X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

I pulled Yukas hand, went around the back of the house and hold my breath as I squat down.


Yuka whos squatting next to me was surprised when I take her hand and lead her, she asked insecurely. I looked at Yukas eyes then laughed while closing one of my eyes and putting my forefinger to her mouth.

Yuka looks flustered and yet she nodded and buried her face on her knees.

Yukas faintly trembling. When I used my X-ray to see Yukas heart, its beating violently.

Yukas clearly shaken that I suddenly moved her but is she really shaken or could it just be an act?

Well, it might be impossible for her to change the speed of her heart freely so shes really shaken.

Yukas talking to someone on her phone. Shes shaking because she thinks I noticed, in other words, she had a conversation thats bad when heard.

Then, should we shake her a bit?


I tilt my head while raising an ignorant voice, I stretched my right hand towards Yuka and patted the shoulder area of her uniform.

Shes surprised? Yuka who buried her face under her knee looks up at me.

Theres some trash. Its like a dead leaf


Drawing my face close to Yukas ear, I whispered then Yuka trembled.

I penetrate Yukas skin with my X-ray ability. The hear beat Im seeing earlier had jumped up and its about to burst.

This isnt an act.


Since Yuka has no way of knowing that I can see the beating of heart, shes expressing her gratitude while desperately pretending to be calm.

Yukas clearly shaken.

Im having a bad premonition.

She did move secretly without permission but its possible to deal with it when you notice it. But its possible that it might be already too late.

She needed cooperation from someone to collect the information about the criminal who aimed at Marina. But Yuka has no other friend thats moving with no compensation except Asahina. If Asahina cant move, then shell ask cooperation from someone else.

Then, what did Yuka use as payment?/

Money? Or.

Yuka values herself lowly. She thinks her defiled self has no value. She can use her defiled body as compensation.

Yuka will present her body as compensation without thinking.

But thats only my guess in the end. Then I need to get the truth out of Yuka but it she wont answer honestly even if I asked.

Then, should I try it?

I passed Yukas right shoulder and embraced her. I placed my left hand on Yukas shoulder and made her face up.

Yukas shaking eyes stiffened from my sudden actions. Then Yukas lips.


Yuka opened her eyes wide then she tried to push my mouth away with both of her hands. Then she hugs herself trembling.

Yuka rejected the kiss while trembling.

This is already a bingo in a bad sense.

Yuka whos body and mind is completely defiled sees herself very cheaply. Also, Yuka reconciled with Marina but shes likely to be worrying that she had tried to kill Marina.

Did Yuka sacrifice her body to receive intelligence.

Yuka can also think well to take that action.

I was too late to notice.

Seriously, youre an idiot

Yare Yare, I leaked a sigh and placed my right hand no top of Yukas head then patted her violently1

Yuka trembled then she buried her face on her trembling knees, shes clearly frightened.

Well, theres no other way but to do it.

There will be no next time. Thats why dont do anything idiotic again

Saying that I hold Yukas shoulder and drawn her to me, but Yuka trembled and parted from me. But she has no power to match me.

Yuka desperately tries to run away from me but she realized that its impossible to run away, she loosened up and leaned against me.

Though its an unforgivable act to be embraced by a man other than me, its also my error this time.

I shouldve told Yuka that theres a threat letter. I shouldve given Yuka instructions.

I didnt rely on Yuka so she thought that shes not needed.

Then, even if I come to dislike her, even if I come to throw her away, she wants to be useful.

Its easy to expect for that kind of action to come out for Yuka. And yet I didnt notice it so Its mostly my fault.

I-Im sorry

Yuka leaned on me and buried her face on my chest, she apologized with a trembling voice. She clings to my chest as her shoulders shake.

I leak out a sigh then embraced Yuka strongly and tapped her shoulder.

Shes a woman whod open her legs happily when necessary for the sake of filling lust. But, she stabbed her own heart for my sake and I cant dessert the woman who conceals the pain from opening her legs for other men.

That woman is something very rare no matter where you look at.

Still, yare yare, women are difficult.

I hold my breath at the back of the house for a while then I heard a faint voice.

Marinas voice, andAsahinas voiceNot.

The type of voice sounds like Asahina but its higher and younger than Asahina.

Lolihina? Lolihina came here? I called her sister though.

I heard Asahinas voice after that.

Oh, I see. Lolihina came together with the elder sister.

Still, its outside my expectations. The thought of Lolihina coming together didnt exist. But its not impossible if I think about it.

Asahina cant stand up by herself after I violated and stirred her with my hand. Lolihina comes with that Asahina.

Since time has passed, Asahina has recovered too but she knows that her sister is in a state where she cant stand. Knowing that shell go out that night, she made her agree to accompany her.

