World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 138: Who really has control skills?

Chapter 138: Who really has control skills?

Du Ge asked Vito to be the vice attacker because he was worried that there were other candidates on the Du Fei merchant ship.

After all.

To some extent, Vito's skills can be used as Wang San.

Obviously, he was overthinking. The Du Fei family may have candidates, but they are not on these two merchant ships.

With an attribute increase of more than 200 ranks, he can play the role of a superman among a group of sailors who only have basic skills. The martial skills of these sailors are not even comparable to the worst martial arts of the Feng Residence.

The judgment and maintenance of fishing are obviously different. Two rumors have spread, and it is estimated that they have not even left the tavern in Laien, let alone stirred up the water, let alone touched the fish.

Relying solely on physical fishing, the increase in attributes is too slow.


Looking at the Du Fei family's crew and sailors gathered together by Du Ge, Barry asked, "Captain, bring the goods back to our ship, we should leave..."

"Leave? Where to go!" Du Ge looked at Barry strangely, patted his shoulder, and said, "Barry, from now on, our Sea Fish Pirate Group has three pirate ships. What a perfect start! Wien, find two new flags and replace the Du Fei family's flag..."

"You want to keep the Du Fei family's ship?" Barry widened his eyes.

"Of course." Du Ge nodded, "Not only their ship, but also their people. Mahamadu has more than 200 pirate ships under his command. We must have more people and ships to compete with them."

"But they are the Du Fei family!" Barry was stunned for a moment, suddenly remembered that Paul had lost his memory, and was about to explain to him.

The captain of the Du Fei merchant ship suddenly stood up, looked at Du Ge, and his eyes were full of disdain: "The Du Fei family will never be pirates. Captain Paul, I am Ramon Du Fei of the Du Fei family. You should have heard of my name. I admit that I underestimated your bravery, but your idea is simply whimsical. According to the rules, the goods and gold coins on the ship are left to you. Let us leave. I promise that the Du Fei family will not trouble you."

"Barry, is there such a rule?" Du Ge lowered his voice and asked Barry next to him.

"There is indeed such a rule." Barry nodded, "No pirate is willing to offend the Du Fei family."

"What about the ransom?" Du Ge asked.

"You can accept the ransom." Ramon Du Fei's disdain in his eyes became more serious, "But if you accept the ransom, the previous promise will be invalidated, and your Smiling Angel will be endlessly chased by the Du Fei family."

Du Ge looked back at Barry.

Barry nodded: "That's the rule. Keep the goods for safety, and if you want money, you will be chased..."

"Then don't take the ransom." Du Ge glanced at Ramon and smiled.

"You are not too stupid." Ramon snorted, waved his hand in disgust, "Take your spoils and leave my ship."

"Captain Ramon, I only said not to take the ransom, but I didn't say let you leave!" Du Ge smiled, "Your attitude annoys me. No one can insult the future Pirate King, just like you don't have the courage to insult Mahamadu. So, I decided to give you a little punishment."

"What do you want to do?" Ramon became alert immediately, "If you kill me, you will bring endless trouble to yourself. The Lafite family will torture you in the cruelest way. You have to consider the consequences."

"Although I am a pirate, I am a kind person who is willing to spread happiness to the world." Du Ge smiled at Ramon, "Captain Ramon, if you and your crew are willing to wear pink skirts and dance for an hour in the next three ports, I will forget the past and let you go!"

"Paul, you are insulting a viscount." Ramon frowned.

"Ramon, calm down." Du Ge smiled and shook his head, "There is another option. You and your crew can join my Sea Fish Pirate Group, then we will be a family. We can happily force others to dance and bring us joy."

"Are you dreaming?" Ramon's tone became more angry, "Fool, I won't accept either of the two methods. I warn you, you better let us go, my promise still works."

Du Ge signaled Vito, and in front of everyone, he took away the angry Ramon Du Fei, and said as he walked, "Viscount Ramon, I know that forcing you to make such a decision in front of everyone damages your dignity. We can talk privately, for example, it is not unacceptable to let only your subordinates dance..."

Vito followed behind the two with a flattering smile, flattering, "Viscount Ramon, you are a wise man. The wisdom of all the Du Fei family members combined is not even one-tenth of yours. Why don't you consider accepting the captain's proposal? You have seen the captain's bravery. The Sea Fish Pirate Group is destined to become a powerful pirate group like the King of the Four Seas. Joining the Sea Fish will definitely be the most correct choice in your life."

"Okay, I can join the Sea Fish Pirate Group, but I will never dance on the pier." Unconsciously, Ramon's tone instantly eased a lot.

"Viscount, your wisdom is indeed unparalleled." Du Ge smiled, "Every person who joins our pirate group must add a Sea Fish suffix to their name. You might as well choose a Sea Fish that you like."

"When did I say that I want to join your pirate group?" When talking to Du Ge, Ramon regained his calmness.

Du Ge was helpless, and signaled Vito again, instructing, "Add a Sea Fish name after his name first."Vito said, "Lord Ramon, your eyes are as bright as the stars, your name is destined to be passed down through the ages. Such a great name, it's a pity there's no suffix of a sea fish behind it. I think shark suits you better, how about calling you Ramon Dufy Shark?"

"Ramon Dufy Shark?" Ramon nodded, "Indeed, the name is not bad."

Du Ge released Ramon's hand, "So, Lord Ramon Dufy Shark, would you like to join my pirate group?"

"The glory of the Dufy family does not allow me to bow my noble head, but I personally admire your bravery, I can join your pirate group." Ramon looked at Du Ge with a still disgusted gaze, but agreed to his request.

On the side.

Looking at the greatly transformed Ramon, Vito's eyes bulged out. He suddenly realized where the problem was.


Sea fish!

Paul can control others through the names of sea fish...

Damn it!

No wonder his skill failed yesterday, it started with the name change...

Flattery can control others' thoughts, but why would Chaos awaken such an outrageous skill?

What did he do?

Could it be that his keyword is not Chaos?

But his words and deeds are chaotic and disorderly, not following the norm, never knowing what he wants to do next, everything fits the characteristics of "chaos"...

Could his advanced skill be to confuse people's consciousness?

In an instant.

Vito was in a mess, he suddenly didn't know if the decisions he had made from last night to now were truly his own.

Chaos is too terrifying!

"Alright, Ramon, you won't regret this decision, it's the beginning of your lifetime glory." Du Ge patted Ramon's shoulder and instructed with a smile, "You are the captain, next, it's up to you to persuade the people below to join our Sea Fish Pirate Group. Remember, let each of them add a sea fish suffix to their names, this is the symbol of our Sea Fish Pirate Group..."


(End of this chapter)

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