X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 156: Unexpected Development

Chapter 156: Unexpected Development

"There's no need to call for him. He will arrive soon enough." 

When Janine heard these words, she couldn't help but smile in satisfaction. It appeared that that brat had still had some backbones.

"Then tell him to hurry up!" Janine beckoned impatiently. After which, she finally loosened her grip on Tokayo's head as the other party fell down. The moment he fell, Tokayo's halved body had immediately combined together before he stood up from the ground.

Tokayo shook his head slowly with a sound of as if bone-cracking. He then looked at Janine as he couldn't help but mutter, "Master will not face you." Tokayo paused for a moment before he continued, "You're no match for him."

"What did you say?!" Janine was angered. She was already frustrated enough upon hearing that that brat wouldn't fight her, but when she heard from this red thing in front of her that she was no match for him, the veins on her head couldn't help but pop out uncontrollably.

This was really making her mad! She should at least give this thing a good beating to vent her anger.

However, when she was about to make a move, something unexpected suddenly happened. Janine spurted a mouthful of blood as she found herself being injured. She didn't know how and why but there was something that struck her on her back.

"Who?!" Janine turned around as she swung her right hand furiously causing a strong shockwave that swept away those in front.


But then, she received yet another attack from her back wounding her then again. Janine roared furiously. Her entire body then turned darker in color as it appeared that she just became a lot more sturdy.

"Show yourself, coward!" Janine roared. How dare that person sneaked an attack on her?!

"Oh? So you really are can be injured huh." Amidst Janine's anger, she heard a mocking voice around her. After a moment, a person appeared with a blur just a little away in front of Janine as another voice came out from the other party's lips, "Why don't we have a rematch, brute?"

When Janine saw the other party, her eyes got widened for a moment before a grin surfaced on her lips, "So, you're still alive huh? Where's your injury? How did you recover that fast? But putting that aside, and seeing you here, you came for me to get more, right?"

Ben didn't reply. He was trying his hardest to suppress his anger so how could he still have the leisure to talk with this brute?

Seeing him, Janine laughed coldly, "Are you frustrated by the fact that you're no match for me?"

Ben remained silent. But anyone could see that his hands were clenched very tightly. If it was before, he might have already made a move and fell from the provocation of that brute. But since he had already suffered enough, he would not fall to the same trick twice.

Ben couldn't make a move seeing that the other party was in a defensive mode. He was more than sure that even with his strongest attack, he wouldn't be able to scratch the other party's skin.

That being said, Ben tried to watch the other party for a while instead. He could tell that this transformation of her wouldn't last for too long as she would go back from her original form in a given time. The only thing that Ben needed to be aware of was the bloodline ability of the other party to reflect damage.

"Anyways, how come I can't smell anything from you, what tricks have you done?" Seeing that the other party was not planning to reply at that moment, Janine asked curiously. After receiving the blessings from one of the Four Greatest Hunters, her sense of smell had improved greatly to the point that no one could escape her sense of smell anymore. Not even this brat in front of her could escape her sense of smell before.

But now, this brat had no traces of smell at all. As if his very existence was being erased and wasn't standing in front of her. Just how did he do it?

Amidst Janine's confusion, another voice sounded answering her bewilderment.

"It's because I am amazing, don't you agree?" Janine heard these words just right beside her as she slowly shifted her gaze sidewards and there she saw another brat. The other party was standing right beside her as he was staring in the same direction she was looking at before.

Janine didn't make a move immediately as she responded with a smile, "Illusions? This again? Aren't you tired of hiding like a rat?"

On the other hand, Jim too had slowly turned his gaze towards Janine revealing a slight smile. His right eye was red making Janine a bit astonished.

But of course, Jim didn't use the same illusion he used before. This time, to erase their smell, Jim used the ability of his right eye to turn reality into illusions. That being said, he turned their smell into illusion as he turned it into nothingness. This ability was really convenient for him making him feel satisfied.

That being said as well, Jim this time was not an illusion, but his real body. So then, after a short moment, Jim responded, "No, this time, I am the real thing. There's no need to..."

Jim was still yet to finish his words and tell the other party that he didn't need to use such illusions against her anymore when suddenly, he found his neck being grabbed by the other party as his words were immediately interrupted.

"Oh? You really are the real thing." Janine thought that the other party was just bluffing but who would have thought that it was actually the truth. This really surprised her a bit.

"See," Jim smiled. He didn't even try to retaliate as he let the other party do his way.

"Too bad for you. You're going to die now." Janine snorted coldly as she was excited to crash the other party's throat already. Catching him really gave her a lot of trouble. But now that he was within her hand, she would never let this brat go. She would definitely claim back her beloved little cute creature!

"But before I kill you, give me back my baby first!" Janine threatened as she tightened her grip towards Jim's neck.

Jim only smiled while he was being strangled as there was no sign of him as being hurt at all. But baby? Jim's smile couldn't help but turn bitter. When did a beast become your baby? This brute had really lost it. Jim could only sigh in lament.

Even so, Jim didn't pursue such matters as he said, "I think you should mind about yourself first before any other else."

After Jim said those words, Ben suddenly made a move as he rushed right in front of Janine with a sword ready to pierce her at any moment.

But of course, Janine was already expecting something like this to happen. She was more than aware of Ben's presence.

So in almost an instant, she simply used Jim's body to block the incoming attack as the sword of Ben pierced on Jim's back going past to his stomach.

But then, the momentum was just too strong as the sword went directly to Janine's body as well making both Jim and Janine end up so close to each other. From afar, it appeared that they were hugging each other as they were about to taste each other's lips.

"This..." Ben's mouth twitched. He never expected that such development would happen amidst their fight. Just what kind of plot was this?

"Kyaaaaahhh!" On the other hand, Janine furiously threw an uppercut against Jim sending him flying pretty high and far away. "Die! You pervert!"

Of course, although the sword hit her as well, it only scratched her skin a little allowing her to remain lively and survive such an attack. With that being said, she had more than enough strength to give a rightful punch Jim deserved.

In the process, Ben was as well sent backward through sheer force as his feet lined on the ground that looked like a sea of blood. What an incredible physical strength. Ben could only praise Janine then again.

But then, he was still astonished in what he had just seen when Janine suddenly appeared right in front of him with a readied punch, "You bastard, how dare you collude with him to take away my purity!"

Thankfully, Ben was far faster than her. When the punch was about to hit him, he managed to run away with ease. But...

Ben wanted to cry. He didn't do it on purpose! Just who in the world was trying to take the purity of who, you brute?!

"You bastard!" Janine furiously roared as she added, "Come back here! You two only knew how to run away!"

But Ben was already nowhere in sight making Janine so much frustrated. Helpless, she could only watch the falling body of Jim who was being sent flying pretty high.

When Janine saw the landing body of Jim, her fist was clenched very tightly as he rushed in the direction of where Jim would land so that she could catch him with yet another punch.

"I will definitely kill the both of you!" Janine declared furiously. In her life, never did she experience being taken advantage of by anyone. These two brats were really too daring.

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