Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 27: Punishment

Chapter 27: Punishment

PPS: I did not need to split this chapter into two halves, because it was only 2,000 words, which is about 1,500 fewer words than the usual chapters. So I managed to translate everything at the time of posting. .

I do not know how you started using Mandarin interjections, such as "ma", "ne", "ya", etc. But I think they add color to the text and make it more alive. We use them a lot in Romanian too, so I guess I'm biased towards them.

It looks like our Ji Heng is slowly stealing his heart and he does not even realize it. ha ha

Sweet as moonlight, swept like water. Lively like milk, a swallow pecks in the spring. This kiss happened suddenly and Ji Heng was not protected at all against this. He remained immediately rooted on the spot, looking distracted.

At that time, the trees were green like jade, the blue sky. They were hiding in the shade, while the sun shone on the shore as if they were at PingHu; the light wind shaking the willows. This kind of landscape was fragrant and soft, making you feel soft and sweet, quite suitable for discussing passion and talking about love. This encouraged to savor the jade.

Of course, the partner can not be a eunuch.

People in the surrounding area seemed to have an out-of-body experience, completely stunned. Compared to them, Ji Heng was no longer distracted. On the contrary, he was rather calm.

Nevertheless, the most unchanged was still RuYi. Since he did not understand the adult world, he simply reminded Tian Qi, "Tian Qi, you kissed the wrong person."

Tian Qi had already discovered the madness she had made. She was so scared that her bones softened. Kissing other people like DengTu Zi at random was a frivolous behavior. And now she was disrespectful to the emperor and pecked him on the face.

DengTu Zi = famous lecherous character; debauchery; skirt-hunter.

... please, let it first calm down.

Having encountered this frivolous behavior, the Emperor's face did not seem angry. He let go of RuYi, straightened up and looked at Tian Qi. His eyes looked like a deep pond, their meaning was blurry.

Tian Qi practically rolled from the back of the turtle; she was so eager to go down, that she rolled on the ground, unable to stop the momentum. She did not dare to shake the dust from her body, she squatted down on the floor, timidly declaring: "Your Majesty, spare me my life ..." It would be perfect if she had one shell, one.

Seeing Tian Qi kneeling, the eunuchs and palace maids in the vicinity also managed to react, all kneeling on the ground immediately. Sheng'An Huai also followed them and knelt down, secretly sweating for Tian Qi; he did not know if this guy could go beyond this one. Sheng'An Huai glanced furtively at the Emperor's expression. Well, ba, he was speechless.

RuYi was still sitting on the back of the turtle. He looked at his emperor father, then looked at Tian Qi. In fact, he was not scared at all, mainly because he could not feel the rage of his father, the Emperor. The child did not have the complex views of an adult. Because his analytical capacity developed with age, the only impression he had on the feelings of others now was through his intuition. At present, RuYi felt that his father, the emperor, was a bit strange. However, he did not seem angry.

Since his father Emperor was not angry, why was everyone afraid?

RuYi was perplexed. That's why he asked, "Father Emperor, do not you like to be kissed?"

Ji Heng did not answer this question. All of a sudden, his fingers trembled weakly and he felt a dull itch in his heart. He could not scratch it, it was very uncomfortable. He stared at the main culprit, kneeling on the floor, who was so scared that he was shaking and cold sweat ran down his back. His head was down and he did not even dare to ask for forgiveness.

Seeing the fear of Tian Qi, Ji Heng felt a little shaken. He's waiting for him to come and serve him for so many days. Was he the kind of incompetent leader who would lose his head in front of being kissed by a man, mother? Why would he go so far as to have this fear?

my = question particle for yes / no questions

Ji Heng did not focus on the essentials. In fact, the kiss itself was not the main problem. The problem was that it offended the body of the emperor. Even if she were a servant in a palace, she would not dare think of wanting to cast a coquettish glance at her master, for one can not touch the emperor without permission, let alone a eunuch. Such an action, suddenly embracing the face of the emperor, how was this behavior appropriate, my?

Tian Qi was too scared of this accusation. The most important part was that they were now in a public place surrounded by many people, unlike the time she used the clothes of the emperor to wipe his nose. At that time, many eunuchs and maidservants of the palace stood in a circle and saw them. The emperor had to take into account his dignity. Can this kind of question be taken lightly, my? Sheng'An Huai's face was not so big, let alone Tian Qi's face.

Finally, Ji Heng also discovered the problem with their location. He did not want to punish Tian Qi, but, being offended by so many people, all observant, he nevertheless had to at least appear. Otherwise, all the servants would think they could get on their master's head, which is unacceptable.

But what punishment? To hit him, ba, his body could not stand a few boards. No need to be beaten, yet he had to intimidate the crowd. His heart was embarrassed. His face dropped sharply and he asked, "What do you have to say?"

Tian Qi was too familiar with this sentence. It was precisely to allow you to say your last words, one!

She did not want to die. His mind has become empty. She pressed her luck, took a step until she knelt beside Ji Heng, clinging to her calf and crying loudly, "Your Majessty, spare my life, this slave does not want to die. always serve you properly, ne! "

ne = ok? are you with me?

