Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 650: Offline payment war

Chapter 650: Offline Payment War

Jingdong is Alibaba’s rival in e-commerce, and Pintuan is now competing with Alibaba in the payment market. Together, the two have pushed the number of Union Quick Pass users to a peak in an instant.

 At this time, the turnover of Pintuan Cloud QuickPass has reached the share of Alipay in the e-commerce field.

However, while Alipay is fully committed to the offline payment market, the achievements of Cloud Quick Pass in the online market are less conspicuous.

“Alipay’s promotion efforts are amazing.”

“If Alibaba is allowed to occupy the offline payment market first, no matter how well Cloud QuickPass does online, the chance of turning around will be slim.”

“Yes, payment software is destined to be different from other software.”

Payment software is different from commercial platforms such as e-commerce and takeout. It is difficult for users to take advantage of payment. Therefore, the only way for payment software to retain people is convenience and speed.

 For this reason, the payment market will not experience too drastic market share fluctuations. Basically, whoever captures users first will win.

This win is not absolute, but the dominant position is certainly not easily replaced.

If you have hundreds of thousands in Alipay, you will never withdraw it and put it into UnionPay just because UnionPay is shouting.

“Didn’t the local promotion of group-joining activities start from the time when UnionPay QuickPass was launched?”

Chen Jiaxin was stunned for a moment, realizing a problem, and her eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

Calculated based on the previous market share, they have actually returned to the level they were in when they competed with Fidian.

Chen Jiaxin noticed the movement of the group promotion sub-station in July, and also received feedback from the marketing department, saying that the local promotion of group promotion has begun to train again, but because the cloud quick payment online momentum is strong, everyone's attention The force was quickly diverted.

Taking advantage of this trend, Hungry has also begun to invest funds in the college student market, trying to equal the Group Takeaway.

 To be honest, Zhang Xuhao feels that he has caught up with the good times.

  But I have to say that autumn is indeed a very comfortable season.

Pang Rui promised him that when the offline payment market is fully rolled out, Xingle will not be able to access it.

 From summer to autumn, Hungry’s business volume in University Town increased by 326%.

For northern regions, autumn is probably the shortest season among the four seasons, because summer is too domineering and the tail always stretches out very long, while winter is often extremely violent due to the addition of cold air.

But if you think about it carefully, where did the push for the group go?

Nowadays, Union QuickPass has just caught up with Alipay’s online pace and has not yet started offline. From a long-term development perspective, it does not have an advantage.


 Because when they turned around to grab the college student market, they were really afraid that Tuan Tuan would catch up with them again. As a result, Tuan Tuan’s current development center suddenly focused on the payment market, and they paid no attention to the food delivery market.

 Hence, companies that make payment applications want to get users’ first experience.

However, Chen Jiaxin is a little worried about Zhang Xuhao's optimism. These worries have no reason and are just due to her understanding of Jiang Qin.

 Having the same view is the founder of Hungry Bu, Zhang Xuhao.

 So the better Alipay develops, the more powerful it will be for Hungry.

 In the early morning of mid-October, the taste of autumn gradually began to appear.

 “Something’s not quite right.”

Hungry is not located in the forefront of the market, and it competes with group-sharing companies. It is relatively clear about the trends of group-building companies.

 “Where did those earth thrusts... go?”

At around eight o'clock in the morning, freshman Zhang Ming got up early and went to the school cafeteria on the way to attend a club interview. He couldn't help but be stunned when he entered.

Because the school cafeteria is full of Union QuickPass posters, in addition to the clean and bright meal purchase window, there is an extra QR code sticker next to the original punch-in machine, which says that you can enjoy 20% off by using UnionPay QuickPass. .

Zhang Ming bought a drawer of steamed buns and saw many senior students using UnionPay QuickPass in the process.

In college, if you lose your meal card, you will not call college students three or five times a semester. Some people even lose it and don’t bother to replace it. They live year after year by giving cash to their roommates...

 So, when the canteen supports Cloud Quick Pass, the number of student users surges.

 Zhang Ming is not a person who likes to chase trends, and he likes to use Alipay, so he swiped his meal card and went to the club for an interview.

 After the interview, Zhang Ming met with his girlfriend.

 The two of them were admitted to the same high school and had a good relationship. When they were freshmen, they were already looking forward to graduating together, taking the postgraduate entrance examination together, getting married and having children.

“Zhang Ming, give me your mobile phone and I’ll buy milk tea.”

"oh oh."

Zhang Ming took out his cell phone and handed it to his girlfriend, then stood at the intersection and waited quietly.

 Not long after, his girlfriend came back and bought two cups of Xitian's "Confession" series, and Zhang Ming's ZTE N88 had a "Union Quick Pass" icon.


“Xitian has a 20% discount on Cloud QuickPass. It seems that it can also be used at school supermarkets, and you can also use it to order takeaways at a 20% discount.”

