Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.171 Mystik Wok and Ria’s first test

CH.171 Mystik Wok and Ria’s first test

“I don’t mind, but as I said last time, there are no cooking tools here.” Agatha said after I offered to put some food on the table.

“And who said I needed them?” I asked. “I have my own way of cooking.” Assuming it works. “Do you think they will be ok with fish?”

“Fish? Would you really cook something like that? Fish gets expensive quickly.”

“Don’t worry. I didn’t exactly buy it.”

“Did you go fishing?”

“Well, give a man a fish and he will eat once, but teach a man to fish and he will eat forever. … Okay, that made no sense in this context. Anyway. Don’t worry about the cost. I got it covered.”

“And why fish when you can just hunt down a beast?”

“... good point. I guess because you prefer fish? Anyway, how did things go with the blood pudding? I heard you made some.”

“Well, you can take a look. It is on the table.” Agatha said as she pointed at a few ceramic trays that were filled with black … stuff. Yeah, not exactly what I had in mind, but for a prototype, it might work.

“Did you taste it?” 

“Yes. It is … better than some other things, but I wouldn’t call it good.”

“I guess I’ll give it a taste later as well. First though, I’ll test this thing out.” I pulled out two cards. “I activate Mystik Wok and I tribute Terrorking Salmon for it.”


First, a huge wok pan appeared and above it, my giant fish. And when I say giant, I meant it. This thing is big. Probably 8 meters in length. A freaking dragon sized fish.

“Er? Mr. Brian? What is that? Is it alive?” Agatha asked.

“A fish. A big fish. And I think that pan is about to cook it.” I said.

I looked as a knife appeared. And calling it a knife might be an understatement. That thing was basically a sword. It sliced the fish into nice clean filets, while also extracting all of the roe from the fish. Doesn’t roe make caviar? Like you clean and salt roe and that is caviar? Or am I completely wrong? 

Anyway, as the non edible parts were being cut from the fish, they would just disappear, so I can’t have easy access to fishbones with this. I’m not sure what they could be used for, but I think there are uses for them. I know shark bones, well they aren't technically bones but some other stuff, were used to make corsets, but I have no clue about fish bones. Sure they can be used for soup stock, but other than that, I have no clue.

As the spell didn’t have any place to place the roe, the roe just ended up dropping onto the table and some of the fish eggs burst open before they disappeared, like the other non edible parts did. I guess I won’t be making any caviar from this batch. I need to make some cooking tools first, then I can really make caviar. And if it comes out well, that is another gift I can give to nobles. But then again, I think caviar was a delicacy because it was difficult to obtain, not because it tastes great. Or maybe it does taste great. Terrorking Salmon does say “Its roe is the best delicacy in the World of Darkness.” so it might be amazing.

As the wok pan got to work cooking the fish that had been cut into more manageable pieces, I asked dhampirs to bring a board or anything that I could place the finished fish on. Luckily, they made it in time and some … not so food grade boards were brought in and the cooked fish was now resting on top of them.

“... so, does anyone want to test out some fish?”

“It’s yummy!” The first brave, well after I took a bite, was Anika. This girl really isn’t afraid of anything.

And I do have to agree with her. Other than losing the roe because I had no idea what I was doing, this is a huge success. The dhampirs did enjoy the black pudding Agatha brought, but for me, the fish was easily the better dish.

Next time, I’ll be sure to have a container for the roe so I can catch it. And I’ll also have to check my collection for all other monsters I can possibly cook. Maybe just cook up Big Koala and eat that. … yeah. I’d need an army to eat something that big.

The fish itself had a flavor I would compare to a swordfish. At least that is the closest thing I’ve ever tasted before. But this was slightly more … filling. And as an added bonus, it would heal you when you ate it. Thank you Mystik Wok. The crackers from Emergency Provisions are still better for healing per amount eaten, but that is because there is no way you could eat the entire fish by yourself. And I guess you could also combine both. Get some Emergency Provisions crackers and top it off with some Leogun meat cooked with the Mystik Wok.


Our meal came to an end when everyone had stuffed themselves to the point of almost bursting. But as I didn’t want the meal to go to waste, I ended up summoning a few of my monsters to partake in the leftovers. Well, a few might be putting it lightly, considering that I ended up summoning 10 vampires in total. Not at the same time, but 7 first and the other three after them. Why vampires you might ask? Well, that is because the village elder asked if I could summon my vampire to join us. And after I summoned Cain, he asked that I summon all of the others as well.

I also loved how confused Anika and Kody got when they saw Vampire Fascinator sitting next to Lua. I know those two look similar, but it isn’t bad enough where you have to look back and forth to figure out who is who.

