While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 335: The magical function of Luo Tianjing, the power of creation?

Chapter 335: The magical function of Luo Tianjing, the power of creation?

Chapter 335: The magical function of Luo Tianjing, the power of creation?

As the voice came, a soft light also fell on Su Xing.

This light turns into a virtual and simple mirror, pouring into the awakening eyebrows.

Su Xing immediately felt a large amount of information and energy pouring into his mind... The next second, Su Xing fainted briefly.

At the same time, in Luotian Realm, the sky, the earth, everything was trembling.

Luo Qingniu, who was waiting hard, opened his eyes wide when he saw this scene, and said in disbelief:

His~ Could it be that he is really a destined person?

"Looking at Luo Tianjing's movements...at least the second-level authority to recognize the master? Or even...the first-level authority to recognize the master!?"

A strange look flashed in Luo Qingniu's eyes.

Luo Tianjing recognizes his master, and does not look at anything else...only his qualifications!

The second-level master authority is at least capable of becoming the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

As for the first-class recognition authority... only one person in the history of Luo Tianzong has obtained it, and that is the founder of Luo Tianzong!

As for higher authority...Luo Qingniu didn't dare to think in that direction.

When Su Xing woke up again, he had already appeared in the real world.

Its strange...I actually fainted for a whole day in the simulation?

This Luotian Mirror, the treasure of chaos, what level of treasure is it?

This ability to switch in virtual realityseems a bit familiar!

Su Xing frowned in thought, then shook his head and said:

Nothe functions of the simulator and Luo Tianjing are essentially different

A simulator is a real shuttle between reality and the future world...a shuttle between timeline and virtuality!

Keluo Tianjing...should be able to freeze things and people from long ago in a specific period of time...The space inside the Luo Tianjing, and everything in it, also really exists!"

But if you want to bring out the treasures in Luotian Mirror, you need to inject mana... This is somewhat similar to the simulator!

Wake up and keep thinking in your mind.

As Su Xing's cultivation level gets higher and higher, Su Xing gradually becomes convinced that the simulator should be some extremely powerful treasure!

The level of this treasure is beyond Su Xings imagination...perhaps even higher than Luo Tianjing, the treasure of chaos!

I have roughly understood the functions of Luo Tianjing... Its capabilities are generally somewhat similar to those of the simulator..."

However, the two can complement each other... The use of Luo Tianjing requires less. You only need to inject mana to bring out the required resources!

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel. He wanted to figure out what would happen next.

When you wake up again, it is already seven days later... You find yourself somewhere outside the Luotian dungeon.

The original copy of Luotian has also been completely closed!

Just when you were confused, you suddenly felt that there was a simple little mirror in the soul mark... It was the Luo Tianjing itself!

As soon as your heart moved... your whole person disappeared from the same place and appeared in the Luotian realm!

At this moment, you also see the real Luotian Realm!

Time no longer loops around the day of the Luotian Conference, but can move forward normally... However, the vast majority of Luotian Sect members have fallen into a deep sleep!

Since several Yuanhui, the power of Luotian Mirror has gradually dissipated...the entire internal space of Luotian Realm has also been shrinking.

In the end...only a few mountain gates of Luotian Sect were left...their area was only tens of thousands of feet...

You try to put some items into Luotian Realm, and you are surprised to find that items from the real world can be brought in... But if you want to bring them out again, you need to pay some mana!

Even, you can pay mana to bring out a certain number of Soul Gathering Flowers from the back mountain!

As far as the eye can see, everything in the entire Luotian Sect Mountain Gate... you can bring it to the real world, as long as you have enough mana!

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and complained:

"Good guy...it's free to bring them in together, but it costs money to take them out, right? Isn't this just free prostitution?"

"But...this Luotian Realm can be regarded as an independent small world!"

"Doesn't this mean...I have become the master of a world? As long as I concentrate on repairing the Luo Tianjing...the future potential is endless!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly, but after thinking about it carefully, he still felt that since he had inherited the Luotian Mirror, it was necessary to go there again to thoroughly understand the inside of the Luotian Realm!

"After possessing the highest authority of Luotian Mirror, what I entered should be something similar to the inner world? And the previous Luotian Conference was just a superficial world?"

Wake up and think deeply, then silently said:

Use an immersive simulation for a month!

Su Xing estimated that one month would be enough to become familiar with the real Luotian realm, right?

Ding, you successfully used immersive...

The simulation prompt tone falls, and the awakening consciousness sinks into the simulation world.

Is this the real Luotian Realm?

Su Xing looked around, showing an unexpected look.

Within Luotian territory, all rocks, flowers and plants, as well as elixirs and spiritual plants, have remained unchanged. They are the same as what you saw when you woke up in the Luotian Conference copy!

The only difference is that there is not a single monk here!

So where are all the monks?

Su Xing frowned slightly and quickly thought of a place, the venue of the Luotian Conference!

So, Su Xing took a step forward and arrived at the Luotian Conference location.

As expected, here, Su Xing saw hundreds of thousands of monks!

These monks are all members of the Luotian Sect!