Zhang Ming said oh, and started using UnionPay to pay for breakfast the next morning. He ordered a takeaway in the dormitory at noon, and opened Jingdong during online shopping...

 The first one to be affected was Hungry Bu. Starting from mid-October, their business order volume gradually began to decline.

Zhang Xuhao immediately felt something was wrong, so he immediately called the city manager over.     “They are burning money.”

“Is group takeout burning money again?”

“No, it’s Cloud QuickPass that’s burning money, but... But it’s also equivalent to group takeout that’s burning money.”


The marketing manager in charge of the Kyoto area of ​​I’m Hungry swallowed his saliva: “Order a group takeout and pay with Union Quick Pass to get a 20% discount. Although the discount is provided by UnionPay, it’s actually equivalent to group takeout. Discount."

After hearing this, Chen Jiaxin sighed: "I understand, he wants to use a sum of money to promote two software, and use one 20% off to achieve the effect of two 20% off."

 “Holy shit…”

Jiang Qin’s business logic is actually very easy to reason about. To put it bluntly, it is still a combination of punches.

 Taking group takeout + Cloud QuickPass, you can enjoy 20% off. For users, it is just a matter of changing the payment software, but it leads to two results.

 The first result is that students switched from Alipay to UnionPay QuickPass, and the other result is that ordering food in a group meal is not cheaper than being hungry.

 Consumers don’t care whether there is a discount on group takeout or a discount on Cloud Quick Pass. The key issue is that I spend less.

“Their local promotion, when UnionPay was constantly promoting online, they were actually discussing cooperation with contractors in university cafeterias.”

 “So, we don’t see them on the market.”

“According to the information collected so far, 80% of college canteens have already used the QR code scanning payment function of Union Quick Pass.”

 After listening to Chen Jiaxin’s analysis, Zhang Xuhao suddenly realized a problem, that is, the group purchase with UnionPay QuickPass has been closed in the college student market.

If you use group sharing for takeout and payment, the price is still low. If you are hungry, there will be no market at all if you are not in the field of college students.

 However, this may be an opportunity, because Alipay and can also join forces to do this.

“I’ll go to Hangzhou and invite them to grab the market together. It’s impossible for Ali to let go of such a big piece of cake.”

“It’s useless. Those canteen contractors sign up for a joint supply chain. If there is a price war, we are the one who can’t afford it.”

“How come there are so many supply chains in the f**king group everywhere? Damn it, wherever we go, there is a supply chain like this?!”

“Because their supply chain was created by us ourselves…”


The popularization of mobile QuickPass for scan-code payment in university cafeterias was not kept secret for long, and soon the news spread.

Having spent a lot of money, not only promoted Cloud Quick Pass, but also held back those who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a sneak attack. This style of play really opened everyone's eyes.

 The most important thing is that Pintuan, which originally had no achievements in the offline payment market, has almost caught up with Alipay's efforts in the past two months after gaining access to the college student market.

 Happy Group is indeed the company closest to consumers.

“Mr. Pang, you will probably regret it now…”

 “I regret my decision that summer.”

 Lv Zhichuan and Pang Rui were good friends. They often had meals together and had many related business cooperations. However, after Lu Zhichuan resigned from Alibaba, the two never contacted each other again.

However, now that the two companies are facing each other **** for tat, Lu Zhichuan can easily think of this old friend and wonders how he is feeling now.

 In fact, during the group buying war, if Pang Rui could ruthlessly choose and use the dilemma of online payment to curb the development of group buying, she would not be in this situation now.

 Even if there is no channel for group joining, they need more time to promote, it is better than being invaded by others.

It’s a pity that Pang Rui, who worked hard to get the license, was too radical at the time.

Think about it, since 2004, Alipay has been struggling with the reputation of being unlicensed. It has been dormant for five years. Who wouldn’t want to run wild once they get the license? Why don't you want to use group sharing channels?

 But it was precisely because of this that they helped their biggest competitor later.

At present, the ecological chain of group-joining is restricting Alibaba at every turn, which is equivalent to building a high wall between them and consumers, but Ali has nothing that can hinder group-joining.

“Boss, the materials needed by Wanzhong Mall and Xihan Heqing have been shipped out.”

"OK, thank you for your hard work. Let the Propaganda Department and the Local Promotion Department take three days off."

"thank you boss."

Jiang Qin was sitting on the boss's chair in the conference room, looking at his YunQuanPass balance, which was 12.8 yuan: "Lan Lan, how much is Taobao worth now?"

Wei Lanlan raised his head: "The valuation should be 50 billion."

"Fifty billion? Sunai, can you do some backend operations for me and change my balance to 50 billion? I'll scan the QR code with YunQuickPass and buy it from Taobao."


Lv Zhichuan's heart trembled when he heard this. He thought that the boss, a humanoid creature, was so **** scary. He had no bottom line at all.

 (or2, monthly pass, give me a monthly pass...)

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