Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality

Chapter 322: The Origin of the Qilin Immortal Medicine

“When did humans need precious soil to cultivate?” The Ginseng Child was surprised. It had never seen cultivators, even those specializing in earth-element spells, come to them for soil.

The medicine garden lacked many things, but soil was never one of them. Especially for the Little Medicine Kings, the soil that was something money couldn’t even buy.

“Wait a moment.” The Ginseng Child said, then ran into the wooden hut. After a clattering search, it emerged holding four shovels.

“Let’s dig up some rare soil and see which one Lu Yang can use.” It kept one shovel for itself and distributed the remaining three to the other Little Medicine Kings.

The four Little Medicine Kings scattered, disappearing in a blink. Left behind were the Enlightenment Tree, Lu Yang, and Everlasting Fairy.

The Ginseng Child was the first to return, holding a heap of dark soil with its roots: “Here, this is black soil. Do you want it?”

Lu Yang had often heard about this type of soil. It was known to make any spiritual plant thrive. The lands farmed by the Blue-eyed Water Buffalo Clan were made of this black soil.

“This isn’t the black soil you see outside. This is the source of black soil. It can be used for farming and improving the quality of the surrounding soil, turning it into black soil as well.”

“The black soil you see outside has been assimilated by the source black soil. Or rather, what you see are derivatives of black soil. These derivatives have a usage limit and time restriction; after several uses, they revert to their original state. What I have here is the genuine black soil that never changes,” the Ginseng Child said proudly, as this was the favorite type of soil among the Little Medicine Kings.

“That’s amazing.” Lu Yang grabbed a handful and quickly stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it down.

The Ginseng Child and the Enlightenment Tree were dumbfounded. They had wondered how Lu Yang would use the soil for cultivation, only to see him eat it directly.

“How is it? How do you feel?” Everlasting Fairy asked eagerly.

Lu Yang smacked his lips, savoring the taste: “No change. My cultivation level hasn’t improved, the circulation speed of spiritual energy in my body hasn’t changed, my strength hasn’t increased, my agility hasn’t improved, and the intensity of my spiritual sense hasn’t changed.”

“Maybe the amount wasn’t enough. Try eating some more?” Everlasting Fairy suggested.

Lu Yang thought it made sense and ate all the black soil the Ginseng Child had brought, running his cultivation technique for a full cycle: “Still no change.”

Everlasting Fairy thought seriously and analyzed: “Maybe the black soil’s effect is to improve your innate talent. For example, a Triple Spirit Root could become a Double Spirit Root, and a Double Spirit Root could become a Single Spirit Root. Since you already have a Single Spirit Root, the best innate talent, there’s no room for improvement.”

Lu Yang looked at Everlasting Fairy suspiciously: “Fairy, have you never eaten it?”

“How could you say that? As one of the ‘Top Ten Beauties of Ancient Times’, would it make sense for me to eat dirt?”

“Besides, when I learned this divine ability, I was already immortal, with my cultivation at its peak. Why would I need to eat dirt?”

Lu Yang interrupted Everlasting Fairy’s boasting: “Wait a moment, where did the ‘Top Ten Beauties of Ancient Times’ come from? I’ve never heard of such a ranking.”

“I’m the most beautiful in ancient times, right?”

Lu Yang looked at Everlasting Fairy’s flawless face and nodded.

“If there’s a first, there must be a tenth, right?”

Lu Yang nodded again.

“Although I don’t know who the top ten beauties are, if there’s a tenth, then naturally there are ten beauties.”

“So you made this up?”

“How can you call it making it up? I’m just stating what must exist! Besides, three of the top ten beauties are certain: Qilin Immortal’s two wives and my most devout follower, Qing He.”

“Qilin Immortal?” At this moment, the Qilin Immortal Medicine came over with another type of soil, coincidentally hearing Everlasting Fairy mention Qilin Immortal.

“Fairy, the Qilin Immortal you mentioned… does it have anything to do with me?”

Seeing the Qilin Immortal Medicine so nervous, Lu Yang remembered a rumor told by the Ginseng Child. It said that there were no real qilins in the world, and what people saw as qilins were actually Qilin Immortal Medicines.

The Little Medicine Kings themselves didn’t know if there were real qilins in the world.

Lu Yang also believed this until he learned about the existence of Qilin Immortal from Everlasting Fairy, which dispelled this lie.

Lu Yang realized that knowledge he considered ordinary, like the names of The Four Ancient Immortals, was something even few people in the Unity Stage knew. Even beings with long lifespans like the Little Medicine Kings didn’t know about it.

Could it be that Everlasting Fairy is truly my golden finger?

“Qilin Immortal is the only qilin in the world and the only immortal among the monster clan. As for you Qilin Immortal Medicines…”

The Qilin Immortal Medicine asked eagerly, “How did we come to be?”

“The blood of Qilin Immortal fell onto a spiritual plant, and that plant, influenced by the immortal blood, transformed into the form of a qilin.”

The Qilin Immortal Medicine immediately felt its status rise, standing tall with pride.

Lu Yang was astonished: “Qilin Immortal got injured after becoming immortal? Who was the enemy?”

Could it be that there were terrifying beings in ancient times that could threaten ancient immortals? Everlasting Fairy always worried that my cultivation was too low and didn’t tell me, planning to wait until my cultivation improved?

The fairy’s careful consideration… but I still found clues!

Should I pretend not to know, or keep asking?

Everlasting Fairy was also puzzled: “I wasn’t there at the time, so I don’t know the details. It happened when Qilin Immortal got married, and Ying Tian Immortal and the other two attacked, causing Qilin Immortal to bleed a lot.”

“Why fight on such a joyous day? I don’t get it. Is this what they call a wedding prank?”

Lu Yang: “…”

Wasn’t it you, fairy, who started trouble at the wedding with immortal fruits, causing the two culinary geniuses you trained, Dragon and Phoenix Prodigies, to compete in cooking? Ying Tian Immortal and the other two were the judges. Afterward, they thought Qilin Immortal was the cause and taught him a lesson.

So the Qilin Immortal Medicines appeared then.

The Qilin Immortal Medicine in the medicine garden was a descendant of that first plant.

“Immortal battle?” The Enlightenment Tree and the Ginseng Child gasped, realizing that even in ancient times, becoming immortal didn’t mean being free from danger.

They filled in the story based on Everlasting Fairy’s words:

In ancient times, Qilin Immortal got married, and ten thousand monsters came to pay homage. On this joyous day, three rival immortals provoked Qilin Immortal. For his beloved and dignity, Qilin Immortal, furious and unafraid, fought back, wielding supreme immortal power to create a scene of awe-inspiring battles, shaking the ages!

This battle defended his supreme status as the only immortal of the monster clan!

Seeing the immortal bleed showed how fierce the battle must have been!

A true battle of immortals!

This Everlasting Fairy really didn’t treat them as outsiders, casually revealing ancient secrets with a single sentence.

They looked at Lu Yang.

How much ancient secrets must Lu Yang know by staying by the fairy’s side, hearing about so many brutal ancient struggles!

(End of the chapter)

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