Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.180 Tea time with Christina

CH.180 Tea time with Christina

“You sure? It’s no problem.” I asked Diamond Sword after they refused my offer for a ride back to Alewatch. 

We had gone through the rest of the challenge rooms in the dungeon on our way up. As I had to unsummon Sorcerer of Dark Magic because of the time limit, the rest of the rooms were tested by Deepsea Warrior (still summoned by Jack) and Guardian Angel Joan. 

They didn’t really get anything great from them, but Joan did pull twin steel swords, styled after the Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce. But they were not great quality and would likely break with use, according to Rayan. But they were decent decorative items, so they would still sell for a few gold coins by his estimate. But I think I’ll just keep them for myself. Or I’ll add them as a gift for the Earl. They did come from the dungeon, so they should work.

Actually, no. If I’m going to give him a weapon, that weapon should be something that can be used in combat. Maybe I should install Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce into this pair to make it better. Yeah. Let’s do that and then give them as a gift.

For Deepsea Warrior’s drops, he got a bronze rod, not a spear, but just a long rod of bronze. Almost like some bronze bar stock. And an iron dagger. Diamond Sword didn’t really want them, so they gave them to me as a thanks for helping them and keeping them safe from the seventh floor challenge room.

“No. The people working to finish the road expect us back so we can make our way back to Alewatch. They might make a report if we don’t regroup with them.” Jack said.

“But aren’t you like way ahead of schedule? I don’t know, but I’d assume this would have all taken you two days without us, right?”

“Most likely, yes. But as the work was going to be for two days anyway, to get the road finished all the way, us being early won’t make a major difference. We will just take up guard with the other adventurers.”

“They will also surely put my earth magic to use.” Rayan added, almost like he was complaining.

“I see. Well, I guess I’ll see you later then. Not sure when that will be though as we will head back to Sawyer city today.” 

“You are going there today? How? Are you just riding dragons back and forth?”

“No. Not dragons. I would say you’ll see, but I don’t think you actually will.”

“That doesn’t make sense.” Wolf said.

“Brian’s never made any sense.” Kalem commented.

I had managed to pull him to the side during one of our short breaks and he had thanked me for the resurrection, even if I blamed it all on Zayaan. I would have resurrected Rico, as I knew him better, so if I had made the choice, you would be dead. I didn’t actually tell him that part though.

“B.E.S. Big Core.” I summoned our ride and had it activate the teleportation beam.

“What is that? Where is it coming from?” Wolf asked.

“As I said, you can’t see it. Well, this is goodbye for now. Or maybe see you later.” I said as I ordered the activation of the beam and the three of us were teleported into the spaceship.

“Teleportation magic?” Rayan wondered.

“Had to be. But that beam of light? What was that?” Laith questioned.

“He is most likely borrowing the Goddess’ power. That would explain being able to teleport and the light beam.” Jack answered his team, based on the knowledge that Brian in fact held the legendary System Support.

“I guess that would also explain the angel.” Wolf said.

“And that sorcerer. The sorcerer even attacked with something he called celestial flames.” Laith added.

I flew B.E.S. Big Core and left it hovering over Alewatch. We then went back to the teleporter and teleported right to the front door of the Watchman manor. We aren’t ‘officially’ here, so I’m not going to explain this all to the guards. Also, technically I’m breaking the rules of Ria’s temporary citizenship. She is under probation and shouldn’t enter any city or town except Sawyer city.

“Can’t we just go back?” Alice asked.

“Sorry, but Christina said we should drop by since we are here. She would likely be very disappointed if we didn’t.”

“How does she even know?” 

“She spotted us in the dungeon. At that point, our choices were to either drop by or face her wrath when we met for the next time. And what is the matter? Aren’t you happy to see her?”

“I am, but … I’m just afraid of things going back to how they were.”

“Well, they won’t. I promise.”

I took her hand and we walked into the manor. Also, I did unsummon B.E.S. instead of leaving it floating in the sky.

“Eh? Sir Brian? Miss Alice!? What are you doing here?” Jenna was the first one we managed to run into.

“Christina asked us to drop by so we are here. Can you go tell her that we’ve arrived?” I responded.

“Eh. Yes! Right away.” Jenna said, giving us a light bow before hurrying somewhere.

