World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 148: The inexplicable war

Chapter 148: The inexplicable war

Show weakness?

Show goodwill?

Or is it a trap?

The gingerbread vendor put down the telescope in his hand and fell into contemplation.

He subconsciously took a sip of rum, this time he didn't spit it out, but swallowed it in one gulp.

Then, he suddenly realized what he had done, his face changed, he retched a few times, and fiercely threw the bottle of wine in his hand into the sea.

The simulation field has only been open for more than ten days, and everyone is carefully hiding themselves and seeking development.

It has to be said.

Paul's behavior is really abnormal, even more so than the Black Hand.

The keyword for the Black Hand may be something like slaughter, it has to be high-profile, but every time he appears, he leaves no survivors, and no one has seen his appearance until now, which can be considered another kind of low-key.

But this Paul, is really arrogant.

Even if his keyword is chaos, there is no need to make himself such an obvious target in less than half a month...

Unless his keyword is not chaos?

If it's not chaos, what else could it be?


Or simply high-profile?


Or is it the center?

Is it considered setting a trap for himself?

If Paul forces his way through, all their pirate ships will definitely surround him, no one will let him leave with the witch, but Paul boldly declares the slogan of sharing the witch, then no one will attack.

The Trident Staff entangles the ambitions of every pirate, and no one is willing to give up this opportunity to reach the top in one step!

Damn guy, disrupting all his plans...


"Captain, are we still firing?"

The gingerbread vendor's fierce and conflicted face made the original captain feel panicked. He couldn't help but interrupt the other's contemplation as he watched him remain silent.

Even without the Trident Staff, no one is willing to kill a witch.

After all.

There are too many rumors about witches, and in all the legends, those who kill witches have never had a good ending.

The gingerbread vendor came to his senses: "What's your name?"

"Ak Bar," the captain said cautiously.

"From now on, you are the captain of this ship, and I am your second mate on board," the gingerbread vendor looked at him and instructed, "Remember, my name is Sheldon Geese, and there has never been a bloodshed on the ship, understand? Later, I will board with you to see what Paul is up to, mainly for you to negotiate with Paul..."

"Do we really have to board the ship?" the captain swallowed his saliva, "There is no trust between pirates, what if they open fire?"

"Are you stupid?" the gingerbread vendor glared at him, "They have five ships, we have eight ships, and there are still ships coming from Hede Island. If they open fire on us, it means declaring war on everyone. Can he fight so many people? Even if he breaks through the encirclement, Antonio's ship is still outside blocking him, where can he run to?"

"I think him taking the witch Hoya away is already a declaration of war on everyone," Captain Ak said awkwardly.

"Paul has not killed anyone in these days, whether it's the Dufi family or the Royal Navy, he's just forcing them to dance, so you don't have to worry about your safety," the gingerbread vendor's mouth curled with a hint of sarcasm, "Besides, don't you want to get information about the Trident Staff? I have powerful strength and combat skills, and you have your own pirate ship. If we work together, we can definitely take out the other competitors and send you to the throne of the Pirate King."

"Don't you want to become the Pirate King?" the captain asked, puzzled.

"No, I just want to eliminate the heretics in this world," the gingerbread vendor snorted impatiently, "In short, don't reveal my identity, Paul won't kill, but I will."


Paul kidnapped the witch, but as the gingerbread vendor said, he also forced himself into a desperate situation.

After all, Antonio had blocked the entire route, and his ships couldn't break through at all.


Everyone thought that Paul's proposed "sharing the witch" method was a sign of weakness.

If they had known earlier, why bother?

Wouldn't it be better to let the witch stay on Hede Island?

Sure enough, everyone who had dealt with Selma had a screw loose in their heads...

When the captain of the Snow Dragon, Ak Bar, approached first, the rest of the pirate ships followed without hesitation.

Although they were not familiar with each other, they were on the same front when it came to the witch, it was an unspoken rule among pirates, just like when they encountered the Navy, they would band together.

This time.

Antonio blocked the Hede Island route, not taking the pirates seriously, this wasn't the first time he had done this.

