Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.213 What comes next?

CH.213 What comes next?

“So… what now?” Lua questioned.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“... what comes after a confession?” She asked, seemingly innocently. 

“... wait, you don’t … of course you wouldn’t. First time. Sorry. But the first thing after confession is either acceptance or refusal. But we already handled that part. After that, there really is no correct answer. Relationships are … complicated. But the answer is we can do what we want to do, as long as we do it together. That is basically the compact version.” I informed her. Yes, I know that is way too simplified, but at the same time, it is accurate enough for now.

“... so … we can walk through town holding hands?” Lua asked.

… how can she be so adorable, while also being that innocent. Or does being innocent make her adorable? Maybe. Some princess I have on my hands. 

Well actually, because she is a princess this makes sense. Of course a princess wouldn’t know these things. … sorry Lua. I know you don’t like it when I call you a princess, even if it is just inside my head.

“Yes. Yes, we can do that.” I told her. “If you feel comfortable going to town.”

“Eh? … I … I didn’t think of that. I just … I just wanted to …”

“Don’t worry. I understand. You have no idea how I was when Laura said yes. I was way worse.” I told her. I know it isn’t exactly etiquette to bring up my past GF, but Lua knows my situation and accepts it, so I will. At least sometimes, when I talk about my past. I won’t do something really stupid like saying the wrong name during … passionate times. At least I hope so, because that would be massively jerkish. Also add to that the fact that Laura is still kind of here. Yeah. I’d better not go there. “Walking around towns or cities holding hands, going on guild quests together, going to a cafe and feeding each other sweets, shopping for clothes together. We can do all of that, if you want.”

“... fe-feeding… each other? And what is a cafe?” 

“Yes. Honestly, it isn’t that abnormal. At least where I’m from. And a cafe is what we called our tea houses. Basically just a place you go to so you can enjoy some tea and sweets.” I told her, recalling that cafe’s aren’t actually a thing here. No coffee for me still. Or at least not here. Maybe some other country has it. Or maybe there is a dungeon out there that makes coffee, either beans or the ready drink. And it just never makes it here, as it is too popular and limited in quantity. “Are there any things dhampirs do? We could do that as well.”

“... yes. At least in this village, we carve each other wooden cups, and carry blood to … our love in it.” Lua explained.

“Oh? That’s something. But that is more similar to an engagement gift than what I was talking about.” I told her. “You know the humans give some sort of an accessory when they propose as well. Something that is embedded with a magic stone you yourself converted. Apparently it shows dedication or something.”

“... oh. I didn’t know. I should have made you one.” Lua said. “... but we only have F and E-rank cores here…”

“Don’t worry. We have time.” I told her. “There is a difference between being boyfriend and girlfriend, and being engaged.”

“Really? I didn’t know. What is the difference?”

“You didn’t? … well, I guess growing up here, you would likely not have a choice in selecting  a partner. Anyway, being a boyfriend and girlfriend, or a couple for short, is sort of a test time before full engaged. Basically, you act somewhat like you are fully together, but it is a lower level of commitment, so it is a bit easier to break off, if something goes wrong or if the relationship just doesn’t work.”

“... I don’t get it. Why would you just test it?”

“As I said, you might not have a choice for a partner here. Remember that this village is tiny. But in a big city, there are a lot of people. So there is no point in spending the rest of your life with someone whom you don’t like. Didn’t Zay, Rico or Alex ever break up with anyone?” I asked.

“Umm. Not while we were a party. Zay was infatuated with Kris for a long time, but he refused to ask for her hand until we had a decent financial situation. And Alex and Rico always just said they weren’t in a hurry.” 

“I see. Well, I hope you get my point.” I told her. “But honestly, let’s just play this by ear and see where we go. But please, don’t just leave without saying something.”

“I won’t. I won’t ever leave you. I promise.” Lua reassured me, as we embraced each other.

We walked back to the open area of the town hall holding hands, which got the attention of the other dhampirs and Agatha.

This, of course, led to a questioning from some of the older people, but a lot of it came from the town’s elder Rosemary and Lua’s mom Agatha. Of course those two would be the most worried about Lua. Rosemary isn’t Lua’s grandma or anything, right? Of course not. Lua’s father’s mother was named Maria. That’s where Mia got her name. I guess Rosemary just is the grandmother of everyone here. Or mother, for the ones that are a bit older.

I noticed Ria looking a bit dejected off to the side. I thought she might have, considering her actions, but really. Ria you never stood a chance. Not because you aren’t a good girl or anything, but for a much simpler reason. 

It comes down to one thing. The decision I made when I learned of slavery being a thing in this world. Never get romantically involved with your slave. That was my rule. So no matter how much you would have tried Ria, it wouldn’t have worked at least until you were freed from slavery.

And then the village turned what happened into another celebration. I, of course, once again set out our food. I used the leftover dragon meat from last time and let Lua do the Mystik Woking blood part. The dragon we drained today was Armed Dragon LV7.

I also learned an interesting fact because of it. And that is about the blood preference of dhampirs. Even though both Armed LV7 and Hyozanryu, which we used last time, are level 7 dragons, and Armed LV7 has more attack, most of the villagers preferred Hyozanryu blood over Armed Dragon blood. Sure, it might be because Hyozanryu has a higher defense. 


… actually, is that the reason? It could be. Think about it. If a dragon has a higher defense, it should, possibly, have stronger blood. Maybe. Or it could be because Hyozanryu just has the better combined stats. Or because Hyozanryu is light attribute, whereas Armed Dragon is wind. Maybe I can test it out later with Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Serpent Night Dragon. 