RuYi was frightened by the sudden misfortune. Seeing that Tian Qi started crying, he also cried, asking shouting, "Emperor Beseeching's father do not let Tian Qi die!"

RuYi has been cared for by many people. Seeing their little master crying, how could they have their faces to ignore him? As a result, they also began to cry and ask for forgiveness.

Tian Qi was designated by many people in the palace, so they searched for the best time to ask for forgiveness.

Sheng'An Huai noticed that things were getting out of control and he also tried to find a way to take advantage of the situation and help Tian Qi: "Your Majesty, please calm down, although Tian Qi Rude and impetuous, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and all your servants hope that Your Majesty will happily celebrate the feast - seeing blood is never a good thing, so it would be best to wait until the end of the day. festival and settle his account. "

Ji Heng was extremely dark. Who said he asked for his life ?!

Still, he could not say it out loud with so many witnesses. So, he just pointed to Tian Qi and asked some of the eunuchs close to him, "You, grab him and throw him into the pond, the farther it gets, the better."

Tian Qi cried while pricking his ears to hear what was happening. Once she heard Ji Heng's order, her heart finally regained her composure. It was nice to be thrown into the pond because she was a good swimmer.

Sheng'An Huai also knew that Tian Qi knew how to swim and so quickly ordered the eunuchs to start moving.

Tian Qi was playing a complete drama. She was still hanging on Ji Heng's calf, her tears now false: "Your Majesty, spare me my life.This servant will never dare to commit the same crime again! This servant will do his best to serve you. will surely serve until you are comfortable. "

This last sentence made it too easy for everyone to give free rein to their imagination. Ji Heng recalled the kiss he had just received, even if it was not correct, and his face suddenly felt he was burning. He could not help but be angry. "Hurry up, Zhen wants him to be thrown away!"

These few eunuchs dared not delay. They grabbed Tian Qi by her four limbs and quickly threw her into the pond, trying to throw her in the middle.

Because the impact was too great, when Tian Qi fell into the water, he created a wave as high as a person. Moreover, she had water in her mouth, ears and nose, so she did not dare to go out for a while. Fortunately, this place was quite far away, far from the shore. In addition, the water was deep enough that it did not collapse.

RuYi was crying hard enough to break his heart and open his own lungs.

Ji Heng wanted to take RuYi in his arms, but the little guy was going to do everything for the best this time. He pushed Ji Heng, did not let himself be trapped, insisting that he must go into the water to look for Tian Qi. Ji Heng felt helpless as he massaged his forehead. "He can not die."

RuYi did not believe it. He did not back down or let him take it. He turned around and, with his tiny, short legs, ran towards the Ci Ning Palace. He wanted to find the Empress Dowager and complain to her.

Ji Heng was angry at his son's temperament. He caught up with him in a few steps, abruptly turned around and kicked Dai SanShan's hard shell a few times. "Throw this rotten turtle into the water too."

Sheng'An Huai wanted to talk for a long time, but stopped. He only wanted to mention a subject, but could not find the right timing from start to finish. Seeing that Ji Heng gave more orders to the eunuchs, then seized RuYi and came back, he ran too quickly after them, trying to follow "the emperor ...".

"What is it?" Ji Heng had walked for a while, so he turned around and looked at the middle of the pond, only to discover that Tian Qi had already emerged from the water. Once he saw it, he quickly hid underwater.

Ji Heng snorted with indifference, then turned around so he would not have to see him anymore. Unconsciously, his hand caressed the place on his face where he had kissed earlier and discovered something sweet.

He put his hand on it and looked at it. It was sweet bean paste.

Sheng'An Huai closed his mouth silently.

Sweet as the moon and water, brisk as Yan Chunchun milk, this sudden kiss left the un watched Ji Heng Deng knocked out.

At that time, the blue sky and the blue sky, the shadow of the sun, the coast of Pinghu, the breeze of the willow. This kind of landscape is soft and sweet, but it is very suitable for talking about love and making jade.

Of course, the object does not include eunuchs.

The people around him seemed to be collective souls and they looked at them all with astonishment. In contrast, Ji Heng's embarrassment is rather calm.

The calmest is the wish. He does not understand the world of adults. He simply reminds Tian Qi, "Tian Qi, you're wrong."

Tian Qi found herself doing silly things, she scared her soft hair. The mere fact of being an individual individual is a kind of frivolous behavior, but now it has cleansed the emperor? !

... Please, let it calm down first.

After being light, the emperor was not angry with Longyan. He gave up his wish, straightened up and stared at Tianqi. His eyes were dark and ugly, which meant it was unknown.

Tian Qi almost rolled from the back of the turtle and rolled on the ground before taking over. She did not dare to shake the ground, but kneel on the ground, and said, "The Emperor is alive ..." If she had a shell, how good would it be.

