You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 716

Huo Liancheng didn't say that he didn't see Jian Yun for a while. He was so flustered that he ran after him.

"Hello, Mr. Huo. I've heard a lot about you. I didn't expect to see you today!" When Li Chengze saw Huo Liancheng, his eyes flashed. He had just pulled him to 250000, but now he looks like a little boy with nervous excitement on his face.

"Li Chengze, Yan Yan's fiance!" Brief introduction to Jian Yun.

"Hello!" Huo Liancheng reached out.

Li Chengze was immediately flattered. He stretched out his hand, but he took it back. He rubbed himself a few times before he got hold of Huo Liancheng's hand. His face was flushed, and he was obviously too excited.

"Mr. Huo, I'm your fan. I adore you!" Li Chengze said excitedly.

Thank you Huo Liancheng super to face the corner of the mouth, "free and Miss Luo to my home guest."

"Good! Good! certain! Certainly Li Chengze quickly agreed.

"Hello! Let go Luo Yanyan looks at Li Chengze, this little fan brother, holding on to the idol's hand. She can't help but pull him and show a helpless smile.

"Don't mind, Mr. Huo."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Li Chengze this just reacts to come over, quickly loosen Huo Liancheng's hand, also very embarrassed.

Here a few people chatted with each other. They all ignored Qin Dong, who was rescued by the strong wind. Only Qin's mother was there wailing for someone to call for an ambulance.

Huo Liancheng was also recognized by the onlookers. At that time, he took out his mobile phone and photographed it. Huo Liancheng was in a good mood to smile at them, put his hand on Jian Yun's shoulder, said hello to Luo Yanyan and Li Chengze, and then turned to leave.

Li Chengze and Luo Yanyan immediately get on the bus and leave. Luo Yanyan just looks at Qin Dong sitting on the ground from the rearview mirror, but she has no waves and no LAN in her eyes.

"The man surnamed Qin is really filthy. He even wants to threaten you with his death. It's shameless! Do you still think that moral kidnapping is not possible? You'll feel guilty if you think he's killed or disabled, and then you'll be reunited with him? " While driving, Li Chengze muttered, "dare to rob my wife with me. I should have beaten him just now!"

"Aze, do you really mind?" Luo Yanyan lowered her head and her voice was a little low.

"Yan Yan!" Li Chengze made a sharp turn and parked the car on the side of the road. A rare person looked at Luo Yanyan with a positive look. "My heart to you, you should know, I only hate that I was not in China at the beginning. I hate that I didn't tell you that I like you at the beginning, so that you can meet that scum and be hurt by him! I just hate that I didn't protect you well. Now that I can get your love, I cherish it too late. How can I care about the past? "

"But I'm afraid you'll be made fun of..." Luo Yanyan's eyes are a little wet. She will definitely look at Li Chengze. She says in her heart that she doesn't touch her. It's fake.

"What are you making fun of? As long as we are happy together, better than others, regardless of what others say? Those who make fun of us can only show that they are life losers Li Chengze smile, "don't worry, it took me two years to catch up with you. Baby, you can't have time. Don't think about those bad things. Believe me, we will be very happy."

"Aze..." Luo Yanyan's tears finally rolled down. She hugged Li Chengze, and her heart was full of emotion and happiness.

At that time, Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng were walking to the door of the coffee shop. At this time, it was a little dark, and the signboard of the coffee shop was also lit by lights. As soon as Jianyun looked up, the word "burning color" was shining like a streamer.

"Liancheng, look!" Jian Yun tugged Huo Liancheng and motioned him to look up.

Huo Liancheng followed Jian Yun's eyes, and when he saw the name of the coffee shop, he also raised his eyebrows, "so clever!"

"Yes, I thought it was a coincidence when I came here this afternoon." With a smile, Jian Yun took Huo Liancheng's arm and kept the same movement with him. She looked up at the sign with nostalgia on her face.

"I still remember when I saw you for the first time, I still despised you in my heart, and said that it was so ugly that the makeup was so thick that I was so ugly!" Huo Liancheng is also full of memories of the tone, exclaimed.

"And then?" Jian Yun ignored his fair evaluation and asked.

