Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 505: Talent Is Not Just About Dao Comprehension (2)

Chapter 505: Talent Is Not Just About Dao Comprehension (2)

The next day, Wu Yuan took the teleportation array on the void continent, heading directly to the Origin Eldritch Continent. This Origin Eldritch Continent was also known as the Fifth Origin Eldritch Continent.

Typically, the geniuses of the Origin Eldritch Field wouldn't invite other geniuses to their void continent residences. Thus, the spars between geniuses, purchase of treasures, and even the Heaven and Earth Tournaments, all took place on the Origin Eldritch Continent.

The entire continent spanned over ten million li in diameter.

Calling the Eldritch Battle Platform a platform was an understatement; it was a colossal structure over thirty thousand li in diameter, shaped like a massive dome, with numerous spherical battle spaces inside, each over two thousand li in diameter.

Outside one of these spherical battle spaces, more than a thousand members of the Origin Eldritch Field were gathered.

"Wu Yuan has arrived."

"That's Wu Yuan. He doesn't seem to be part of a powerful bloodline of an eldritch divine nation, but his vital aura is incredibly strong."

"He's got a second-degree eldritch root." Every member of the Origin Eldritch Field fixed their attention on Wu Yuan, sensing his formidable vital aura.

Their expressions turned serious.

The immortal roots of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field members had yet to undergo upgrades, but most were selected for their strong Dao comprehension aptitudes, and their eldritch roots were generally third-degree.

As for second-degree roots? Less than one-tenth possessed them.

There’s quite the crowd. Wu Yuan's gaze swept over these Origin Eldritch Field geniuses. He didn't linger long, stepping directly into the Eldritch Battle Platform.

Today was the first battle, naturally drawing much attention.

"Hou Xuezhen, it's up to you now."

"Go! Face him."

"Hurry! If Wu Yuan's title is undeserved, give him a good beating. Show him the consequences of not living up to his title."

"I'm going." A towering man in black armor, over six meters tall, growled in a low voice and also headed into the Eldritch Battle Platform.


Inside the Eldritch Battle Platform, Wu Yuan and the towering man in black armor stood thousands of li apart, facing each other from a distance.

Those who dare to challenge me would typically have a decent level of strength. After a round of filtering by Cen Jiang, those remaining should be in the top-tier of power at the Golden Core phase, with the potential to compete for the title of Golden Core Bloodforge King. Wu Yuan silently watched his opponent.

I will only use the Celestial Body Dao. Hopefully, they’ll be able to give me some pressure.

If he combined the Earth and Wood Daos, Wu Yuan would be able to put up a fight even against someone who had comprehended the first-level True Intent stage of an Intermediate Law

In the Bloodforge Spacetime, Wu Yuan relied on the combination of two Daos to complete the test, and due to his young age, he barely made it through the fifth stage with immense difficulty.

"Wu Yuan." The burly man in black armor stared intently at Wu Yuan. In a low voice, he said, "I hope you are strong enough; otherwise, defeating you won't bring me any honor."

"I hope you don't disappoint me," Wu Yuan smiled slightly.

Boom! Wu Yuan moved instantly, radiating a terrifying aura as a pair of black wings sprouted from his back. He transformed into a colossal hundred-zhang giant, his speed accelerating to its peak.

It was a speed that made the entire spherical combat space tremble.

"Kill!" The burly man in black armor also unleashed his power, employing multiple ether arts.

A gigantic green snake appeared on his back, flicking its forked tongue.

Different lifebound spirit beasts resulted in different supporting abilities when performing Beast Fusion.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Four arms swung, and blade rays covered the sky.

The sabers were just ordinary third-grade spirit equipment, a prerequisite for fair combat.

In an instant, the two war deities collided.


Hundreds of Origin Eldritch Field members watched the battle.

"It's the Celestial Body Dao. Wu Yuan has grasped an Intermediate Law, the Celestial Body Dao," an observer swiftly recognized.

"His saber technique is swift and flawless!"

"The ninth-level Domain stage of the Celestial Body Dao rivals the ninth-level True Intent stage of a Lesser Law."

