Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.190 A sick day

CH.190 A sick day

“Mr. Brain. Wake up please.” I woke up to someone slightly shaking me.

I opened my eyes. The room was dimly lit by a lantern, which had been placed on my bedside table. The lantern didn’t have a candle, but a small magic stone. It still looked like a classic lantern, like the ones with the oil basin and a small wick that you light on fire, instead of the more modern LED lanterns.

The person waking me up was one of the maids of this manor. I don’t really know them, but I think she is one of the maids that usually come to wake Ria up. Usually… More like I saw her doing it once.

“... good morning.” I greeted her. “What’s up?” I asked that as usually the maids don’t wake me up. They only wake Ria up and then Ria would wake me after she has had her breakfast. Even if it isn’t actually her waking me up, but instead pulling me to this world from the factory.

“Rhianna seems to be running a fever, so I thought I should wake you up as well.” The maid said.


I quickly sat up on the bed and flicked on the light. … no. You don’t flick on the lights in this world. You just pass a bit of mana into the control panel and the lights go on. It’s much closer to a touch panel than a classic light switch. 

It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, considering that I just switched on all the lights in the room. After my vision adjusted, I looked towards the bedding that Ria was sleeping on. Well, she wasn’t actually asleep anymore.

“...good morning…” She said quietly.

“Morning.” I said back.

The usually pale Ria was quite red. She definitely looked like she was running a fever. 

I placed my hand on her forehead and it was warm. Not hot, but just warm. But considering that dhampir's body temp is just a bit lower than a human normally, this might be a more intense fever than this would lead me to think.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“... hot. But also cold.” She answered.

“I see…” So classic sickness symptoms. Perhaps she is just sick. 

(Laura, you there?)

(In the factory with Maria. She has better information on dhampirs, considering her host, so I’m talking with her about the potential cause.) Laura answered. Her voice seemed a bit faster than usual. Like someone had ramped up the replay speed in a video. I guess the time dilation between this world and the factory will do that.

(Okay. Here again. Let’s check her out.) Laura said. I didn’t actually feel a difference, but I heard it. Her voice was back to its usual speed.

(What do you need me to do?)

(Just put one of your hands on her forehead and the other on her stomach. We’ll pass some mana through her.)


“Ria, I’ll examine you quickly. I’ll have to clear the blanket and your nightgown for that.” I warned her.

“... mhm…” She said something that sounded like permission.

I placed my hands on her like Laura instructed and let Laura take full control of my mana. I still felt it move, but I didn’t try to restrict its movement at all.

(At least it doesn’t seem to be any of the major illnesses that Maria warned me about.) Laura said.

(Well, that’s good. Any ideas what it is?)

(A few. Open her status for me.)

I did as instructed and immediately spotted the outlier. 


She had a new Racial skill. Vampiric Body Modification. I clicked on it to open up a description of the skill.

Vampiric Body Modification (Racial)
A skill that can only be gained by someone that has learned True Blood Magic. Allows them to alter their body, making it an even mightier weapon.

(Is that the cause?) I asked Laura.

(Most likely. It could be that combined with another sickness. But as you don’t have the skills to perform a magic scan, it is impossible for me to tell.) Laura answered.

(So level up sickness combined with another possible sickness.)

(Yes. We should summon a monster to examine her.)

(Or just rely on others for this.) I said as I took a look at the maid.

“She has at least some level up sickness, but she might have something else on top of that.” I told the maid. “Would it be possible to call for a doctor for her?”

“Ah. Yes. I shall go and ask about it.” The maid said before she scurried out of the room.

“Just rest for now.” I said to Ria. “If it really is just level up sickness because of that new skill, it should pass by tomorrow.”

“... yes.”

“Do you need anything?” 

“...some blood…”

“Sure. Where did you set your flask?”

“... some of your blood. if you will…”

Wh.. what? She… I guess I can understand why, but still. Mine? … fine. She is sick and all. And just a bit of blood won’t make a difference.

“Sure. You can take some of mine.” I agreed.

I gave her my left hand and she guided it to her mouth. She took both my index and middle finger in, before I felt a light prick in both. 

And then, she sucked. … god that sounded wrong. She was gentle and slow, like she was trying to savor every drop. I let her go for a bit, before I told her that was enough. I could have given more, but she might ask for more later, so I don’t want to give too much from the start. And I can only give so much blood per day. And it takes a long time to make new red blood cells. That is why you can only donate blood so often.

After I pulled my fingers out of her mouth, I could just barely see the little spots where she had pierced my skin, but it quickly healed. I don’t know if that is my natural healing, or some sort of dhampir power. I think the effect is usually caused by blood magic, but as Ria is in that state, I’m not sure.

The blood did seem to help Ria, as some of her reddening went down after that. I think usually it would be a bad thing, but she is usually pale, so going back to that should be better than staying flushed red like she is.

I had to go have breakfast before the doctor came, so I did that. I did inform everyone that Ria was sick, so I wouldn’t be going anywhere today, but as I had no plans in the first place, that works out just fine.

It was pretty soon after breakfast that the doctor arrived. This honestly might be a waste, but I just want to make sure. And I have the money to pay for it, so why not?

