Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 501: The Fifth Origin Eldritch Field (4)

Chapter 501: The Fifth Origin Eldritch Field (4)

Wu Yuan nodded slightly, feeling the pressure.

Even in the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field, where the cultivators were all at the Spiritual Body/Golden Core phase, almost all Earth-tier members were at the Dao Field stage of Dao comprehension.

But with over a hundred thousand geniuses competing for a hundred spots, it made sense. This was indeed the core of the eldritch world.

"The Heaven and Earth Rankings are the focus of countless geniuses in the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field." Cen Jiang smiled, "The top-tier geniuses of the entire Fifth Origin Eldritch Field are most likely aware of your existence by now."

"With less than three years until the next Heaven and Earth Tournament, I imagine many of those top-tier geniuses will want to test your strength, to see if you’re qualified to become an earth-tier member."

"Qualified?" Wu Yuan was slightly taken aback.

"Eldritches are inherently combative; thirst for battle is in their bones," Cen Jiang said. "Countless geniuses in the eldritch world risk everything to become an earth-tier member."

"Now that you have taken one spot without going through a single fight, many geniuses will naturally be dissatisfied," Cen Jiang said.

"But you needn't concern yourself. When the Heaven and Earth Tournament comes, show them your strength."

Wu Yuan gave a bitter smile.

Show them his strength? With his current power, aiming for first place in the Heaven and Earth Tournament would be exceedingly difficult.

In the Bloodforge Spacetime, when I managed to clear the fifth stage of the test, my talent appeared dazzling to others, but it was all because I was the youngest. Wu Yuan thought. In terms of absolute strength, among the thousand Golden Core Bloodforge Kings in that spacetime, I was probably only in the top ten.

The geniuses of the Bloodforge Devil Hall couldn't compare to those of the Cang Feng Eldritch World.

Among the countless Golden Core geniuses in the Cang Feng Eldritch World, there might be dozens who had comprehended a Dao Field.

But I wonder if anyone has achieved the second-level Dao Field stage? Wu Yuan mused.

Each level of the Dao Field stage represented a monumental obstacle. Each breakthrough meant a significant surge in power.

Achieving a breakthrough was extremely difficult. Many High Immortals, who were geniuses in their youth, spent hundreds of thousands of years without reaching the ninth-level Dao Field stage.


After speaking with Cen Jiang for a while, Wu Yuan had a solid understanding of the entire Fifth Origin Eldritch Field and the benefits of being an earth-tier member.

After that, Wu Yuan flew directly to the Essence Tower.

The Essence Tower was the core facility for every member of the eldritch world, where they spent most of their time in secluded cultivation.

The Experiment Realm, which was inaccessible to outsiders, was accessed through the Essence Tower.

As for the void continent itself? In truth, most of it remained in a primitive state, while a small fraction housed numerous leisure facilities.

The eldritch world did not forbid its disciples from seeking pleasure. How one cultivated was their own choice.

The main hall of the Essence Tower was a world within a world.

Inside was a completely spherical space, about fifty-five li in diameter, with countless cryptic patterns etched on all sides.

At the center of the spherical space was a floating silver jade platform.

Whoosh! As Wu Yuan stepped into the space, he felt his spirit resonate with an ethereal clarity, becoming incredibly serene.

Whoosh! He landed deftly on the silver jade platform.

In just a few breaths, Wu Yuan's eyes widened, a flicker of astonishment in his gaze.

How magical. My perception of the Dao is so vivid.

It was worth noting that Wu Yuan's Dao comprehension was already quite profound. But as he sat in lotus position on the jade platform, Wu Yuan realized how truly marvelous the Essence Tower was.

It is around twenty percent as effective as the Bloodforge Jade Platform. Wu Yuan roughly estimated.

It seemed far less potent, but the Bloodforge Jade Platform had strict conditions and time limits for its use. Whereas the countless geniuses of the eldritch world were able to use the Essence Tower freely, each being allocated their own.

Building these numerous Essence Towers must have consumed a vast portion of the eldritch world’s resources. Wu Yuan thought, his eyes scanning his surroundings.

He could sense that the countless cryptic patterns seemed to be some sort of consumable resource.

As he cultivated, the cryptic patterns would gradually dissipate.

No matter. This is for the eldritch world’s higher echelons and Master Kua Chi to worry about. Wu Yuan calmed his mind and began training quietly.

