Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.158 Curing the Village

CH.158 Curing the Village

“Everyone, I want to ask something first.” I stepped up and spoke to the dhampirs. “I can cure you, but just in case, do you want to be cured of your blood curse?” I asked them.

I heard some murmuring from them but they did come to a quick and uniform decision.

“Yes. Please cure us.” One of them stepped up and answered.

“I see. Then I’ll do it.” I said and got Vampire Lord out of collection.

“Vampire Lord.” I called out my summon.


As he rose from his card, I could see the bits of common sense leave Agatha, as her jaw fell down as far as it could without separating from her head.

“D… did … Did you just summon a vampire?” Agatha asked.

“Yeah. Sure did. Didn’t I mention that part when I told you how I cured Lua’s blood curse?” I asked. I could have sworn I mentioned it.

“I … I think you did, but I couldn’t believe it.” Agatha admitted.

Hasn’t she seen Lua summoning Vampire Lady? Isn’t that enough?

“Lua. Have you not summoned Vampire Lady in front of her?” I asked Lua.

“No. I only summon her in the mornings and evenings for a short practice session, so Mother has not seen her.” Lua answered.

“Vampire … Lady?” Agatha repeated. “What is he talking about?”

“I’ll explain. Later.” Lua answered.

The dhampirs on the other hand had a different reaction to seeing Vampire Lord. They kneeled down on the ground, like he was the King or something. Well, I guess he is the Lord.

“Master.” Vampire Lord said to me.

“Hello to you as well. I need you to cure everyone here. Can you do that?” I responded.

“Of course I can.” He immediately answered. “There also seem to six more in that building. You should ask them to come out as well.”

“Agatha, can you bring them out?” I asked.

Agatha just nodded while still collecting herself and went inside the big building.

“Also, I must ask, would you evolve me into my Genesis form?” Vampire Lord said to me.

“By Genesis form, you do mean Vampire Genesis, right?” I asked.


“Yes. I suppose calling it my true form is more accurate, as this one is one I made to look as I wanted to look, as I despise how I look in my true form. Sadly, this form does limit my power quite a bit, so going back to my Genesis form is sometimes necessary.” Vampire Lord explained.

“But you can’t access it on your own? Even though it is your form?” I asked.

“Yes. I cannot do it without your help, Master. I believe the card you hold only has the information on one of my forms, so I can’t access the other one.” He explained.

“So you want me to just summon Vampire Genesis?” I asked.

“No. It would work, but I think that might make him different from me.” Vampire Lord said. “I wish you would install Vampire Genesis into me. I believe I will regain my full powers if you do.”

“Believe? I hope that is enough. And I only have one Genesis, so I’d rather not waste it.” I admitted.

“It will work. Trust me.” Vampire Lord said with a lot more confidence. 

I hope that is not just false confidence.

“... fine. Let’s do it.” I agreed. 

Hopefully I’ll get another Genesis from the curing dhampirs mission. 

I got my one copy of Vampire Genesis out of the collection.

“I could also summon him and install you into him.” I offered.

“Are you that nervous? Do you really not trust me?” Vampire Lord asked.

“... Well, I know I should but I just don’t. Sorry.” I admitted. It just feels wrong. Installing the stronger monster into the weaker one. If it was the other way around, I think it would feel more natural, but this just feels wrong.

But I still got to do it. 

“Install.” I said as I held the Vampire Genesis card over the Vampire Lord card.

“Yes! The power is coming back to me!” Vampire Lord was saying some … questionable things and the two cards combined into one.

Genesis Vampire Lord
The origin of all vampires, capable of making new vampires. By combining its two forms, it is now able to freely change between them.
[Cannot be used in a duel] [Art by krisn23 on Reddit]

Genesis Vampire Lord, huh. I wasn’t sure what was going to come out of that, but this seems fine. At least somewhat. It is just Vampire Lord that can transform into Vampire Genesis whenever he wants to. I think. It does say something about being able to make new vampires, so that is a bit iffy, but it should be fine. It totally will be, right? He won’t change any of the dhampirs into vampires or something. I need to tell him not to do that.

“Make sure you just cure their curse. Don’t turn them into vampires by accident.” I told Genesis Vampire Lord.

“I don’t think you understand how involved the process of making a new vampire is. It isn’t something that can be done in a day.” He answered.

“Well, at least I don’t have to be afraid of that.” I said.

As long as the same rules apply to custom cards, he shouldn’t be able to stay summoned for days on end, so if he does try to make a new vampire without my permission, I can just not summon him for a few days.

Agatha came back out with six more people. Two of them were the kids that had run up to Agatha as we arrived.

“Oh. I didn’t realize there were children here. I’ll start with them.” Genesis Vampire Lord said as he spotted them.

“I apologize oh great vampire, but I would like for you to cure me first.” An older lady stepped up and offered to be first. “I do wish you don’t see this as an insult, but I am not convinced you can cure us, so I would like you to start with me, instead of the children.”

“Well, being protective over the young ones is a great quality.” Genesis Vampire Lord said to the old lady. “I shall start with you.”

He had the lady show her neck to him before he bit into it. I turned to look away, like I did back when Lua was getting cured. I was thinking of taking a walk around town or something, but a guide would be nice for that.

The curing took a bit less time than it did with Lua, at least I think so, about four minutes in total. With Lua, I think it took about 5 minutes.

