Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.217 Giving cards to new Card Summoners

CH.217 Giving cards to new Card Summoners

“Why?! This isn’t fair!” A certain twenty-something year old magician was throwing a tantrum. Her reason for it. “How did both of them get it, when I didn’t. Even though I tried so many more times!”

Yes. During our attempts at the different floors' challenge rooms, both Agatha and Cardo, our knight escort, had gotten the extra skill Card Summoner. Cardo had gotten his on floor five, and Agatha got hers on floor six. But Paulina didn’t, despite going repeatedly into the challenge rooms, when no one else wanted, until they closed down.

I even gave her Pitch-Black Power Stones to recover her mana with, and Lua used healing magic on her to heal any injuries Paulina sustained so she could keep going. But despite her successful clears totaling 20, she still didn’t get Card Summoner.


“Brian, let me try the floor seven rooms.” Paulina asked.

“Yeah, no. I saw how you did on floor six. You aren’t trying those. The floor seven spawns B-rank monsters. And it can even spawn an A-rank. I’m not letting you in there.” I told her.

“... then just give me the skill. You are the Dungeon Founder, so you can do it right?”

“Sorry, but that’s not how this works. I honestly have no clue why the dungeon can even give that skill as a reward. According to all the info I have, it shouldn’t be able to, but it just does. Ask the God- -dess for that.” I responded, realizing to say Goddess instead of just God, as no one else seems to say God. Only Goddess.

“Speaking of that.” Cardo cut in. “This ‘Card Summoner’ skill. What does it really do? The description is quite vague.” 

“Oh, it’s quite simple. It just allows better use of my cards.” I quickly answered. “Wait a sec. I’ll give you one.” I added and opened my collection.

Hmm. What should I go for? Level 3, warriors. Let’s check what that gives us. 

There are the M-Warriors, Familiar Knight, but I kind of like him… Hard Armor is a bit too ghost looking, and it isn’t that strong.


Oh. That is perfect. And it gives me an excuse to give him two cards. Just put a sleeve on both of them. If someone pays me money, I’ll upgrade them to toploaders, but for now, just sleeves.

“Here. You can have these.” I said, as I handed over two copies of Marauding Captain.


Marauding Captain is interesting. It has an attack redirection effect, and it is somewhat famous for the Marauding Captain lock. Mainly because of just how easy that lock was to set up. Just summon Marauding Captain, use its effect to summon a second one from your hand and you are done. Your opponent can no longer attack. As long as you only use Warrior-type monsters. Sure there were others like Solar Flare Dragon, but the Marauding Captain lock was easier to set up because of the extra summon you get from normal summoning Marauding Captain.


Sure any card effect destruction would break the lock, but this was back in the day when a lot of that was either more difficult to use, or banned. You didn’t have cards that just destroy something when they are normal summoned.

“For instructions, just say the name written at the top to summon it.” I thought him.

“At the top? … Marauding Captain.” He said carefully. 

I didn’t really think about this, but this will act as a decent test. He is holding two copies of the same card in one hand. Will it get summoned or not? Will both get summoned? 


“... nothing happened?” 

“You can only hold one card per hand.” I told him. “Move the other to your other hand.”

“A-alright.” He did as instructed and said the name again. “Marauding Captain.”

This time, the summoning worked. Someone might say a little too well, as both of the Captains were summoned. I did summon two Dog Marrons with one saying of their name once, but I also worded it a bit differently. In  

““Summoner, what may we do for you?”” The two captains asked perfectly in sync.

“They can talk?” Cardo called out. 

“Yeah. Sure can.” I confirmed.

“Brian. Didn’t I say you shouldn’t give out talking monsters?” Christina reminded me.

“Come on. He is a special case, so it is fine. And he works under your brother–in–law, so it should be fine.” I defended my reasoning.

“... just be careful when you give them out.”

“I always am.” I responded, knowing fully well the cards I was about to give to Agatha were anything but careful. “Agatha, your turn. You can have these two.” I said as I handed her two dragons in toploaders.


“Thank you. Oh? This? Isn’t this the dragon that you..?” 

“Yes. It is the same. I thought you being able to summon it would fit with the entire ‘dragon’s blessing’ story.” I explained.

“Brian. Did you just give her a dragon?” Christina asked in a commanding tone.

“Two, actually. But who cares? She doesn’t live in Alewatch, so you don’t have to care.”

“... you … what do I even say?”

“Nothing? That’s a good option.” I offered.

“Then why are you giving away dragons?”

“Because I can? And she is the mother of my girlfriend, so of course she gets a little extra. I would call her my mother-in-law, but we are still working towards that.”

“... why is your reasoning so stupid? You just break national security for nothing.” 

“National? Hardly. If those two dragons could take over this nation, then you have bigger problems than that. Sure a city might get burned, but even then. Those dragons are around the power level of an A-rank monster. Strong, but not unbeatable. If they could somehow alter national security, then yeah. You’d better do something about it.”

“... they are that weak? … but I thought that…”

“I don’t know how strong the dragons in legends are, I just know about how strong mine are. And those two are, well the emerald one is, about A-rank in power. And the sapphire one is a bit weaker.” Truthfully, I don’t know how accurate that assessment is. But I think it should be somewhat close. I’ve never really tried sending a 2500-ish attack monster against an A-rank monster, because I’ve only seen two A-rank monsters. If this dungeon gave birth to more A-rank monsters, maybe I would test it out. 

“Brian, thank you. But why?” Agatha asked.

“Didn’t I say that already? Because of that entire lie about dragon’s blessings and stuff. And I think you can use the blue one to fly back and forth from the village after we leave. Won’t that be useful?”

“Yes, it will be. But will I even be allowed to do that?” Agatha asked, taking a look at Cardo.