Also, from what I heard from Yukina, Lolihina has a sister complex.

However, Im beaten. Even though shes a loli, Marinas at disadvantage because its 2v1. Also, her opponents are sisters. Since her opponent are sisters that knows each other very well, its becoming more of Marinas disadvantage.

Its good if Yukinas only getting the wrong Idea and can try to separate Lolihina but its useless to expect anything from her. No, Im anxious if she answers my expectation in a bad meaning.

At worst, I have to do something about it but would I be able to? I cant see anything but a chaotic future.

Before long, I cant hear the voice of Asahina, Lolihina and Marina. It seems that they went inside the house.

After some time, I take Yukas hand and stood up then I went to face the door.


Yuka who stood up next to me, trembles on her knees then her knees collapsed and she sat down in place.

Her face distorts, Yuka tries to subdue her voice while she desperately tries to stand up while crying. But her waist has come off and she cant stand no matter desperate she tries to stand up.

Surely shes regretting what she had done.

Yuka opened her legs for other men just to be useful for me even if I throw her away.

Shes prepared to be thrown away but she never wouldve thought that shed be forgiven.

I-Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry

Yuka mutters as she desperately tries to stand. I lifted Yuka.


Yuka who was suddenly princess carried by me raised a small scream and tried to run away. But, theres nowhere to run to.,

I-Im sorry

Yuka who understood that its impossible to run away relaxed herself and she apologized while burying her face under my shoulder.


Thats the only thing I answered then I began to walk towards the door.

Well, what? I wont make a big fuss over it because its my fault this time but.

Ill definitely beat the guy who made the move at Yuka.

I opened the door while carrying Yuka and entered the house. Then theres two small loafers that caught my attention.

Yukina and Lolihinas loafer.

Thats great but I dont find Marina and Asahinas shoes.

I used my ability to confirm it but I didnt find Marina and Asahinas shoes.

Marina, she took Asahina and her shoes to the second floor so mother wont find it out? Well done.

But why did she leave Lolihinas shoes in the door?

Could it be I thought, I walked stealthily down the corridor and stopped in front of the door, I entered the living room and saw it.

The spectacle I saw is the two loli sitting side by side at the sofa at the living room. Yukina and Lolihina.

Amazing. Whats amazing? Yukina and Lolihina are beauties that surpasses the rest but the impact when the two sits side by side is terrific.

Theres western beautiful loli with blue eyes and blond hair braided on the back.

then on the other side is a beautiful loli having a long black hair tied into twintails and cat ears that doesnt look arrogant.

Its conflicting gold and black. Then both skins are white as snow.

Yukinas a curve ball and Lolihina is a straight ball.

If they debut as a unit then theyd sell a lot.

Units name is Loli impact.

Hey Yui, dont be so nervous. This is my lovers house

I heard Yukinas voice.

Is that Orange Juice? Holding a glass on one hand, Yukina sucks the straw rapidly and when she spit out the straw, she talks to Lolihina with a self important attitude.


On the other side, Lolihina whos holding the same orange juice as Yukina with both of her hands is answering half-heartedly while having a confused expression floating on her face.

Lolihina came together with Asahina but why shes in the living room?

Asahina and Marinas shoes arent in the door but Lolihinas shoes is there. In other words, Lolihina was taken to the living room not due to the unforeseen circumstances but shes likely sent by Marinas plan.

Marina knows that Yukina and Lolihina are acquaintance after all.

Marina who saw Lolihina took her with Asahina to create a situation and she made Lolihina and Yukina make contact.

If so, then Marinas unexpectedly sharp. I got a better opinion of her.

When I leave everything to her then shes likely to have become serious.

U-Uhm, Setsuna-senpai, is that true that you had a lover?

What? Whats with you Yui, youre thinking that Im lying?

N-No, Setsuna-senpai is a hopeless birdbrain so I dont think that youre not a liar

Right? Then its true that I got a lover. Its amazing. You must be jealous?

Yukina speaks proudly from Lolihinas words.

Hey, she said that youre a hopeless birdbrain. Youre not minding it?

Or rather, Senpai? Yukina is Lolihinas senpai?

Furthermore, dont tell anyway, Ill be having sex soon

Saying that, Yukina grins. Then Lolihina stares at that Yukina.

Just what is she saying suddenly? Are you an idiot? Oh right, shes an idiot.

Senpai, you know what kind of act sex is? The males penis would enter a womans vagina and it would go in and out until it ejaculates inside the vagina you know?

Lolihina instinctively spoken to Yukihina with a serious stare.

The penis and vagina and ejaculating inside the vagina? Lolihina is saying such jargon surprisingly calm.

