X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 62

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 64

Chapter 63

Asahina made strange liquid.

The taste is definitely bad but, it should have a quite high nutritional value.

I think that the taste is bad though.

Even if a starving human takes something nutritious, they wont recover immediately.

Thats for normal human

But this ones a monster. Its likely possible in the worst case. Therefore.

Standing in front of the door, I looked back at Asahina.

Wait here

Telling Asahina, her humming good mood turned gloomy.

Could it be that you intend to do something strange to her?

Asahina asks while staring at me with a steep expression.

Strange? Well, its strange.

Yeah, youre right. Thats why you should wait here

I said as I try to enter the room. However, Asahina caught my arm.

No matter how much of a monster she is, shes a girl almost like Yui. Knowing that youll do something strange to that girl, theres no way I can just say, Oh sure go on

Holding my arm, Ashaina speaks powerfully while staring up at me.

Well, theres no way Asahina would just back off obediently without any explanations.

Its troublesome but I should properly explain this.

If Rikka has unbound herself, shell kill me whos close to her and then escape


I cant deny the possibility of her killing everyone in the house but, Rikka belittled me and I captured her. Then she should be careful next time. Thats why shell surely retire in order to be safe

W-What are you saying?

Thats just a what-if case

Asahinas eyes are shaking due to what I said. She probably doesnt understand what Im saying.

This is because I was able to capture Rikka after her self-destruction.

The damage on her right arm was the biggest but theres also damage on the other limbs, internal organs and perhaps the brain.

In addition, she pierced her own stomach.

Rikka was unable to move because of that so she was caught by me.

Its so idiotic no matter how you think of it but thats why I was saved.

When I captured her, shes unable to move. Thats why I was able to capture her. Furthermore, shes in a state where shes consuming energy permanently. Thats why I was able to keep her retrained

Y-Yes, I understand that. But, whats with what-if

What if That is.

Rikka has cured all of her injuries except for her right arm. Do you get it? Shes on perfect shape except for her right arm. What would happen if her right arm recovers and her energy is resupplied?

Even if her right arm recovers, Ill install a body pierce in order to not let her super-recovery cancel. But, if ever something unexpected, and it creates a chance even for a moment.

Rikka has a grudge against me. Shell kill me first if shes freed. On the other hand, shell leave immediately once she kills me. But, if theres someone else whos in the same area as me, shell kill it next incidentally. Thats why Ill enter the room alone

I try to enter the room after I finished explaining. But Asahinas hand holding my arm gripped stronger.

Idiot. If you know that its dangerous then why act alone? How much should I scold you to stop being obstinate? Are you that scared asking for help?

Asahina whos not letting go of my arm is going to preach me again.

Im irritated but Asahinas opinion is true too.

If ever it turns to the worst situation, I can have a meat shield using Asashina on my side. And if Rikka attacks Asahina, thatll create a momentary chance.

But well, even if theres a chance, shes not someone I can just deal with easily. In the first place, itll end when her binds are gone.


Pay close attention to her perfect condition. Its all over once her restrained is lifted. Its meaningless even youre with me. Being together with me will just have you killed too. Then, Id rather die alone

Asahinas eyes opened wide due to what I said.

Youre not saying that out of kindness are you?

Asahina narrowed her wide open eyes and muttered.

Its rationalism. That is the secret of your strength. You dont mind cowardly and unfair tactics in order to win. And theres always a purpose for every action and you dont have any interest but to accomplish that purpose. Thats why you dont always show off yourself and remain as a silent deadly poison

Asahina whos gazing at me has said then flatten herself.

I want you to answer one thing

Asahinas been talking indifferently has whispered in a deep voice.

Why did you rape me? If its you, you couldve done better. If you had the material to threaten me, you couldve cornered me and made me embrace you on my own will. Thats what you shouldve done normally. Then why did you take it the hard way?

I feel my heartbeat jumped when Asahina asked that.

Shut up

Gritting my teeth, I glared at Asahina whos holding my arms.

Why did I rape Asahina? Isnt that obvious?

