Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 255: whale country crisis

After the Purgatory Devil finished feeling, Qiqi turned and looked at [Director Ma].

"Huh? That person's aura is very similar to ours."

"Another trash who has been assimilated but is still on the side of human beings, who blasphemes the prestige of our Lord! Kill without mercy!"

The purgatory demon with a heavy hammer took the lead. It shouted "Kill without mercy!" and rushed towards [Ma Guidance].

"Hey? Why did you come running to me?"

[Director Ma] looked confused, not knowing where he provoked the other party.

The Heavy Hammer Purgator has already reached the gold level threshold, but fortunately, its speed is the slowest among several demons.

"Kneel down!"

[Horse Guidance] Use squat knee pads to activate the squater effect.

The heavy-hammer Purgatory Demon suddenly knelt down on the ground while maintaining his forward movement.

Rubbing its knees on the field, inertia drove it to plow two holes.

In the end, the whole person lay down in front of [Guide Horse] in the posture of a dog eating shit.

The accident happened so quickly that the heavy-hammer purgator's brain went blank.

[Horse Guide] Take the opportunity to call out two scarlet battle axes and slash at the heavy-hammer purgatory demon.

The crimson energy attached to the battleaxe is the same as the energy in the fiend's body.

After the jingle, the energies canceled each other out, and the Purgatory Demon didn't suffer much damage.

It looked up at 【Director Horse】.

[Director Ma] Put away the weapon with a wry smile, "Brother, I told you that it was just a misunderstanding, do you believe me?"

"Believe in Nima!"

The purgatory devil reacted, got up and swung the sledgehammer to hit him.

[Guide Horse] took the opportunity to do another squat.


The Heavy Hammer Purgator still didn't understand the situation, only felt his legs bend automatically, and knelt down in front of [Horse Guide] again, and lay down in the mud like a dog eating shit.

This time [Director Ma] has a long memory and no longer uses the tomahawk.

He took out the standard long knife and slashed at the purgatory demon's neck.

The long knife snapped, but nothing happened to the purgatory demon's neck.

It's not as good as chopping with a tomahawk.

The Hammer Purgator raised his head again, and looked at [Director Ma] with resentment in his eyes.

"It's you playing tricks! Is it fun to play me!"

"No, it's not fun!"

[Director Ma] With a mournful face, he falters.

"I see you are having a great time!"

The Purgatory Devil stood up and swung his sledgehammer, which was bound to crush his head.

[Horse Guide] Leapfrog backwards, trying to bring down the purgatory demon for the third time.

When facing an opponent with a certain IQ, the disadvantages of the squatter effect are revealed.

If you don't react to the trick once, you are defenseless.

If you fail to respond to the trick twice, then you don't understand the mechanism.

If you can't respond to the trick three times, it's really an IQ problem.

Obviously, the IQ of the Purgatory Demon is sufficient.

This time it kept kneeling, kneeling and rubbing towards 【Horse Guide】.

Others could only squat or kneel to assist [Guide Horse] to deal with the purgatory demon.

Their speed is not as fast as the silver-level [horse guide], let alone keep up with the purgatory demon.

On this day, the players understood a truth.

The gap between gold and the lower ranks cannot be bridged even with quantity.

Besides, [Guide Horse] the players around him are no more than Bronze Rank.

When they faced the Purgatory Devil before, choosing to take off their equipment was definitely the right choice.

[Guide Horse] Wearing standard equipment, but can't resist two hammers from the Purgatory Demon.

When he was reborn on the altar, the equipment on his body had been smashed to pieces.

Like cracked crab shells, pieces fell off his body.

"Fuck, a set of standard equipment is gone."

Back on the field battlefield, the other three purgatory demons also rushed into the player array and started killing them.

They leave no chance for players to resist at all.

The strongest purgatory demon jumped into the sky and approached [Ghost Shadow from Heart].

The gap between the two is enough to have a large realm plus four small realms.

It shouldn't be too easy for the fifth level of the gold level to beat the elementary level of the silver level.

Even if [Ghost Shadow from Heart] has the ability to fly, it cannot escape from the opponent's clutches.

Only two silver-level combat powers were eliminated, and the rest were the trash among the trash in the purgatory's eyes.

[Invincible Nana] received a message from [Seven Blades Soul] after re-logging.

Quickly came to the battlefield and moved out the strong crossbow.

Sensing a hint of threat, the purgatory demon rushed over and destroyed the crossbow instantly, without giving [Invincible Nana] any chance to launch.

Having lost the strong crossbow, [Invincible Nana] originally wanted to take out the cold wind recurve bow to fight.

But before the equipment was taken out, the Purgatory Devil sent her back to the altar.

[Dawn] Simply put away the demon hunting gun and charge the ordinary electromagnetic gun to attack the purgatory demon.

The problem is that no one can control the Purgator, and his attacks fall through the air.

After shooting twice, it finally attracted the attention of a purgatory demon.

The purgatory demon came to [Dawn] in an instant, and cut him into two pieces with a gun.

This is not a battle, this is one-sided massacre.

The thousands of people gathered by the two major guilds were not enough for the four purgatory demons to plug their teeth.

At that time, there were more than a dozen anchors present.

News of the battle quickly spread.

While everyone was discussing the balance of combat power, four purgatory demons had arrived at the ruined town on the small island of Whale Country.

The people who had just been were still in a state of rest, and were quickly slaughtered by the four purgatory demons.

Seeing new humans appearing near the altar, the purgatory devil used the weapon in his hand to release flames and burned the entire area to ashes.

The fire passed by, leaving only a black lump carved on wood.

The leader of the purgatory devil held it in his hand to examine,

"There... is the breath of a god, and this god... is at the same level as my lord."

"No wonder they won't be assimilated. It turns out that they are already family members of other gods."

Players only have two Teleportation Altars in Whale Country.

One is located in the ruined town, and the other is located at the entrance of the broken bridge.

When most people wanted to be reborn again, they found that the altar in the ruined town was unavailable.

The players knew something was up.

The town altar must have been destroyed by the fiend.

One altar was destroyed. If the second altar was destroyed, how would they come to the ruins of the Whale Kingdom.

"Quick! Send people to place teleportation altars all over the island!"

[Seven-Blade Royal Soul] Mobilize everyone in the Tianzhu Guild to act quickly.

At this time, you can't think about relying on the government. If the government really doesn't remedy it, the players will suffer the most.

The current game is really full of dirty routines.

The planner arranged the world mission, if the players don't do it, they want to have fun.

That plan will definitely accompany you to the end.

You want to have fun, right? I'll give it all to you!

"Onmyoji" will give you peace of mind first.

"After Tomorrow" will give you another magma wash.

But after these situations happen, at least the map is still there.

If the altar of Whale Kingdom is blown up.

Then close the map.

Think again?

Wait until you find the location of the whale country or wait for a lucky player to be swallowed, and send it to the whale country.

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