You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 464: The time to die has arrived

Chapter 464: The time to die has arrived

Chapter 464 The time for death has arrived

In the dark passage, Lu Xuan walked slowly.

Coming to a stone cave, according to the instructions of the old fox, his spiritual power opened the restriction outside the stone cave. A ferocious monster jumped out, and was pulled back to the depths of the cave by the rune chain on its body.

He has long been accustomed to these ferocious beasts being fierce in appearance but soft inward, strong in appearance but strong in heart, and he entered the cave with a calm expression.

All the ferocious beasts imprisoned in the forbidden area, in addition to the forbidden formations outside the cave, also have various magical weapons that block demon power and restrict movement on their bodies. They are very powerful, and Lu Xuan can easily deal with them.

Be good, let me draw some blood.

In the stone cave is a giant black snake with a pair of heads, looking at Lu Xuan fiercely.

Seeing the special blood-draining magic weapon in his hand, his huge body couldn't help but trembled, and he lay on the ground obediently.

The sharp magic weapon easily passed through its black scales, and a fountain of blood surged out from inside, quickly filling the magic weapon.

After Lu Xuan finished drawing blood, he took out a bottle of solvent that was filled with a strange smell from the storage bag.

This is a special solvent given to him by the old fox, which can blend the blood of various monsters and purify them.

The blood of the giant snake is black and red, and is extremely poisonous. You will feel dizzy when you smell it.

Pour it into the strange solvent. Suddenly, the black and red blood reacts violently in the solvent, and the color becomes darker and darker, as if it is sucking in Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness.

He collected the processed demon snake blood and entered another cave as instructed by the old fox.

Opening the bar, a strange toad the size of a millstone came into view.

The toad's skin is colorful, and it is extremely poisonous at first glance. It also emits poisonous smoke when breathing.

It looked at the blood-drawing magic weapon that Lu Xuan stretched out. Although it didn't react, its eyes were full of resentment.

Dont look at me like that, Ill get nervous.

Lu Xuanpi said to the toad monster with a smile.

With a strong push of the wrist, the needle-like instrument easily penetrated the thick skin of the toad.

The huge toad was in pain, and its body trembled violently involuntarily.

Sorry, I inserted it in the wrong position, please try again.

He took out the magic weapon, picked it up and down for a while, and then stabbed it into the toad's body.

The toad beast was in even more pain.

There is still no blood coming out of the magic weapon.

Its a bit tricky, but you will definitely succeed if you try a few more times.

Lu Xuan looked a little embarrassed and inserted the special blood-draining instrument again. After repeating it several times, he finally pulled out a tube of colorful monster blood.

Remember not to look at me like that in the future, otherwise I will get nervous easily.

He said to the toad beast with a smile.

Colorful blood is purified with a special solvent and becomes another form of solution.

There are colorful light clusters floating in the solution, and the light clusters are concentrated to the extreme, like stars.

He held his breath and poured the black blood essence that he had previously extracted from the giant snake into the container.

In an instant, the solution reacts violently.

After contact with the jet-black essence and blood, the colorful light groups exploded instantly like fireworks, leaving behind groups of colorful flocs.


Lu Xuan recorded the reaction of the two purified blood essences in the book and sighed softly.

As for the mixed essence and blood after the failure, he put it into the gluttonous worm bag.

"It's quite appropriate to take it back and feed it to the Blood Evil Flower. It is an evil spirit plant anyway, and this mixed essence and blood may be a great tonic for it." Lu Xuan unceremoniously put the mixed essence and blood into his bag.

He has been assisting the Qingqiu Fox Spirit Beast in conducting ferocious beast experiments for some time.

During this period, what he did every day was very simple. The first thing he did was to check the reproductive status of the monsters and find ways to maintain their mating.

Slowly getting familiar with it, and after the old fox trusted him more and more, he began to let him extract the blood essence of monsters and beasts. After being treated with a special solvent, it was observed whether the selected monster blood could produce a positive reaction.

However, every experiment ended in failure. Lu Xuan did not throw away the failed test products and destroy them. Instead, he kept them in the gluttonous sac and looked for opportunities to feed them to the underworld spiritual plants such as the blood evil flower and the blood spirit palm ginseng.

During the experiment, he was able to see the diversity of the blood essence of monsters.

The various blood essences have very different colors and characteristics, which give him a good understanding of the monsters in the world.

After he completed the blood drawing work diligently day after day, Qingqiu Fox Spirit Beast increased his workload again.

There is still something you need to do in the future.

It found Lu Xuan, and his voice became older and weaker.

Senior, please speak.

Lu Xuan had already adapted to the way the two of them got along, he said respectfully.

I believe you already know that there are many ferocious beasts with special conditions in the forbidden area. These beasts are made by transplanting and sewing the torsos, limbs, and heads of different ferocious beasts.

What I want you to do is very simple, that is, raise and take care of these suture beasts, record their detailed status in a timely manner, and contact me at any time if something abnormal happens.

After the old fox finished speaking, he threw a green and black talisman to Lu Xuan. The talisman seemed to be made of its own fur, and it had a delicate and soft touch similar to skin in his hand.

Junior, its clear.

Lu Xuan nodded.

Following the old fox's guidance, he went to the bottom of the pit and found the special monsters whose organs and even bodies had been transplanted.

Entering the cave, what appeared in front of him was a multi-clawed octopus. Dozens of tentacles were lying on the ground like a pool of mud. A monster eye pupil was transplanted on the top of each tentacle. Most of the sutured parts oozed fishy pus. .

Lu Xuan took out a bunch of water monsters and piled them in front of the multi-eyed octopus.

The octopus beast feebly raised one of its tentacles, opened its top eye, grabbed a spiritual fish that was more than half a foot long, and put it into its mouth.

After eating one, I closed my eyes and lost all interest in the remaining monster meat.

Theres something wrong with this situation.

When Lu Xuan saw the strange beast reacting like this, he knew something was wrong, and his spiritual consciousness focused on the strange beast's body.

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind.

Unknown alien beast, fourth grade, fourth grade black breath giant seal is integrated into the sutured thousand-eyed demon's eyes, and unknown changes occur in the body.

Due to the rejection of spiritual power, the vitality is weak and about to be extinguished.

I didnt expect to be able to see the detailed status of the transplanted and sutured beast.

Lu Xuan was overjoyed, realizing once again the power of his special ability.

Unfortunately, is just a failure.

Its hopeless, just wait to die.

He glanced at the limp octopus beast lying on the floor of the cave, gave it a death sentence, and recorded his judgment down.

"With this ability, the ferocious beasts transformed through experiments in the forbidden area will have no secrets under my eyes. Whether they are alive or dead, and how to save them, I can see at a glance. They are naturally suitable for this kind of experiment."

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