Because I wanted the strong willed you cry out. I want to see the despair of having a man you dont like steal your virginity and cum inside you. It feels extremely arousing to see a strong willed woman like you crying out

When I told Asahina with a smile, Asahinas eyes didnt shake at all.

Holding my arms, Asahina snorted then draw closer.

If you like me then just say it honestly. You just loved me so much that you cant hold back and raped me, right?


I feel blood rising up my temple when Asahina said something ridiculous.

Youre a thorough rationalist and a child. A child who doesnt know how to be spoiled even though he has a habit of being spoiled. Theres anxiety and fear as the root of your rationalism. You turn your rationalism around so you abandon it before you get abandoned. Then you fell in love for the first time. And that one is

Asahina speaks while grinning then points her right thumb at herself.

It was me! 1

She speaks overflowing with convidence.

Aah, this, shes really.

A woman annoying enough to let blood on my brains flip out.

Right, thats right. Lets be gentle to Marina and Yuka. Lets differentiate them from her.

This ones no good. Absolutely not. I wont spoil her, forgive her, Ill train her thoroughly and completely.

Me, a child? Oh is that so? then thats great. Then Ill play with my toy like a child. Ill play with it everyday until its broken then throw it away to the garbage

Laughing while having my face twitch, I speak then stretched my hand on Asahinas nonexistent chest. Then, I pinched her nipples on top of her uniform.

Asahina twitched but she stares at me with red cheecks and rough breathing.

Very well, Ill play with you. Ill see how far can you endure


Her high-handed manner is what I cant endure. Im the one worried whether you can endure or not.

How long can you keep lying to yourself? But, dont worry. You can cry if youve reached your limit. Fawn over me. Ill embrace you gently. Though, accepting your naive love is another story


Cry? Fawn over? Whos naive?! Does she even understand her own position?

Glaring at Asahina, I grit my teeth then pinched Asahinas nipple on top of her uniform.

Asahinas folding her arms proudly, luring me with her moist black eyes, dyed cheeks, and rough breathing.

Even though youre just a huge masochist that loves being done in the ass, youre getting ahead of yourself.

No, maybe shes trying to fuel me because shes a huge masochist.

If thats the case, Im already in Asahinas plan.

Theres no path of retreat on Asahinas plan of annoying me. After all, Asahinas trying to challenge me with the expense of her own body.

I realized that a huge masochist with an indomitable willpower is a troublesome existence.

Ill definitely make you cry

Im looking forward to it

Ill never let you off

Im looking forward to it

Im definitely going to destroy you and throw you away like trash

Fufu, just be careful not to be troubled when you throw me away

Asahina accepts my glare with a fearless smile.

Even though I hate it so much I want to kill her, I wonder why. I feel something is rising up deep within my heart.

Anyway, wait here

But I refuse2, what will you do if I say that?

I leak a sigh as Asahina resist my order while smiling.

Im paying close attention so the worst case wont happen. But, therere no absolutes. Thats why Im assuming the worst case happening. In that case, Im fine dying alone. Do you get it? If you get in the room together with me without any meaning, and you got killed by Rikka, thats a wasteful death

Knowing that its dangerous and theres a way to avoid, shes still daring to jump to the danger.

Its not that I want to protect Asahina. Im just telling her to stop because its useless.

Sorry. But Im not a human like you who moves according to reason. Also, didnt I tell you? Im the one wholl beat you down I cant let Rikka kill you

Giving priority to her emotions, Asahina declares boldly that she doesnt make any sense. She doesnt seem to be backing down.

Its easy to shut Asahina up. I can just hit her stomach and make her faint.

Though Asahinas spirit is indomitable, the fact that shes a weak woman doesnt change.

But, thats just running away. Id gladly run if it is to win but its just postponing a problem even if I shut up Asahina by force.

I have to talk down Asahina even if I hate it but itll only be troublesome.

After all, my reason wont go through.

Ah, shit, were just wasting time here.

Dont do anything unnecessary. If I make any gaps, itll only increase the probability of turning to worst

Saying as I sigh, I put my hand on the doorknob.

I intend to understand that.

