You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 187 (2)

Chapter 187 (2)

Tong Yao blinked and reached over to pull off Lu Sichengs earphones. Lu Sicheng hissed and pushed Tong Yaos head against his chest. Tong Yao could hear her ex-boyfriends voice in the earphones-- --

Jian Yang: [Honestly speaking, Tong Yao was positioned too far ahead. She got killed without causing any damage to the enemy, a real waste of all the kills and supports she got earlier. Shes actually sending a heart-warming gift to TAT]

Tong Yao abruptly pulled her head up: What did he say? !

Lu Sicheng patted her head: Werent you standing too far ahead?

Tong Yao: He said I was sending a heart-warming gift to TAT!

Lu Sicheng sneered: Wasnt it true that you and Little Fatty had sent a heart-warming gift to TAT?

Little Fatty: You two just fight amongst yourselves, dont involve an innocent bystander I was Braum, if I didnt stand in front of you guys to protect you, then should I stand behind the AD and run away after casting a R?

Lu Sicheng lazily gave Little Fatty a glance before trying to retrieve his earphones from Tong Yao. Tong Yao stretched her arm out so Lu Sicheng couldnt get them-- --But her arm wasnt as long as Lu Sichengs. The two struggled for a while, then both fell down in the last row seat. Lu Sicheng, with one hand holding down Tong Yaos waist, said: Give me the earphones.

His voice was low and his breath was right next to Tong Yaos lips Tong Yao looked up and gave him a kiss on his slightly coolish lips while stuffing the earphones into her own pocket: No.

Lu Sicheng fixed his eyes on her for a while, then used a serious tone of voice to say: This is a public place, what are you doing?

Tong Yao used her chin to point at the cell phone in Lu Sichengs other hand: Watch together?

Lu Sicheng sat up and the hand on Tong Yaos waist also pulled her upright-- --The two of them were back to their original position with Tong Yao leaning against Lu Sichengs body. Little Fatty couldnt stop himself from teasing: Its 30 some degrees outside now. Are you two so cold that you have to huddle so tightly?

Lu Sicheng answered without even looking up: You can go huddle with Lu Yue?

Lu Yue was looking down at his cell phone playing a game. He also answered without looking up: No way.

As they were bantering back and forth, Tong Yao adjusted Lu Sichengs arm and started to watch Jian Yangs commentary together with Lu Sicheng. They were watching it as their review of the round that had just finished-- -- A professional players commentary was more specialized than the normal onsite commentators. Usually, the commentators could at most point out who did what at a team fight or what a player would do in the next few minutes

When a professional player commented on a match, they had a very strong map awareness-- --It was just like what Tong Yao had done when she was sitting in the audience watching the spring season competition back home. She could predict what the game would be like in the next 20 minutes or even the whole game just by seeing the placement of a ward.

Jian Yang was a jungler and had an even better sense about the whole map than other positions-- --As such, while they were watching the video, Jian Yangs comments would elicit a discussion between Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng from time to time

They watched the video without much of an issue till the last team fight. It was a team fight that had been rated by all fans as the top three team fights of year for best teamwork even though this years world competition wasnt over yet-- --

When Tong Yaos Twisted Fate threw his red card and made it through a narrow gap between TATs front line players, accurately hitting TATs AD and killing him, Jian Yang cried out loud nice, then added: That red card was truly critical. It could fly past all the other players and hit the AD; either Tong Yaos ability to predict her enemies has reached perfection or shes in the lucky goddess favor, in short, a stroke of luck.]

Lu Sicheng chuckled when he heard Jian Yang. Tong Yao patted the screen of the cell phone: Shit, how difficult is it to admit that Im strong?

Then the video was showing Lu Sichengs Twitch back away with a sliver of health and Tong Yao got a double kill-- --The cheers from the audience could be heard in the video. Tong Yao moved her lips about to say something when she heard Jian Yang say: [This Twisted Fate is really strong Tomorrow, Ill force our mid to practice Twisted Fate-- --]

In the video, ZGDX pushed forward to TATs base.

The moment TATs base exploded, the cameraman gave ZGDXs five players a shot. It caught the moment when Tong Yao threw down headphones and jumped into Lu Sichengs arms The camera clearly captured the smile on her face and the moment when she looked up at Lu Sicheng with a smiling face. Her black pupils shone like stars under the stage lights

Jian Yang paused for a moment, then he also started laughing happily with them.

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