.” I quoted a movie line. Another thing I’ve been wanting to say in some situation. Does this make me the evil one? … maybe it does. And I can’t even call myself lawful evil. I’m way too chaotic for that. I’m more of a chaotic neutral or chaotic good, depending on who you ask. Please don’t say I’m chaotic evil. I do good things as well. I save people. I don’t leave them to die. Please don’t say I’m evil.

During our late lunch, I made sure to install Toll to the dungeon core.


I left the full implementation and setting the prices per floor to Christina, as she knows how quickly adventurers get dungeon points a lot better than I do.

As we didn’t have anything else to do, we used the safe shortcut route to exit. Also, I asked everyone if they wanted rewards for all of the points I got, but as no one asked for anything, I was able to keep all of them. Well, Christina got some as well, and she made a certain book for herself. I don’t know if it will help, but it might.

But yeah. Thanks to today, and the hunt Lua and Ria went on a few days ago, I’ve again managed to gather some points, so if I need something made, I can just make it.

I dropped everyone off, Christina, Sana and Aneesa first. Then Lua. Agatha. And finally, the five of us returned to the Sawyer manor.

Because our morning and some of the afternoon had been spent fighting, I was thinking of taking it easy, but at the same time, I knew I had to rip off the bandage, so I headed to the training grounds. This time alone, as Ria was pulled to the side by the maids and Alice was taken to dance practice instead.

“... I really am not sure if this is a good idea.” I muttered. (Laura, which ones do I summon?) 

(At least St. Joan and Familiar Knight. They have both taught you, so they are the most disappointed, but of course so are some of the others.)

“... god, this will suck.” I muttered as I got out the two Laura named. “St. Joan. Familiar Knight.” 


“Master.” Joan said coldly.

“We won’t let you off easy this time.” Familiar Knight said.

“... I know. Let’s just train for now. I promise that until I’m at least on a passing level, I’ll leave some time for sword practice every day.” I promised the duo. “At least outside of emergencies.” I added, just to have that clause in the promise.

“Brian? Are you alright?” Ria asked when I returned from my practice session.

“...define fine. I’m tired as anything, but my HP is full, so I’m fine.” I answered.

We spent the full two hours practicing, and as expected, my warriors didn’t let me off easily. Honestly, they wanted me to keep going with another pair of monsters, but Laura interrupted by saying that my body couldn’t take another two hours of training. And honestly, she might have been right.

I then took my bath, because I needed one. I did also get some magic practice in, but Cosmo Queen cut it short, saying that I can’t concentrate enough and this was all a waste. I don’t exactly agree, but at the same time, I’m not at 100%, so I guess just skipping it for today is fine.

Ria for her part had a short practice session with her Vampire Scarlet Scourge, followed by another one with Charubin the Fire Knight. Obviously for blood iron control and fire magic respectfully. 


Charubin is actually a surprisingly good teacher for Ria, as he uses fire magic in the same way as Ria does. Buffing his strength with fire magic, then hitting with flail. 

In the evening, we ended the day as we usually do. Level ups. I didn’t have any new skills, sadly, so I just leveled up Summoner’s Unity. Ria got a level in Defense Boost. She also reached level 70. Lua evolved at level 70, so I wonder if Ria will as well? Maybe.


Well, we shall see that tomorrow. Good night for now.

Or so I thought, but I heard Ria speaking to me.

“Brian. Are you asleep yet?” She asked softly.

“No, not yet. Is something the matter?”

“... no. Well yes. I… can I ask something?”

“Sure. Go for it.” I gave permission, without sass this time.

“... Now that you are together with Lua, what will happen to me?” She asked.

“Nothing? What do you mean?” 

“It’s just … won’t I be in the way or something?”

“In the way? Why?”

“... I … I’m your slave, right? So wouldn’t it be normal for you … to ask me to serve you … in bed?” Ria asked, seeming a bit awkward. But considering the subject, I don’t blame her.

“Ria, you really should know better. I’m not normal.”


“Remember when I told you about where I came from?”

“... yes.” 

“Back there, slavery was … different. It was bad. It wasn’t … controlled the same as it is here. If you owned a slave, you could do anything with them. You could kill them, and no one would care. Because that is how it was.” I explained, even thought that really wasn't the entire truth.

“So when I heard about slaves, I promised I would treat mine well, if I ever had any. That includes not using them in any sexual ways. Ria, I won’t say I didn’t realize that you wanted me. I figured that part out when you … explained dhampir mating to me. But it wouldn’t work out. It’s just not something I can do. Not with someone who is my slave. Because I made a rule that I wouldn’t. I’m sorry. But that is how it is.”

“... then, what will happen to me?”

“We still have a contract, don’t we? We should stick to it. Two years. That is what you promised. If after that two years you still want me … I don’t know. I’m not sure I can pull off two girls at the same time. … we’ll see, alright. But until then, let’s keep doing what we have been doing. You are my servant. That means I take care of you, but I also expect you to take care of me. Is that fine with you?”

“... I … I don’t really like it, but I guess.”

“Is something so wrong with it?”

“... why can’t I … just have you?”

“Ria, let me ask you this. Why do you want me? Honestly speaking. You don’t know me. We just met. So why do you want me?”

“... because you cured me. Even after I tried to attack you. Isn’t that enough?” Ria asked.

“Yes. Yes it is, I suppose. But still, I’m sorry. At least for the next two years, it won’t happen, alright. And really, I wish you’ll find someone else to love.”

“... I don’t know if I can. Only a dragon has better tasting blood than you…”

“Then you can just marry a dragon. I’m sure one will agree to it, if you grow powerful enough to beat them in a fight.”

“... I … I’ll try.”

“Good. Good night, Ria.”

“Good night.”

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