You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 158

Chapter 158


As Lu Xuan pondered, the ink-scaled flood dragon beside him couldn't contain itself and bowed its long body, spewing out a heap of monster beast flesh scraps.

"It's been like this for the past two months. Whenever it eats a bit more monster beast flesh, it tends to vomit frequently. Now, it can only absorb spiritual energy to maintain its bodily functions," the middle-aged scholar behind them remarked.

"During this period of loss of appetite, I've tried various methodschanging the type of monster beast flesh, altering the living environment of the flood dragon, and even checking if it reacted due to pregnancy, but nothing has had any effect," he continued, seeing Lu Xuan lost in thought.

"Lu nephew, have you discovered anything?" he couldn't help but ask as Lu Xuan remained silent.

"I've got a bit of a clue, but it still needs proper verification," Lu Xuan responded, contemplating inwardly.

"Yang senior, may I extract a bit of the flood dragon's essence blood to test my theory?" Lu Xuan asked.

"Sure." Seeing Lu Xuan's confident tone, the middle-aged scholar agreed.

Lu Xuan, with his current cultivation level, knew breaking through the defense of this third-grade ink-scaled flood dragon would be challenging using conventional methods. Hence, he needed the scholar's consent and help.

The scholar restrained the flood dragon and used a conical device to pierce its ink jade scales. Lu Xuan swiftly filled a bottle with the blood.

Though he already understood the flood dragon's loss of appetite, he needed to demonstrate its unique blood characteristics to Yang Qingfeng to gain complete trust in his words.

Additionally, Lu Xuan had a little plan to see if he could take some of the flood dragon's essence blood to enhance the quality of the flood dragon vine.

"In order to slightly enhance the quality of the flood dragon vine, I'm willing to take this risk," Lu Xuan thought to himself, focusing on the fresh blood drawn from the flood dragon.

The blood, a deep ink green with shimmering dots, showed the richness of its spiritual power.

"I've been deeply interested in spiritual plants and beasts since I was young. I've read many ancient texts about them and gained considerable experience in raising and cultivating them," Lu Xuan began, citing his background.

"I once read in a tome about creatures similar to this ink-scaled flood dragon. It mentioned a creature called the 'Pure Chi Dragon,' which had drastically different dietary habits from regular dragons," he continued, speculating on the flood dragon's behavior.

"The Pure Chi Dragon disliked consuming the flesh of beasts but favored spiritual fruits and leaves."

"I suspect this ink-scaled flood dragon's situation bears great resemblance to that," Lu Xuan concluded.

"Pure Chi Dragon? But this is an ink-scaled flood dragon, completely unrelated," the scholar furrowed his brows, puzzled.

"I wonder if senior has any items related to darkness or pollution? We can test it," Lu Xuan suggested.

The scholar retrieved a bone fragment from his storage bag, gray-white with swirling black energies. Wrapped in a second-grade purification talisman, it continuously dissipated the dark aura around it.

He tore the talisman. Instantly, the dark aura surged violently around the bone. Lu Xuan dripped a few drops of the flood dragon's blood onto the bone.

As the ink-green blood touched the bone, a sizzling sound ensued, and the dark aura surrounding it diminished significantly.

"The blood of the ink-scaled flood dragon can purify dark energies?" the scholar exclaimed in surprise, a revelation that contradicted his years of experience in raising these creatures.

"The blood of the Pure Chi Dragon possesses a unique qualitycleansing impurities, much like what we're witnessing here," Lu Xuan explained calmly.

"I do recall something similar now that you mention it. It was more than a decade ago. A foundational cultivator from the Li Shan Sect visited, bringing along a Pure Chi Dragon. If it weren't for your mention, I would've forgotten," the scholar recalled, a hint of reminiscence appearing on his face.

"That cursed old Zhu, he visited our sect, and out of goodwill, I let him keep his spirit beast in our lake."

"That cursed creature of his actually seduced my ink-scaled flood dragon! And what a coincidence that it gave birth to a small dragon with Pure Chi Dragon bloodlines?" The scholar grew irate but quickly regained his composure.

While the scholar ranted, Lu Xuan and Huang Yuan suppressed their laughter, avoiding revealing their amusement.

After calming himself, the scholar continued, "So, this ink-scaled flood dragon's aversion is only towards the flesh of monsters, preferring spiritual fruits?"

"Exactly. Gradually influenced by the Pure Chi Dragon bloodline, the ink-scaled flood dragon has become increasingly repelled by meat and has even started vomiting. It only needs spiritual fruits for sustenance," Lu Xuan explained, the situation sounding somewhat contradictory for such a ferocious creature.

Lu Xuan retrieved some spiritual fruits and offered them to the emaciated flood dragon.

The flood dragon, catching the fragrant aroma, eagerly consumed several fruits without any signs of vomiting, appearing livelier.

"The problem lies here. This ink-scaled flood dragon seems normal, but who would've thought it possesses the bloodline of the Pure Chi Dragon," the scholar marveled at the simplicity of solving the issue after discovering the cause. The ink-scaled flood dragon, which typically fed on monster flesh, now preferred spiritual fruits.

"Yang senior, what about the remaining essence blood of the ink-scaled flood dragon?" Lu Xuan inquired opportunistically, holding the bottle containing most of the essence blood.

"The resolution of the flood dragon's loss of appetite is all thanks to your efforts, Lu nephew. You can keep this blood to craft talismans or refine pills," the scholar responded, promising further rewards.

"Thank you, senior!" Lu Xuan expressed his gratitude, smoothly stowing away the essence blood.

Watching the satisfied flood dragon beside the infatuated male dragon, Lu Xuan had a whimsical thought.

"This ink-scaled flood dragon can only live in a purely spiritual environment, enjoys spiritual fruits, and has glossy black scales..."

"Environmentalism, vegetarianism, and skin care..."

"The buff stacking is almost maxed out..."


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