“... perhaps I should have asked her to seat us first…“ I muttered.

“Well, this is my home. I do know the way.” Alice said and pulled me by my hand that was still in hers.

She took us to the parlor room and we sat down to wait for Christina. Ria, out of respect or something, didn’t sit down but was instead standing behind the couch we were sitting on.

“Alice! It is so good to see you!” Was Christina’s reaction when she reached the room.

“m.. mother. Brian is here. Please don’t hug me like this.” Alice said, trying to get out of the bear hug that Christina had taken her into.

“Yes, yes. Of course. Brian. Thank you for coming for a visit on short notice.” She said to me without letting go of Alice.

“Well, it is basically on the way.” I said.

Christina sat down with us and the maids brought us some tea and cookies. She also ordered Ria to take a seat after she heard her story, so Ria was sitting with us. She wasn’t drinking the tea offered, but she did enjoy some of the cookies.

“I still have to ask, how did you get past our gate guards, without them giving the notice?” Christina asked.

Okay, so that is the confirmation that there is some sort of device that the guards use to alert the house when a guest has entered the premises. I had theorized that, but I wasn’t completely sure until now.

“We flew.” I answered honestly.

“I didn’t hear anything about any dragons. Or even that flying golem. How did you manage that?”

“Brian has this huge flying ship. And it cannot be seen from the ground.” Alice answered before I could.

“Huge? How large could it be?”

“.... large.” I just said.

“How many passengers can it carry?”

“... ummm… give me a sec.” I thought about the seating on B.E.S. Big Core. The bridge has the main three seats, two gunner seats, one shield officer’s seat, one secondary navigator’s seat and I think two communicator’s seats. So that is nine. Then there is the space to the rear. It isn’t that large, but still more space than my Trojan Horse had. And we fitted 20 people and one horse into that. “I think about 20 people. Even more if we push it.” You could just sit in the corridors after all. But I think with 20 it will be somewhat comfortable and we could even get seats for that many, instead of forcing people to sit on the floor of the storage hold.

“Twenty, huh. And how long does it take to travel from Sawyer city to here?”

“Like 10 minutes, excluding entering and exiting the ship. I could do it even faster, but that would cause some difficulties.” Mainly sonic booms. 

“... that fast? Are you sure you aren’t giving me the wrong time?”

“Alice, am I?” I asked her.

“Well, I don’t have a pocket watch, so I don’t know, but it didn’t take long.” Alice answered.

Okay, so watches exist. I thought that some kind of more precise timekeeping was a thing, but I wasn’t sure. Probably dungeon stuff right? That seems to be where stuff like that originates from and then people try to copy that later.

Actually, now that I think of it, I have seen table clocks in the study rooms of nobles. Brandon’s room didn’t have one, but I feel like the GM’s office at the guild did. And Earl Sawyer’s room most definitely did. So maybe the table variant is the copy and a pocket watch is from a dungeon. Or they are both from a dungeon. Not that I have to worry about that as Laura can tell me the time.

“Then, would it be possible if I ask you to be our ride when we come to Sawyer city for my father’s birthday celebration?” Christina asked.

Well, now that is a request. Of course I expected that she would come to the party. If you don’t take the two or three day trip to see your father on his 60th birthday, then who will?

“Yeah. I can do that.”

We spent the rest of the tea time talking about the dungeon and what ‘I’ had done to it. I know it was the avatar of Treasury, but Christina doesn’t need to know everything, so I’ll take both the fame and the blame.

“I see. It does sound slightly better. I was honestly a bit worried that we would devalue mithril by having the dungeon give them out, so this should be better. But that Card Summoner can be given as a reward. Did you ask your… Does she know about that?” Christina asked, looking at Ria.

“About Laura, yes. And yes, I asked Laura, but she said she doesn’t know how the dungeon is giving that skill. My own theory is that it has something to do with the dungeon lacking a proper reward to give to those that don’t use a weapon it can create. Ria just fights with her fists and Jack has that huge sword. The dungeon doesn’t have anything to give in those two cases.”

“I could see that being true.” Christina agreed.

“But at the same time, when Laith challenged one of the rooms, he got a mithril dagger instead of a staff, even though he is a magician.”

“Plenty of magician’s carry daggers or knives for self protection. He might have already had one, even if he didn’t use it in the fight.”