And I made sure to ask the villagers if it would be fine if I brought a friend over next time I came here. Obviously, said friend would be Alice. Rosemary immediately gave the permission and as no one said no, I had now gotten permission for Alice to come here.

“Overdrive.” After the meal, I unsummoned the vampires that were still summoned, just hanging out with the villagers, before I summoned our ride. As said, we couldn’t fly Gradius, as it cannot fit three people, so we were on the ground.

“Don’t worry even if you fail. We will always accept you back here.” Rosemary said to Ria. I’m not sure if that is encouragement or just making fun of her.

“Big sis Ria. I’ll miss you.” Anika said.

“I’ll come visit when I can.” Ria said to her.

After a bit more of similar good byes, Agatha reminded us that we had a schedule to keep so we had to be off. I could have made up a bit of time by racing Overdrive at faster speeds, but even with the 7 Completed and Machine Conversion Factory installed into my Overdrive, it does get uncomfortable at high speeds. And I don’t want to make Ria hate Overdrive immediately, as it is my best non-flying movement option. Perhaps I should just install more copies of 7 Completed or Machine Conversion Factory into it and hope that it gets even better.

The trip back to Sawyer city went about as well as you would assume. Nothing happened. Not that I would expect any monsters to attack a steel carriage. What would they gain from it? And Overdrive is also decently fast, so it would have to be a fast monster or it wouldn’t be able to catch us.

The ‘problems’ began when we pulled up to the gate. And they aren’t really problems, but something that Agatha had warned us would happen.

As we showed our cards, Agatha also gave them a paper that was for Ria. Because of it, we were requested to immediately follow one of the guards. He took us to a building not too far from the gate that looked like a guard station.

“In here, please. Make sure to keep that dhampir under control.” The guard said after I parked Overdrive. 

We got out and I unsummoned it, getting some looks from him, but I don’t care. For insurance purposes, when I put Overdrive into the collection, I got out a Spellbinding Circle, just so I would have one on hand. I should set one copy on Ria with the condition to bind her if she does something stupid. Or you know, if she goes into a blood frenzy. I don’t think it is actually possible, but better safe than sorry. Well, most of the I’m just sorry after I do something stupid, but I can learn. … or not. Everyone else can learn to accept that flying around on a 20 meter dragon is normal. Because it is. If everyone had a dragon, everyone would do it. Expect those that have a fear of heights. 

“The dhampir and the one responsible go there.” The guard that was guiding us said, pointing at a prison cell. Well, not exactly. It was more like a temporary holding cell, you know, for temporary holding or maybe while interrogating them. Not one of those that you would keep someone in for a long time. The cell had a bench so Ria and I took a seat on it. “Wait there. The captain will be here soon.” The guard said before leaving the room.

It was now just the three of us. Ria and I inside the cell and Agatha outside, sitting on a chair that was there for her.

“Nervous?” I asked Ria.

“No, not really. This isn’t my first time.”

“Well, at least it will be your last, won’t it?”

“Yes. I know I can do it now.”

“Good, I…” I was about to say I trust her, but the door to the room opened and a few people walked in. One of them, I knew.

“I am Mateo Garner, the knight commander of Sawyer city.” He introduced himself. I, of course, already knew that as I have been eating dinner with him for a few days. Then he took a look around the room and spotted me. “Brian? What are you doing here?”

“Good afternoon, Lord Garner. I’m going to be the one responsible for Rhianna while she gets deemed stable. That is why I’m here.” I explained. I had never actually called him Lord Garner before, as I quickly got permission to call him by his first name when we had dined together, but this is a different setting. He had a knight and a scrivener with him, so I didn’t want to seem rude.

And I know what you might be asking, what is the difference between a guard and a knight? Well, a knight wears metal armor while the guards have leather or composite armor. They just look a bit different. A guard can evolve into a knight by just changing equipment.

“Hmm. I see. And you just had to pick the most difficult of them, didn’t you?”

“I trust that Ria can make it and you should know why.”

“Well, if what you reported is true. But we will find out.”

Mateo quietly spoke to the two that had come in with him, before sitting down on a chair. The knight then began asking questions while the scrivener was writing everything down.

“Controller, what is your name?” The knight asked, looking at me.

“Brian Wood.” I answered with my full name, as this was an official thing.

Both the scrivener and the knight stopped for a second after I said that. They then looked at Mateo for confirmation. He nodded lightly, confirming that I was in fact a noble. At least I think so. And again, technically I’m not one, yet.

I also felt Ria take a hold of my hand, so I took a quick peek at her. I wanted to say something, but this wasn’t the time or place. I guess I really should speak about these things before we are in the thick of things.

“Dhampir, what is your name?”

“R… Rhianna.” Ria answered that one. Her voice wavered a bit. I guess she actually is nervous.