Hearing Asahinas answer, Id be troubled if its only intent, I complained secretly then I opened the door and entered the room.

Before I let Rikka replenish nutrition, I have to prevent her super-recovery from being lifted even when her right arm is completely fixed.

Ive already achieved that state by putting a safety pin on her clitoris but the safety pin makes me uneasy.

I took the piercing from Asahina to manage that somehow.

A silver colored body piercing.

Theres a gap in the ring-shaped piercing, its meant to have pierce the hole with it but, it has a sphere attacked so it wont come out even if you pierce it.

General pierce have the stabbing part a thin and fixed with a clasp so theres no problem even if the hole is small.

However, theres no clasp in body piercing so it forces balls larger than the hole by force.

Therefore, you should gradually enlarge the sphere to get accustomed.

The pierce itself is thick and the sphere is quite large. A whole of some size is needed to screw this to the hole.

This is too advance

I look at the piercings on my palm and muttered, then looked at Asahina.


Asahinas folding her arms but her cheeks are dyed red.

No, its not on a level of a pui, but a pierce and safety pin level of a hole opened by this.3 Even if you forcibly open the hope with an awl, I think it wont fit in at all.

If you forcefully screw it in, the hole will split up.

Thats right, the hole will split up.

If I attach this to Asahinas nipples or clitoris, the hole opened will split the nipple or clitoris.

But, theres someone who wont have problems even if the hole is torn.

Well, this is the most suited for the situation this time


Hearing my mutter, Asahina whos shunning me looked at my face.

This is a useless item if the hole isnt expanded. But, that is only for the normal human

Rikka who has a super-recovery ability can have it repaired even if the hole is torn. But, its not a problem on how forceful I should get.

Furthermore, if the whole is torn, itll get repaired so I have to tear a hole again in order to remove the body piercing.

It looks like it can be removed if Rikkas hole is torn but the question is whether I can do it.

I can do it under normal conditions. But, when her super-recovery is active, it has the side effect of forced estrus and a rise of sensitivity. It would be a difficult task to tear her nipple or clitoris in that state. Furthermore, she would be in a state where she can move her limbs freely.

From now on, Ill do something horrible to an innocent girl like your sister. I dont care if you want to look or not but dont disturb me

Saying that, I took out an awl from my pocket.

Didnt I tell you that I would be troubled if you die? I intend to understand the situation. I wont interfere

I listened to Asahinas answer and snorted. Asahina saw that and knitted her eyebrows.

Intend is troublesome. Even if Rikkas dying, shes a beast that can kill a brown bear with her bare hands.

Just swinging her hand lightly. With just that action she can slash my throat like a tofu.

Well, I have my ability. Its possible to monitor Asahinas behavior while concentrating my consciousness to Rikka.

Having that thought, I turned my back on Asahina and squatted down before Rikka whos lying on the floor.

Rikka whos restrained like a shrimp, bubble comes out of her mouth, eyes whited out, and convulsing subtly.

Her convulsions are getting weak and the complexion of her skin is getting bad. Pee comes out from he urethra but theres no force at all. Her hole must be relaxed. Furthermore, her heartbeat is irregular.

Even if you look with an amateur eye, you can tell that its quite dangerous. But, thats why theres only a few danger.

But this ones beyond human intelligence. Just a moment of slacking wont cause her death.

Adjusting my breathing, I concentrate to my very limit.

Its okay. Rikkas definitely unconscious.

I was convinced when I checked Rikkas inside all over, then I reach my left hand to her chest. Then I pinched the pink nipple with my fingers.

Doing something lewd while having a serious face, it looks too perverted

Asahina squatting next to me hugs her knees with both hands then mutters in amazement as she look at me.

Like I said, dont interfere

Shit, dont get disarrayed. If Asahina does something unnecessary, I should just hit her belly once. Leave everything else.

Persuading myself, I gripped the nipples strongly with all my might. Then I pointed the awl on the side of the nipple.

Y-youre piercing it? Youre going to pierce it?!

Asahina leaning forward stares at Rikkas nipple with her cheeks blushing. She muttered then glanced at me.

