Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.163 Different Dimension Capsule

CH.163 Different Dimension Capsule

I walked with Laura to the big room at the end of the ‘hallway’. It isn’t really a hallway, but more of a hub area. I guess I should just call it the main hub.

Anyway, I wanted to get to the large area for two reasons. One, I was going to use Different Dimension Capsule there. And two, I wanted to make sure Laura didn’t keep the Guardians there for too long. Oh yeah, speaking of the Guardians, and by extension pack tokens, Laura had left me 100 of both normal and reprint tokens. Just in case I want to open some packs.


“Laura, how large was this room again?” I asked.

“I don’t think I told you. It is 3km x 3km or 9km².” Laura told me. 1.86 miles x 3274 yards. 2224 acres or 3.47 square miles. 

“So like ten times larger?” I confirmed.

“11.11 actually.” Laura corrected.

“Oh. Thanks.” Of course I thank Laura for the uselessly precise information. She really is a supercomputer. “So, where should we make the capsule yard?” I asked.

“I think it is a bit early to decide on something like that. This is just a small scale test and we can move to a different place after the test.” Laura said.

“I guess. Then let’s just do it here.” I said.

We were still between the ten Royal Magical Libraries and the door, but I walked a bit off of the path and took out the Different Dimension Capsule card.

“Different Dimension Capsule.” I activated it. 

A system screen appeared to show that the card activated successfully.

Choose a card to add to the Collection
Required time: 0

Okay. So I just pick a card, huh.

I opened the dropdown menu and the list that appeared seemed to go on forever. It had to have over a thousand cards. At least there seems to be a sorting system, so if I want to find something specific, I don’t have to search through over a thousand cards to find it.

I began rolling through the list and it looked like the list had every card from every set I had unlocked. But it also had some cards that don't appear in any set I have, like the ritual Black Luster Soldier that I got from the challenge and the Vampire cards I got from the mission. So perhaps any card I have ever gotten from anything and can potentially get from the sets is something I can get with the Different Dimension Capsule.

The time required was another interesting thing. If I chose a common card, it would take only 2 hours to make it. But with higher rarity, came a longer time. Rares took 6 hours, Super Rares 12 hours, Ultra Rares 24 hours and Ultimate/Secret Rares took 48 hours.

I was honestly a little tempted to take another Different Dimension Capsule, but as it is a common in Pharaonic Guardian and Dark Revelation Volume 1,  Laura can get some for me at some point.

In the end, I went with the card I needed to complete Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon, the ultra rare Left Arm of the Forbidden One. It will also be the last piece of Exodia, so in 24 hours, Exodia will be mine.


After I pressed confirm, a sarcophagus appeared in front of me with its top open. A shining blank card appeared and was lowered into the sarcophagus before it closed and buried itself into the ground. Then a 24 hour timer appeared above the place where it had been buried and began counting down.


I guess I’ll come back tomorrow to pick up my card. Reminded that the Different Dimension Capsule will go on the normal 24 hour cooldown after the timer. So effectively add 24 hours to any card's normal time to get the time until that specific copy of Different Dimension Capsule can be used again.

After a successful experiment, I returned to the real world and got ready for the day. I was a bit worried I had been in DDF for too long, but it appears I was worried for nothing. And Lua should be able to contact me with the system link if I am within the factory. I think. I should probably test that, but it also means I would have to tell Lua about the skill and I think she would just call me a god again. And I don’t need that.

Actually, I wonder if the cards I’ve given others can appear within the factory? I did have all of the vampires show up, but I have a copy of them myself, so I think they might be mine. I did see Dark Magician Girl in the lineup when they greeted me on the first day, but she wasn’t the same one I gave Alice, as she didn’t have the shoulder sling for her book.

I haven’t seen any Harpies there either. I wonder if they are waiting for a room with Harpies' Hunting Ground installed? I do have some Harpies, even if I did give some to Alex.


(Laura, add a room with Harpies' Hunting Ground to the list of things we must do.) I said to Laura.

(Yes. Do you want me to take care of it next night?) She asked.

(Hmm. Maybe I should do it myself. They will need something to hunt after all. I guess we could use tokens for that. I could also use Ojamas, I mean they are even on the artwork, but even as much as I hate them, I would feel bad if I let them be targets for a hunt. Ojama tokens are fine though, so we just need a way of activating Ojama Trio for the tokens.)

(I shall look into that. Would you like me to open up more packs of Dark Crisis for more copies of Ojama Trio?)

(... sure. But please go for Pharaonic Guardian first. We need more copies of the Different Dimension Capsule more than we need a specialized room for Harpie Ladies.) I said. (Perhaps I should just open some Pharaonic Guardian right now.)

Well, I would have, but I was interrupted by a voice in my head.

(Brian. Brian? Are you awake? The villagers are wondering if you are alright since you haven’t gotten up yet?) I heard Lua ask in my head.

I guess it is that late already, so I have to get up. I quickly got dressed and got out of the room.

“Good morning.” I said to everyone.

“Good morning, oh Great Summoner.” Rosemary greeted me. Is that what they call me now?

