World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Fall of the Empire (4)

The Harmel Empire decides to conquer the continent.

Their attack began faster than expected, perhaps because they were concerned that information would be leaked from spies hiding throughout the empire.

“All attack!”

“That enemy! emergency!”


Kybel is a border area between the Harmel and Bamal Empires and a transportation hub that leads to the entire continent.

Elise announced to all users on the continent that Kybel's citadel was helplessly occupied by them due to a surprise attack by the elite troops of the Harmel Empire.

[The main scenario has started.]

[Act. 4 Continental War]

[The quest has been created. Please check the related information.]

“Eh? what?”

“The main scenario...?”


Users who enjoyed playing as usual. They couldn't hide their uneasiness at the notification of the main scenario that came without any warning or warning.

“Ah, how long has it been since the main scenario came out, are you fucking fucking again?”

“Continental War...? What else are you going to mess with?”

Korean users who already have several burn experiences under the name of the main scenario. For that reason, they checked the contents of the created quest with a suspicious eye on the unusual main scenario from the title.

“The Harmel Empire... and the Bamal Empire? Are you two fighting?”

“suddenly? why not....?”

The Harmel Empire and the Barmal Empire, which form the most powerful forces on the second continent of Arcadia.

It's not a good relationship, but there wasn't such a big discord, so users who enjoyed playing back and forth between the two empires tilted their heads at the sudden war.

[Act. War of the 4 Continents]

The Harmel Empire had the ambition to conquer the entire continent for a long time. They revealed their ambitions and made a surprise attack on their strong adversary, the Barmal Empire. A continent in turmoil. Whose side will you fight for glory and honor?

-You can choose between the Bamal Empire and the Harmel Empire to fight.

-When the selected faction wins, you can receive rewards according to your contribution.

- You may receive a penalty when the selected faction is defeated.

< Time left until camp selection: 2 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes, 24 seconds..... >

“Can I choose a camp between the Bamal Empire and the Harmel Empire...?”

“Hmm...Which is more advantageous?”

Main scenario already started.

Whatever the reason, it was time to move in order to earn their own money in a huge quest that had an impact on the entire continent. Users gathered information while contemplating which camp to choose between the two empires. The place they naturally headed to was none other than Arpendia.

-Where are you going, the Bamal Empire or the Harmel Empire?

-No, what kind of thinking do game companies keep doing main scenarios like this?

-But why are the two of you fighting all of a sudden?

Users who can't catch the right direction because there is no related information. But suddenly, at some point, similar types of posts and comments began pouring in as a group.

- The Harmel Empire is advantageous. A surprise attack annihilates the main forces of the Bamal Empire.

-?? what else do you mean?

- It is unconditionally the Harmel Empire. Guys, quickly choose the Harmel Empire and run. Contribution is also good.

-If you choose the Bamal Empire and lose, you have to quit the game because the death penalty falls. be careful.

- It is said that the emperor of the Bamal Empire was assassinated. Don't see blood because you took the wrong side for nothing.

-??? what kind of bullshit is that

Arpendia is tainted with all sorts of rumors, agitation and fabrications. Many users began to fall into confusion as the number of articles siding with the Harmel Empire increased too much.

-What is the real advantage of the Harmel Empire?

-You can't change the faction on this, are you sure?

Users who don't want to blow up the entire event with just one wrong mistake. when they are watching The judges of the large guilds of the 2nd continent of Arpendia officially declared their participation in the war.

[We decided to proceed with this main scenario in the camp of the Harmel Empire. I had a conversation with the War Officer of the Harmel Empire, and he promised to give me a privilege to be awarded even the title of nobility of the Empire depending on my contribution. So.....]

-??? title of nobility?

-Is that real?

Information flowed from the Judgment Guild.

The ears of the guild leaders of many medium and large guilds began to flutter furiously at the story that they could be granted noble titles.

“You mean you can be awarded a title of nobility... you mean you can also acquire a territory...?”

The worldview of Arcadia, which is the social structure of the feudal system. No matter how powerful a guild might be in this world, which flows into a strict class society, it was impossible to obtain a territory unless the guild leader was an aristocrat.

“Unless it's a special case like the Black Flame Dragon of Darkness, no one has a noble title at all.”

“Ha... How do you get a title of nobility? Is there a separate quest like that?”

“I have to look good to the king, but how easy is that?”

No matter how much the kingdom quest is performed, there is no clue about the title of nobility. However, as soon as the information about being able to receive the title of nobility leaked out publicly for the first time, numerous guilds scattered across the continent began to scramble.

[Our ‘Doenjang Mejuya' guild decided to participate in the battle in the camp of the Harmel Empire following the main scenario. Therefore, I hope that all guild members will immediately select a camp and assemble, and through this quest.....] [

‘Go out and eat lunch' guild is the Harmel Empire...]

[‘Slap Kimchi' guild... ..]

All kinds of guilds are scrambling to choose the camp of the Harmel Empire in this main scenario and participate in the battle en masse. And at the same time, the top of GM started to put forward an unprecedented event.

“A special discount is provided to those who choose the Harmel Empire!”

“30% potion type! Gear is 10% off! Cheap cheap!”

“Participate as the camp of the Harmel Empire and make your contributions quickly!”