I thought that shes an honest loli but am I wrong? No shes speaking about it calmly but the contents are

Fufuun, that doesnt matter

Yukina who heard Lolihinas words snorts and laughed arrogantly.

Im a man. If hes going to do it then it would be on the anus

Senpais heart might be a man but your body is a woman you know? That, was it Motaro-san? Are you sure that you understand it?

I said it properly

Its not a problem whether you said it properly. Whats essential is understanding

Shut up. I said that I properly told him

Judging from that reaction, its suspicious if he really understood it, Senpai, thats important. You have to understand each other by taking it slowly Sex can be saved for later

S-Shut up! Even though you dont have experience with love! Even though youre so scared to talk with men, dont be so arrogant to preach me about love

Lolihina said it with an earth shattering directness and Yukina has become ill-humored when shes preached by Lolihina.

Senpai looks lovely so she living apart from others strongly and nobly as an alpha male

Eh? Im living apart from other strongly and nobly


Im an alpha male?


E, ehe, ehehehe, Im glad. Thanks Yui. Yuis really my best friend

Yes. Im senpais best friend

Ehehe, Un, ehehe

Lolihina seems to have made Yukina believe with flattery so she expresses her gratitude while laughing bashfully,

Good. Lolihinas treating Yukina extremely well. It seems that its true that theyre intimate.

Also, Lolihinas attitude is clearly different. I dont feel the weakness coming from her when she came to her sister at the school and at the time on the roast meat shop.

Shes shrinking in front of others but her real self comes out when she lets down her guard.

That bold appearance looks like her sisters.

I thought that they dont resemble in chracter but it seems that that the Asahina little sister is the rotten one?

Senpais a helpless birdbrain but your judgement on people are above the average. But, if Senpai says that she fell in love then I wont make a complaint. But, dont rush. Sudden sex is bad. First would be petting


Begin with the kiss at the lip, the womans breasts and nipples, then the man would caress the clitoris and vagina. At the same time the girl caresses the penis with her hand and put it inside her mouth. In other words, take pleasure without inserting the penis in the vagina, its an act of confirming each others love

S-Sorry. I dont get it

Haa, thats whats sex is. Leaving to the partner and Senpai would be treated as a woman, wont that be heart-breaking for Senpai?


First is that we need him to understand well that Senpais heart is a man. Then tell how you wanted to be treated by your partner. Doing so would not make Senpais partners feelings going well. Knowledge is necessary. Studying in sex is necessary

I-I see. Even though you cant talk to men, you know this kind of stuff well

Lolihina indifferently persuaded her and Yukina raised a voice of admiration.

If you believe Yukinas words then whether Lolihina has love experience or not, shes a shy girl that cant speak with men. But it seems that shes knowledgeable in sex.

Shes the so called Mimidoshima?2

Please leave it to me. Also, once you understand your partner, and the petting went smoothly, then it would finally be the anal sex


Did Senpai insert a foreign object in her anus before?

Eh? Ah, noI-If its just a finger

Haa, this is why Senpai is Senpais underestimating Anal sex. Your anus would split if you suddenly put a penis without expanding it. At worst, the constrictor would be broken. Senpais so small after all

Youre small too

Im still on the growth phase so I can still go on even now

Eh? Is that so? Your face is cute so its amazing

Anyway, Im a pro when it comes to the ass so I can help you anytime

Lolihina speaks indifferently before but as soon as the anus became the topic, her cheeks blushed and she became talkative.

Oh, the little sister is also an anal lover. Theyre definitely sisters.

Apart from you having a heart of a man, its so wonderful that youre interested in anal sex. You dont have to worry about pregnancy when you ejaculate inside the anus so its safe even if he let it out inside. Also, it feels pleasant. You need to get used to your fingers first then gradually make a fat thing enter. You should also be used to washing your intestines. Also, even though you say that you love anal, its sheer stupidity to only develop the anus. Women has a lot of erogenous zones. Dont you think its a waste to leave the others? Pleasurable things are pleasurable and if you mix them together then itll become even more pleasurable. Dont get biased on your anus, do develop your other erogenous zones in balance often and the pleasure on the anus would be doubled

Shes talking. Somehow shes amazingly feverish. Yukina looks at Lolihina with open mouth.

Blushing, her eyes are moistened, Lolihinas clearly breathing roughly, she placed her right hand behind her in a way Yukina wont notice and she put it inside her skirt. Then she raised her waist faintly, removed her panties and thrusts in her forefinger inside her small ass hole thats faintly pink.

The small hole that doesnt seem to let enter the finger enter easily has swallowed the fore finger just like that.