There are Luo Qingniu and Niu Rulie whom Su Xing has seen...even Gui Granny and Senior Brother Shen Nong, they are all here!

"Are these monks...really still alive?"

Su Xing looked around and frowned slightly.

Hundreds of thousands of monks lined up to stand in the wide altar, their expressions blank, like puppets, without the slightest sign of life.

"So... is it because the power of Luo Tianjing gradually dissipated, which caused changes in the other world, and these monks and disciples are unable to move?"

Just when Su Xing was thinking about it, memories turned into bright lights and poured into Su Xings mind.

This is... how to use Luo Tianjing, and the permissions Su Xing has!

After waking up and digesting it for a long time, I finally understood the mechanism of this Luotian Mirror.

Hiss~ This Luotian Mirror is so mysterious?

The information conveyed includes many, but it can be summarized into the following points.

First, Su Xing is the owner of the Luotian Mirror with the highest authority. He can completely decide the life and death of any life in the Luotian Realm, and can control them at will!

This means that in just one thought of waking up, these monks can disappear forever...

However, compared to letting these Luotianmen people die, it seems that greater value can be created?

For example... let Brother Shennong farm, let the alchemy elders make elixirs... let the weapon refiner elders make weapons, this is simply an unparalleled free labor productivity!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, but the only pity is that controlling these disciples requires injecting mana to ensure that they can do things!

Second, the speed of space-time flow inside Luotian Realm can be adjusted!

As long as you wake up and inject enough mana into the Luotian Realm, you can make the flow of time and space inside the Luotian Realm pass faster than in the real world!

For example, one day in the real world can even last up to ten days, a month or even a year in the Luotian realm!

Similarly, changing the flow rate of time also requires injecting immortal power.

The larger the proportion difference, the more immortal power needs to be injected!

Third, the internal space of Luotian Realm is infinitely large. Its original size is even equivalent to a complete Great Thousand Worlds!

Before the destruction of the Luotian Realm... the Luotian Mirror reproduced everything in the Luotian Realm!

Including monks, creatures and even infinite treasures...

As the energy of Luo Tianjing continues to dissipate, currently only a few main peaks of Luo Tianzong are still open, and the rest cannot be unlocked...

If Awakening wants to restore these places, he also needs to inject mana!

Tsk tskthis Luo Tianjing, in general, is an invincible production tool!

No wonder, even though the Luo Tian Sect has been destroyed for so long, these disciples still hope to revive the Luo Tian Sect! Im afraid its because of Luo Tian Jings trump card!

"Judging from these functions of Luo Tianjing...this seems to be the power of creation in rumors?"

"Even...can I use the Luotian Mirror in the future to recreate some of the treasures that have disappeared or even become extinct?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, and the first thing he thought of was Enlightenment Tea!

If he owns this mirror, doesnt it mean that he has countless Enlightenment Teas?

"However... none of these functions can directly help me. What I want to know now is what direct benefits can Luotian Realm bring to me?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and then began to explore the only few main peaks of Luotian Sect.

Several main peaks are similar, and the combined area is probably tens of thousands of feet wide. "There are more than 120,000 spirit-gathering flowers, and indeed they are all in the main peak of Luotian Sect!"

Shu Xing's eyes were slightly bright. With these spirit-gathering flowers, for him, it was equivalent to having inexhaustible spiritual liquid!

And... most importantly, the Sutra Pavilion is still there! Those countless ancient books and magical powers... I can take a look at them at any time."

Even, there are several alchemy rooms and weapon refining rooms... I seem to be able to get these Luotianmen to help me make alchemy?

Su Xing thought about it for a while and felt that there are many operable parts.

Now, the only question is... how much mana does it cost to do these things? How much mana is needed to bring out the resources within Luotian?

Then... lets go and have a look!

Step out after waking up, and once again come to the Temple of Heaven where the Luotian Conference is located.

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and first came to Shennong Youtian.

This Shennong has land and is proficient in the art of raising spirits. His attainments in raising spirits are probably no less than those who have the talent to wake up!

Then, lets try it!

Su Xing stretched out his hands, and the Five Elements Immortal Power was released and slowly injected into Shennong Arita's body...

In this way, about a stick of incense has passed.

Approximately one-tenth of the mana in the awakening body was consumed.

At this time, Shen Nong had land and gradually woke up...

The first time Shen Nong Arita woke up, he realized his situation. He looked at Su Xing and said respectfully:

Your Majesty, you are finally here!

After Su Xing heard this title, he showed a strange look at first, but he quickly adapted to it, so he asked:

How do you feel now? Have I resurrected you now?

After hearing Su Xings words, Shennong Youtian shook his head and said:

"Your Majesty, I am not resurrected...or rather, I never died, I just stayed in Luotian Mirror!"

"And after you have just injected the mana, I will be able to gain freedom for a period of time, or in other words, a short resurrection, right?"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. He roughly understood how to use it. After Su Xing paid a certain amount of immortal power, he could "awaken" a certain Luotian sect member and work for him for a period of time.

Shennong Youtian said:

The mana that your Majesty just injected can allow me to function normally for about a year... During this year, I will fully cooperate with you and do what I can for you!

