You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 209: I'd rather have a happy day with you

Chapter 209: I'd rather have a happy day with you

Chapter 209 It's better to have a happy day with you

The simple scabbard seemed to understand what Lu Xuan said, and trembled slightly, as if it was extremely resistant to the so-called insertion of the flying sword.

"Is it excitement?! Must be excitement?! Don't worry, you will be satisfied."

Lu Xuan thought with some evil taste.

The origin of this Yangxuan scabbard accidentally obtained from a secret realm is unknown, and it is even more extraordinary than he imagined.

Before, the second-grade Chiyan sword was inserted in the scabbard for a period of time. After the remaining sword intent and the scabbard nourished and stimulated the sword grass spiritual seed, the fire element sword grass was obtained.

Under the combined effect of the sword glow and the scabbard in the Xunlei Sword Pill, a third-grade Fenglei Sword Grass Spirit Seed was actually obtained.

"The success rate is really frighteningly high."

"When inducing the spirit-seed of Yingyinggrass before, the success rate was only about 20% when stimulating the spirit-seed repeatedly."

"This Yangxuan scabbard..."

Lu Xuan said with emotion.

Although it takes longer to stimulate the swordgrass spirit-seed, and the Xunlei sword light needs to be injected frequently during the stimulation, the whole process is much more troublesome, but compared with obtaining a third-grade mutated spirit-seed, this is nothing.

He put the gray-black spiritual seeds lingering in the black wind and looming in the arc into the spiritual field, the spiritual power surged, the Xunlei sword pill in the dantian slowly turned, and a tiny sword glow penetrated into the spiritual field.

Under the control of Lu Xuan's spiritual consciousness, the sword light continued to divide, and strands of sword intent like thin lines penetrated into the spirit seed of Fenglei Swordgrass.

Lu Xuan's mind was concentrated on the Spirit Seed of Fenglei Sword Grass, and he was relieved after confirming that it was in good condition.

Even though the third grade improved swordgrass has been cultivated, Lu Xuan is not in a hurry to present it to the Sword Hall.

After all, the existence of the Yangxuan scabbard is not easy for outsiders to know. After learning the method of condensing the sword grass spirit seed from the sword hall and cultivating the wind and thunder sword grass spirit seed on a large scale, it will be reported to Shen Ye of the sword hall.

A few days later, he inspected the Lingtian as usual.

In the spiritual field, there is another second-grade streamer tree with a mature spiritual plant.

Not long after he entered the sect, he used spirit stones to buy two plants of the second-grade Liuguang wood and two trees of Yin locust tree respectively.

The one whose progress bar was full before got the streamer array, and the remaining one is also fully mature today.

The quality is slightly inferior to the previous one, but it is good, and Lu Xuan is satisfied.

He lightly touched the slightly flickering white light cluster on the ground.

A thought flashed through my mind.

Harvest a second-grade streamer wood, and get a third-grade golden pen.

A talisman pen made of golden wolf hair appeared in Lu Xuan's hand.

The talisman pen has very good conductivity. When the spiritual power is attached to it, it can be swayed freely without any sense of stagnation, which can slightly increase the success rate of making talismans.

Lu Xuan devoted all his attention to cultivating spiritual plants, and had no plans to learn a new skill for the time being, so he put the golden talisman pen into the storage bag.

After inspecting Lingtian, Lu Xuan returned to the yard.

Improved the third-grade Fenglei Sword Grass, it should be celebrated.

He took out fresh monster meat specially bought from Jianmen Town, all kinds of spiritual fruits, and spiritual wine from the raw bag, and served crab spirit paste snacks.

The charcoal made of low-grade spiritual wood, flicked with one finger, and the fireball the size of a washbasin quickly burned the charcoal red.

Dozens of cracked silver blade fragments danced together, cut up the monster meat, and smeared with various seasonings. Immediately, the yard was filled with a strong fragrance.

A light blue ball kept flapping its wings, rushing from the top of the mountain.

Feng Falcon landed in the yard, and together with Li Huo Jiao on the neck, he watched eagerly at the sizzling monster meat on the shelf, his throat kept swallowing.

The cloud-walking lynx also came to the yard at some point. Its green eyes glanced lightly at the roasting monster meat, and walked gracefully. Show it.

The fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is about to spread out of the streamer array.

Lu Xuan sensed a change in the talisman array and looked forward.

I saw strands of silver threads appearing in the sky of the mountain peak, and when they were about to gather together, a pure white luan bird seemed to come from the void and landed gracefully in the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, a delicate ape like white jade turned into a beam of white light, rushed out from countless silver threads, and stopped behind the pure white luan bird.

"A friend comes from afar, welcome."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Xuan's mouth.

"The monster meat still needs a little time. You can taste the spirit fruit and spirit wine first. I brought it in from outside the sect."

He said softly to Xuantian Bailuan and Baiyu Qingtianyuan.

After a while, pieces of monster meat that were charred on the outside and tender on the inside were ready, cut up by Lu Xuan, and evenly distributed to the greedy spirit beasts.

Where have the ostriches and the little apes who only eat raw ingredients seen such battles?

All kinds of monster meat with different flavors are fed into the belly, the aroma, umami, spicy taste... let the taste buds have an unprecedented experience.

Lu Xuan worked hard to roast the monster meat, and from time to time he handed over a spiritual fruit and a cup of spiritual brew to relieve the tiredness and change the taste.

After feeding the spirit beasts, he was able to sense the detailed state of the spirit beasts and understand their every minute need.

Therefore, the Luanniao and the white ape were taken care of extremely carefully and thoughtfully, making the two spirit beasts with great potential feel extremely happy physically and mentally.

Er Xiao thought of the simple style and repeated ingredients of spiritual fruit and monster meat that he usually eats, compared with Lu Xuan's supreme delicacy and thoughtful service, he suddenly felt like swallowing chaff, and looked at Lu Xuan differently .

"The sect has been eating meat for many years, so it's better to be happy with you for a day."

Luan Niao and Bai Yuan had such an idea in their hearts.

Satisfied with food and drink, all the spirit beasts lay lazily on the ground with their chubby bellies.

Lu Xuan came to Luanniao and Baiyuan.

"Is the monster meat taste okay today?"

Seeing Er Beast nodding his head for confirmation, the smile on his face grew even wider.

"If you like to eat, you can come here often. We are friends anyway. Don't be so polite, just come here and you will have delicious food."

Lu Xuan's tone was persuasive and bewitching.

Luanniao and Baiyuan were full of surprises and looked forward to tasting this delicacy in the future.

"That's how friends are. If I have delicious food, I will share it with you. If you have delicious food, I will also share it with me."

"Not only sharing joys and sorrows, but also sharing hardships. No matter who encounters difficulties, they will try their best to help, don't you think?"

Luan Niao was still lying on the ground, with its neck raised high, and nodded, while Bai Yuan stood upright like a carp, looked at Lu Xuan shyly, and nodded slightly in agreement.

"If I encounter someone who bullies me and fights with me, will you help me?"

The word 'fight' seemed to trigger the deepest blood in Bai Yuan's heart, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his breath changed from shy and shy before to violent and vicious.

It let out a low growl, groped around in its jade-like head, pulled out a silver-white hair as hard as jade, and handed it to Lu Xuan.

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