Ah, shit, I got distracted. Do you understand that once I relax my consciousness itll cause her death?

Pulling myself together, I pinched up the nipples then put power on the awl on my right hand.

Although Rikka has a different physical structure than ordinary humans, the strength of her nipple and clitoris shouldnt differ from ordinary humans. Even if its somewhat strong, I should be able to penetrate it with an awl.

As expected, the tip of the awl pierces her nipple.

Y-You stabbed it. You stabbed it. It looks painful. It looks very painful

Holding her mouth with both hands, Asahina happily mutters with her ears turning red.

You masochist. Im not doing this because I want to.

Although Im complaining inside, I put power in my right hand and push the awl deeper in her nipple.

Its not that strong but its hard to penetrate because of its flexibility.

My aim isnt to make a hole. Lets go with all my might.

Thinking so, I put all my power on my right arm.

Making buchibuchi sound, then it made a butsutto after, at the same time, the awl goes through.


Asahina screams gladly when she saw that.

I can see Asahinas naked body because of my ability, her nipple and clitoris are erect and obscene liquid overflows from her hairless pussy

This girl

Though I feel amazed and almost got discouraged, the real show is just about to start.

Rikkas unconscious but, the sensation of pain might wake her up. All the more if its severe pain.

Even if her consciousness isnt awake, and her body reacts reflexively to the pain, the binds might be released. And if I take a hit from Rikka.

Its definitely over. Just one attack will end it.

Thinking so, I sharpen my senses and confirm Rikkas insides, then hold the awl piercing her nipples on both sides.

A knife or scissor would be suited for cutting but I heard that meat is very difficult to cut. Even if I try to cut down easy to cut raw meat on a chopping board, its not quite easy to cut.

Then, Ill pull the awl and split her nipple.


Firing myself up, I pull the awl upwards with all my power.

Rikkas nipple stretches out.

Rikkas body floated up from too much power.


As I thought, I feel frustrated so I stepped on Rikkas belly while slouching. Then I pulled the awl with all my best.

The breast pulled beyond the limit and her nipple raises a painful sound.

I-If you pull it that much, her nipple will tear apart

Asahina holding her knees while slouching raised her voice while looking up at me.

Her fish eyes are moist, shes ear to her ears and her breathing is rough, Asahinas body shake left and and right as she l;ook at the nipple standing up and stretched beyond the limit.

It seems that shes rubbing her nipples by pushing her chest against her knees and shaking her body.

Masturbating even in such as situation? Just how much of a pervert are you?


I change my anger towards Asahina by pulling the awl with all my strength while stepping on Rikka with one foot.

The nipple screams out from being pulled to its limits.

I-Its splitting apart Its really splitting apart Youre a demon

Asahina seems to be saying something but I cant afford to stop.


Raising a cry, I pulled it with all my body.

It made a butsu sound, then


The resistance disappeared due to the nipple splitting apart and I turn to my back quickly.


Getting my back struck on the floor isnt a painful situation.

Even if I split her nipple, itll restore immediately.

Having such thoughts, I raised my body and saw

Is this good enough?

Asahina say while looking down on me and theres a red steam coming out of Rikkas nipple.

The body pierce is firmly installed on her nipple starting its restoration.

Though Rikkas pissing and somewhat convulsing, shes somewhat still unconscious.

You dont need to thank me. Because Im your slave after all

Asahina snorts while looking down at me with a grin, Asahina flicked the body pierce on Rikkas nipple.

FufuI want to hit her hard but I cant say anything.

That said.

This method is too inefficient

Standing while stroking my painful waist, I look down at Rikka and mutter.

I thought itll split up easily but I was too naive.

Its hard to cut it off with a kitchen knife so cutting it with scissors might be the best.

With that said, I decided to cut the other nipple with scissors.


Ku, nuku, dammit

Even if I try to cut it with scissors, her gummy like nipple doesnt cut up easily.

Even if I take my time and gradually cut it, the wound will just recover itself.