This then began a barrage of personal questions about Ria, including things like when she last had blood, when did she last go into a blood frenzy and does she have an available blood supply while in the city. I actually got a bit worried about that last part, as I hadn’t thought about it at all, but Ria said she would get some from Agatha, so we had nothing to worry about.

I should still get her a magic flask. Also, I wonder if my inventory can take fluids into it? I could just shove massive amounts of blood into there if it can. And if Laura solves the potential problems with the Time Seal install, the blood won’t even go bad.

I might even be able to use Mystik Wok to get some blood from the monsters I tribute for it. … Actually, that won’t work. There was no blood when Terrorking Salmon got butchered. Like the blood had been drained from it earlier. Or maybe that is because Terrorking Salmon is a fish. Or because I didn’t want the blood, but I did want the rye. No clue.

After the questionnaire, we moved into the important stuff. This is where it will be decided if Ria gets to actually stay, or if she gets escorted right back to the village.

The knight that had been questioning her entered the cage with us and the door was locked behind him. He then got out a small lidded container, placed it on the ground, opened it and took a few steps back. The blood that was contained in it was now out for Ria to see.

This was the main part of the test. There are a few things that could happen. The first was that Ria goes for the blood and drinks it. If this happens, it is my job to either stop her before she reaches it, or pry her off if she does reach it.

The second possibility would be Ria going into a blood frenzy and attacking either the knight or myself. In this case, the knight would help me subdue her and she would win her one way ticket back to the village.

The third, and the most optimal, outcome would be that Ria does nothing and just sits next to me. And to surprising no one, well, it did actually surprise the knight and the scrivener, even Mateo seemed to expect Ria to do something, but she just calmly sat next to me. Even when the knight picked up the blood and brought it right up to Ria, she stayed calm and didn’t move. I don’t know how difficult it actually is, but it might be challenging even without the curse. Maybe I could use DNA Surgery and turn myself into a dhampir and try it out. Or would it have to be a vampire, as there are no dhampirs in Yugioh. No, actually I think there was one. A vampire XYZ monster that was a dhampir. Well, anyway.

(Do you want me to look into it?) Laura asked.

(Sure, if you have the time. But it isn’t a high priority. Find out first how we can replace Agatha’s arm.) I answered.

(As you wish.)

“No reaction, huh.” Mateo said after a few moments. “Marcus, do it.” He commanded the knight.

… do what? Agatha didn’t tell us there would be more. The next part should have been me showing that I can hold Ria down even if she struggles. 

Instead, the knight removed the gauntlet on his left arm, before he took out a knife and made a small cut into his left wrist. It wasn’t too large, but it was clearly bleeding and he was showing it to Ria.

I took the Spellbinding Circle that I had stored in my pocket temporarily into my hand, just in case, before I took a look at how Ria was handling the new stimulus. But she looked fine. Like the blood in front of her was nothing. I also took a look at Agatha and she had gotten up from the chair that she had been sitting on this far. So even she didn’t know this part was coming.

About 30 seconds after the knight had made the cut, Mateo spoke again. “That’s enough. You can come out and heal yourself.” 

The knight did as instructed, using light magic, based on the chant, to heal himself, before picking up his gauntlet and walking to the door. There, the scrivener opened the door for the knight and let him outside.

“Now then, Brian, I need you to show that you can bring the dhampir under your control even if she resists. Rhianna, you need to resist him with all of your power, do you both understand?” Mateo asked.

“Yes.” I answered.

“Yes.” Ria repeated after me.

“Good.” Mateo said. “Brian, hold her down now.”

I got up and held the trap card that was already in my hand firmly.

“Ria, remember that this held you down when you were in a frenzy, don’t hold back at all and struggle as much as you can.” I reminded her that I had held her back before.

I saw her nod lightly, so I activated the card.

“Spellbinding Circle.”


Like last time, the magic circle appeared around the midsection of her body and made sure she couldn’t escape from it. I then used it to raise her up from the bench she had been sitting on, just to prove to the people looking at us that I could, while Ria seemed to be flailing around. Not that it really mattered. If she couldn’t escape while in a frenzy, I don’t think she can now.

“... how long can you keep her like that?” Mateo asked.

“With one cast, two hours. Then I can just cast the spell again if necessary.” I answered.

“That long? With a quick cast spell?” The knight seemed to doubt my words, not that I really blame him. Sure for him it looks like I just quick casted a spell, but for me, I just activated a card.

“I see. Thank you. You can let her go now.” Mateo said.

I did as ordered. Well, first I lowered Ria so that her feet were on the ground, so she wouldn't fall when she regained full control.

After I did, Mateo ordered the scrivener: “Write her permission papers. She has passed the first test.”

And with that, Ria could walk freely around the city. Well, as long as I was with her.

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