“Good morning, Brian.” Lua said. “You slept for a long time. Were you tired from yesterday?” 

“Perhaps I was. Yesterday was a long day.”

“I apologize. I should have realized and let you go to bed earlier.” Rosemary said, as she lowered her head.

“No. It's fine. I slept well and that is all that matters. It’s not like I’m in a rush to get somewhere.”

For breakfast, we had the last of the snake from yesterday. But as I was thinking having the same thing for the third time in a row would be boring, I thought I could … not spice it up, but change it a bit and test out a certain card at the same time.

“Emergency Provisions.” 


I threw out 20 LOB equip spells, like Beast Fangs and Dark Energy, because I would never likely use them for anything else. Especially those two, as they are for Beast and Fiend-type monsters. 

Emergency Provisions made a large pile of some sort of crackers. 40 to be exact, so two per spell sacrificed. I analyzed one with Dungeon Founder and it was a healing cracker. Eating one would recover 100 HP. Not quite the 1000 that you get in Yugioh, but 100 is good. And I guess with two crackers, what would be 200 HP.

I gave some of the crackers to every villager. That is why I chose 20 cards to sacrifice. There are 17 villagers and the three of us, so everyone got two crackers. 

I told the dhampirs that they might want to dip the crackers into blood before eating them and they all seemed to enjoy eating it that way. Some did try the second one without ever dipping it into blood, but they quickly gave in and dipped it into blood. I don’t think any of them ate it completely dry.

I myself put some of my travel jam on the crackers, before adding some snake meat on top of that. I also took out my travel tea set and made tea for both Agatha and I.

(Brian, this cracker is healing more than 100HP) Laura said as I was munching my second cracker.

(But the dungeon said 100HP right?) I asked.

(Yes it did, but it doesn’t match. These seem to be healing 500 HP per cracker.) Laura said. (I believe the dungeon can’t perfectly reproduce them or perhaps there is some other reason they are inferior. This would also explain why a certain pendant, that you still haven’t given to a certain someone, can only boost its wearer by a total of 100 stat points, when the card clearly says 500. The host item is not strong enough to bring out the full potential of the card.)

(I see. Thanks for the explanation and for the slight roast on me. I just didn’t want a repeat of the magic stone fiasco.) I said, trying to defend my reasoning. I need to find out what gifts are acceptable and what is a proposal.

“Thank you, oh Great Summoner. We can never pay you back for what you have done.” Rosemary said to me as I was getting ready to leave.

“Do not worry about it. I am here because the Great System and the Goddess wills me to be here. You should thank them, not me.” I said. I know I sound like a preacher, but if it gets them off of my ass, I’ll accept it.

I should also mention that only two of us were heading back. Lua was staying here for now, because she was going to teach the villagers True Blood Magic.

And apparently, I couldn’t just take Ria with me immediately, as Agatha would need to put in some paperwork for the permission to begin the process with her, so we would come back for the day after tomorrow. This would also be when Agatha brings the next shipment of blood, so that is why we would do it then. I also promised I would give her a ride back here on that day.

“So, are you all set? Can we go?” I asked Agatha.

“Yes. I have everything.” She responded.

“Good. You don’t mind if we take a different ride home, do you?”

“As long as we get there safely, I’m fine with it.”

“Perfect. Gradius.” I quickly pulled out my monster and summoned it. The starfighter appeared before us and opened its canopy. 

I heard some surprised voices from the villagers as Gradius appeared, but I ignored them and jumped into the cockpit.

“Come on. Let’s go.” I said to Agatha, holding out my hand for her, in case she needed it.

Before getting in she turned to Lua and asked. “Is this thing safe?” 

“Of course it is.” Lua answered. “Being with Brian is probably the safest place you can ever be.”

Well, I accept that reasoning, even if it does sound a little much. OP summons, resurrection, giving skills and Level Up! If you find someone that can do all of that, I want to meet them. Actually, I probably don’t. No fighting with OP people. That just sounds like a bad idea.

Agatha took my hand and jumped up to Gradius, taking the secondary seat behind the driver's seat. Or would it be the pilot's seat? Anyway.

I told everyone to back off a little, closed the canopy and blasted off into the sky.

Well, actually it was quite a gentle take off.


[Lucia POV]

“He really is a God.” Rosemary said as we watched as Brian flew away in that golem thing.

“I know.” I agreed with her. “Even if he insists that he isn’t, the things he does are things only a God can do.”

“Do you think you can make him yours? This God of ours?” Rosemary asked.

“...” I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I’m sure my normally pale face is probably bright red right now. “I’m ... I’m not sure. But I truly hope I can.”

“I’ll get him first.” I heard Ria say without a hint of hesitation. She was always the one to rush into things. “He promised to take me as a slave, so I’ll have more oppotunities to woo him than you do.”

“You’ll have a lot of catching up to do.” I taunted her. If she wants to have a competition, I will go all out. “I’ve already slept with him and I even saved his life, so good luck even getting to that point.” And I share a connection with Brian and that is not something you can do without the System Support. 

“Grr! I’ll find a way!” Ria exclaimed.

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