Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 201: Sealed Mad Evil Artifact

The time-limited challenge mission to obtain the Cup of Althos has been going on for several days, and some smart people have already discovered the sinister intentions planned by the dog.

This is not giving players free benefits, it is clearly competing for the lower limit of players.

Now the most ferocious players have begun to challenge their own psychological and physical bottom lines.

[Dior never picks things up] Picking up the cup of Altos, calming down, exhaled and said, "Give me a cup of diabetic urine, add more sugar!"

"Mistgrass! This guy is not a human being! He actually drank urine!" The behavior of [Dior never provokes] shocked the onlookers.

Even Du Wei secretly gave him a thumbs up from the sidelines, but some players who understood and were ill stood up.

"Rating: 233"

Before that, the highest score was only 180.

[Dior never picks things up] He became famous in the first battle, and there was a big gap between him and the second-ranked player. At the same time, his physical attributes skyrocketed, and he could truly feel that his whole body was full of strength.

"It's really not human! How can you play with others like you?"

"Really, is it interesting to drink shit?"

The players who ranked higher before saw this scene and cursed.

[Dior never picks things up] Glanced at them with disdainful eyes, "You guys know nothing, there is a limit to being a human being, if you want to break through the limit of human psychological endurance, you have to surpass human beings! Only the king who can do this , is worthy of owning the Cup of Althos! Jojo! I am no longer a human being! Exchange it for another cup! Double sugar!"

After finishing speaking, [Dior never picks things up] drank another glass, this time the score dropped to only 222, it seems that it was because of putting too much sugar.

"Dior, what does it taste like to drink urine?" some players booed.

"Huh, want to know? Taste it yourself." [Dior never picks things up] wiped his mouth, felt the power of the surge, put down the cup and walked towards the teleportation altar.

He wants to use this blessing power to go to the ruins of the plain, kill a few more monsters and earn some points to come back and continue drinking.

This experiment made him understand the correct way to use the cup of Altos. The difficulty of drinking and the degree of dislike mentioned in the description will not only judge the taste of the liquid, but the most important two points are psychological acceptance and physical disgust.

And the liquid he chose perfectly meets these two requirements, and even if he adds a lot of sugar for dilution, he can still get a high score.

[I Want to Fly] and [Pansi Daxian] saw the performance of [Dior Never Picks Troubles], they looked at each other, and they held their chins with their hands in unison, falling into deep thought.

The Forest of Shadows, Conte City, the mountains on the east side, and the Jingguo area, [Feng Jifeng] After completing the first stage of training and raising his strength to the entry level, he took everyone to explore the players in two days Walk through all the main areas.

A team of nine people has now advanced from beginners to entry-level beginners. As the team leader, [Feng Jifeng] has quickly improved his strength to the first-level entry-level, and has determined the primary occupation to be the mystic mage.

Marcos felt sorry for this. He felt that with [Feng Ji Crazy]'s aptitude and courage, he was more suitable to become a fighter, and his future career plan was to develop towards the melee reckless-Duelist.

But [Feng Jifeng], who tends to be a two-star ancient relic of the arcane system, thinks this is fate, and God wants him to take the mage route.

Marcos couldn't resist him, and at the same time he was very curious about the ancient relic that could change his fate, but when Marcos checked the attributes of the ancient relic with the identification ability that Du Wei gave him through the fog of knowledge, he almost coughed out a mouthful of old relics. blood, and passed out on the spot.

[Rating: Two Stars]

[Title: "Self-Cultivation of Heretics"]

[Introduction: An indescribable ancient book that whispers in a low voice when opened and read. If you read too much, it will give the reader a heretical temperament. 】

[It’s the kind of person who walks on the street and feels weird at first glance, neurotic at second glance, and at the third glance, the other party will feel your gaze, and then run over to you and say, “Darling, Do you know Amway?"'s indescribable temperament. 】

[Of course, it is not completely useless. It also records the correct use of many practical skills, such as Da Sima's backhand, Wei Shen's reverse Q, and Xiongzi's disabled sliding shovel. 】

[After using any skill, the reader will receive a curse effect that temporarily greatly increases the cult temperament. 】

[Erosion degree: 205%]

When Du Wei took out the book, he originally wanted to sacrifice it to the lantern as a waste product, but after seeing its extremely high erosion rate, he changed his mind and put it into the lottery pool.

At this stage, Du Wei still doesn't know much about the effect of erosion, so he will pay more attention to items with higher or lower erosion, and try to give them to the right people to use, so as to test the attribute of erosion What will be the impact.

As for Marcos, in his opinion, this is a garbage ancient relic that is useless and curses the user.

"This **** is useless at all, and you gave up your bright future because of it?" Marcos angrily scolded 【Feng Jilun】.

[Feng has been crazy] with a serious expression, he held up his non-existent glasses, "Why are they useless? Look at its introduction, it is an indescribable ancient book, it will make a low-pitched raving when you open it, and it can also improve the temperament of a cultist. Yes, these skills!"

[Feng Jilun] Opened the book to Marcos, and Marcos quickly closed his eyes and shouted loudly: "I don't want to read it! I don't want to read it! You close it!"

[Feng Ji Crazy] Seeing Marcos closing his eyes and revealing many flaws, he almost couldn't hold back and subdued him with a chokehold and a disabled sliding shovel.

After two days, [Feng Jifeng] has developed a physiological response in fighting monsters, as long as the creature in front of him shows an extremely fatal flaw, he wants to go up and release the finishing move.

Fortunately, he woke up in time, so he didn't fight this old man. However, it provided him with inspiration. Eye, and then go up to a choke and a disabled sliding shovel to solve the battle.

"I closed the book and I won't show it to you." [Feng Jifeng] said with a sigh to Marcos.

Only then did Marcos dare to squint his eyes, "You kid didn't **** me off."

"Am I that kind of person?" [Feng Jifeng] said seriously.

Marcos looked at the cultist temperament emanating from him, and nodded cautiously, "I really think about it, hey~ forget it, you can go whichever way you like."

[Feng has been mad] Paying tribute to the teacher who taught him how to use his aura, he strode away to join his teammates.

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