Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 387 Can't Be Hidden

Ignius carried Nina back into the manor and laid her on her bed. The glowing stopped and he could not feel any mana coming from her. She really depleted all of it during that last attack. It was rare to see her getting upset and it was refreshing to be able to witness her berserk form.

The other three on the other hand had no other opinion even after getting stopped. It was already okay for them that they were able to fight and that there were more chances for them to show what they could do. Cygnus then entered the room where they were in as she looked at the sleeping Nina.

"What a fool," he sighed. He then shook his head, "But at least they were able to taste a power that was beyond theirs."

"Why did we not pursue them master?" Nahar asked because he was curious as to the reason for the master's decision when they could easily destroy them all.

"Because the heroes aren't here yet. I don't believe that they will not come and one more thing, the crown prince was not there either." Cygnus simply answered while looking at them.

"They must be planning something because according to my wyverns, the crown prince left the capital and is now going south." Ignius relayed the report that the wyverns collected while they were patrolling the kingdom's sky.

"There's only two possibilities, he will be looking for reinforcements from the other kingdoms or he will be looking for the heroes," Cygnus grinned. "Currently there are two other heroes in the capital right now and they haven't stepped out yet."

"They must be saving their strength," Nahar concluded. It was the only logical explanation he could come up with.

"Maybe, or the hero association's president ordered them not to get involved because if these two s-class heroes die, his association would surely crumble," Cygnus waved his hand as he walked to an empty seat in the room.

"Isn't that going to be detrimental to him? This whole place is about to go down and yet he will not help? What a selfish bastard." Reitou suddenly spoke which slightly surprised the people who were in the room.

"That's how he has been. He must be thinking that even if Lunaira falls, he would have a chance in the other kingdoms but I won't let that happen." Cygnus raised both of his hands and stretched them wide to both sides, "Because I am going to destroy this whole world. No matter how many kingdoms come to fight me, I will bring them all down."

These words empowered the people who were there. Ignius and Onyx thought that their master had finally returned. Nahar and Reitou were silent but they were pleased with their master's thoughts. Vain on the other hand had no opinion.

While they were silently celebrating, Nahar suddenly remembered something. "Master, how about our prisoners? What are we going to do with them?"

The smile on the master's face disappeared as he put his arms down. "Ah, yes. I almost forgot about them. Well, you can do what you want with them. You can even hang their heads for those foolish people to see."

With that, four pairs of eyes immediately connected and they understood each other. Cygnus shrugged his shoulders as he left them to their own devices. He already knew what was on their minds so there was no need for him to tell them what they should do.

The night came with the prisoners unaware of what just happened outside. They weren't even aware of how many days had already passed since they were held in that place. Their sense of time was already messed up.

There was not much conversation from them and the prison remained silent for most of the time so the steps echoed especially loudly.

Aberleign opened his eyes when he heard those familiar footsteps. He could already tell who they were and he could feel their presence. Their mana signature was unique but he couldn't quite identify all of them as he was only familiar with the dragon.

The other mages also had their eyes wide open while they were waiting for their visitors. Four people emerged from the darkness. Ignius with his wavy hair, tanned skin and golden eyes that were staring at them with amusement. The other one was tall, had long black hair and pale skin with his reddish eyes that were looking at them in contempt.

Nahar had an easy smile on his face as he looked at them with his green eyes. What stood out the most from him was his silvery hair and pointed ears. The other one had short black locks and pupils much like that of the dragon. Reitou had no reaction as he looked at them.

"To what do we owe this visit from these esteemed guests?" Aberleign asked without even standing up and with a smirk on his face.

"I would have liked to go with your joke but this time we can't because this will be the last time that you'll be seeing our faces." Ignius laughed and shook his head.

He stepped forward and leaned forward to look at them. He grinned before he stepped back again and nodded at the other man who had long black hair. The man then looked at them more closely and even with the distance between them, they could feel his overwhelming presence.

"This one right here is new," Ignius joked, "nah, not really and I believe that Aberleign is more familiar with him." Ignius did not hesitate to point at Onyx's face.

Aberleign had his brows furrowed as he took a good look at the man. After a few moments, realization dawned on him and he couldn't help but laugh. The so-called holy knight was actually part of that person's entourage. He was truly an incredible person to be able to gather these powerful people who served him with loyalty.

"Then kill us now and don't make us wait." Aberleign took a deep breath before he looked at them with a serious look on his face.

"That's the plan. That is the main reason why we are here." Onyx took the initiative to answer which further nailed Aberleign's suspicions.

There was not much commotion as the four of them worked. They resisted but they were immediately suppressed. Their power really had no effect on those people. It was only a façade they tried to maintain even though their power wasn't really theirs.

After the destruction of the House of Altair, they were called to the palace and faced the king after they fulfilled the mission. They were kneeling on one knee before the throne as they listened to the king's words. He was praising them for their effort and contribution until he reached the part of reward.

They were all delighted after hearing that. The magic tower during that time was being suppressed by the Altair. They were a member of it but their power and influence were still greater than that off the magic tower. So, with the opportunity that the king had given them, they did not hesitate to accept.

They were bestowed with immortality. At first, this gift was gladly accepted as they could have the time in the world to improve themselves and surpass the House of Altair. They did all they could but every corner of magic they discovered, traces from the Altairs were always there. They couldn't escape their shadow.

It also became difficult for them to move as they were faced with the scrutiny of the people of Lunaira. After the crime and punishment of the House of Altair was revealed, the people became distant from the crown and from the magic tower. Almost all of them didn't believe the accusation as they questioned the king and his counsel.

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