World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 128: Amnesiac Captain

Chapter 128: Amnesiac Captain

What's going on?

If you wanted to kill and take over the ship, you should have said so earlier!

If you had told me earlier, I would have taken over your body. Shall we have some fun together?

You had to wait until I took over his body before you made your move. This is not fair!

Body possession carries risks, choose carefully.


"Barry, Wayne, you guys did a great job. You planned this so meticulously without me knowing, and almost succeeded. Is this the surprise you gave me? This perfect plan is so beautiful. With talents like you on board the Giant Bird, I, as the captain, am truly delighted!" Du Ge endured the intense pain and a sincere smile appeared on his face. "If I really die at your hands, I should go to hell with a smile..."

Is the captain confused?

He has been betrayed by us!

He's dying!

What is he talking about?

Does he think this will make us feel guilty?

What a foolish guy...

The first mate, the second mate, and all the crew members involved in the rebellion were all confused at this moment, to the point that no one stepped forward to finish him off.

Of course, no one cared about this matter either.

With a stab to the chest and abdomen, such a serious injury, no one could possibly survive...

But soon, they realized something was wrong.

When a normal person is stabbed, they become weaker as they lose blood. However, their captain's voice became stronger and the flow of blood seemed to gradually stop.

At the same time.

The personal interface in front of Du Ge's eyes flickered, displaying a new skill.

Extending a Hand to Make Someone Happy: There is a certain chance that your smile will infect the other person and make their mood joyful.

Is this skill an auxiliary for the "Happiness" keyword to grow?

Why doesn't it have a 100% chance of infecting the other person?

What is the probability?

It could be 1%, or it could be 100%!

Du Ge doesn't like uncertain things.

This skill is not even as good as the Sad Soldier's advanced skill with the "Sadness" keyword.

A keyword can give birth to a maximum of two advanced skills. It seems that one has already been wasted!


"Sea Monster, damn it, you madman, you must have made a deal with the Sea Monster Selma." Barry's face suddenly changed, and he pointed his knife at Du Ge in horror. "Kill him, kill him quickly. Those who make deals with the Sea Monster will eventually become unreasonable monsters. He won't let us go..."

After speaking.

Barry swung his knife towards Du Ge.

Du Ge dodged Barry's swing, pulled out his own knife, and defended against Barry's attack.

The happiness from earlier only healed his injuries, and his attributes didn't improve much. However, the martial arts techniques and techniques practiced in the Wuxia world simulation field were still in Du Ge's memory, combined with Paul's original physical qualities.

He easily dealt with Barry's attacks, and even had time to ponder what kind of creature the Sea Monster was.

Following the usual tradition of Western mythology, Du Ge boldly made a guess. He parried Barry's attack with a swing of his knife and took two steps back, jumping onto a wooden box on the deck. He proudly raised his curved knife and smiled, "That's right, Barry, I did make a deal with Selma. This is also the surprise I gave you. I exchanged immortality from her with my unused memories. You traitors, no one can kill me. Once I get rid of you and find the Trident of the Sea God, I will be the future Pirate King..."


He frowned and exaggeratedly covered his head. "Damn it, what else did I trade..."


Du Ge's expression changed, and he looked at Barry and the others in confusion. "Who are you? Why are you on my ship? I am Paul, the captain of the Giant Bird. Besides this, I can't remember anything else?"

Barry and the others looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Du Ge's words revealed a lot of important information, such as immortality, and the fact that his severe injuries suddenly healed proved that immortality should be real.

Can they really kill someone who is immortal?

But Paul, who possesses immortality, has the ability to kill everyone. He has no reason to stop at this moment.

Perhaps, this is their chance to survive...

Wayne and the others looked at Barry with questioning eyes.

Barry hesitated for a moment, put away his knife, and nervously asked, "Paul, don't scare me. I am your first mate Barry! Barry Sullivan, don't you remember me? Don't joke with us like this, it's not funny at all..."

"Barry Sullivan, I seem to have some impression." Du Ge's eyes flashed with caution as he looked at the knife in his hand. Suddenly, he realized, "Yes, I remember now. You are my first mate, Barry Sullivan."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Captain, you really lost your memory!" Barry frowned, "I was just joking with you. I am Barry Sullivan, not Barry Brey. What happened? How could someone lose their memory like this?"

"Damn it, you really have bad intentions. Why is there so much blood on my body? Who knows if you guys want to kill me and take my ship. Don't try to deceive me." Du Ge raised the curved knife in his hand vigilantly.