In a few days, Mahamadu and Safra would attack Antonio from behind, and when that happened, as long as the trapped pirates cooperated and rushed out, this blockade would come to nothing in the end.

At most, a few unlucky ones would die.

If Antonio had such great ability, the Royal Navy would have already cleared out the pirates.


The Royal Navy in pink dresses danced on the bow, and the deck of the Smiling Angel was filled with rum because someone had to be responsible for sailing.


In Du Ge's pirate group, there were no more than eighty people who could take action, and after they were dispersed onto five ships, the number was even fewer.

This was clearly a sign of weakness.

The foolish clown Paul really had no intention of taking action.

Seeing this scene, the captains of the pirate ships were itching to make a move, and some even had the idea of taking the witch back...


Because of the pink dance troupe on the deck.

So, whether it was Du Ge's pirate group or the seven or eight pirate ships that came over, there would always be some inexplicable situations.

For example.The first mate aboard the Clownfish No. 1 inexplicably stepped on his own left foot with his right, tumbling onto the deck in a clumsy sprawl, his curved knife flying from his grasp and severing the sail-raising rope. The just-hoisted sail fell back down with a whoosh, forcing several of the ready-to-fight sailors to divert their attention to repairing the sail.

There were also sailors who, while carrying rum out of the cabin, tripped over the ropes on the deck and plunged headfirst into the sea...

In short.

Du Ge's pirate ship was riddled with problems, prompting raucous laughter from the pirates besieging them, who now took their opponents even less seriously. Could sailors who couldn't even walk steadily really fight?

It must be said, Du Ge's Clownfish and the Happy, truly brought joy to everyone.

It had been a long time since they had encountered such a foolish pirate crew on the sea, from the captain to the sailors, all of them inept...

Laughter filled the air, unrestrained.

But joy often comes hand in hand with tragedy. The gunner on the Latin saw the scene of the sailor falling into the water from the Clownfish and couldn't help but double over with laughter. As he turned to mock the incompetence of the Sea Fish Pirates with his companion, the lit torch in his hand accidentally ignited the fuse on the cannon. By the time his companion noticed, it was too late.


A cannonball burst forth.

To everyone's disbelief, it whistled through the air and landed on the deck of the Snow Dragon.

At that moment.

The gingerbread vendor had just changed into pirate clothes and was coming out of the cabin.

And then.

A cannonball came hurtling straight at him, but his reflexes were sharp, and he leaped to the side.


The captain had also just tumbled onto the deck.

Amidst the explosion, the gingerbread vendor's head once again buried itself in the captain's ample backside, the familiar scent overwhelming him...

When he finally got back up, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.


For the second time!

What on earth was happening? Was Paul's derivative skill to kiss other people's backsides?

He hadn't seen where the cannonball had come from and thought it was Paul who had broken the rules and attacked them. The gingerbread vendor's eyes instantly turned bloodshot with rage. Unforgivable, utterly unforgivable...


"It's the Latin!"

"The Latin attacked us, return fire, return fire!"


Being hit by a cannonball was the most severe provocation among pirates, tantamount to declaring war.

After all.

A pirate ship is the home where every pirate makes their stand.

The Latin had not attacked Paul but had struck first at them.


The crew of the Snow Dragon was beside themselves with rage.

Pirates are hot-tempered by nature, and to swallow an insult is not in their character. The gunners on the Snow Dragon immediately turned their cannons and lit the fuses.



Two cannonballs roared out, heading straight for the Latin.


One cannonball hit the Latin, while the other sailed over it and broke the mast of the Herman...

And so.

The Herman, unwilling to suffer losses for no reason, began to retaliate.

Before long.

The eight pirate ships pursuing Du Ge were embroiled in chaos.

Beside Du Ge, Martha, who had been incessantly complaining that he shouldn't have raised the "Share the Witch" slogan, couldn't help but widen her eyes: "By Poseidon, what's happened? Could it be that the gods of the sea are truly watching over you?"

Vito swallowed hard.


It was definitely chaos!

Only chaos could plunge the enemy into indescribable agony.

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