Looks like splitting it with the awl is better. Ill help you this time

Squatting next to me and having her hands placed on her cheek, Asahina mutters while staring at me.

Although its annoying to agree with Asahinas opinion, its useless to waste time. And if this doesnt end soon, Rikka will die.

Order me. Slaves dont move unless you order then you know?

Saying that, Asahina tilts her head while smiling.

After resisting a lot, what are you saying that you wont move unless I order you? Dont fuck with me.

But if she says that she wont move unless I order her, I have no choice but to order her. Also, I learned a lesson from doing it by myself.

But, why is she so annoying?

Help me

When I mutter that, Asahina tilts her head.

Sorry. I didnt hear you

She asks unnaturally while grinning.

Aaah, I want to send her flying.

Im telling you to help me

I order Asahina while feeling my face cramping.

Yes, with pleasure, Master

Accepting my order with a carefree smile, I cant help but feel malice from Asahina.

Does she want to have her nipple and clitoris torn like Rikka?

Ah, no, nope. If I do that, this pervert will be pleased.

Just how should I attack this huge rebellious masochist.

My head hurts somehow.

With Asahinas hand, I was able to tear the nipple easier than before.

After attaching the body piercing to the torn nipple immediately and confirming that the wound is closing, we did the same thing on her clitoris. Then, installed the body piercing.

The body piercing is too unbalanced for a young naked body. Even if theres no weight, the nipple and clitoris is being pulled down by itself.

Now then, its time for pleasure torture

Rikkas broken right arm hasnt recovered yet I have to open her right arm temporarily in order to repair it.

As long as I take a look at Rikkas state, its probably okay to release her right arm.

But I have to attack her with pleasure just in case.

Rikkas sensitivity isnt half-baked when I used the power of centipede to attack.

The forced estrus and heightened sensitivity which are side effects of her super-recovery are said to be a huge price.

I should be able to seal Rikkas actions if I attack her with pleasure.

With that said, I thought of installing a sex tool to the body piercing but theres no essential sex tools.

No, theres one but, theres one.

Staring at Asahina, I leaked a sigh in my heart.

Theres a number of sex tools stocked in Asahinas student bag.

Just what is she bringing to school.

Well, she was called to my house so she rushed in with the body piercing.

Anyway, theres no problem because Asahina has some sex tools. Theres no problem, but.

The act of borrowing from Asahina is an annoyance.

However, its not time to be stubborn.

Shit, why is Suzuhara-doll absent at such times.

Although I was wondering how to dispose of it, when the time when I can use it came out , I cant use it.

But well

The empty room next door is within the range of my ability. Yukas doing highly praised masturbation.

She was holding back to some degree at first but shes serious now.

While waiting impatiently whether I will visit or not, shes masturbating like crazy.

I cant play with her right now, also I feel sorry if I take the Suzuhara doll from Yuka.

After all, shes been kissing it frantically.

Asahina, do you have any sex tools?

Leaking out a sigh in my heart, I asked Asahina.

I know that she does but its inside her bag. And I havent checked Asahinas bag yet. It would be strange if I know that Asahina has sex tools in her bag.

I do but why do you think I have some?

I asked in a way that doesnt seem unnatural but still Asahina thought that its strange so she asked.

Asahina seems to be more flexible and sharp than I thought. I have to be careful.

You had body piercing. So I just thought that you might have sex tools

Oh I see

Asahina seems to be convinced by what I said, she nodded and took her bag.

But, what do you intend to do with them? Are you going to attack Rikka in this state? Or

Asahina who took out the anal vibe from her bag looks at me with her cheeks blushing.

The anal bead vibrator is thicker and longer than the normal ones.

What I wanted to borrow is a normal rotor. And yet she took the anal vibrator first.

She must be expecting that shell be attacked.

Idiot. I dont have the time to play with you. Go pant by yourself.

I didnt tell you earlier but the super-recovery has its side effects


Forced estrus and heightened sensitivity. Thats the side effect. Its not a credible information as it came from Rikkas mouth but it looks true when you look at Rikkas state

F-Forced estrus, and heightened sensitivity?

