Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.202 Emergency Call

CH.202 Emergency Call

I woke up in the morning feeling great. No excessive hunger, or sluggishness from yesterday anywhere. The problems I had yesterday didn’t affect me that much, other than having to snack more often, but still, it's good to know that everything is fine.

The only strange part was when I woke up. I actually had naturally woken up before Ria had, so I even managed to exchange a few words with her, as she came to wake Ria up. 

… Should I offer the maids level ups? No, really. They deserve it. They are the hardest working people I know. If they don’t deserve it, who does? Not me, at least. Well, Angelina does know about level ups now, so maybe she will give permission. I might ask her today.

But anyway, I left Ria to change her clothes and went to the factory. Let’s go see what is happening there.

“Mr. Brian, could you head to the village as soon as possible?” Mia asked, when I met up with her and Laura in the factory.

“... sure, but why? Our normal blood delivery day is tomorrow.”

“It’s my Mistress. She is under quite the major level up sickness, caused by her evolution.” 

“... excuse me, but did you just say evolution?”

“Yes, I did. Mistress reached level 70 yesterday evening, and her body began an evolution. I’d ask that you come over and look over her until her evolution has fully finished, and she has cleared her level up sickness.” 

“... alright. I’ll hurry over then.” I said. “Laura, anything critical I need to know, or can I just get going?”

“No, you should be good to go.” Laura answered, so I jumped out of the factory, so I could catch Ria, before she had time to leave for breakfast.

“Ria, change of plans. We have to go to the village.” I told her, catching her just as she was leaving the room.

“Eh? Alright. But why?” Ria got on board as soon as I told her that. Probably because of my tone of voice.

“Lua, well her system support, contacted me, telling me that Lua is quite sick because of an evolution. She asked us to head over, so we could help her get over it.” I explained. “Go tell some of the maids we are leaving, possibly for a day or two. Then we’ll quickly drop by Agatha’s house and pick her up as well. I’ll get dressed, so you can go now. Come back as soon as you can.”

“Yes.” Ria answered, rushing off.

Ria returned just as I was ready to go, with one of the maids on her heels, the same one that had woken her up earlier. She asked me about the situation, so I just quickly explained that I’d be going to the dhampir village because of a medical emergency. I added that I might not come back today. When I was sick, I was out for two days, so I want to have at least that much time secured. The maid simply accepted the information and said she would relay it to the lord and others.

With that done, Ria and I rushed outside. I didn’t hesitate a moment and called out B.E.S. Big Core.


The sun hadn’t yet fully risen so there is a chance that someone will spot the slight glow of the main reactor, but who cares? I summoned Meteor Black Dragon yesterday, so compared to that a mysterious light is nothing.

Just a minute later, I beamed us down to Agatha’s house. I’ll definitely need to tell her about this first, or she might get angry.

Knock, knock, knock.

Nothing? I decided to knock again.

Knock, knock, knock.

Is she not home?

(She may still be sleeping. The sun is just rising.) Laura reminded me.

(Yeah. I could see that. Can I use telekinesis to break in?)

(Yes, but at least try if the door is locked first.)

(Oh, yeah.)

I pushed the door handle down and the door opened. Does Agatha not lock her door? Well, it was “open”, so I guess we can invite ourselves in.

“Agatha?” I called out.

“Lady Agatha?” Ria repeated.

Still nothing. 

“She might still be sleeping.” I said. “Ria, can you go check it out? I’d rather not, just in case.”

“Just in … oh. Yes. I shall.” 

Ria opened a few of the doors leading out from the front room we had walked into, one lead to a small kitchen, one was some sort of storage room, and the third seemed to be correct, as she entered that one.

A few minutes later, Ria returned with a sleepy looking Agatha.

“... good morning, Brian. I heard it already, and while I really want to come, I have to stay here to receive the blood from the adventurers. So I must ask, please take care of my daughter.”

“Alright, I will. By the way, the clothes she left here? Do you have them?”

“Oh, right.” Agatha said, walking back to the room she had been sleeping in. She returned a bit later with a knapsack that she tossed to me.

“Thanks. I’ll come get you tomorrow, as planned.”

“Of course… (yawn). Take care of my little Lucia. Please.”

“I will. See you tomorrow. Also, you might want to lock your door in the future.”

With that, we were out the door and back in Big Core. Had I known that Agatha won’t come, we could have used Gradius. But the supersonic flight of Gradius wouldn’t save that many seconds, as the trip is so short anyway.

“Great Summoner, Ria, what are you doing here? We didn’t expect you until tomorrow?” An adult male dhampir, Vishal if I recall, was the first one we met after we landed.

“Where is Lua?” I just asked.

“Miss Lua? I think she is still sleeping.”

“Where? She contacted me, saying she needed help. Take me to her.”

“.. yes! Right away.”

He took us to the town hall. On the way, two other dhampirs spotted us and followed along, possibly wanting to see why we were here.

“This is the room, but…” He said, as he turned the doorknob. The door didn’t open. 

“Locked, huh. Let’s just break it down then.” Why couldn’t she be like her mother, leaving her door unlocked.

“We can’t. These doors are made to keep us out, so they are quite well reinforced.” Vishal said.

“OH yeah. I think I heard about that. Move.” I slightly pushed him to the side. (Laura, help me out.)

(Of course.) Laura responded, and I felt my mana moving. 

