Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 659: E-commerce and entities

Chapter 659 E-commerce and entities

At the end of November, it gets dark earlier and earlier. Because the weather outside is too cold, Qianzuo has experienced a wave of peak customer flow, and even the stupid Master Cao has made a fortune.

 At this time, the offline market battle between UnionPay and Alipay has come to an end for the time being.

The entire Alibaba is putting all its energy into this year’s Double Eleven.

This Double Eleven was longer than the last time, and more brands participated than the last time. Users who bought their hands also cried miserably.

Many people who like to shop online have been wiped out by Boss Ma. The sales of dishes priced at less than five yuan at Linda Canteen have soared, while the sales of dishes priced at more than five yuan have dropped sharply.

There is a new word on the Internet called eating soil, which means that after Double Eleven, all the poor will have to do is eat soil.

 Alibaba also officially announced Taobao’s transaction data, with the total amount reaching 19.1 billion, causing an uproar on the Internet.

 Some media said that Taobao has created history.

 Based on the popularity of the e-commerce shopping festival, the entire express delivery market has expanded. Various express delivery brands have taken advantage of the trend and continued to sink into the market. It is said that the three uncles of Hongrong Homes have begun to help send and receive express delivery.

 Hence, the fluctuation of data does not have much reference value in a short period of time.

 Due to the impact of holiday traffic, Alipay users quickly surpassed Union Quick Pass users, and even opened up a gap of nearly one million in just one week.

At this time, various express delivery trucks were speeding on the main road, pouring in towards the university town, one by one, piled up like a hill.

Wang Haini was talking, then picked up a package to open.

 “Take it, the white one, and the larger SF one…”

“Times are evolving. In recent years, except for the catering industry, offline physical stores have not been easy to operate. Wanzhong had spent so much effort on reform before, and would rather go out of business for a year and take risks, just for this day.”

 The user base for ordering takeout and gathering for dinner is still strong and solid.

Jiang Qin reached out and picked up a express box, opened it and took a look. It was a new Xiaomi phone that was on sale some time ago. There were two of them. The sender was Lei Jun.

Just as Jiang Qin was sighing, the door was opened, Wang Haini came in with a bunch of express delivery, and collapsed on the sofa.

However, this data is only temporary.

“Hai Wangni, have you picked up the express for me?”

 Shopping festivals don’t happen every day, and consumers don’t go crazy every month. Users will eventually return to their daily lives.

 College students are indeed the main force in online shopping.

Isn’t everyone saying that Jiang Qin has launched Cloud QuickPass and aims at Alibaba, so the next step is to enter e-commerce. It is very important for these mobile phone brands that rely heavily on online sales channels to be able to establish a good relationship with the group in advance. of.

Jiang Qin was chatting with Master Cao last night. He got up in the morning, took his arms out from the soft left and right sides of Q, and teased them twice, causing the sleeping little rich woman to utter a cry, and then walked over to Balcony, looking out.

There is also a card attached, which is written as a gift to Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang.

 What would happen if mobile phones were sold as fast as food delivery?

I don’t know whether it will make money or not, but in terms of market competition, it is definitely a killer.

Jiang Qin stretched out his hand to play with Xiaomi 2, and heard Wang Haini muttering next to him: "I just went to the express delivery station and found that it was almost crazy crowded. How come there are so many people shopping online this year?"

“To be honest, half of the shops in the pure-market shopping mall in my hometown have closed this year, and the escalators are reluctant to open. Of course, I don’t like to go shopping for shopping anymore.”

  In addition, several mobile phone companies, such as Huawei, ZTE, HTC, Coolpad, Apple and Samsung, also delivered their latest models to him during this period.

 Gifts and gifts in business circles are all like this, so it’s not unusual.

But just when she glanced at the waybill, she saw the words "heating and shaking", her face immediately turned red, and she put it aside as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Qin didn't even notice her little move and continued to speak: "The physical winter is coming, especially the end agents and physical store owners. Life will be very difficult. 19.1 billion. Before online shopping, this may be the only offline store in the country. sales.”

 “Then what are they going to do?”

“Simple, attached to comprehensive shopping malls, or business districts with concentrated traffic, this will be a process of survival of the fittest, but offline stores in the future may be used more for promotion and experience.”

 In 2008, in order to test a group buying project at Linchuan University, Jiang Qin looked for channel suppliers everywhere, and finally met He Yijun.

At that time, Wanzhong was still a pure-market shopping mall, with shelves from the first to the fourth floor, offering everything from home furnishings, men's and women's clothing to daily appliances.

 In Lao He's words, Wanzhong Mall is the landmark of Linchuan city center.

 As a result, in less than four years, the entire environment has changed.

  Pure sales malls have failed and lost money. Only Wanzhong was one step ahead of the trend and transformed into a comprehensive mall crazily in 2009. It also established a deep cooperative relationship with Pintuan and jumped on the train of the times.

Looking back at the subtle changes in 2012, I can really feel that these four words have turned everything upside down.

