Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 638 Princess Ramona’s Prince Charming [Part 2]

Chapter 638 Princess Ramona’s Prince Charming [Part 2]

“A long long time ago, when the Magdar Kingdom had just been founded, a time of war and strife was upon the lands of Alastor,” Princess Ramona began her story.

“It was worse in the south, where the various tribes were in a constant state of war to vie for supremacy. Even the Kobolds, who only wished to mine under the ground, were not spared from the eyes of those who wished to expand their territories.

“During this time, a young man with long blue hair suddenly emerged from the sea and stopped all the wars single-handedly. Anyone who defied him was easily subdued by his superhuman strength.

“One by one, the Conquerors were eliminated and disposed of. Whenever someone asked him his name, he would just shake his head and tell them that his name was not something he could say easily.

“Simply knowing his name could cause a great calamity upon those who gained this knowledge. For this reason, the people gave him the moniker Tidebringer, taken from his constant appearance and disappearance with the coming and going of the tides.

“He didn’t usually stay in the lands of Alastor for a long time, but whenever he was around, it was the most peaceful time in this region.

“No one dared to make war in his presence. Even the brave Orcs and the mischievous Goblins behaved like good kids whenever he was around.”

“Heh~ sounds like a busybody to me,” Joanne interjected with a smirk. “Maybe his plan was to make everyone in this land subservient to him all along. I mean, if he tried to conquer your people, they would definitely fight back, so he chose the diplomatic route and branded himself a savior and peacemaker.

“And seeing that all of you are glorifying his name, it meant that he succeeded. You know, my Grandpa once told me that truly strong individuals would reach a limit to their powers.

“In order to break this limit, they would need the power of Fate, and to generate that power, they need someone to believe in them. The more people who believed in them, the stronger the power of Fate that would descend upon their bodies, allowing them to become stronger than their former selves.

“Those who received the love and belief of millions of followers could even ascend to Godhood. Of course, I haven’t seen a real God myself, but that’s what my Grandfather said, so it must be true.”

Princess Ramona listened to Joanne’s statement and only smiled.

“What I told you is the story that the common people know about,” Princess Ramona said after Joanne finished talking. “The real story is completely different.”

The Princess closed her eyes before taking a deep breath.

“The Tidebringer’s home was a place called Atlantis.” Princess Ramona clasped her hands together as if offering a prayer. “His parents were the Deity of the Sea, Arariel, and the Water Fairy Queen, Celestia. His birth was kept a tightly guarded secret, so no one knew who his parents were…”

But, before she could finish saying the rest, Joanne raised her hand, prompting her to pause.

“If it is such a tightly guarded secret, and no one knew who his parents were, then how did you find out?” Joanne interjected with a smirk, making the Princess of the Magdar Kingdom pout.

“Can’t you at least let me finish first?” Princess Ramona puffed up her cheeks, which made Joanne giggle.

“Fine~ continue your story, oh great princess of the Magdar Kingdom,” Joanne said in a teasing tone. “But after you tell this… fairy tale of yours, you will tell me how you came to know this story, okay?”

“Okay. But you have to listen to me until the end, alright?” Princess Ramona eyed Ethan’s sister, who just simply made a gesture for her to continue her story.

Seeing that Joanne would no longer intervene, she continued her tale.

“One day, while the people of Atlantis were living their lives like they usually do, the Fomorians and their allies attacked the City of Atlantis. The Progenitors and the Colossi waged war at sea for many days and many nights.

“When the war ended, the ones who emerged victorious were those from the City of Atlantis, but at a great cost. There were countless casualties, and the island city had almost been turned into ruins. In the end, Arariel decided that he would take Atlantis to the deepest part of the sea, preventing anyone from seeing it again.”

“While this was happening, Queen Celestia brought her son, the Tidebringer, to the Lands of Alastor to be raised by the Nymphs of the Sea and the Nymphs of the Rivers and Lakes.

“A few years passed as the family of three lived in seclusion, but their enemies had no plans to let them live their lives in peace.

“Knowing that they couldn’t keep them away forever, Arariel and Queen Celestia decided to leave their only son behind.

“The Tidebringer was already a young man by then, and he already had sufficient strength to defend himself.

“So, Arariel faced off against those who were hunting them, while Queen Celestia went to the place called the Shire Continent to hide something that the Fomorians were looking for.

“The Tidebringer stayed in the Lands of Alastor because his parents had left a very strong protector for him, which would keep him safe from harm.

“After living here for many years, he had come to recognize this place as his home, but peaceful times never last.

“The drums of war spread far and wide, turning this region into a battleground.

“Perhaps, remembering the battles that tore his family apart, the Tidebringer used his Deity-like powers to annihilate those who targeted the weak and the innocent.

He relentlessly hunted the Factions that were mercilessly killing people and breaking families apart.

“It didn’t matter if they lived near the sea or on land. With the power to conjure storms, he was truly a force to be reckoned with. His power was born from the union of his parents, who were the Colossi of the Sea and the Colossi of Rivers and Lakes.

“These two powers ensured that no matter where he was, he would be able to wreak havoc on his foes.

“He either drowned them with a flood or obliterated them with lightning bolts. After a year, the wars in every part of this land stopped completely. It was impossible for them to win when their opponent was a Deity-like existence.”

Although she didn’t want to admit it, Joanne couldn’t help but be impressed because of the Tidebringer’s prowess.

However, she just couldn’t connect this Deity-like existence to her brother, who wasn’t that special in her eyes.

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