Wayne and the others tightened their grip on their weapons."No, this blood isn't mine, I don't have any wounds on my body." Du Ge rubbed his body, frowning in distress, "Damn it, what the hell happened? Are you really my crew?"

Your injuries healed themselves, of course there wouldn't be any wounds left!

The crew's tension eased once again.

Barry sheathed his curved blade, whispering, "Paul, we are indeed your crew. A sea monster suddenly rushed onto the deck just now, and the blood on you splashed on during our fight with it. Come down, let's figure out what happened together."

Vern and the others also put away their weapons, no one wanted to fight with a man who had an immortal body.

The deal with the sea monster was irreversible, Paul's lost memory could not return. A captain with an immortal body and no memory was obviously beneficial to everyone.

As long as he didn't seek that damned trident of the sea god, he could forever be the captain of the Flying Giant Bird.

Du Ge was still wary, he jumped down from the box, scrutinizing the people in front of him.


Du Ge laughed, "That's right, we are indeed on the same ship. Barry, you and I have the same smell of alcohol."

He pointed to the bottle of wine on the deck, giving himself an out, "I wouldn't drink with a stranger."

"That's right, there are no enemies here, and you couldn't have sailed the ship here alone." Barry laughed along, looking at Du Ge who had sheathed his curved blade, his guard dropped a bit, "Paul, don't you remember us at all?"

"I don't remember anything." Du Ge shook his head in distress, looking at the crowd in confusion, "I only remember that my name is Paul, I even forgot how to sail the ship. Barry, what happened?"

"Maybe you drank too much rum and accidentally hit your head while fighting the sea monster." Barry said, "Maybe we should dock and find a doctor to see if he can help you recover your memory."

"Sea monster?" Du Ge asked.

"Yeah, a humanoid sea monster with octopus tentacles all over its face, probably attracted by the smell of our alcohol. None of us could beat it, and it jumped back into the sea." Barry made up a reason on the spot.

"Paul, the sea monster is not important, you are." Vern diverted the topic, "I've heard of this condition, it seems to be called amnesia."

"Who are you?" Du Ge looked at him, asking.

"Vern Price, the second mate of the Giant Bird." Vern smiled, pointing to the parrot on his shoulder, "Wendy, its name, Wendy, say hello to the captain."

"Hello, Wendy." Du Ge smiled and greeted the parrot.

"Hello, captain." The parrot looked at Du Ge in terror, its voice trembling. The only thought in its mind was that the captain was dead, and the ghost was alive, but it couldn't reveal this secret, otherwise, the ghost would definitely kill it...

"You're a cute little thing, but I don't have time to play with you right now." Du Ge smiled in distress, pointing to his head, "I need to recover my memory, I hope you can help me too. But first, I should check the ship's log to confirm whether this ship is mine."

With that, he left the crowd, intending to walk away. But after two steps, he stopped, "Who can tell me where the captain's cabin is?"

Barry signaled the helmsman, "Piero, go help our poor captain."

The helmsman understood and followed Du Ge's steps, walking and saying, "Captain, let me show you the way. Honestly, I've never seen anyone forget their own room..."

"Is it funny?" Du Ge asked.

"Not funny." Piero said.

"It's okay, laugh if you want to! I don't mind." Du Ge pointed to his head and laughed, "Now the only voice in my mind is 'life is short, enjoy it while you can'. So, Piero, there's no need to suppress your emotions..."


"Barry, did Paul really lose his memory?" After they left, Vern stood next to Barry, lowering his voice to ask.

"I don't know, but I do know that the sea monster Selma never makes a losing deal. If she says she'll take away memories, she'll definitely take them away." Barry's expression relaxed a lot, "Paul didn't have an immortal body before."

"Will he notice our assassination attempt?" Vern asked worriedly.

"He might be suspicious, but he has no evidence. After all, he has no injuries, right?" Barry shrugged and laughed, "The immortal body perfectly covered up the evidence for us, this is our luck. I'm not sure I can kill an immortal, and he has no reason to let us go..."

"Paul is dead, the ghost is alive." Unable to bear seeing its master being deceived, the parrot finally blurted out what was on its mind.

"This stupid bird." Vern sneered, glanced at the parrot, and suddenly froze, "Barry, does Paul losing his memory mean that the old him is dead, and the one alive now is a completely new him?"

"Possibly, I'll try to test him later. A person pretending to have amnesia will always give themselves away." Barry said, "If he's really pretending, we can just run away after we dock. Vern, while Piero is distracting the captain, you go and remind the rest of the crew not to let anything slip."

(End of Chapter)

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