At the same time, He Yijun, who was in Shanghai, also saw the news about Taobao's transaction volume, and even saw the crowd of people in Wuyang Wuyang in front of the express station downstairs, and couldn't help but sweat.

 Damn it, it’s really cruel. The Taobao Shopping Festival in 2011 only had less than 4 billion sales, but in less than a year, it almost quintupled.

Only those who have been around his era can perhaps feel the huge risks involved in this wave of social development. If he did not reform, he would definitely die miserably...

This wave was fierce and violent, and it was unknown how many people were drowned. Only those who have the ability to step on the wave and sing loudly can lead this era, such as the two horses, such as Jiang Qin.

Social events will trigger a series of social speculations. Soon, self-media will focus on the difficulties of the offline physical retail industry from the large-scale rise of online shopping.

ˆ Newspapers and news broadcast from time to time about the overall decline of the real economy and the difficulty of doing business in the retail industry.

 At this time, Wanzhong Group attracted a lot of people's attention.

This company has been engaged in new shopping mall construction and old shopping mall renovation projects in recent years. It is very famous, comparable to Wanda, especially the Wanshanghui project, which has attracted a lot of attention since the start of construction.

 Because from the perspective of passers-by, this company is magical.

 In 2009, e-commerce had not grown so much, and the physical retail industry had not been too strongly affected. However, Vanzhong simply cut off its most profitable retail business and closed down for a year for renovation.

 At the time, many people thought he was stupid.

 But now Wanzhong has cooperated with Qin's Real Estate in Shanghai and has become one of the most well-known brands in the comprehensive shopping mall field.

 You don’t think it’s magical from the front to the back, but if you look from the back to the front, it’s simply a miracle.

As a result, a large wave of media chased Wan Zhong and wanted to interview He Yijun to dig deeper into the reasons why Wan Zhong retreated from the rapids and plunged headlong into the transformation.

 Wanzhong’s answer to the outside world is relatively official, saying that the transformation is based on thinking about the times and is also to find better prospects for the company.

However, everyone in the circle knows that these official answers are all for the group's image, and the real reason is probably because of Jiang Qin.

 Because the second shareholder of Vanzhong Group is Jiang Qin.

This speculation is not unreasonable, because according to the investigation, Wanzhong chose to transform when Pintuan became famous in Linchuan.

 Wanzhong Mall, after its transformation, also relied on group-to-store coupons to re-gather traffic.

In other words, Jiang Qin not only did the major thing of establishing a group building three years ago, he also established the overall thinking and development policy of Vanzhong Group towards comprehensive real estate development three years in advance.

 The most important thing is that Qin’s Real Estate, which joined forces with Wanzhong, was originally a company under the Feng Group.

You know, there have been rumors circulating in the Internet business and investment circles that Jiang Qin’s wife is the eldest lady of the Feng Group, but the two families seem to have a grudge.

Other details cannot be verified due to various reasons, but many people have probably imagined Jiang Qin's journey along the way.

 Hands together to build an online market, and guides the development of comprehensive shopping malls. Then he establishes Linchuan Business Group, attracts a large number of brands, and establishes Jinsnan Foundation to invest in it.

 He alone actually led the development of three industries and laid two hidden lines.

 Online is dominated by the group-building system, and offline the comprehensive mall is used as the battlefield.

At that time, many people thought that he was just a college student who could build a website and be good at marketing. However, the more people Jiang Qin left behind, the more people dug into him, the more frightened he became.

“If I had known that Jiang Qin was such a talented businessman, I would definitely not have entered the group buying war.”

“We were simply deceived and led by others to burn up the market. Only now do we understand.”

 At this time, many group buying elites who fought in the market with group buying could not help but sigh.

 The one who was even more sweaty was Zhang Xuhao who was hungry.

 Since they shrunk their front line and re-adjusted their layout, their original market share has dropped to about 28%.

However, Zhang Xuhao's mentality is very stable, because he is still waiting for Pang Rui to let them access Alipay.

 But after seeing the rumors about Jiang Qin and Wanzhong Group in the circle, he felt a little uneasy.

It feels like someone has found out something awesome about your "50/50 split with you". Your heart has been severely hit, but you still have to "force a 50/50 split".

  But what is even worse is the internal collapse of the Feng Group.

 The Qin Group is independent, its investment has failed, and investment promotion has been bumpy at every step. The current Feng Group is in a state of panic.

At first, when everyone heard that the president of Pintuan was Feng Shirong’s son-in-law, they thought that the Feng era had come again, but who knew it would turn out to be like this.

“I heard that the current Mrs. Feng is Mr. Feng’s second marriage.”

“Isn’t it right? Didn’t you say it was your first marriage before?”

“The first one is a ghost. She just created her own personality. I don’t know how she got the position by some chance, but it is said that she was not nice to Miss Feng. She is a typical vicious stepmother.”

“No wonder, I also asked why Mr. Feng’s son is so young. It turns out that he is from a second marriage.”

“Without this woman, Qin’s business would not have been independent. How could those brands in Linchuan avoid our project?”

“This woman wants to destroy the entire Feng family by herself?”

 (Ask for monthly ticket...or2)

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