“May I see her status?” He asked after his first few tests.

“Sorry, but I’d prefer not to show it.” I answered. While Ria has less secrets in her status than I do, she has been collecting some. Mainly her racial skills. Card Summoner is also somewhat of a secret, but there is a chance that it will be more common in the future, depending on how many will actually get it from the dungeon. “But if you want to ask questions about it, I’ll answer.”

“Then, what level is she and has she learned any new skills recently?” The doctor asked.

“She is level 50 and she has.” I confirmed.

“Level 50 you say? I see. That might be it…”

After a few more tests and a magic scan, the doctor told me his conclusion.

“She does have a cold. It is nothing major, but it has most likely combined with level up sickness to cause the results we see.” He said. “I’ll cure the cold, but she will still need a full day of bedrest, so don’t make her work today.”

“Of course I won’t.”

“Now then. Stay quiet for this, please.” He said before he began a chant. “Light, oh the one that brings us life, relieve this child of her ailments, Light Remedy.”

His chant was a bit longer than usual. I think they are usually just one phrase, whereas his was two. Maybe it isn’t as optimized as it isn’t a combat spell. Or maybe healing magic has longer chants. Maybe both. There might just be no need to optimize and shorten the chant for something you don’t use outside of battle.

The spell caused a small light to envelope Ria. I took another look at her status after the light vanished and her HP had returned to full, so it must have worked.

I thanked the doctor for his time and paid for his services. He said it was unnecessary, as the Sawyer family would pay the bill, but I said as I’m not a direct member of the family, just a guest, so I would pay it myself. The bill totaled 2 large silvers for the home visit and another 6 small silvers for the treatment. Again, cheaper than I expected. I ended up just giving him a gold coin and told him to keep it, as I just didn’t feel like getting the exact change. And having a doctor on your good side should be a good thing.

As Ria had been ordered into bed rest for the day, I also didn’t leave the house. I spent the day doing different things, like raiding the library of the house, with permission of course.

I didn’t have time to read that many books, so what I ended up doing is analyzing them, and recreating a copy inside Different Dimension Factory. As the factory had no production cost for anything made inside of it, there were no issues. Laura then used my token factory, also known as the ten Royal Magical Libraries, to store all of those books, so I could read them in the factory later.


From skimming the books, I did learn some interesting things. One was the mystery of the first Hero, who took down the demon lord. For some reason, the hero had no name in any of the books, even though his two companions, the Great Sage Arcadia and the First Saint Lucia both had their names written in multiple books.

… Lucia. I wonder. Is that why she insists on shortening her name to Lua? She doesn’t like being named after the first saint? 

Besides the library raid, I also spent plenty of time in the factory. Magic practice with Cosmo Queen, making a plan on how to sort the ten libraries with Tahlia and taking part in a swordsmanship tournament with Fantasia. I lost the first match to Neo the Magic Swordsman, by the way. Fantasia on the other hand was going strong, until she had to fight Silent Swordsman LV7. But part of that is because her other opponents were quite weak. Swordsman of Landstar, M-Warrior #2 and Kagemusha of the Blue Flame.


The finals of the tournament ended up being a fight between two Black Luster Soldiers, the ritual and the Envoy. The winner ended up being the ritual one, not because he was better, but because Envoy cheated and used his effect to banish his ritual version. And as any magic, other than self boosting magic, was against the rules, the ritual form was declared the winner. Even if I had to use Dimension Fusion to pull the ritual back to the factory from its banishment.


I did also meet Lua in the factory. I told her about both Ria being sick and her new skill. At first she was worried for Ria, but after I told her what the doctor said, she calmed down and turned her interest towards the new skill. I did explain the information the system gave me about it, but as we don’t know the exact condition where you might learn it, that doesn’t really help.

Also, as I never said it in the morning, I guess now is as good a time as any. Laura did fully complete for me last night. 

I had most of it already, but having all of the different XYZ-Dragon Cannon fusions will help a lot in boosting the number of fusion monsters I can summon when I actually end up having my fusion summoning party.

Alice, who had gone off to the adventurer’s guild with a knight as her guard, came back with one completed quest. It was just a simple collection quest for some sort of herbal plant, which was used in some potions. She also had a certificate for slaying goblins. Apparently, she had been able to take down the goblins without Threatening Roar activating, so I was quite impressed. But even still as that isn’t a quest, that isn’t doesn’t net her a second card. 

For her reward, Alice asked for a copy of Pitch-Black Power Stone, so I gave her one. I guess this also brings up the concept of using Spell Counters as a mana source, so I might as well mention this. A spell counter is 1000 mana, not an automatic full heal on mana like it appeared to be last time. But as Alice only had just over a thousand mana, it is basically a full heal for her. That also means that Mega Ton Magical Cannon should take 10 000 mana.


In the evening, I leveled up myself. Ria was going to sit today out, as she did have mild level up sickness. 

I was still on that Inventory grind. Don’t worry Tahlia. You will be level 10 soon, and then I’ll transform you into a unique skill.


After that, I let Ria have another go at my blood. Just a bit again. Let’s hope that is enough to make her better by tomorrow.

Good night for now.

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