You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 21 (3)

Chapter 21 (3)

Under usual circumstances, the best choice after getting a kill, when another opponent reinforced the lane, was to retreat. Yet, Tong Yao didnt do so. She turned around and used a Summoners ability, Flash, to distance herself from her opponents. Then she turned back to run towards her own turret last hitting on the way back. Seeing her run away, her opponent flashed right after her in pursuit-- --

What the opponent didnt expect was that Tong Yao suddenly leveled up to level six right at that moment!

When any champion reaches level 6, they could acquire their ultimate ability.  For Leblanc, her ultimate was called Mimic, allowing her to cast a previously used ability again. Within a short time, the enemys Jungler was chained by Ethereal Chain, just like what had happened to Ai Jia earlier-- --

The situation changed instantly!

Just a second ago, ZGDX was worried about losing two champions and a turret. The next second, Tong Yao had killed both the enemy Mid and Jungler, covering their earlier losses!

Siince YQCBs Jungler was dead, Old K rushed in to kill the monsters in YQCBs upper jungle, including their blue buff.  In addition, YQCBs mid outer turret was already down to half health!

After this wave of fighting, YQCB had already lost the lead they had gained earlier!

Just from a wrong decision by Ai Jia, Tong Yao had grown to be a major counter to Pope-- --At the following team fight over dragon, she constantly kept Pope on her chain, easily finishing him off. The rest of the YQCB either ran away or died.. Tong Yaos team took down their first fire dragon and destroyed the enemys first outer turret at mid

ZGDX had totally turned the game around!

What followed was a series of destroyed turrets, killing enemies, and snowballing their economy to be far ahead of their enemy. In the end, they had pushed all the way to victory, they had won the skirmish!

After the skirmish was over, everyone collapsed in their own chair, breathing out a long breath: they had won the match, however the sudden change of YQCBs fighting style was quite a scare for them

At the summer season, YQCB wouldnt just be satisfied with moving up from being a relegation team!

Xiao Rui rolled up a magazine to hit Old K, Little Fatty, Old Cat, Lu Sicheng, and Tong Yao, one after another on the head, I told you not to let it get to your heads! You almost got smashed by a declining elite team! I dare you let it get to your heads in the future!

Ay. Tong Yao covered her head, I carried the match. Why hit me!

Are you letting it get to your head again?


That night, Tong Yao happily came out after a shower, still immersing in the glory that she had carried the team to victory. She made a bowl of instant noodle, coming out of the kitchen slurping on the noodles to find Lu Sicheng sitting on his chair holding his knees. Tong Yao wondered whose stream he was making trouble for

When Tong Yao got closer, he turned around as if he had eyes at the back of his head. He pointed his own computer screen, The Mid next door is singing praises about you.


Tong Yao spit out the noodle in her mouth back to the bowl.

Lu Sicheng made a disgusted expression-- --

Tong Yao hurried over and stretched her head to take a look.  Indeed, Lu Sicheng had Ai Jias stream on. Ai Jia was bragging with the fans while playing a ranked game....

Right, right, right. We played a skirmish again with the telecom team next door todayThis time we didnt get dropped. We cant possibly get dropped every day, right?......Yeah, we lost, but we were leading in the beginning. You better believe it, we really had an advantage!


The way Pope plays, you can tell hes an expert at turret diving...However, theres someone next door even hotter than Pope, its that little sister-- --Yeah, its Smiling. Damn, just as we were happy to get two kills, she came out from nowhere and killed me! Then she effortlessly turned around to kill our Jungler!

I shouldve recalled right after that fight. I didnt have blue, I was on cooldown as well, she took the opportunity. Shes a scary woman...That was the turning point of the skirmish. I lost my blue buff, Xbangs jungle was cleaned out. My captain almost scolded me to death-- --

Ill never be greedy for minions again, Ill go home after I get my kill. Really, nothing good will come out of being greedy for minions, Im living proof of it.

The skill of the little sister next door? Shes definitely good. She killed me then killed Xbang when he was still at fully health. She was so fast that we didnt even see how she did it. Shes truly the number one Leblanc in the nation!

Whoever in the future tells me that girls cant play LoL well, Ill stuff todays skirmish video down his nostrils!

He kept going.

Tong Yao in his words had become someone only existed in the heaven.

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