at healing HP than most other monsters, even if they could use water magic. 

“Take care of her, please.” I ordered the mermaid. I tried to keep quiet, but at this point, it was too late. Based on the sounds I’m hearing from the bed, Lua already woke up as well.

I returned to the bed, and laid down next to her.

“... is she..?” Lua asked.

“Evolving? Yes.” I confirmed.

“... will she be alright?”

“You were, so I don’t see why not? And thanks to Laura, I was able to begin helping her basically as soon as the evolution started, so I don’t see why not.”

“... should I do something?” Lua asked.

“Sleep. Sleep is important. Sorry I woke you up. My monster will take care of Ria, so we can sleep.” 

“... alright. If you say so.” Lua agreed.

She took my hand in hers, and soon we were both back to sleep.

Laura kept waking me up every two hours so I could swap the monster(s) taking care of Ria. Her evolution had begun just after 1am at night, so by the time the maid came to wake her up for her breakfast, I had summoned 3 ‘teams’. I say ‘teams’ as Cure Mermaid was solo, but other times, I summoned both a healer monster, and a water attribute monster, like I did with Lua.

I informed the maid of the situation, and she asked if I needed anything, but I just told her we got this covered. Well, my monsters have it covered. And in case Ria pulls a Lua and decides to grow wings or something, I don’t really want any outsider to see it. And as Ria already has that skill, Vampiric Body Modification, there is a chance she could hide her wings.

“Sir, we really don’t mind. One of the maids could do it instead.” The maid kept insisting.

“No, you have your own jobs to do. I can’t just steal you. I’m sure you have plenty of cleaning and other preparations to do before the first guests arrive.” I reminded her.

“I … yes. If you are sure, sir. But if you need us, please, let us help Ria.” She offered again.

When did Ria get so close to them? Ria? Are you a natural at becoming friends?

Of course, like usual, I visited the factory. There was something I wanted to do ASAP. Well, I couldn’t do it, but I wanted Kotetsu to get on it. But most would say my monsters are my power, so I guess ordering them to do something is still something that happens under my power. It isn’t me, but it still is. 

“So, do you think you can have it done by the time Ria has evolved?” I asked Kotetsu.

“By tomorrow? … That might be challenging, but as long as you give all of us the order, we shall all put our all into making it possible.” He answered.

“Then so be it. I’ll give the order.” I immediately decided. 

I made myself a microphone which would use the PA system of the factory, so that every monster here could hear me and announced.

“Everyone. This is Brian. I have an order for everyone. I want everyone to work with Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu, so that Ria’s armor can be swapped from bronze to blood iron by the time her evolution has finished. I wish for all of you to work on this, so it can be done with haste. Please bring all of your skills into this project, as the best contributors shall be rewarded.” I said over the PA. I might have gone a bit overboard with it, but who cares. If we can make something amazing, that is all the better.

“Master, am I able to receive the reward as well?” Kotetsu asked.

“Of course. I don’t recall saying you couldn’t.” I informed him.

“I see. Thank you, Master. I shall make the armor perfect.” 

After that, plenty of my monsters came and offered their support for the project. Even some of the monsters that specialize in healing offered to help with the armor project, but I denied them, saying that I needed them available to take care of Ria. I did promise them a reward as well.

Even Tahlia and Fantasia came to ask if they could help. Tahlia would of course be necessary, as I need her to manage the stuff coming in and out of storage, and Fantasia could make sure my monsters don’t try to stay in the ‘real world’ room for too long, and I told the two as much. Fantasia is also great at keeping the monsters’ spirits up. Cute is justice, cute gives strength.

The one problem is that I really don’t know how to reward these two. Unlike my monsters, I can’t just give them an install or two as a reward, as that might cause problems for my physical body. Will new clothes or maybe some jewelry work for them? … maybe for Tahlia, but I think Fantasia would want something else.

Well, I’ll figure out something, I’m sure.

During breakfast I informed everyone about the Ria situation. I got some minor talking to by the Earl, but as soon as I said we wouldn’t be leveling up any more, until the birthday party, he seemed to give in and just accept what happened. He did offer his help, but I just said I’d manage. I did fine with Lua, so this should work out just fine.

From then on, the day basically went on as normal. We had our usual practice times, dancing, sword, magic and other skills. Sure I had to make sure I visited my room every two hours, so I could trade the monsters that were taking care of Ria to new ones, but other than that, it was a normal, easy going day.

In terms of progress, I still didn’t have the space magic skill. Alice was getting better at floating, but you still couldn’t really call what she was doing ‘flight’. Lua was able to cause soft gusts of wind with her wings, but she hasn’t been able to take off yet. 

And then the one best part. Paulina was able to lift a card with telekinesis. I brought Beaver Warrior out again, and used his card as a practice tool. I don’t know why, but I just used to use Beaver Warrior’s card for telekinesis practice when I was getting started,so I wanted to do it again. Well anyway, back to Paulina. She was a lot like I was when I got started with telekinesis. Except that without a system support, she had it even harder than I did. I guess I’ve really been playing on easy mode, but what can you do? But yeah, if Paulina lost concentration at all, the card would drop. But she will get better. I’m sure.

By the end of the day, Ria hadn’t woken up, not that I expected her to, so we just went to sleep. Well, sleep is a questionable term, as I would still be waking up every two hours, but bad sleep is still sleep.

We did level our skills up before bed, but not the overall level. Just to avoid any sickness cases. I leveled up Summoner’s Unity, because I didn’t get permission for Sword Technique. And Lua leveled up her Fast Mana Recovery. It was already LV.8, but she said that it is a skill you don’t really have to train, or ‘keep up’ with as you level it up, making it a safe choice for situations like this.


(Brian, it’s time for the swap again.) Laura was waking me up. It was around 4 am at the moment, and I was tired. Even with Laura taking care of basically everything, I still had to be the one to summon the two new monsters, then unsummon the previous two. Then back to sleep. 

Honestly, all of the respect to all the mothers out there. Doing basically this every single night with the newborn baby. Waking up to feed the baby every … actually, I’m not sure how often. Every two hours? Three? Four? It can’t be more than four, can it? But I feel like it is closer to two than four, based on what I’ve heard. Yeah. Waking up every two to three hours, just to feed your baby. That sounds rough.

(Brian, to unsummon the monsters.) Laura said at 5 am.

(... yeah. I’m on it…) I muttered back. (Wait, unsummon? Not swap?)

(Yes. Miss Rhianna’s evolution ended 42 minutes ago, so they should no longer be required. But please do confirm that her temperature has returned to normal.) Laura said.

(... wait, she did?) I quickly got up and moved next to Ria. 

Spirit of the Breeze and Aqua Spirit were the two currently looking after her.


“How is she?” I asked, keeping my voice low.

“She should be fine.” Aqua Spirit answered.

“Her temperature has come down and she is just sleeping.” Spirit of the Breeze continued. “You should let her sleep, until she wakes up naturally.”

“... alright. Thanks, you two. You can go now. I’ll give you your reward later in the factory.” I said, before I unsummoned the duo.

After that, I confirmed Ria’s fever for myself, and as she felt just a bit cool for me, I think it is fine. I returned to bed, and quickly fell back to sleep.

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