Lolihina thrusts her forefinger to the root instantly then she tried to sit innocently with her ears turning read, she moved her right hand faintly, pierces, and inserts and pulls out the finger.

Shes talking about the anus that she loves, she masturbated in her anus as shes unable to endure, In short, she started Anani3

Shes a loli beauty that stands out from the rest but shes the same pervert as her sister.

Yukina whos not noticing the situation of Lolihina whos masturbating next to her at all, feels depressed from knowing her ignorance because of Lolihinas abundance in knowledge, she held the straw with her mouth and drank the orange juice.

Yukina, youre too ignorant but I think theres no need to feel depressed.

If I had to say then Lolihinas the abnormal one.

Setsuna-chan, Yui-chan, meals ready. Lets eat together

Mother unexpectedly comes out and Lolihina trembled and pulled out her finger from her anus. Then, she stood up and bowed politely.

Thank you for treating us with supper even though we suddenly barged in

She then looked up at mother and greeted politely, then bowed again.

Yukina looks at Lolihina with open mouth. But Yukina stands up and looks at Lolihina and poked her elbow.

Dont force yourself. Whats with you being always unreasonable? This is my boyfriends home. You dont need to put on an appearance

Lolihina blushed for a moment when she heard Yukina then she stared at her.

Or rather, you should be holding back yourself a bit Yukina. Youre the one whos acting as if you owned the place. Also, Im not your boyfriend.

S-Senpai, shut up

Glaring at Yukina with teary eyes, Lolihina raised a trembling voice. Shes totally weak as if shes different person from the dignified appearance from a while ago.

Looking at Lolihina, Yukina leaks a sigh and shrugged her shoulders.

If youre like then you wont ever have a boyfriend let alone a friend

Lolihinas expression steepened fast from Yukinas words.

S-Senpais the same! You dont have a friend other than me!

Lolihina snaps and looked at Yukina with a surprisingly angry look. But Yukinas not concerned at all. Shes not worrying it far from shaking.

Its enough that I have you as a friend. I think that Im fine with just having a single friend who can understand me. But youre different arent you? You want to become like your nee-chan? Then you mustnt force yourself

Saying that, Yukina stretches herself and patted Lolihinas head.

Her ears are bright red, Lolihina looks down while trembling but she obediently let her head get patted by Yukina.

Im not normal so Im not that easy to understand. But youre able to understand me if you like it and yet, youre the one hiding yourself forcefully. Youre super cute, gentle, knowledgeable, and caring. I love that you, youre already enough as a friend. And yet there are few guys approaching you. Do you know why? Everyone knows that youre forcing yourself. Thats why they dont know how to call you out

Stretching herself while patting Lolihinas head, Yukina looks at Lolihina with gentle eyes and speaks with a soft voice.

Lolihina trembles as she look down then she silently stepped forward and clasped Yukinas hand. Then she buried her face on Yukinas small shoulder.

I also love Senpai

Then she muttered in a gentle voice.

There, there. Its fine if you let out your true self step by step. Ill be by your side until you can walk alone. Youre not like me, youre a child that can do it if you try


Yukihina gently pats Lolihinas back while speaking gently and Lolihina whos burying her face under Yukinas shoulder nodded.

Then mother looks at the two with opened mouth.

The blonde hair blue eyes loli suddenly intruded, then a loli with black hair and twintails joined in, they somewhat turned to youth selfishly.

Looking at the spectacle, mother would obviously open her mouth.

At any rate, it seems that mother wont have the room to mind us in this situation.

Having such thoughts, I separate from the entrance of the living and faced the second floor without making a presence.

Going up the stairs, I arrived at the second floors corridor, I walked down the corridor without making a presence and stopped in front of my room. Then I looked in the room

Asahina stands proudly with her arms folded and Marinas kneeling in front of Asahina.

Asahina looks down at Marina whos kneeling, it seems that shes saying something but she kept standing without saying anything.

Perhaps, Marina suddenly kneeled in front of her and her pace is disturbed. Furthermore, Marinas dogeza is a direct copy of Yuka.

Its too splendid as a dogeza that its normal that youd lose it even if you want to say something.

If Marina takes the pace then it would be safe.

Then, should I begin to question Yuka?

Yuka whos being princess carried by me remains clinging to my chest.

Though I wont question her opening her legs for other men, I have to question the information she found out.

Its great if she confessed honestly. If not then I have no choice but to ask her body.

While having such thoughts, I began to walk without making any presence and entered the vacant room next to mine.

Ill be questioning Yuka here and I can investigate the state on the next room.

  1. http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1758710
  2. Young woman with a lot of superficial knowledge about sex
  3. Anal Onani or Anal Masturbation

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