"And then?" Huo Liancheng touched his chin with a look of endless aftertaste, "and then I didn't trust you? I found that the girl's waist is so thin, so soft, and she has a good figure. She must be very interesting to play with... "

Huo Liancheng's words did not finish, because Jianyun pinched him hard.

"Shut up!" Jian Yun was angry.

Huo Liancheng made innocent statement, "you asked me!"

"Hum!" Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a look. "I had a bad impression on you at that time. I also thought that this man was a human model. How could he be so bad tempered and still have hair? I even took a tissue to wipe my hands, which made me look like I was a super bacterium."

"Yes, you are a super bacterium Huo Liancheng nodded.

"Well?" Jianyun Daimei inverted, angry hem staring at Huo Liancheng, "what do you say?"

Huo Liancheng smiles and hugs Jianyun's slender waist and kisses her on the lips. In a soft voice, he says, "otherwise, how can I die of being eaten by you?""How can you make such an analogy?" Jian Yun was speechless, but then she began to laugh. She lowered her eyelashes, and her beautiful little face beamed with a sweet smile. At the same time, she couldn't help beating Huo Liancheng.

"What are you laughing at?" Huo Liancheng is curious.

"It suddenly occurred to me that when you proposed to me, you said that the first time we met, then all the tramps suffered." Jian Yun said with a smile.

Huo Liancheng frowned, "another woman to kidnap a tramp?"

Jian Yun hung Huo Liancheng's neck and nodded, "yes, but yesterday's news also said that this tramp has a long history. He is one of the top graduates of a university. He is also a good-looking talent. I don't know why he started wandering..."

"And then?" Huo Liancheng takes Jianyun and continues to walk forward.

"And then..." Jian Yun's voice gradually faded away. Behind them, the word "burning color" on the sign of the coffee shop was shining brightly in the already dark night.


Three years later, the world's top piano competition finals, the world's top piano players from all over the world gathered together to stage a high-level piano performance feast.

The final competition was so exciting that audiences all over the world who were watching the final cheered.

The awards will be presented soon, and all the people present are nervous and looking forward to it.

In the middle of the VIP table, tall and handsome men in formal clothes, hair is also meticulously combed, the crime of the handsome face tight, obviously nervous.

Beside the man, there are three little boys sitting side by side. The older one is about five years old. He almost completely copies the handsome face of the man beside him, which is only a miniature version. The boy as like as two peas in uni,

, who is about three or four years old, wears a little suit and tie, big black eyes, pink face, and pink carving jade. It is beautiful and unbelievable, especially when they are exactly alike.

The four men, big and small, just sat there and attracted everyone's attention. Even the camera lens fell on them from time to time, giving them a lot of shots. It's because the three little guys are so beautiful and the men are so handsome that everyone can't help being jealous. At the end of the day, what kind of woman can have these four men.

And at this time, the three little ones are all as stiff as the men next to them. They look cute and funny.

The host had already begun to read the Prize speech, and the third winner was announced, a young Russian man, Alexander.

Alexander came to the stage to receive the prize and delivered his speech. There was a great deal of applause from the audience.

The second place was announced. It was an American, Sanchez. The young man took the stage to receive the prize. The applause continued.

There was still the first place left. At this time, all the people on the scene held their breath, and everyone was nervous, especially Huo Liancheng and his three sons. They all clenched their hands, and the four men, big and small, were strangely consistent.

"Brother, will the first place be ma ma?" One of the twins asked Achel with a solemn expression.

"It must be! It has to be! " Ah Che clenched his fist and said, "have confidence in hemp! She plays the best tonight

"What if not? Can hemp be very sad? " Twin two asked, somewhat pessimistically.

"Shut your crow's mouth!" The big man, together with the other two little men, rebuked twin two.

Looking at the ferocious appearance of his father and his two brothers, the second twin could not help but flatten his mouth and see that he was about to cry. The woman with gentle eyebrows hugged him and coaxed: "salary son can't cry. We are here to cheer for mom!"

"Yes, you have to have faith in your mother!" Yinche, who has been married to Huo Qingcheng, also took a picture of Huo salary's face.

"Aunt..." Huo salary peeked at his father, his mouth flattened again, but he didn't cry. Instead, he nodded, "well, come on for Ma Ma, Ma Ma is the best!"

