You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 177 (2)

Chapter 177 (2)

As Little Fatty and Tong Yao were talking, the video continued with more trash talking from both teams. Unlike the trash talking segments back home where most of the teams were more reserved, this time it was bold and unrestrained. LPL and LCK were always in heated competitions to begin with, so this segment could be more appropriately described as the teams openly challenging each other-- --

[SUP group]

ZGDX, Pang: What to say? Ah its so sudden. Im a little embarrassed. Anyway, people in the world only need to remember one telecommunication team and its name is ZGDX.

OP, Doge: Hahahahahahahaha, why do I feel a little embarrassed. Pang and I are all a bit chubby and chubby people are all kinder folks. Therefore, Ill save face for him and get our AD to kill him a couple less times.

Tong Yao: How do you come up with such showy lines in such a short time?

Little Fatty: .....................................What do you mean short time. On our flight to the US, I was already thinking about what I would say if we happen to meet OP in the finals. I didnt expect that I would use it in the quarter-finals already.

Everyone: ......

[JUG group]

OP, Sky: Ive always been called the weakest point of the team back home Maybe I really am. Perhaps its because of a lack of confidence? But in front of LPL players, I'm always quite confident. LCK has always been the best region. Im not afraid of the LPL's native players.

ZDGX, K (with smile): Did he really say that? There's an old saying in China: newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Uh, I dont know whether the Koreans have heard of it or not, I know some of you are learning Chinese Well, cattle are cattle and tigers are tigers. Cattle wont cheat death just because they are unafraid.

The other four ZGDX players turned to look at their jungler in unison.

Tong Yao: Whoa.

Old Cat: Korea has been working hard to de-sinicized in recent years Do you plan on stirring up an international dispute?

Old K, with a stone face, blew at the nonexistent dust on the keyboard in front of him: He was the one who said LPL native players first. Who is he looking down at?

[TOP group]

OP, GG (confusedly): Im a top thats good on the offense. Ive heard that Cat is an all-round blue collar top. Doesnt blue collar mean that he cant carry the team, right?

ZGDX, Cat (coldly): Whether I can carry team or not will start by taking his (*pointing at GG) head off his neck. Lets wait and see.

Old K: Judging from the context, what you really want to say is his dog head off his neck.

Old Cat: China is a state of etiquette. Were civilized and well bred.

Lu Sicheng: Its very possible that esports hasnt been able to be an official Olympics sport  because of the existence of indecent people like you guys. 

Tong Yao, Little Fatty: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

[MID group]

ZGDX, Smiling (laughing out loud): Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Ive heard a lot about this player, Jin Yuguang. Because whenever our captain complains about my champion pool, hell without fail talk about Jin Yuguang. The first time I heard his name was when the captain complained that I cant play Cassiopeia His existence to me is like the existence of the outstanding kid next door, you know what I mean? Jin Yuguang is a huge mountain in front of many good mid players. If I can kill him once, then that would get a lot of people to stop doubting me. En, so I have to kill him.

OP, Lulutia: Smiling? Very interesting. Ive never thought that I would face off with a young lady on the international stage and Im very much looking forward to it at the same time Its a lot of peoples dream to kill me, I just hope that when I kill her, she wont cry. That would put me in a difficult position.

...Ah, certainly, for the victory of the team, I cant show any mercy in any case.

Tong Yao: I have a hunch that the dialogue between our mids is the most civilized. The one with the most esports sportsmanship.

Lu Sicheng: You guess right.

Tong Yao: ......

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