What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 300 Just Taking A Flight Around

I woke up in the late afternoon the next day back at the manor with Delmare and Lisa sleeping on both my sides, all three of us having made love with each other until the sky was starting to brighten.

Thankfully it's the weekend today so I did not need to worry about being late to school, not that it would have been a problem anyway considering my status as a Special class student.

I'm also assuming everyone let me sleep in since they knew I would be tired after what happened with the lich and the fact I had two girls who had practically gone into heat after getting a whiff of my new scent.

I won't say what happened last night exactly but… Their faces were constantly pushed against some place on my body…

Like there were a few times I recall Lisa sniffing my armpits and even licking them like they were some sort of delicacy. I'm pretty sure the boon doesn't change the taste of my body but she still acted like I was the most delicious thing she tasted.

Delmare was not any better either as she spent an entire half hour just stuck between my legs to both sniff and taste me the entire time. I had lost track of how many times I climaxed from her mouth.

You could say that her lips really were magic.

Putting aside that for now, it's already pretty late in the day and I don't really want to sleep the rest of the day away so I tried to free myself from Delmare and Lisa.

Unfortunately, both of them were clutching onto me too tightly for me to break free from their grasps. I didn't want to wake them either since I was a hundred percent sure they would just make me make love to them the moment I woke them up.

Ugh… How do I get out of bed in this state?

Oh wait, of course! [Link Portal]!

I dropped into the portal I had made below me before I reappeared a short distance away from the bed. Both Lisa and Delmare made some noises in their sleep from my disappearance but they still remained asleep.

Perfect! This magic is so useful! I'm so glad that I managed to obtain this magic yesterday~

Speaking of which, I had tried to see if I could take over the Dungeon yesterday but it seemed like I could not as I did not fulfil the condition of conquering the Dungeon. Apparently their definition of conquering a Dungeon required one to start from the very first floor and fight through the entire Dungeon before beating the final boss without leaving said Dungeon.

That would already be quite difficult to achieve especially for the larger Dungeons since you might need more than a few months or even years to do that. Coupling this with the fact that you also need an extraordinary amount of mana, it's no wonder that very few people tried to become Dungeon Masters.

Leaving the two of them behind to sleep, I exited from my room quietly, only to see Katsuki standing beside the door the moment I stepped out.

She bowed, "Good afternoon Mistress, did you have a good sleep last night?"

"Oh, good afternoon Katsuki. Sorry about waking up so late… You could have just woken me up."

"There's no need to worry Mistress, since there is nothing on your schedule today. Would you like to eat first?"

"Oh, yes please!" I agreed immediately, feeling a little hungry after all the workout I did last night.

Katsuki guided me back down to the ground floor and into the dining room, the place having already been cleaned up and restored to its original state despite the mess it was in last night during my birthday party.

Sitting at the head of the table was Mother who was sipping her tea casually, "Ara, ara? Good morning my little one~ Did you have a good night's sleep?"

I yawned, "I did Mommy~"

"Ufufufu~ It seems like my little one is still tired~ Come over here and Mama will pamper you~"

I didn't argue and simply went to Mother who pulled me in to sit on her lap. She then proceeded to pat my head while hugging me close to her chest.

Mnnn~ This feels nice~

"Ara, ara~ My dearest child is truly the cutest~ Does my little one want to spend the day with Mama?"

Mmm… Now that I think about it… Hasn't it been a really long time since I've spent some private time with Mother? Before going to the mainland, we were just living by ourselves in our cottage without anyone else. But now that we've come here, there's always someone accompanying us all the time.

Somehow, I kind of miss those days where it was just Mother and I where we might just spend the day baking cookies and cakes to enjoy ourselves.

Now, we have basically servants doing everything for us to the point that there's even someone to put on my underwear for me. There was no longer a time where it would just be myself and Mother alone.

Of course, I have nothing against it, especially since it was Katsuki who would be accompanying me most of the time. But seeing this, I realised that the children from those noble families would easily grow apart from their parents if they were raised under such environments from the start.

I have to say that I'm really glad that Mother at least brought me up during my earlier years away from the mansion.

As though reading my mind, Mother spoke up, "Since my little one had quite a troublesome few days recently… How about Mama spend the day with my little one? We can go for a flight around the city's outskirts if you'd like~"

"Oh! That sounds fun, Mommy! Can we do that?"

I didn't even need to worry about the possible assassins that were still after me since Mother is here. Even though I could not see her stats, I'm pretty sure that she was even stronger than Mary.

"Ufufufu~ Of course, my dearest child~ We can even go right now if you wish~ Then we can come back to have a little baking session in the kitchen together~"

Oh wow! Mother is going to bake too?! Honestly speaking, I have a hard time deciding if Mother's baking was better than Mary's.

Mary's pastries would be similar to the ones that you might find in an upper class restaurant while Mother's were of the more homely type though they were no less delicious.

I hopped up from Mother's lap and she linked her arm with mine before guiding me outside the manor with Katsuki following us a step behind without a word

Stepping outside, Mother unfurled her wings to their full length, showing off her beautiful wings that were as dark as night.

Had we chosen to fly in the dark on a moonless night, her wings would practically be invisible against the darkness. But right now, it looked as though someone had cut off a piece of the night sky and held it up behind Mother as a backdrop.

I let my own wings pop out from my back. They were not as dark as Mother's but I was told that they were not fully matured yet and I was still growing, meaning my wings would eventually look different as I grow older.

"Ufufufu~ Shall we, my little one?" Mother asked, extending her hand towards me.

I took her hand and turned to Katsuki who bowed her head towards us, "Have a safe flight, Mistress."

Both Mother and I leapt into the air at the same time, our wings beating against the ground to lift us into the air.

I didn't have a destination in mind so I let Mother guide me as she brought us high up above the city until we were but a speck in the sky.

The two of us started circling around the city, simply enjoying the view from high above.

That was when I noticed something.

"Mother?" I called out, my voice being carried by my Aeromancy. "Is that place on fire?"

I pointed at a certain mansion that had a plume of black smoke coming out from the main building.

At first I thought it might be our home since it was located in the upper districts but I realised it was too small to be ours.

"Ufufufu~ It does seem like it is, isn't it? I suppose that Family made an enemy of someone they shouldn't and are now paying the price for it~"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What do you mean, Mother?"

"Ufufufu~ It's nothing for you to worry about, my dear~ Come, my little one, shall we fly towards the sea?"

Hmm… I admit I'm curious about what she meant by that but something tells me that the fire might be caused by us for some reason.

Err… Wait a minute… Now that I'm looking properly… There's a few other houses that were also on fire?

I think I'll just pretend not to see it for now…

It's been a while since I've been alone with Mother so let's just enjoy today!

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