Hearing what I say, Asahina rephrased it, gulped down her throat and her ears turned red.

She must be jealous of it.

This is why a huge pervert is

Anyway, the side effects arent just half-baked. I want to stimulate Rikkas erogenous zones just to stop her actions. Thats why bring me a vibrator

I ordered Asahina in frustration, then I realized.

Shit. I said vibrator unintentionally, I shouldnt have known that theres a vibrator in Asahinas bag.

Shit, I made the wrong judgement out of irritation.

How many do you need? I have 12 ordinary vibrators. Also, four long vibrators for the anus

Asahina doesnt seem to have noticed my mistake, she took out her sex tools from the bag while speaking then arranged it on the floor.

Stroking my chest in relief, I stare at Asahina whos arrange a huge amount of sex tools on the floor.

It seems that shes getting serious but theres no erotic fragments to it.

Even though shes a first-class goods, shes really quite a disappointment.

That said

Ill leave it to you


Yuka whos arranging the sex tools has raised a surprised voice when she heard me.

Youre the one detailed about the sex tools. Ill leave it to you and attack her as intense as possible

I order while looking down at Asahina, her eyes are shaking and her face turned red-hot.

I was saying it sarcastically but was it shameful? Was it embarrassing expressing that youre a masturbation idiot in a roundabout manner?


Asahina calmly displays the sex tools on the floor but she hides the sex tools with both hands and shes fidgeting with her ears deep red.

Looking at Asahinas response, it seems that making a fool of her indirectly than directly abusing her seems to be effective.

Because shes flexible and quick-witted, if you do it in a roundabout way, shell interpret it in various ways and accept it unnecessarily.

Fufufu, I finally feel Im retaliating. I feel refreshed.

Then, Ill leave this to the expert of sex tools. Im going down for a bit. I think its okay but dont lower your guard

I asked Asahina like that but she looked down without replying.

Normally, you cant see Asahinas face since shes looking down but I can see it well.

Asahina trembled faintly when I call her sex tool expert, shes biting her lower lip, her face turned burning red and her eyes turned moist.

Somehow, no other men knows about her than me.

Laughing inside my heart, I left Asahina in the room.

Shes still in the range of my ability even if I go down the first floor under my room, also, I confirmed that Rikka has no power to resist at the same time I attached the body piercing to her. But, well, itll be fine.

Getting off the first floor, I headed to the kitchen.

Rikkas exhaustion seems to be much more severe than I expected. I think that Asahinas syrupy liquid wont be enough to replenish her energy.

Err, honey and other medicines

Hunting in the kitchen shelves and taking out a bottle of honey, I took out five bottles containing nutrient supplements.

They say that honey is amazing. I dont know why but I just heard that its amazing. Nutrition supplements are obvious.

Going back to the second floor with those, I added the honey to the syrupy liquid made by Asahina which is put beside the door of my room.

Since its troublesome, I put everything from the bottle.

Next, I added all of the nutrient supplements.

Hmm, the syrupy liquids color has turned poisonous. Also, the smells amazing.

They say that good medicine makes your mouth suffer.

The highly nutritious syrupy liquid has been added with an amazing amount of honey and nutrient supplement. Im sure this will work.

Holding the container of the syrupy liquid, I open the door and entered the room.

Asahinas sitting down on the floor. Rikkas body is rolling on the floor and has sex tools set on her firmly.


Grinning as I raise my voice, Asahina whos looking down has twitched.

I was watching over the state of this room all the time but, its better than I expected.

Shes very used to it.

But, Asahina doesnt know Im watching. Therefore I must have her explain it out loud.

Explain what kind of sex tool you installed and where

Ordering Asahina, her body flushed and started trembling again.

I was at my wits end thinking how to attack Asahina due to her defiant attitude but I was nearly fooled.

Asahina doesnt know any man but me, thats why she thinks that Im much more naive than she thought. If I reconsider it, she desperately denies that shes a pervert and shes concerned about having no chest.

Though shes taking a defiant attitude, shes actually hiding her real intent.

Though youre telling me that Im naive, youre much more naive, bakabaka, tiny tits bakaa.