"His ether arts seem overwhelmingly powerful. Hou Xuezhen is clearly outmatched."

"What a terrifying defense. Look, his saber strikes are relentless. The most crucial thing is, with every collision, he seems completely unscathed." These Origin Eldritch Field members, with Dao comprehension nearly rivaling Earth Immortals, had incredibly keen perceptions and quickly analyzed Wu Yuan’s abilities.


A few dozen breaths later.

Swish~A fearsome blade ray flashed past, hacking through the skull of the green serpent.

Blood splattered.

Another stroke, and the black-armored powerhouse, Hou Xuezhen, was sent flying like a meteor, crashing heavily into the wall at the edge of the spherical combat space. A violent tremor reverberated.

"Vital aura has dropped to thirty percent. Hou Xuezhen loses," a cold voice suddenly echoed, "Wu Yuan wins!"

Buzz~ An invisible force generated by the array enveloped Wu Yuan and Hou Xuezhen, preventing either from making any further moves.

Body refiners possessed immense life force and engaged in close combat. Consequently, a threshold of thirty percent vital aura was set. Dropping below this mark automatically signified a loss.

In a fight between a body refiner and a qi refiner, if the distance between the two combatants shrunk to ten meters, it typically resulted in an immediate loss for the qi refiner.

"Hou Xuezhen, thank you." Wu Yuan cupped his hands.

Immediately, he transformed into a streak of light and dashed out of the combat space, quickly disappearing.

That saber was truly heavy—so heavy and ruthless. No matter how many times I tried to block it, I just couldn't hold it off. Hou Xuezhen's eyes flickered, thinking about the battle just now.

He thought his defense was flawless, but in mere moments, he was crushed head-on by Wu Yuan.


"Did Hou Xuezhen really lose the battle?"

"Hou Xuezhen has a second-degree immortal root and has comprehended a Lesser Law to the ninth-level True Intent stage. In our Fifth Origin Eldritch Field, that places him in the top thousand in strength, yet he still lost." The news of this fight spread rapidly through the hundreds of spectators.

"Wu Yuan's strength isn't bad."

"If he's young, it makes sense to promote him directly to earth-tier membership."

"He's not as weak as I imagined."

In just one battle, most members of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field acknowledged Wu Yuan's strength.

"Mm, he does have some strength. Maybe he is talented enough, but he's still not qualified to become an earth-tier member."

"His combat prowess is fierce, but he still hasn't grasped the True Intent of the Celestial Body Dao." Some members of the Origin Eldritch Field still disdained Wu Yuan.

These were mostly geniuses who had reached the True Intent stage (of an Intermediate Law) or were extremely confident in their own abilities, believing themselves stronger than Wu Yuan, yet were still ordinary disciples. Naturally, they felt indignant.

Only the truly strong deserved their respect.


Indeed, real-world combat is necessary. Wu Yuan sat in lotus position inside the Essence Tower, carefully reflecting on the day's events.

After half a year of training in the Bloodforge Spacetime, and another round of comprehension simulation in the Dao Temple, my foundation is solid.

What I need to do now is identify the flaws in my saber techniques through battle and constantly reflect on my progress.

Once everything has reached a certain level of perfection, success will come naturally. Wu Yuan's eyes sparkled as he flew directly towards the Experiment Realm.

Unable to break through a bottleneck? That means you're still not strong enough!


On the third day, Wu Yuan's opponent was a formidable one, almost as strong as Hou Xuezhen.

After a fierce battle, Wu Yuan emerged victorious once again.

The fourth day...fifth day...

For forty-two consecutive days, Wu Yuan faced a new opponent each day, pushing his saber skills, which were already at the ninth-level Domain stage, to unprecedented heights.

With his strong immortal root and powerful ether arts, he crushed his adversaries, achieving forty-two straight victories.

With that, his name resounded among the geniuses of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field.

"Wu Yuan's strength is probably unmatched at the True Intent stage (Lesser Law)!"

"He's steady."

"In every battle against those with similar Dao comprehension levels, no one has been able to defeat him so far."