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. He just injected 10% of the mana. Could it only resurrect Shen Nong Arita for about a year?

Then asking the entire Luotianmen to work for him, wouldn't it cost a huge amount of mana?

So Su Xing asked: "How much mana does everyone need to spend?"

Shennong Arita shook his head slightly after hearing this and explained:

"No...according to our respective abilities and cultivation levels, the required mana is also different!"

Before entering the Luotian Realm, at the highest level, I had the cultivation level of the early stage of the Tianxian Realm... Therefore, the mana required to be paid will be more..."

But if there are some elders with lower strength or even ordinary disciples, the mana required will only be less..."

After hearing Shennong Youtians explanation, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that Awakening can freely choose and pay a certain price to choose any disciple to be temporarily resurrected, and does not work for himself.

Next, Su Xing followed Shennong Youtian and became more familiar with things in Luotian.

Soon, dozens of days passed.

When Su Xing left Luotian Realm, he finally came to the beginning of Houshan Mountain and took down a Spirit-Gathering Flower.

Subsequently, Su Xing tried to inject spiritual power into the entire Luotian Realm... After consuming about one thousandth of the mana, Su Xing finally successfully brought out the Spirit Gathering Flower and left the Luotian Realm.

Next, Su Xing tried the space-time acceleration ability of the Luotian realm.

But unfortunately, with Su Xing's current cultivation level, even if he injects half of the mana, he can only maintain double the speed of Luotian for a month...

Soon, the immersive simulation ends, and you wake up and return to reality.

In this immersive simulation, Su Xing has a thorough understanding of the functions currently displayed in Luotian Realm.

Yes, Luo Tianjing can make up for some of the shortcomings of the simulation very well

For example, in the simulation, I dont have a simulator by default...but in the simulation, I can have Luo Tianjing!

There are monks from the entire Luotian territory working for me...perhaps I dont have to worry about training resources?

Su Xing nodded slightly and murmured:

"Then... let's see how much help Luo Tianjing can bring to me!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

You have spent several months getting familiar with the functions of the Luotian Mirror...

In the second year, you chose to leave Blue Star and go to Little Qingyun Realm...

During this year, you have continued to inject mana into Luotian Mirror, about once every three months. Although it will not cause your cultivation level to drop, it will also cause your cultivation speed to slow down to a certain extent.

But you know that this decline in cultivation is only temporary, because as your cultivation gets higher and higher in the future, the cost of maintaining the operation of Luotian Mirror will become less and less...

In the third year, after arriving in Xiao Qingyun Realm, you began to purchase spiritual liquid and spiritual stones.

You need enough spiritual liquid to ensure the rapid replenishment of mana, so as to continuously inject energy into Luotian Realm.

You choose to resurrect some disciples in Luotian, including Shennong Youtian and some disciples who are good at cultivating spirits. You want them to do one thing for you, plant spirit-gathering flowers!

It is extremely difficult to plant the Soul-Gathering Flower... As far as you know, there are not many monks who can grow it in the entire Three Thousand Worlds.

But Shen Nong has land and can grow Juling flowers!

So, you gave them the task of planting the Soul-Gathering Flower...

At the same time, you yourself are also starting to plant the Soul-Gathering Flower in Lingtian Cave...

After obtaining the talent of Shen Nong in the World, your ability in cultivating spirits will be greatly improved. Every two years, you can plant thousands of mature Spirit Gathering Flowers!

So, in the next twenty years, you successfully planted ten thousand spirit-gathering flowers and transplanted them into Lingtian Cave.

At the same time, in the past twenty years, you have continued to go to Luotian Realm, spent your magic power, and brought out more than ten thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers in Luotian Realm!

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"The usefulness of Luo Tianjing... seems not to be as great as I imagined!"

Su Xing discovered that in the simulation, his speed of improving strength was limited, and he still needed to allocate mana to maintain the operation of Luo Tianjing.

This makes it difficult for Su Xing to maintain the rapid growth of his cultivation...

But, what if its in reality? The simulator makes my cultivation level increase rapidly, and the consumption of maintaining Luo Tianjing may be just a drop in the bucket for me in the future?

"By then... I will be able to fully utilize the power of Luo Tianjing!"

Su Xing thought so.

"However, Luo Tianjing can be useful to me now! I have been coveting the hundreds of thousands of spirit-gathering flowers in the back mountain for a long time!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised. If he could get these spirit-gathering flowers, the level of Lingtian Cave would definitely be improved by several levels!

Even more, Su Xing can completely pay for mana in the simulation, bear the risk of falling into the realm of cultivation, and then take out the items in Luotian, and then spend the energy source to stay in reality. This has almost no impact on Su Xing in reality!

Yes, I have roughly figured out the short-term use of Luo Tianjing!

But for now, we still have to continue to improve our cultivation!

Su Xing thought about it for a while. He would go to the void next, and there might not be a supply of energy sources for a long time.

So you can save a little bit...

In total, my physical training has not improved for a long time!

It seems...its time to go to the star realm again!

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