“I just… refuse to believe that it would be that. If it was that, Laura should be able to recognize it in the dungeon's rules.”

“Then what do you think?”

“I … I feel like there is some combination of how fast you beat your opponent, the amount of damage you take, the weapon you use and so on. Like, if you are too strong, you won’t get it. But if you are too weak, you also won’t get it. But that there is some sort of sweet spot where you can.”

“Sure. That could be the reason and as you have access to more information than I do, let’s go with that assumption for now.”

“Yeah. Can you see if you can keep a track of people that get Card Summoner? As well as how they got it?”

“We can’t force people to show us their status, except for very specific circumstances, so I don’t know how we would do that.”

Yeah, privacy and stuff. How to get around that? I guess we need to get people to report about getting it themself. So money? Pay something whenever someone new gets Card Summoner and makes a report about it?

(I think you are missing the obvious answer staring you in the face.) Laura said. (Just offer a toploader card as a reward. The skill is useless without a card anyway and with the pack tokens not being a problem, we can share some. You even did it with Jack already.)

(… okay. Thanks, Laura. Now I just feel stupid. But yeah. That would work.)

“How about I offer a card for each person that reports and proves that they got Card Summoner? That way, they won’t have to if they don’t want to, but they won’t be able to use the skill if they don’t.”

“Would you really do that? And what power of monsters are we talking about? If they are too strong, it could cause major security problems.”

“Around the 1500 attack mark, I think. So about as strong as your Amazoness Warrior.”

“Will it be a problem for you? Do you have enough cards for that?” Christina asked.

“I can manage, as long as I only give one card per new Card Summoner. Can I leave talking with Zay to you? I’ll prepare the cards and give them to you if he agrees to it.”

“Yes. I shall fulfill my duties as your Dungeon Master.”

Honestly, I could give more, but again, no need to give out like 20 cards for something like that. And getting one will hopefully be enough for most people to report about it. And if they are in toploaders, the monsters won’t even die when they die, they just refresh for a day.

Also, as a 1500 attack monster seems to be around the power level of a C-rank monster, they can definitely be useful, even for parties like Diamond Sword. Sure most of them can beat a 1500 monster in battle, but having an extra body available, and one that you can sacrifice at that, is useful.

“Are you sure I can’t have you stay?” Christina asked as she was seeing us off.

“If we did, your father and the rest living in that house might get worried. We did say we would be back in time for dinner after all.” I answered.

“Would it be a bother to come visit every now and then?” She then asked.

“No, no it wouldn’t. But now and then isn’t every day, you know.”

“Yes, I know that much. But maybe once a week?”

“I’ll see what we can do.”

I summoned our ship and we stepped into the light beam to teleport to it. 

A short flight later, we were back at the Sawyer manor. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing, as tomorrow we would head out to get some blood. Ria will run out otherwise and we do have the barrels to fill as well. Good thing the barrels do have the enchantment to keep the blood fresh for longer, so one day here or there won’t matter. I also filled in the information I needed for the Ria documents. You know, the ones I need to fill up for her to be deemed stable. Well, it is basically a diary. Had to lie a bit into it as I shouldn’t take her to other guarded cities or towns, like Alewatch.

During dinner, I had to explain the teleportation beam, because someone had spotted us both leaving and coming back. I tried to go around most of the problems with just saying that I summoned something for it, but that didn’t satisfy everyone. In the end, I gave in and let Alice just blab about B.E.S. Big Core, like it was her boyfriend's new car that she wanted to show off.

After dinner was bath time and it also doubled as time for magic practice. For Ria, it was practicing True Blood Magic with Vampire Sucker. Apparently, the vampires in my factory had some sort of competition about who would get to teach her, and she had gotten first place, so she was first.

I, on the other hand, had began my practice into space magic with Cosmo Queen. Apparently, she didn’t actually use space-time magic, but just space magic and its upgraded form, dimensional magic. But I would have to learn space magic first.

Admittedly, it was not easy. Even with a teacher skilled in the subject and my Laura hacks, understanding everything was far from something that could be learned in one day. And Laura wasn’t as effective as she could be, as she didn’t have access to the system information about space magic, until I either had the skill, or she upgraded to advanced.

