Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 167 - 166 Commentary on the Match_1

Chapter 167: Chapter 166 Commentary on the Match_1

“I heard that Yingtian Immortal was named Yingtian because he was borne by the heavens. Is that true?”

Fairy Eternity waved her hand dismissively: “Nah, it’s just bluster. Yingtian Immortal was born into a humble tribe. In ancient times, birthright was highly valued. Even when Yingtian showcased his talent at a young age, there were those who sneered behind his back, saying his birth wasn’t remarkable enough and he was destined to fall from grace.”

“So, Yingtian concocted this story about being born from the heavens. It does sound pretty convincing.”

“When Qilin Immortal heard about Yingtian’s claims, he was outraged. You see, the Kirin is a celestial being, also considered a heavenly son, so he felt threatened by Yingtian.”

“The two of them even fought over this issue. Qilin Immortal accused Yingtian of being born c-section style, stating that his birth was far from smooth and suggesting that the heavens never wanted to give birth to him.”

“Yingtian Immortal shot back at Qilin Immortal calling him an uncouth creature raised without a mother. In a way, Yingtian was speaking the truth.” Lu Yang made a weird face, “Wait, aren’t immortals supposed to be dignified characters? Why do they sound like local thugs when you talk about them?” “Their fight was so intense that it ended in a draw. I had to step in and mediate, suggesting that they stop the bickering and join me for a meal instead. Considering my reputation, they took heed and stopped fighting.” “Seems like their brawl brought them closer, they decided to become sworn brothers after the fight.”

Qiu Jin’an chose to ignore the self-praising part. He felt that this was nonsense and asked, “So, they became sworn brothers?”

“Nope, instead they started arguing over who should be the elder brother and ended up fighting again.”

Qiu Jin’an: “….”

He had heard long ago that during the ancient times Yingtian Immortal and Qilin Immortal were at odds, frequently engaging in epic battles. The reasons for these battles were varied according to the different accounts, but the dominant view was that there were philosophical differences between the two regarding major issues of the Immortal Dao, originating from abstract theories that undeniably influenced everything. The conflicts were irreconcilable. Historical records noted that the two of them unleashed their full power in their cosmic battles, completely obliterating certain realms where even stars and spiritual energy vanished.’

So they fought over issues like this?

It appears to be quite different from the grandeur of the ancient times that I had imagined, doesn’t it?

In the stands, the two sect leaders were exchanging ancient knowledge while on the tournament ground, the disciples from both sides had begun their intense face-offs.

The first to take the stage was Seek Dao Sect’s contestant- Meng Jingzhou, competing against Five Elements Sect’s contestant- Du Xueyi.

This contestant Du Xueyi was no ordinary player. As per the insiders from Five Elements Sect, Du Xueyi possessed the rare Golden Spirit Root, had gone through rigorous training, making him tough as steel. He had also mastered the Rushing Thunder Fist, his fists were indestructible, swift as the wind and fall heavy like rain.

Meng Jingzhou was a formidable player too. As per Lu Yang, who preferred to remain anonymous, Meng Jingzhou possessed the rarely seen Single Body Spiritual Root. Despite frequenting brothels, he remained uncorrupted. We have to admire his indomitable spirit.

Interestingly, Meng Jingzhou was also a Body Cultivator under the tutelage of the infamous Body Cultivation Great Power Third Elder in the Cultivation World. Let’s see what kind of exciting performance these two athletes can deliver today, let’s wait and see.”

The two contestants were already positioned on the stage, staring at each other intently, one arrogant, the other lascivious. Contestant Du Xueyi seemed a bit uncomfortable with the lascivious gaze of his opponent, putting him on the back foot.”

From the very first round, Meng Jingzhou took the lead with his shameless gusto!

The match is about to begin and Meng Jingzhou is approaching the referee. What is he up to?

He has pulled out a premium Spirit Stone. He’s actually brazenly bribing the referee right in public view!

The referee declines Meng Jingzhou’s bribe and issues him a yellow card as a warning!

Meng Jingzhou seems to have misunderstood the referee’s action, thinking the referee wanted to exchange the yellow card for his Spirit Stone.

The referee retaliated! The referee confronted Meng Jingzhou!

Apparently, the referee must have realized that he shouldn’t have acted against a contestant. He gave himself a red card and disqualified himself.

This match is truly unpredictable – the match hasn’t even started and we’re already on to our second referee!

Meng Jingzhou, not discouraged by his defeat, decided to try his luck and attempted to bribe Du Xueyi instead.

Du Xueyi, obviously unprepared for such an approach, appeared flustered. Thankfully, Qiu Jin’an’s presence of mind helped him snap out of it, and he promptly refused Meng Jingzhou’s outrageous offer.

The new referee, seemingly more experienced, once again issued a yellow card to warning to Meng Jingzhou.

Finally, Meng Jingzhou conceded and got down to the business of competing in earnest.

As soon as the match commenced, Du Xueyi sprang into action, launching a barrage of punches like a violent storm, resulting in echoing thunderous sounds which forced Meng Jingzhou on the defensive, causing him to retreat while protecting his head.”

Meng Jingzhou, you’re getting what you deserve… sorry about that, the commentator got a little personal. Please bear with us.”

While it appears Meng Jingzhou was at a disadvantage, he hardly seemed to suffer any injuries. In contrast, Du Xueyi was panting heavily after his onslaught of Rushing Thunder Fists.

Meng Jingzhou seized Du Xueyi’s moment of weakness to retaliate fiercely, and unleashed the Third Elder’s famed technique—Shocking Heaven Six Forms, gaining the upper hand!

Du Xueyi appeared to be taken aback by Meng Jingzhou’s fierce counterattack and lost the initiative, forced to adopt a defensive stance!

Meng Jingzhou attacked like a tiger descending a mountain, his fists and palms landed heavily and delivered an overwhelming blow, splashing Du Xueyi’s blood!

Du Xueyi bore the pain, taking a heavy punch from Meng Jingzhou before stepping back to recover.

Meng Jingzhou, not relenting, struck Du Xueyi fiercely as he drew near, but Du Xueyi seemed to be slowly adapting to Meng Jingzhou’s combat style, locking fists and feet with him causing sharp, jarring sounds!

The exchange of blows between the two was intense, leading to a stalemate, no one able to gain the upper hand.

Meng Jingzhou was the first to break the deadlock, he lunged forward half a step and struck Du Xueyi’s head with his own!

An unexpected move! Could it be Meng Jingzhou had been practicing Iron Head…wait, that doesn’t seem to be the case!

The one that struck Du Xueyi’s head wasn’t Meng Jingzhou’s actual head, but his hair!

Would you believe it? Meng Jingzhou, as a Body Refinement practitioner, had strengthened his hair to such an extent that it had become as hard as his body! And hair doesn’t have pain receptors!

What a brilliant move! It’s simply marvel worthy!

Du Xueyi was stunned by the blow to his head, retreating while holding his head, fulfilling Meng Jingzhou’s intention!

Meng Jingzhou seized the opportunity, grabbed hold of Du Xueyi’s clothing, and threw Du Xueyi out of the ring!

Meng Jingzhou has won the match!

Fairy Eternity, announced with a sound-amplifying array: “I declare that in the first round of the Foundation Establishment group match, Meng Jingzhou is victorious.”

After the announcement, Fairy Eternity asked Lu Yang in a spiritual space:

“What was all that stuff you were just blabbering on about?”

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