At this time, the host on the stage was ready to announce the first prize winner of this piano competition. After a lot of appetizing, the high nosed host finally read out the name of the winner, "Jian Yun, China!"

the audience burst into applause. When Jian Yun stood up from the contestant's seat, everyone stood up and applauded, because everyone here had heard Jian Yun's performance After playing, I think she deserves the first prize in the competition.

"Ma Ma! It's Ma Ma first! Ma Ma is the best! " The three little boys clapped their hands, but their legs were too short. Even if they stood up, they couldn't see the stage. They were sweating.

Huo Liancheng held one in one hand, and Huo Qingcheng next to him also picked up one. When the three little guys saw their mother walking on the stage, they immediately screamed with joy, "numb! Numb

The awarding master handed the trophy and certificate to Jian Yun, and gave her a gentle hug. It seemed that she was praising her. Jian Yun's eyebrows and eyes were crooked and she communicated with the master in fluent English.

"Let's ask Miss Jian Yun to give her speech on winning the prize."

All the people under the stage quieted down and looked at the beautiful and elegant women on the stage, especially the eyes of the four big and small men.After thanking the organizers and paying homage to the past piano masters, Jian Yun stopped clapping. She accurately found the direction of Huo Liancheng and her three sons, with gentle eyes. "Here, I want to thank my husband. Thank you for loving me and supporting me. Without you, I would never have accomplished my dream. I love you

After that, Jian Yun waved the trophy to Huo Liancheng, full of love.

Jian Yun was telling Huo Liancheng in front of the whole world. At that time, the netizens who watched the live broadcast in front of the computer mobile phone exploded.

"Oh, look at such a high-level international competition can be stuffed with dog food, this love show, I give a hundred praise!"

"It's so sweet. Look at Huo Liancheng's expression. It's usually so cold, but now it's so rippling that you can sail directly. Good Su!"

"How wonderful Jian Yun is. This is to win honor for our Chinese people! I don't know the piano. I think she plays the best

"Look at the three little babies. My God, I wish I had such a beautiful son."


On the podium, Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng looked at each other. They didn't need any words to understand their feelings at this moment.

"Here, I also want to thank my three babies. It is because of your company that my mother's life is more complete. In recent years, in order to pursue her dream, she has not accompanied you all the time. My mother apologizes to you. Thank you for supporting your mother like your father, and your mother loves you!"

"Ah, ah, the way the God holds the baby, good man!"

"This family is so beautiful. How can I live for the fart people..."

"I'm so moved!"

The number of people in the studio is rising, and it soon reaches the critical value, but the number of online viewers is still increasing.

The whole country of China, even the whole world, was boiling over the confession of Jian Yun.

It is not only because Jian Yun is one of the only two candidates in China to win the first prize in the sawa International Piano Competition, but also because of her identity and her experience.

"Finally, I want to give my hard won dream cup to my unborn baby. Yes, I am pregnant. My husband and I are about to have our fourth child. She is a little girl. I hope that she will be as determined as her father and be a noble person in the future."

Speaking of this, Jian Yun gently caresses the pregnant belly which is not obvious, and her face is full of happiness.

What's more, Jian Yun's words immediately raised a storm again. She said that she hoped her daughter would be as noble as her father, which was her highest evaluation of Huo Liancheng.

All of them are fascinated by this mouth of dog food, and all of them are blessing them.

Huo Liancheng deeply gazed at the noble and elegant woman in a small black dress on the stage. The scenes from their acquaintance to acquaintance and then to their love now seem to flash in front of them.

"I love you!" Huo Liancheng looked at the beautiful woman walking slowly towards him, and his eyes suddenly got wet.

How can he get such a beautiful and pure girl's wholehearted love like a beautiful jade? She is the sunshine in his life, illuminating his once dark despair. It is she who pulls him up from the mire.

She said that without him, she would not be able to walk to the present day and fulfill her dream. Huo Liancheng would like to say that without Jian Yun, he would have died in the streets in those days

I love you!

This is the most beautiful language in the world. In the end, Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun hugged each other tightly.

I hope that all the lovers in the world can get married!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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