I couldn’t even install a card into myself to speed up the process, as any install at the moment would just kill me. Curse you, my custom card installs. No, actually no. I love you, so no. I don’t want to curse you.

I used two Level Ups on both of us, before we headed to bed. For me, it was Summoner’s Unity today. I was thinking of telekinesis, but I think Unity might be better in the long run. Tomorrow shall be Telekinesis.

For Ria, I leveled up Flicker Step. She used it in the fight against the skeletal wolves and it seemed really useful for her. And it is her lowest level skill, so that is going to be it.

Name: Brian Wood
Race: Human !
Level: 52
HP: 1510
Mana: 2050
Strength: 395
Defense: 595
Magic: 515
Pack Opener LV.4 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.2 (unique)
Telekinesis LV.2 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.3 (extra)
Inventory LV.3 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Mana Control LV.5
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Language Comprehension (humanoid)
Slave Master
Slaves: Rhianna
Name: Rhianna
Race: Dhampir
Level: 44
HP: 1130
Mana: 1180
Strength: 730
Defense: 490
Magic: 660
Blood Magic LV.4 (Racial)
Card Summoner LV.1 (extra)
Fire Magic LV.3
Mana Control LV.3
Fast Mana Recovery LV.1
Internal Magic Technique LV.5
Unarmed Combat Technique LV.4
Flickering Step LV.2
Power Boost LV.4
Defense Boost LV.2
Blood Sucker (Racial)
Slave. Master: Brian Wood

Over 2k mana huh. Not that I use mana for anything but telekinesis, but I guess it is nice to have. The difference in my and Ria’s status is interesting. I have way more HP and mana than she does, but she has overall better stats in everything else. Well, technically I do have more defense than she does, but she has way more strength that I do.

Now, just one last thing before I can go to bed. I did promise and I intend to keep that promise. 

I closed my eyes, acting like I was going to sleep and jumped into Different Dimension Factory.

“Papa!” And one of the two that I wanted to see was waiting for me as soon as I realized in the factory. Factory was wearing a similar onesie to her sister, but hers was orange and black, making her look like a tiger.

“Father. I’m happy to see you.” The other one was here as well. 

We were all standing on the raised platform on one end of the factory hallway, opposite to the tower room. It was off limits for any monster, only Treasury, Factory, Laura and myself were allowed here. I don’t know where Mia falls, but as she could influence my skills here, I hope Laura banned her from this area as well.

Treasury had been sitting on a good looking computer chair, in front of a pile of monitors that she used to control my Dungeon Founder skill. So this is her command spot. Factory on the other hand had been sitting on a large couch behind her. She looked like a little sister watching her big sister work.

There was also another station like the one Treasury was sitting at, which had the security camera footage from inside the factory on the monitors. 

“Papa! Did you decide on my name?” Factory asked.

“Of course I did. I promised I would.” I told her.

“Tell me! Tell me!”

“Sorry, but your sister will get hers first.” I said, taking Factory’s hand and walking up to Treasury. “Treasury, I have your name ready. Do you want to hear it?”

“Of course. It is an honor receiving a name from you, Father.”

“You know you could learn to be a bit less stiff. But I guess that is just you. Your name is Tahlia. I hope you like it.”

Tahlia was actually the one I had more difficulty with. Her sister's name was easy, but for her it took a bit longer. If I had access to the internet, I would have looked up names that mean treasure or keeper of treasure, but I don’t so her name ended up being Tahlia. Yeah, I have access to them, but I didn’t find one I liked, so I just went with my gut.

“Tahlia? Yes. Thank you, Father. From now on, I’ll be known as Tahlia.” 

“Papa! My name. Tell me.” Factory said, pulling my hand.

“Of course. Your name shall be Fantasia.” 


“Yes. Fantasia. It means imagination. Do you like it?”

“... I love it! Thank you, Papa!” Fantasia caused the ground below her feet to rise up, so that she could hug me. 

I received her hug and held her to my chest.

“And Tahlia, you did great with Dungeon Founder. I’m proud of you.” I complimented my other daughter.

“Th-thank you.” She blushed a bit. That might have been the first time she has shown emotion on her face. She is usually so robotic.

I spent a bit more time with the two of them before returning to the real world so that I could go to sleep.

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