With the Tianqi chains, the surrounding eunuchs of the palace also reacted and the pressure was suddenly crushed. Lian Sheng An Huai wants to follow him. He quietly pressed Khan for Tian Qi. I do not know if this kid can survive this time. Sheng Anhuai glanced at the Emperor's expression. Okay, no expression.

If you sit in the back of the turtle, look at the father and look at Tian Qi. He was not afraid at all because he did not feel his father's anger. Children who look at people's faces are not like adults because their thinking and analysis skills are not long and they feel more intuitive when they feel. Ruyi feels that the father is very strange, but he is not angry.

Since the father is not angry, why are you afraid?

So I did not understand, "Father, do not you like to be kissed?"

Ji Heng did not answer this question. His fingers shook a little and there was a slight itch in his heart and he could not scratch it. The main culprit of the eye on the ground, at this moment, shuddered and shivered, bowed his head and even asked for clemency.

The fear of Tian Qi slightly annoyed Ji Heng. They had been waiting for so many days. He is the kind of weak prince who will be left behind by his parents. Why is it so scary?

In fact, the goal of Ji Heng is wrong. This is not a problem of pro-privacy. This is a violation of the Eucharist. Even if it's a palace girl, I'd dare to wink, and I can not touch the Emperor without permission, let alone the eunuch, so I can not stop him from going to face of the emperor. word.

Tian Qi is also afraid of this crime. The most important thing is that today, there are so many people that so many people are no more than when she used the emperor's clothes to wipe his nose. At that time, many eunuchs of the palace were watching. The imperial majesty of the Emperor was still to be maintained. Can it be taken so easily? Sheng Anhuai's face is not so big, let alone his Tianqi!

Ji Heng finally found the problem. He does not want to punish Tian Qi, but in public he is offended, so many people look at him, you always have to do it, otherwise all the slaves want to get on the master's head, not a system.

But how to punish? Let's play, this little body can not help a few boards, no fight and no audience. In his heart, his face suddenly collapsed and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

Tian Qi is too familiar with this sentence, it's the rhythm to let you say the last words!

She did not want to die, she had a heart and she came out. She clung to Ji Heng's calf and cried a few times. "The Emperor is alive, the slaves do not want to die, the slaves still want to serve you!"

Ruyi was afraid of this sudden change. When he saw Tian Qi crying, he also cried and cried. "I beg the father to stop letting Tian Qi die!"

If you look at the people around you, the little masters are crying. How can they not look at the face, then they cry, crying and imploring mercy.

In the predecessor, many people regarded Tian Qi as the second master. At that time, they also asked thanks.

When Sheng'an sees this shackle, he will push the boat to ask for directions. "The Emperor asks for anger, and while Tianqi is overflowing, but today is the Duanyang Festival, the minions are eagerly waiting for the Emperor's happy and joyous festival." Seeing that the blood is still bad, is better After the festival, counting his account? "

Ji Heng is very depressed and said he wanted his life!

In this case, he said no, he simply stressed the first eunuchs after Tian Qi. "You, throw it in the lake, how far you can throw."

Tian Qi cried, erecting his ears to listen to the movement, heard Ji Heng's command and finally let go of his heart. It's good to throw it into the lake. She is good at the water.

Sheng Anhuai also knows that Tianqi will swim, so he will command the actions of these people.

Tian Qi realizes a complete series of dramas and the calves that hold Ji Heng do not let go. At this moment, the tears of the flow are all wrong. "Please, spare the emperor, the slaves will not dare to go in. The slaves will serve you with all their heart and will surely serve you." Comfortable!

The last sentence is too easy for people to think about it. Ji Heng thinks of the bad kiss of genius. He screams on his face and can not help himself with anger. "Not too fast, go away!"

Several people dared not delay and opened Tian Qi, carrying her limbs and throwing him into the lake.

Because the impulse is too great, Tian Qiyi entered the water and threw a big white wave. She plunged into the water and did not dare to squat. Fortunately, it was far from the shore and the water was deep enough. She did not touch it.

Ruyi cried a heartbreaking lung.

Ji Heng wants to hold him back, but the little guy comes out this time, pushing Ji Heng not to let him kiss, but to go to the water to find Tian Qi. Ji Heng reluctantly pressed his forehead. "He can not die."

If you do not believe it. He has already landed and no one will let him kiss. He will go straight to Cining Palace with his short legs and look for the queen mother to complain.

Ji Heng was angry with his son. He caught up with a few steps, suddenly turned around, kicked and kicked Sanshan's hard shell, "throwing the turtle into the water".

Sheng Anhuai stopped for a long time, he wanted to say one thing, but he still could not find the right moment from beginning to end. Seeing that Ji Heng had ordered him back and pursuing him, he also quickly followed, "The Emperor ..."

"What is it?" Ji Heng went away and looked towards the lake. He found that Tian Qi had already emerged. He saw him and quickly sank his body.

Ji Heng unconsciously sniffed, turned his head back to not look at him, but his hand unconsciously touched the face where he was only inadvertently kissed, touching rustling alien objects.

Take a look, everything is in bean paste.

Sheng Anhuai closed his mouth silently.

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