Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.166 Catching up with Alice and upgrading my Duel Disk

CH.166 Catching up with Alice and upgrading my Duel Disk

“Brian!” Alice excitedly called for me as she saw me. “You came back already.”

“Hi, Alice, Paulina. Yeah. I’m back.” I greeted the duo.

“Brian. It is good to see that you are fine. Did everything go fine in the dhampir village? No one sucked your blood hopefully.” Paulina said.

“Well, there was an attempt, but I dealt with it.” I said. 

“Of course you would. When did you come back?” Paulina asked.

“Well, I left the village in the morning, dropped off Agatha, went into a certain shop and put in an order for some new equipment and then got here a bit before lunch.” I recapped my day to them. “What about you two? Where have you been?”

“Here. Look at this.” Alice said as she handed me two papers. She then dug a little in her magic fanny pack before handing me a third.

I looked over the papers and they were quest completion forms from the adventurer’s guild.

Two were for some sort of plant collecting, probably some sort of herbs or something. One was for hunting down goblins.

“You did some missions, huh.” I commented.

“Yes. I had to earn the cards you gave me, right? So I went to the guild with Paulina. Sure I only got three, not four, but I’m working on it.” Alice said.


“I see. Well, three quests in two days is good in my opinion.” I told her, even if these are super simple things, that you could probably do three to five in a day, if you know where to find everything. “And besides, the cards I set on you are for emergency defense. I don’t really consider them ‘yours’ like the others, so you don’t really have to earn them with quests. The same goes for the level ups that I let you borrow.”

“Eh? Does that mean I worked for nothing?” 

“No. Of course not. Honestly, I’m proud that you would go and do quests for those cards. But let’s just say that the three quests you did were enough for the cards I gave you.” 

“... I … yes. Thank you.” Alice agreed.

“By the way, did any of the set cards activate while you were adventuring?” I asked.

“Yes. Two of them.” She said as she got out two cards. Sakuretsu Armor and Threatening Roar. They were still grayed out, so they must have been activated today.

“Did this happen when you were hunting the goblins?” I asked.

“... yes. I let my guard down at first and a goblin tried to shoot me with an arrow. That is when the roar activated. While it did stun all of them for some time, we didn’t quite get all of them and I almost got attacked again. That is when that other card activated.”

“Ah. I see. Well, it happens. What did the card do when it activated?” I asked.

“You don’t know?” Paulina asked.

“Well, not exactly. I know what it should do, but I’ve never activated one myself, so I’m not completely sure.” 

“And you just give something like that to Alice? Shouldn’t you at least test it out first?” Paulina asked.

“Perhaps, but I don’t have unlimited amounts of time, so sometimes I have to just give them to other people without testing them. And that card can only be activated when you are about to be attacked, so I can’t just try it out whenever I want.”

“Just ask another adventurer for help or something.”

“And risk them literally dying? Are you insane? That card should destroy whatever tried to attack you and I’m not about to use something like that on a human. Unless you want to volunteer to be a test subject.” That last part was a joke. Even if she did, I still wouldn’t use a ‘destroy’ effect on her.

“... I see your point … “ 

“Good. Now Alice, after the card activated, what happened?” I asked.

“This demonic looking man appeared and ripped the goblin to pieces. Then it bowed and disappeared. It was honestly a little scary.” 

“... yeah. I can imagine that.”

“Could you perhaps change it for something else?” Alice asked.

“Sure. I’ll look into what I have and give you something tomorrow. But I’ll reset the Threatening Roar now. Give me that one and I’ll set another copy on you.” I said to Alice.


I received Alice’s copy of both Threatening Roar and Sakuretsu Armor and put them both back into the collection. Then I got out a fresh copy of Threatening Roar to set onto Alice.

“Activate when Alice is going to be attacked with intent to harm or kill, set.” I said to set the card. Saying that isn’t strictly necessary, but it does help. Me, not the card. The card should be the same. But that way, I go over the details as I’m setting the card.

“How many of those cards did you have again?” Paulina asked. “You just pull more of them out every time I see you.”

“Don’t ask. You’ll get away with less of a headache.”

“... so it is bad…” She seemingly realized what I meant.

“Yeah.” I admitted. Truthfully, I have 990 unique cards. As in, if you count every copy, even from different sets, as one. If you take the different sets into consideration, the total jumps up to 1235. And if you count all of the copies of all the cards I have … well, I actually have no idea, because my collection doesn’t have a feature to count that. But considering all the copies of some cards that I have, it has to be over 10 000 cards. 

“Brian, will you come to do a quest with me tomorrow?” Alice asked.

“Sorry, but I need to do something else.” 

“Like what?”

“I was going to visit a slave trader.” 

“WHY?! What do you need a slave for?!”

“Alice, don’t raise your voice like that.” Paulina reprimanded Alice.

“It’s not that. It is because I promised to look over a strong-ish dhampir from the village while she gets deemed stable. And in return, she said she would become my slave.” I explained.

“Really? That makes no sense. No one would ever agree to become a slave for that.” Alice complained.

“Alice, how much do you know about slaves?” Paulina asked. “There are different kinds of slaves and most of them are slaves for only a few years, because they fall into slavery due to debt. Once they work away their debt, they are released. This dhampir most likely wants to do something similar. Make a few year contract as payment for watching her as she goes through the process. Isn’t that right, Brian?”

“Yeah. That is what I understood.” I answered, but that was a lie. I didn’t know how slavery works exactly when I agreed to this, but I thought once a slave, always a slave. Unless you are freed by your master. My plan was actually to free Ria after the entire process was done and she was deemed stable. But a temporary slavery works just as well, if not better.