I-I attached vibrators on her nipple and nipples. A-Also, I connected the vibrators to the piercing to amplify the vibrations. A-Also, her butt

Asahina explains it in a loud shivering voice but, her voice gradually gets smaller and I could hardly hear her in the end.

You packed four vibrators and pierced it with an anal vibrator didnt you? Furthermore, you even used lotion.

I can see everything you know.

Is this Asahina Yuu-chans favorite sex tool masturbation


No? Well, not that I care about it.

Asahina tries to look up to deny it but I interrupted it. Then I looked down at her.

Asahina seems to want to make excuses but she bites her lower lip with her red face and her moist eyes trembles.

If youre going to make an excuse, then youre admitting defeat.

No matter how strong your willpower is, youre just a naive woman who doesnt know a man at the same time. Once I know how to attack, youre reasonably better than Marina and Yuka.

Mufufu, easy, happy~

I want to embarrass her more but I have to deal with Rikka first.

That said, I let her drink the syrupy juice that should be effective as a nutritional supplement.

But before that.

Asahina turned all of the switches attached to her vagina to maximize the vibration.

A grand vibrating sound comes from Rikkas whole body. But, Rikka doesnt show much reaction and only just a slight twitching.

Okay, then lets restore her right arm.

I rolled down Rikka and pay attention to her inside while loosening the leather belt binding her right hand.

Then her right arm bent at an abnormal angle was instantly restored.

I quickly tied up her arm when I saw it. Then, I feel relieved,

Okay, were prepared. Next would be just giving her nutrition.

I pick Rikka up then fixed her, put in that thing that makes it easier to pour the liquid in her mouth. Then, I poured in the liquid on the bowl shaped part.

Gofu, goha

Rikka who didnt show that much reaction until now suffered from convulsions when I forcibly pour in the liquid.

When I pour in more liquid

Asahina! Get away!


Asahinas eyes turned round from my shout.

I told her not to lower her guard.



I threw Rikka away and pushed Asahina.

At the moment the syrupy liquid enters Rikkas body, her whole body system activated at once.

Its not that I saw it. But, I certainly felt Rikkas cells activating in a dash.

Rolling down on the floor, I hold the awl on the ground and moved in front of the collapsed Asahina.

While feeling cold sweat coming out of my body, I put my knees on the floor and point the tip of the awl at Rikka.

Who wouldve thought that her cells will activate at the moment she gets the nutrition. I estimated the time loss but that thought was naive.

As expected, shes a ridiculous monster.

The tense time flows while I set up the awl.

Following the activities inside, dead man like pale skin is coming back to life.

Should I injure her and make her consume energy again? But, how?


Its possible to pierce her heart with the awl right now. With my ability, I can pierce her heart by aiming for the gaps in the bone and muscle tissues.

But, since shes bound, she shouldnt be able to resist.

But, the injury in her arm has recovered. If the activation isnt normal, if I unleash the binds and she shows more power than expected.

Should I just watch over for now. Or should we act?


Unable to make a judgement, theres a sudden scream coming in the room.

Rikkas the source of the voice. Her whole sweating body is flushed to vermillion, shes spouting out urine while convulsing forcefully.

I felt relieved when I saw that.

It seems that the pleasure attack i working. In short, her super-recovery ability isnt lifted.

The piercing went well.

Ah, I panicked. I fell in panic as soon as her cells activated immediately but I piled up several folds of insurance to prevent Rikkas counterattack. But, I panicked.

W-What vitality

Asahina mutters while raising herself from the floor.

Rikkas screaming echoes.

Rikkas pissing forcefully while twitching. Asahinas eyes shake as she look at Rikka then her face turned pale.

Asahina said that she understood that Rikkas a monster but it seems that she didnt fully understand it.

Well, Im the same.

Dont come close to her

I wont even if you order me

Asahina responds immediately.

Well, thats good.

Asahinas seriously cautious.

A lot happened but we have achieved our biggest goal.

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 62

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 64

  1. DIO!
  2. Thats actually the second Jojo reference in this chapter

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