You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 180 (2)

Chapter 180 (2)

Tong Yao: 6666. I expected that your Weibo profile page is exploding right now and theyre painting a target on your face on Tieba

Its alright, Ill be dissed anyway if we lose this round. If we win, Ill be a god, the incarnation of confidence Little Fatty shook his legs as he banned the champion that Jin Yuguang had played so well in the last round, Corki: Have you come up with any countermeasure during the time you were off stage? I saw your face when you held Cheng Ges hand which said that youre going to carry him

Lu Sicheng: Thats right. What are you going to take this round, wife?

Nowadays, Lu Sicheng would address Tong Yao, in addition to hey, shorty,and our mid, in various ways as he pleased without any consideration to whether it was in a public place or not Tong Yao gave him a glance: Twisted Fate. Im not going to play the laning phase with him, I cant fight him anyway.

Old Cat heard Tong Yao and immediately took Twisted Fate for her.

Commentator D: [Twisted Fate.]

Commentator F: [I was in shock for a moment.]

Commentator E: [OPs coach looked like he was also in shock What, you know how to play Twisted Fate as well? !]

Commentator D: [Does every mid from the LPL teams know how to play Twisted Fate? Heavens, Twisted Fate! Ive never seen Tong Yao play him!]

Commentator F: [Whats happening? Didnt they say that ZGDX had the last trump card of LPL which was Lu! Hey, wrong information! You can see that OP didnt even try to ban Twisted Fate when facing Smiling!]

Commentator E: [...................................................Thats why I said their coach seemed to be in shock.]

While the commentators were chatting, Old K took Kindred. Then Tong Yao locked Tahm-- --At this juncture, everyone thought ZGDX is going to copy OPs super life saving duo with Tahm as support to work with Kindred as jungler. Therefore, OP immediately picked Zilean to counter without giving it much thought What they didnt expect was that the moment they locked in Zilean, ZGDXs Ming god, who was responsible for the ban & pick phase, would say: Nice!

Another unexpected scene happened right afterwards-- --

It was a trick ZGDX had used during skirmishes-- --

ZGDX locked Kalista and Annie for their last two picks. Then Tahm whom everyone thought was the support was switched to top. The bot duo became the classic pair during S5, Kalista plus Annie!

Commentator D: [We can see that OP seems to be a little surprised Actually, if they didnt take Zilean, theres other better choices for their line-up. Does this count as being tricked?]

Commentator F: [ZGDX seems to have made some adjustment to their strategy. I dont think, under normal circumstances, Smiling would be a player who likes to use Twisted Fate]

The game started as the commentators went on.

-- --What happened next proved that ZGDX truly had made a lot of adjustments in this round Hrm, to be more exact, its the way their mid played the game that had changed a lot. From the beginning when the minions entered the lanes, Tong Yao had been keeping her cool. She managed to keep the minions in the middle, between the two towers, and didnt engage in much training

Jin Yuguang also returned to the more consevertive way of playing in the first round.

Both of them stayed low.

When their mid reached level 5, everyone could see that Tong Yao had picked up her speed in clearing minions-- --When the minions pushed over, she quickly cleaned them up then turned  to leave Everyone thought she was in a hurry to get her own first blue buff. However, after a short while, when the video feed switched to a direct shot of her, everyone was surprised to see that ZGDXs mid had shown up at top!

She wasnt even at level 6 yet!

She walked all the way to top!

OPs top, who had been calculating the direction of ZGDXs junglers movement and knew that Old K was at bot at the moment, was happily farming and surprised to see Twisted Fate suddenly showed up at top-- --But this realization was too late for them. Together with ZGDX tops Tahm, Tong Yao took out a yellow card, stunned, and delivered a series of blows to OPs top. Along with Old Cat, she didnt even give her opponents a chance to counterattack or run away before she got her first blood. She then quickly returned to the safe zone before Jin Yuguang could be there and went back to base!

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