“I see… I guess that is fine then.” Alice said.

During dinner, Alice told everyone about her daily adventures. I could tell that Jonathan was a little jealous of Alice’s adventurers. but at least he didn’t say anything of the sort. I can understand wanting to go out and hunt monsters, but training with my summons is a much better idea. That way, if Jonathan does get hurt, he won’t actually have to worry about being hurt out in the middle of nowhere.

After dinner, I returned to my room. I had two more things I needed to worry about. Well, actually three, depending on how you look at things.

First things first. Hieroglyph Lithograph.


I got two of them from the packs I opened earlier today and I had a thought on how I could use one. And it was actually quite simple. My duel disk. Well, technically it is a dungeon founder’s terminal, but it is effectively a duel disk. If I install Hieroglyph Lithograph into it, it might gain two more monster slots.

I was a bit tempted to test it out in DDF first, but I can’t recreate my duel disk with the dungeon and even the analysis fails, so I would have to make one first. And if everything goes wrong, MST should fix it.


As the installation was happening, I felt a small pulse of mana coming from the duel disk. Nothing crazy, but it clearly showed that the process was happening.

In the end, my duel disk had grown two extra monster zones. Heh. Extra monster zones. I didn’t mean it like that, but truthfully, they look like extra monster zones. My GX era duel disk looked like someone had come in and retrofitted it to the new rules. The two new slots extended outwards from the second and fourth monster slots in my duel disk.


Good. The first thing was successful, now to the second thing.

For the second thing, I needed two toploaders so while I was having dinner, I had sent Laura to open a few packs and make me some. And because we were going for sleeves, not new cards, she opened some LOB. That set just has the most throwaway cards.

And I was about to use five of them. 

“I summon two Skull Servants.” I said as I summoned the first two monsters.


Two human-sized skeletons rose from the cards. They weren’t that far from the skeletons that roam my dungeon, but they did wear cloaks, while the ones in the dungeon are naked. Calling a skeleton naked sounds weird. 

“Sorry you two, but I need you to be the materials for this.” I said. “With my two Skull Servants I build the circuit. I link summon Vampire Sucker.”


“Master! Thank you.” Vampire Sucker jumped onto me and hugged me as soon as I had summoned her.

“Hey, hey, hey. You could at least ask for permission first.” I said as I was trying to push her off. 

“Come on Master. Just a bit longer. I’m not even trying to suck your blood. I just want your warm hug.” She argued.

“Yeah. That’s not much better. Ask first, hug second.” I said as I pushed her away. “Unless you want to never get summoned again.”

“... extortion is not fair…”

“Neither is sexual assault. Now will you control yourself or do I need to unsummon you?”

“I’ll be good!” She instantly responded as she stood up straight, like she was standing in attention.

“Good. I’ll summon the other one then.” I said as I got out four more cards. First of all. “Skull Servant, times three.” My next set of materials came out. “I use my three Skull Servants to build the circuit and link summon Vampire Fascinator.”


“Master. It is a pleasure that you went out of your way to summon me. Might I thank you with some physical affection?” Vampire Fascinator asked after she rose out of her card.

“... er, let’s do it some other time. I still have a little more I need to do before I go to bed. Do you two want to stick around or head into the factory?”

“I want to stay!” Vampire Sucker instantly said.

“I will stay as well, if I’m not in the way.” Vampire Fascinator agreed.

Well, as I said, they can stay, so they shall stay. I have to say, the test was successful. I was able to link summon just fine and my new monster zones work just fine, as I had summoned the two link monsters into them. And I could use both with no extra links or anything. The only thing I didn’t test is if I can summon link monsters into zones that aren’t those two, but I’ll be able to test that out at some point.

The last thing on the agenda. What to do with all of my Upstart Goblins? Or more like where to store all that money? My magic bags need to have space for my daily stuff, so I can’t just shove everything there. They would fill up with gold and silver in a week. Well, the larger could probably hold out for a month or so, but still. I could really use an inventory skill.

(Laura, any ideas?) 

(A few. First is Different Dimension Capsule. It is a storage device that uses different dimensions, like the Item Box skill, so it might work. The other card that might give that skill is Pharaoh's Treasure from Pharaonic Guardian, but you don’t have that at the moment. We could also try to just learn the skill naturally.)


(Yeah, but learning the skill will take a while, even with your help, right?)

(Yes, it will. The last option could be installing Interdimensional Matter Transporter into Different Dimension Factory. That way, we could also activate the Upstart Goblins inside the skill. We could also have Goblin of Greed activate the cards for us.)


(... would that work?)

(We can try. All we will lose is one Ultra Rare card.)

(... sure. But don’t try it during the night. I think you were going to work on Pharaonic Guardian in the night, so If you get Pharaoh's Treasure, which we should, we can combine that with Different Dimension Capsule and that will surely get me the item box skill. And then we can check out if the DDF with Interdimensional Matter Transporter plan works. Or if we can link the item box with DDF and just directly dump the money from the factory into my item box, without having to use the Interdimensional Matter Transporter.)

With that, the plan was made. Now all that was left was to use the Level Ups, go to bed and sleep till morning. I used my skill Level Up on Telekinesis btw.

My vampires were a little disappointed that they didn’t get to do anything, so they spoke me into getting a massage from them. I have to say, it was nice.

I then thanked the two of them, reminded them to head to the factory afterwords and unsummoned them.

Good night.


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