Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 608 You Definitely Got My Good Genes

Chapter 608 You Definitely Got My Good Genes

“Are you sure you don’t want to spend some time with your girlfriends?” Benjamin asked.

“Grandma chased me out of the house and told me to be useful,” Ethan replied bitterly. “She said that they’re going to have some girl talk, so I’m not allowed to listen.”

Benjamin chuckled because he found this quite amusing.

He understood that his wife, Agnes, wanted to know more about her future in-laws.

She must also want to know how Ethan spent his year at Brynhildr Academy. The old lady knew that the girls would hold back and only tell her wonderful things about Ethan if he were around.

Although she liked hearing those stories, she also wanted to hear about his hardships in the academy.

Ethan would always put on a brave face and tell her that everything was fine. But she knew that under that facade, her grandson must have suffered as well.

She wanted to hear these stories, especially the one about how he managed to awaken his magic.

The young man briefly explained it to her, but he didn’t elaborate on it. Because of this, she resorted to asking Luna about it instead, which the young lady was more than happy to do.

Everyone present inside the house was Ethan’s allies, so she didn’t mind telling them how she awakened his magic power.

“So, when are you planning to marry those girls?” Benjamin asked as he threw his fishing hook into the river. “Agnes asked me to ask you this question.”

“Actually, Lily’s Father, Seff, asked me to visit them if I manage to finish my business in Midgard early,” Ethan answered. “Lily and I will have a simple wedding, following their customs. So, technically, the two of us will be officially married at that time.”

“Then, wouldn’t it be better if you come here first before you go to Southshire?” Benjamin inquired. “You know that Agnes will not let you hear the end of it if she isn’t present for your wedding. You wouldn’t want that to happen, right?”

Ethan pondered for a bit then shuddered after imagining how his grandma would react if he failed to tell her about his upcoming marriage with Lily.

“I think that’s a good idea, Grandpa,” Ethan stated. “I’ll stop by here first and bring you and Grandma with me to Southshire.”

“Good decision.”


Holding a fishing rod in his hand, Ethan couldn’t help but smile, also feeling excited about his marriage to Lily.

He could have done it when they were still in the Lands of Alastor.

Both of them were already in love with each other at that time.

However, Ethan had deep feelings for Chloe and Luna during that time, and Lily didn’t want to feel like a thieving cat, so they both held back and decided to not hold a ceremony.

The two of them were already sure that they would spend the rest of their lives together, so they didn’t feel the need to hold a marriage ceremony or anything just to prove it.

But getting married was still a must, for it would make Ethan's relationship with Lily official and formally tie him to Seff’s family.

“Since we’re already on this topic, and you’ll be marrying Lily soon, what about the others?” Benjamin asked. “Are you going to wait until you graduate from the academy to marry them?”

“That was the original plan,” Ethan replied. “But there’s a possibility that I will marry them even before we graduate from the academy.”

Although his other lovers would genuinely be happy when he and Lily got married, they would also feel left out because having the wife status was very different from having the girlfriend status.

There was finality in it. So, Ethan decided to soon have a proper talk with Luna, Lilian, and Emma about it.

He would also use this opportunity to have a private talk with Chloe.

Ethan knew that she still liked him, and he also felt the same way.

So, if possible, he wanted to ask her the real reason why she decided to distance herself from him.

The young man was certain that Chloe’s excuse of preferring a monogamous relationship was just a smokescreen for her real reason.

Luna told him that she and Chloe had talked about their relationship a lot and that the latter seemed fine with the idea of the three of them getting married.

Even when Lily came into the picture, Chloe was still fine with that, especially since Lily played an important role in pulling Ethan out of his depression during his darkest times.

So with this reasoning, he was certain that there was something that she wasn’t telling him.

As to what that thing was, Ethan would press her for answers, wanting to get to the bottom of it.

Suddenly, Benjamin felt a presence behind him, which made him turn his head.

There, he saw a beautiful lady with cat ears, looking at him with a smile.

“Grandpa Benjamin, my name is Lilith,” Lilith introduced herself. “I’m the Young Master’s protector. I hope to get along with you very much.”

“Protector?” Benjamin scanned the beautiful lady from head to foot before shifting his attention back to her face.

“Yes.” Lilith nodded.

Benjamin then glanced at his grandson, who nodded his head in affirmation.

“Are you perhaps one of my grandson’s girlfriends?” Benjamin asked.

“Not yet,” Lilith replied. “But I’m working on it, Grandpa.”

“Good luck to you. I hope you succeed.”

“Thank you very much!”

After saying those words, Lilith bowed at Benjamin before merging with Ethan’s shadow.

The Catkin had asked Ethan for permission to introduce herself to his grandparents.

Thinking that Agnes and Benjamin would be assured once they knew that their grandson had a bodyguard who was always with him, he agreed to Lilith’s request.

He just didn’t expect that his grandpa would ask Lilith if she was his girlfriend, which ended in their current situation.

“It’s nice to be young.” Benjamin chuckled. “You were as popular as me when I was your age, Ethan. You definitely got my good genes.”

This time, it was Ethan’s turn to chuckle.

Agnes and Benjamin would often say things like “you got that trait from my genes” even though they weren’t blood-related to each other.

But Ethan didn’t mind.

For him, Agnes and Benjamin were his family and the ones who raised him with love and care.

After spending so much time with them, Ethan had copied some of their mannerism, which often made the old couple say things like “he had his good looks because of my genes” or something similar.

An hour later, Ethan and Grandpa Benjamin returned to the house after catching many fish from the river.

There, they found Agnes wiping her tears with a handkerchief as she listened to the stories about her grandson, which the young man had hidden from her.

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