A situation that seduces people by giving ridiculous benefits to users of the Harmel Empire camp. As all of this worked in tandem, users' faction selection began to skew out of control.

-Harmel Empire: 77%.

-Bamal Empire: 23%.

Most of those who chose the camp were biased towards the Harmel Empire. As the general users who saw it also began to choose a more advantageous camp, the counterweight that had been broken once began to lean more and more towards the Harmel Empire.

And the one smiling while watching it was none other than Jegyu, the head of the upper division of GM.

“Cheuk ..... hahahahaha.”

“You look in good spirits.”

Jegyu laughs alone for a long time. And the secretary of the training who looks at him with a proud face and smiles. The two toasted as they congratulated themselves on how wise their choices had been.

“Gheuk... that dragon bone triggers the main scenario. It was completely unexpected, but it was a really lucky opportunity for us.”

“That's right. It seems that the Duke of Diern or Prince Dmitri has put quite a bit of faith in our ranks.”

“Oh, you worked hard this day. Did you make sure you did one thing?”

A secretary who strategically gathered players by posting propaganda articles in Arfandia and attracting high-profile guilds to the side of the Harmel Empire. Jaegyu smiled as if he was satisfied with his work and gave him a compliment after a long time.

“I had done something similar before when I was working in the secretary’s office, so it wasn’t too difficult.”

“okay....? Somehow, it didn’t seem like the first time I had done it.”

The assistant secretary, who had done things like manipulation of public opinion several times while working in the GM Group secretary's office, changed the topic with a strangely bitter expression at Jegyu's words.

“Rather than that... the whereabouts of that user called Dex are still unknown.”

Person of interest to be most careful in the current situation.

The original owner of the dragon skull they had stolen and who had already dealt fatal blows to the GM group several times.

Dragon Slayer Dex.

Also, since we don't know what's going on behind the scenes, the entire top of GM was trying their best to keep an eye on the movement of the top of the pi and find a user named Dex, but no movement was detected.

“What are you going to do in this situation? Most of the users are already on the side of the Harmel Empire, and the Mage Tower and the main mercenaries are all hired by the Harmel Empire in advance. Since the market has already become overwhelmingly advantageous, it is not a situation that a single user can do anything, no matter how strong it is.”

Jegyu knew that the dragon's skull belonged to Dex.

That's why he entrusted himself to the Harmel Empire to dispose of it as quickly as possible, and as a result, he gained the trust of the Empire and the GM Corps entered under their shadow, so he put all his concerns down now.

“Now, if the Harmel Empire begins to destroy the Barmal Empire and take over the entire continent as planned, that user named Dex will have no choice. No matter how strong you are, one user can't fight against the entire continent, can you?”

No matter how strong one is, one individual cannot fight against an entire mighty empire.

That's why Jaegyu said with greedy eyes and a smirk.

“Now neither he nor the top of the pie can touch us. No, no user would dare to touch the top of the GM.”

Regardless of how ugly, nasty, or dirty the methods are, Jagyu knows that success is the only thing that counts. Intoxicated with a sense of victory, he let his imagination run wild when the situation turned out to be more advantageous than he had planned.

The Harmel Empire's occupation of the continent and the GM's upper ranks, making huge profits under them. And a beautiful future in which he regains the recognition of Chairman Choi Chun-sik through enormous profits and proudly returns to the competition to become his successor.

* * *

“Hmm... It's been noisy again.”

Tan, who was following Jaeyoung somewhere while Jegyu let his imagination run wild, muttered something interesting with his ears pricked up.

“Master, there's a commotion up there. Can I not go?”

The northern and eastern regions of the continent were noisy with battles taking place here and there. Users also gathered in large numbers to participate in the main scenario, and asked Jaeyoung, who was heading to the Maroon Kingdom, which had become quiet for a moment, looking at Tan with an incomprehensible look.

“Why am I going there? Are you going to settle the matter peacefully?”

“No, so! The GM corps or whatever is in the Harmel Empire. But why are you coming to Maroon Kingdom?”

The GM guild moved their base from Maroon Kingdom a long time ago. There are small branches, but they are just a shell, so Tan's face is full of questions.

“I have someone to meet.”

“Who should I meet...?”

“Oh, there is something like that. So please follow me quietly.”

Jae-Young, with a frown on his face full of annoyance, moves forward. Tan, who looked at him as he silently walked ahead with a strange look, shrugged his shoulders and glanced at El, who said he didn't even know, and grumbled and flapped his wings.

“I don't know why you're doing useless things when it's comfortable to just wipe out everything with the spirit.”

Tan constantly grumbles at the thought of wasting time without being able to make any money. However, when he saw the signboard of the building where Jaeyoung stopped, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief and muttered.

“uh....? Master, what is that...? Could it be that... is that what I’m seeing right now?”

“Don’t ask when you know. I'm annoyed too.”

“...Even the name is a creepy group.”

“right? Do you think I want to burn everything without a trace?”

Jaeyoung nodded in deep sympathy with El's muttering in a contemptuous tone. He hesitated for a long time to see if his feet wouldn't let go even after he had already arrived at his destination, but as if he had made up his mind, he grabbed the doorknob of the building.


Jaeyoung entered the building like that. The building with the door firmly closed after he entered it was showing off its majesty in the capital square of the Maroon Kingdom, with its signboard shining in black as usual.

[What color are Dex's panties?]

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