They are both dark attribute, level 7, dragon-type monsters. And Red-Eyes has more attack, whereas Serpent Night Dragon has more defense. The only problem is that Serpent Night Dragon also has the better overall stats.

I guess Yamata Dragon against Tyrant Dragon might work as well, but again, Yamata has the higher combined stats. And Yamata is level 7 and a spirit monster. Red-Eyes vs Serpent Night is better. Yamata vs Tyrant has too many variables.


Maybe I should just ask my vampires instead. They might know why some blood is better than others.

“So, Brian, what are we going to do from now on?” Lua asked me after the meal.

“Go as we have been, except that we are a couple now?” I offered.

“But shouldn’t we live together or something?”

“Should we? Did Zay live with Kris, even though they were engaged?”

“... I guess not.”

“So I think we should keep going as we have been. You still have your system mission here, and I also have one that forc… persuades me to join the Earl’s birthday party. So we should do those first, and then think of how we want to proceed.” I told her. “Sure, I’ll still have some problems I’ll have to deal with, like possibly meeting the King and stuff like that, because of this.” I said, as I cleared my sleeve, to reveal my terminal. “And we both have an incentive to visit other dhampir villages, so that is definitely something we should do. How far is your mission, by the way?”

“Almost done.” Lua answered. “Eleven out of the necessary thirteen. And the ones that have already learned True Blood Magic should be able to help the rest even after I leave.”

“And after you are done, what will you do? Stay here until I’m ready, or do you want to come back to the city?”

“... I … I want … I want to come to the city.” Lua said. “I want to stay with you, if possible.”

“I’ll have to ask the Earl, but I think we can do it. And if we reveal your system support, we can definitely do it, but I don’t think we should. Having one of us have it is already abnormal, from what I’ve observed, so both of us having it is even worse. We might legit get into some trouble with people you don’t want to get in trouble with. Maybe.”

“... I see. Then … can I leave it to you?” 

“Of course. And don’t worry, if the Earl doesn’t let you stay, I’ll just rent us a house for the time we’ll spend in town. And afterwards, I can just store all of the furniture and personal items we will have to buy into my storage.” 

“Yes. … but won’t it be expensive? To purchase a bed and things like that? Or will you use the dungeon to make them?” Lua asked.

“Hmm. I can do either. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I have plenty of money.”

“... alright. I mean, I know you have some from some of the adventuring jobs you’ve done. You even have that A-rank monster corpse. It should be worth 500 gold coins, I think. And you sold some of the dungeon items, didn’t you?”

“Yeah. But there is also another thing. I can show it to you in the factory tomorrow morning.” I said, referring to my Upstart Goblin money factory.

“I’ll be waiting.”

After a bit more talking, a lot more hand holdingLEWD! and even a kiss on the cheek, it was time for us (Ria, Agatha and I) to leave. 

“See you tomorrow.” I said to Lua, before we left. We were still going to go to the dungeon tomorrow.

“Yes. I’ll be ready.” Lua responded. “... it will be my first time in that big ship.”

“... Yeah. I guess it will be. Don’t worry. It isn’t a bumpy ride or anything, so no Trojan Horse treatment.”

“Please don’t remind me of that.”

“Well, we won’t have to use it ever again.” I told her. Maybe I should actually sell some of them, when Card Summoner becomes more popular. It is quite fast. Sure it doesn’t reach Overdrive speeds, not to mention the spaceships. But that is exactly why I’m willing to sell some of them. It is convenient and quite fast, at least compared to a carriage. Well, I guess a well built carriage with multiple well bred horses drawing it should be as fast as Trojan Horse. But as long as I sell my horse at a more affordable price point, it should still sell. And installing Beast Fangs to Trojan Horse should make it a bit more comfortable. At least that is how Machine Conversion Factory works with Overdrive.


“Here. Take these.” I said, and gave her the two light magic books. “I think they might help with learning light magic.”

“Th-thanks. I’ll put them to good use.” Lua responded.

I approached her and gave her a little peck on the cheek. “See you tomorrow.”

As Lua’s face was getting a bit red, probably because I did that in front of everyone, I got into the teleportation beam.

I waved to Lua, and the rest of the villagers, and got into Big Core so we could head back to the city.

Back in the city, we did what we do. Dropped off Agatha, quickly visited the guild, so we can drop off the quest completion form for the escort service we provided for Agatha, and then back to the Sawyer manor.

There I asked to have a word with the Earl, and he agreed. That led me to explain what happened in the village … well the proposal and me accepting. I asked him if Lua could also come stay here, while I was, and he agreed, as long as we wouldn’t need separate rooms. The house, and the guest houses were all going to be filled by guests coming to the birthday party after all. Hearing that, I offered to get myself a house I can rent for a bit, but he said that he would rather put other guests into those houses, than me.

Well, if he says so.

Of course our usual magic, telekinesis, Vampiric Body Modification, etc. practice happened as well. And level ups. The most important part of the day.

I leveled up my Telekinesis, as it is my lowest level skill. And I just felt like it. Ria got a level to Fire Magic. Hopefully that will help her. This time her Magic reached exactly 1000. … insert the but it’s weird that it happened twice meme. Or don’t, I don’t care. Maybe I should have a goblin draw me a meme template of that. Not that anyone here will understand the point of the meme.


What a day, huh. Well, it was still great. I really hope Lua won’t regret what she did today. Well, the same goes for me too. But all I can do is wait and see. And be the best boyfriend I can be. I think I can manage that. But that is what I thought when I was with Laura and … 

NO! Stop! Don’t think about that. You are not the only one to blame for that. Relationships are always between two people. Let’s just try again, and do better this time. I won’t F-up this time. I promise.

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