You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 188 (3)

Chapter 188 (3)

[AD group]

G4, Riot911: Chessman? I dont take him seriously. Im the person who almost killed Pope all by myself, if it wasnt for the fact that I got too excited and clicked the wrong ability

ZGDX, Chessman: Oh, you clicked the wrong button many years ago when you clicked install on League of Legends.

Tong Yao: Compared to all of you, now feel that Im a little dumb-- --Youve all colluded to be so unfriendly, why didnt any of you discuss this beforehand with me?

Lu Sicheng: This sort of thing all depends on ones own awareness and IQ. No one would be yelling another mans name and hooraying on a world stage in front of her own fiance. Not even Wu Zetian[1] dared to do so.

Tong Yao: ......

Tong Yao: Lets change the subject. What should I get for the first round? I have a feeling that they wouldnt let me have Twisted Fate and Leblanc again.

Lu Sicheng: Take Nasus, he suits you.[2]

Tong Yao: Are you trying to pick a fight with me?

Lu Sicheng: I want to hit someone.

Tong Yao: ......

The other teammates watched them snapping at each other back and forth in silence. No one dared to talk or even breathe too hard. They were afraid that the two would notice them and get them involved

As the two were bickering, the referee came over to tell them to put on their headphones to get ready for the ban & pick phase. The other teammates breathed out a sigh of relief-- --

In the team voice channel, Ming god became quite mean, like a changed person once it was ban & pick time, and brought everyone under control. As long as Ming god was there, he could definitely make Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng keep their mouths shut

Tong Yao put on the headphones following the referees instruction-- --

All the noise was blocked out.

She reached over to put her hand on the mouse and could hardly keep her blood from broiling.

When she clicked open the game, logged onto the server specifically for the competition, and entered her game id, she felt like she was in a dream, all of this didnt seem to be real for her-- --

The summer of that year, when she first started playing League of Legends, she would feed the enemy while yelling and shouting. She remembered the anger she felt when she was ridiculed by her own teammates, that she was even worse than the enemys siege minion; the joy she felt when she obtained her first penta-kill. At the time, she had dreamed of playing on the professional stage, but at the same time, being a professional player seemed to be such a far away dream

She could only look up at it.

Until today, she, as a professional player-- --representing the region, representing the country, had come to the top of the world to face the final duel.

[1]: Wu Zetian was the only official empress in Chinese history during the Tang Dynasty.

[2]: In Chinese, people call Nasus (gutu) which literally means dog head. As youve probably seen, many Chinese insults involve dogs.

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