"Wu Yuan is a combat genius, exceptionally adept at battle." Most members of the Origin Eldritch Field acknowledged Wu Yuan as a powerhouse who excelled in battle.

With equal Dao comprehension levels, it was nearly impossible to defeat him.


On the fifty-third day, Wu Yuan lost.

His opponent unleashed terrifying power right from the start. Though only a Lesser Law of the Metal Dao, his comprehension had reached the Dao Field stage, forcing Wu Yuan to retreat again and again.

Defend? The opponent's swordsmanship was too fast and fierce to block. Even with the continuous restoration from the blood mist, it wasn't enough.

His loss was a foregone conclusion.

"Wu Yuan, being an earth-tier member requires true strength. You have potential, but you're still lacking. Go back and train for another twenty years." His opponent declared, "Remember my name, Xiang Lin."

"I'll remember," Wu Yuan replied with a faint smile.


The pressure of an opponent at the Dao Field stage (Lesser Law) is too overwhelming. His strength might even surpass Gao Yun’s after his breakthrough. Wu Yuan immediately headed back to the Essence Tower and carefully reflected on the battle.

Victory or defeat, Wu Yuan didn't take it to heart at all.


Time flew by, and nearly two years had passed in a blink.

During this period, Jiang Huan arrived at the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field to guide Wu Yuan once on the comprehension of the Celestial Body Dao. Other than that, Jiang Huan did not speak much with him.

Apart from sparring and comprehending the Dao, Wu Yuan would occasionally return to the Summerpeak World to take a break.


Cang Feng Eldritch Voidrealm, First Origin Eldritch Plane, inside a personal hall.

Whoosh! A figure in black robes floated into the hall.

"Senior Brother," the black-robed figure greeted respectfully.

"Chang Hong, what brings you here today?" Jiang Huan, dressed in white robes, stood up and smiled.

"Senior Brother, aren't you going to do something to control our junior brother?" the black-robed figure frowned.

"Control?" Jiang Huan smiled slightly, "Control what?"

"Little Junior Brother has sparred with ordinary disciples over seven hundred times in the past two years, losing nearly twenty matches," Chang Hong shook his head. "This is nothing but a humiliation to our master and to us as senior brothers."

"Humiliation?" Jiang Huan still smiled calmly, "Junior Brother, you've grown obsessed. You should be aware of Little Junior Brother's age."

"The opponents he's lost to are all older than him, most of them have been cultivating for over a hundred years. In terms of Dao comprehension aptitude, Little Junior Brother is already considered the best in the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field," Jiang Huan smiled.

"Only in the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field," Chang Hong frowned. "We are disciples of the Eldritch Sovereign, our standards should naturally be ten to a hundred times higher than other members of the Origin Eldritch Field. Moreover, in the upcoming Heaven and Earth Tournament, he might be demoted to an ordinary member."

"Junior Brother, you are too obsessed." Jiang Huan said calmly, "Some geniuses are dazzling right from the start."

"Some geniuses, however, can calm their emotions, remain unfazed by honor or disgrace, continuously accumulating insights and breaking through. Their progress might be slower, but they will shine brighter and brighter the further they go."

"Yes, your Dao comprehension aptitude is terrifying, much greater than Little Junior Brother, and even more impressive than I was at your age," Jiang Huan smiled.

"Senior Brother, I'm not trying to compete with you," Chang Hong couldn't help but say.

"There’s no need to explain." Jiang Huan shook his head, looking at Chang Hong, "Let me ask you this: imagine it were you in Little Junior Brother's shoes. You’ve just been accepted as a disciple of the Eldritch Sovereign, facing the pressure of being demoted to an ordinary disciple in the Heaven and Earth Tournament."

"Could your heart remain as calm as Little Junior Brother's?"

Chang Hong stiffened.

"Talent isn't just measured by the speed of Dao comprehension," Jiang Huan said softly.

"Go back, Junior Brother, and remember the advice I've given you previously."

"Only when you are able to let go of the shackles of being an Eldritch Sovereign's disciple, will you truly have a chance to surpass me."

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