He needed to thoroughly explore the effects of the Essence Tower.


While Wu Yuan was experiencing the effects of the Essence Tower for the first time, he had no idea that the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field of the Cang Feng Eldritch World was in utter chaos.

“Earth-tier member?”

“Without going through the Heaven and Earth Tournament, he became an earth-tier member right after entering the eldritch world? Where did he come from?”

“No idea, never heard of him.”

“Among the 800 eldritch divine nations, across millions of eldritch continents, even the top genius of a typical eldritch continent can't get into the eldritch field. Those slightly stronger geniuses will surely be well-known.”

The Fifth Origin Eldritch Field had over a hundred thousand geniuses. Most had servants under their command.

Even if only a small fraction of servants tracked the Land Rankings, once they noticed a new name, it spread instantly across the entire Fifth Origin Eldritch Field.

“I don’t accept this.”

“No matter how much of a genius he is, he should climb his way up from the status of an ordinary member, proving himself with strength.”

“Where did this Wu Yuan come from?”

“Challenge him!”

“Challenge him!” Many geniuses of the eldritch world roared. This was the tradition of the eldritch lineage.

“Challenge my ass. I checked. Wu Yuan hasn’t even entered the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field yet. How are you going to challenge him?” A genius swiftly retorted.

“What about the Origin Eldritch Continent? Has anyone seen him?”

“He just became an earth-tier member; he probably hasn’t even been there yet.”

“Let’s wait. He can delay for now, but not forever.”

“So what if he’s an earth-tier member? Rank doesn’t represent strength.” Many of the peerless geniuses of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field were unconvinced.

Those who had already comprehended a Dao Field but still hadn’t become earth-tier members yet were particularly dissatisfied.

Talent? Too elusive.

Rank? Bloodline? The eldritch lineage would never acknowledge that.

These peerless geniuses of the Origin Eldritch Field only recognized strength!


Once the heaven and earth rankings of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field were updated, this news not only spread among the countless geniuses of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field.

One had to understand that the Origin Eldritch Field was the core genius training grounds of the eldritch world, and it was closely monitored by other major factions.

Especially the Voltari Temple.

The Cang Feng Eldritch World spanned billions of light years of spacetime and consisted of millions of eldritch continents.

The distances between different eldritch continents and nations were unimaginably vast.

The distances between typical eldritch divine nations ranged from hundreds of millions to nearly a billion light-years. Even mighty beings like Eldritch Sovereigns could not monitor them all.

About thirty million light years away from the closest eldritch divine nation was an expanse of space with few planets, as if it were an empty zone within a deeper layer of space.

Yet, there existed a vast nation here, inhabited by numerous immortal cultivators.

Inside a towering temple.


"Find out immediately!"

"Directly becoming an earth-tier member of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field, this Wu Yuan must be a monstrous prodigy that recently emerged in the Cang Feng Eldritch World."

"But why is there no information on him in our intelligence database? Investigate!" A furious roar echoed within the temple. "If we can't find it in the eldritch world, then check the territories of other major factions."

"His origins, his teachings, his cultivation methods, his weaknesses, his personality analysis... find out everything."

The group of High Immortals trembled in fear. They naturally understood why the Astral Monarch was so furious.

Just one genius from the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field, even an earth-tier member, wasn’t a big deal.

Even an earth-tier member from the First Origin Eldritch Field was insignificant and posed little threat to the immense Voltari Temple.

However, this current situation represented a grave dereliction of duty. It indicated that the intelligence system of the Voltari Temple was woefully outdated, failing to effectively monitor the entire Cang Feng Eldritch World.

A full quarter of an hour later.

"Astral Monarch, we've discovered something."

"Not long ago, during the Bloodforge Battle held by the Bloodforge Devil Hall, a peerless genius named Wu Yuan claimed the title of Golden Core Bloodforge King. His performance in the Bloodforge Spacetime remains unclear," a High Immortal suddenly reported.

"This peerless genius Wu Yuan, by comprehensive analysis, ranks among the top one hundred talents of the macrocosm."

"He is also an eldritch cultivator and possesses a Teng Snake as his spirit beast."

"There's a ninety percent chance that this Wu Yuan is the same person. The odds of such a similarly named peerless genius appearing simultaneously in the macrocosm are nearly zero."

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