But that in itself raises a question, why did Vampire Lord insist on the install? If it takes 5 minutes per dhampir, with 17 dhampirs, it should take 85 minutes to cure them all. That is well under two hours.

Mission: Cure the Dhampirs
Cured Rosemary
Reward: Vampire Voivode

And there is the reward. 

… wait a second. Vampire Voivode? I’ll admit that I’m not the biggest vampire fan, but I still feel like I should know a card like this. But I have no recollection of it at all. Well, better just to put a toploader on it and not question it any more than that.

“How do you feel?” Genesis Vampire Lord asked the lady after he had cured her. “Do you trust me now?”

“... Yes. Thank you, oh great Vampire. You really cured my curse.” Rosemary said. “Please, cure all of us.”

“As it is the will of my Master, I shall.” Genesis Vampire Lord said. “I shall cure the children next.”

They each only took 3 minutes. I wonder if something like the level of blood magic affects how difficult it is to cure the curse? I think Vampire Lady said something like that.

And two more cures meant two more rewards.

Mission: Cure the Dhampirs
Cured Anika
Reward: Vampire's Domain
Mission: Cure the Dhampirs
Cured Kody
Reward: Vampire Kingdom

See. These two I do remember. And I like them. Vampire Kingdom will probably get installed into an empty room in the Different Dimension Factory, so that I have a dedicated room for vampires, but Vampire's Domain is the more interesting part. When active, I can pay 500 HP to summon a random Vampire monster. And it doesn’t come from my collection, but just makes a new card. And with Health Conscious, I don’t actually have to pay the HP cost, so I can just produce more vampires with it. Well, except for the small problem that it summons them, instead of adding them to the collection. I now just need to be able to return them to my ‘hand’ before their summoning time is up and I should get new cards with it.

But Compulsory Evacuation Device should be in Invasion of Chaos. I just need to get it.


“Please take the children to bed. They will get more tired than the rest of you because of the cure.” Genesis Vampire Lord said to Agatha and Rosemary. 

“But I feel great.” Kody said.

“Me too. I don’t want to sleep yet.” Anika added.

“It will come soon, so head to bed.” Genesis Vampire Lord said to them. “If you didn’t feed yet, drink some blood before that.” He added.

“Come on you two. If he is telling us to do that, we should.” Rosemary told the children as she took their hands and led them away.

Genesis Vampire Lord waited until the two were safely out of view before continuing. 

“Now then. I shall reveal my true form so I can cure the rest of you.” He said.

“Is that why you sent them away?” I asked.

“Well yes, but what I said is also true. But admittedly, I believe the children might be scared of my true form.” He answered.

… yeah. I can see that. Vampire Genesis is quite … monstrous. 

With the children taken away, that sounded wrong. With the children in safe care of caring adults, Genesis Vampire Lord changed his form. He went from an average height guy into a massive beast standing at four meters tall. His face twisted from the face of a proper man into that of a monster. In all honesty, if I didn’t know that he was my summon, I would be summoning other monsters to defend myself.

The dhampirs, except for the ones holding one of their friend who is in a blood frenzy and the girl held in Spellbinding Circle, went from kneeling to fully prostrating themselves before the Genesis form.

“Please. Oh mighty origin. Cure us.” One of them quietly said. 

“As you wish. Let us begin.” Vampire Genesis said. His voice was quite deep, but it sounded gentle. I actually think it is a nice contrast compared to the prideful sounding voice he had in his human form. 

He extended out his wings, before the wings broke into many small pieces. Bats, to be specific. The bats then flew to the dhampirs and bit their necks.

Did he just create vampire bats that can cure the blood curse?

“... did you just make bats that can cure the blood curse?” I asked him.

“No.” He answered. “They are a spell that allows for the extension of the range of blood magic. Now allow me to concentrate.” 

Okay. So they are a visual effect or something? I guess some blood magic does require blood connection so it can normally be used on only one person at a time, but this way, Genesis Vampire Lord can use it on everyone at once.

The curing took a total of ten minutes. I guess that efficiency is why he wanted to take that form.

As for the rewards, I got Vampire Familiar, Vampire Awakening, two Vampire Ladies, Vampire Genesis, Vampire Ghost, two Vampire Grace, Vampire Sorcerer, Vampire Sucker, two Vampire Vamp, Vampire Fascinator and another Vampire Kingdom. 


My first Link monsters. Nice. But at the same time, I don’t recognize either Vampire Ghost or Vampire Fascinator. But one thing I have to say is that Vampire Fascinator looks kind of like Lua. If Lua was to grow out her hair, dress up in a nice dress and if her skin was an even whiter white.

After I had gotten a reward for everyone, I confirmed with Genesis Vampire Lord that he was done. I lifted the Spellbinding Circle and the dhampir held by it bolted off somewhere as soon as she was free.

“Thank you, oh great origin.” One of the dhampirs said after the treatment was over.

“Do not thank me.” Genesis Vampire Lord, who had reverted back to his humanoid form, answered. “My Master is the reason I can manifest here and he is the reason I cured you. Show your thanks to him.”

“And that human is your Master, correct?” The dhampir asked.

“Yes, he is. My great Master. Dedicate all of your appreciation to him.” Genesis Vampire Lord said.

“Great summoner. We thank you for curing us.” The dhampir said to me.

… why is this so awkward? This feels wrong. I didn’t do anything. Well, I did a bit, but Genesis Vampire Lord is the one that did the hard part, I just summoned him. And anyone with Card Summoner could do that.


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