With telekinesis, I felt the inside of the door. I had the advantage of knowing how the door was in the room where I slept, so we could use that as a reference. 

The doors have two heavy duty barrel bolts, in addition to the normal bolt which you control with the knob. And those obviously couldn’t be opened from the outside.

With telekinesis I opened the two bolts. It was a bit more difficult than I would have liked, but I guess my skill level really isn’t there yet, and I can’t see what I’m doing. Without Laura, there is no way I could do this. At that point, I probably would have just summoned a monster that can break down the door. Or maybe Cosmo Queen could have teleported us. 

… can she? I need to ask her. Because if she can, why did I waste time flying Big Core here?

Well, with the two crossbolts open, I opened the door. The dhampirs that had been looking at me doing something were a bit more than a little surprised when I opened the door that in their eyes could not be opened.

I headed in and saw Lua on one of the beds. I walked up to her.

“Lua? Are you awake?” I softly asked, but she didn’t answer.

(Mistress is not awake.) Mia said in my head. Mia, how do you know what I’m saying?

(She is looking at a monitor displaying your vision inside the factory.) Laura answered.

(Invasion of privacy, right there.) I complained.

(Says the one that just broke into a lady’s room while she is sleeping.) Mia teased.

(Only because you asked, you know. I would say I will leave if you no longer want me here, but that would be a lie.)

Lua’s face was… red. Not slightly red like Ria had been, but instead almost the same crimson color as her hair. I touched her forehead, and it was very hot. Noticeably hotter than Ria had been. And when a dhampir is hot, that is a problem. They do have a slightly lower body temp than humans, after all.

(Laura, Mia, what should I do?) I asked the two helpers at my disposal.

(Summon a water monster.) Laura said. (We need to bring her temperature down.) 


I opened my collection and Laura had already searched one out for me, so I just took it out, placed it on my terminal and said its name. “Aqua Spirit.”


“Master, what may I ..?”

“Keep her cool.” I told my summon, before she had time to fully ask.

“y-Yes.” She answered and got to work.

Will she be enough? Maybe I should summon a second one.

I turned my terminal into a duel disk. Yes I can do what while I have a card on it. The card will move from the one slot on the terminal to the middlemost spot on the duel disk. I can also activate my duel disk in three states. 

First is one that looks like a deactivated GX duel disk. It will give me three monster slots I can use, but I never use it in that form.

The second is fully active GX duel disk. And that means five slots for monsters, five for spells and traps, and one for a field spell.

Then the third is my Hieroglyph Lithograph improved version, which gets two ‘extra monster zones’. So a total of seven monsters, five spell/traps and one field spell can be active on it at the same time.


With my duel disk in the five slots mode, I now had more than enough space to summon a second monster.

“Cure Mermaid.”


I summoned another water attribute monster, and this time one that can increase life points, aka heal. With the two monsters now here, I was finally able to relax, feeling like everything will work out.

“Great Summoner, is Miss Lucia fine?”

“I hope so. Did Ria tell you what she is going through?” I answered Rosemary. She had arrived in the town hall, while I was summoning monsters to help Lua.

“Yes. I did hear. To think she would evolve.” Rosemary began. “I just can’t think what we would have done if you had not come. She would have been trapped in that room, suffering with no help.”

“... yeah. I’d rather not consider that. Thankfully she could contact me.”

“May I ask how she did that? If you don’t mind.”

“We have our ways. That’s all I’ll say. It isn’t something anyone but me and Lua can do, so there is no reason for me to share more than that.”

“I see. That is too bad. We could have had a way of contacting Agatha.”

“Yeah. Sorry. Maybe you can learn a blood magic spell that makes bat familiars, like Cain did. You could have them deliver letters, probably.”

Since I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet, I cooked myself some egg. Monster Egg.


Times like this is when I wish I was a dhampir. Because I just have no appetite. If I was a dhampir, I could just drink some blood, instead of eating.

I also summoned Hinotama Soul. He helped me boil some water, so I could make some tea.


“Ria, take these two and hold the True Blood Magic lesson for the villagers, as Lua can’t do that.” I said, as I handed her two Vampire cards. Vampire Grimson and Vampire Scarlet Scourge.


It has been just over two hours since we got here, and I had traded the two monsters taking care of Lua. Now the two taking care of her were Maiden of the Aqua and Spirit of the Breeze. 


“I can, but are you sure that is important at the moment?” Ria asked.

“It isn’t, but there is nothing else we can do for Lua at this time. We just have to make sure her temperature stays down and let her keep resting.” I said, before adding. “And I’m sure Lua would want the others to keep practicing, even if she can’t teach them.”

“Yes. Then I shall. I’ll be borrowing these two for the lesson.”

“No. Not just for the lesson.” I said. “I’m giving those two to you.”

“... are you sure? I already have four monsters.”

“Take good care of them.”

“Thank you, Brian.”

Now, I know there is one big question you want to ask. Why am I not using the Pyro Clock of Destiny? I actually asked that from Laura myself.


Well, I can’t. … I can, but I shouldn’t. While it can counter level up sickness, evolution is slightly different. Her body is doing more than just adjusting to its new power. It is changing on a fundamental level. And skipping that could have dire consequences, so we have no choice but to wait. But I don’t mind. Lua took care of me when I was sick, so I’ll do the same for her. Even if I use my monsters as a subsidiary, instead of doing it directly.

Well, it counts. I think.

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