What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 251 Auction House Etiquette

She ended up getting sold for five Creas which was a little sad if you asked me.

Then again, she didn't have any skills and it's not like she was attractive looking either so I'm even surprised someone actually bidded for her.

The next one to be brought out to the stage was another slave, this time a male Mahun who looked relatively normal, at least to me. He certainly wasn't another Off Worlder at least.

"Going to our next item of the day, honoured guests! We have another crime slave up for grabs! This one one in particular is a bandit that was caught trying to rob some people on the road! That's why you don't need to be afraid to be a little rough with him! We're starting this bid at two Creas!!"

I was expecting the announcer to start extolling that bandit's virtues but to my surprise, it was the bandit who stepped up and started talking.

"I… I'm no stranger to hard work! I can serve as a guard too! I… I… I can… I can… Wai… Wait… I… I can do anything! I--"

Before he could say anymore, the bid caller waved his arm and the bandit's voice was cut off, leading me to realise he was also an Aeromancer.

"And time's up! Do I hear two Creas?! Two Creas for the Mahun bandit?!"

That got me a little curious.

"Why was he trying so hard to sell himself?" I asked no one in particular.

Katsuki was the one who answered me, "For crime slaves in particular, if no one buys them, they would become public property and be sent to do manual labour. In his case, he would most likely be sent to the mines where the mortality rate is the highest, especially since he's a bandit and deemed to be the bottom of society."

Delmare tilted her head, "And being bought by someone is better?"

"Not necessarily. But the chances of living the rest of their lives being miserable is higher as a public slave as compared to a private slave. If the bandit is lucky, he might even be bought to be a guard for some noble, guaranteeing him at least food and shelter. But if he is sent off to the mines, he would consider himself fortunate if he didn't get beaten up every other day by the guards or the other workers there."

That is certainly interesting to know.

"What about the girl from before? She wasn't even given the chance to sell herself," I asked.

Katsuki hesitated before turning to Mary, guess she doesn't know why either.

The Trasif maid inclined her head slightly, "Young Mistress first needs to know that allowing slaves to sell themselves is akin to the auction house showing the slaves kindness. How much time they give the slave to promote themselves is also entirely up to the proprietors. In some cases, the auction house might not even let the slaves have a chance to talk to the audience and simply auction them off without any introductions."

Ah… So being able to sell themselves is actually a privilege, not a right for the slaves. I see…

Mary continued, "So in that woman's case, she had been hurling insults and various other verbal abuses at her captives the entire time, going so far as to demand to see what she termed a 'manager'. Thus the auction house decided not to give her a chance to talk and just put her on stage. You might be interested to know that she was bought by a merchant who isn't kind."

The way Mary was recounting it sounded as though she was there and witnessed it happen herself. Plus how did she even know who bought her? You know what… I don't want to know….

Unfortunately for this bandit in particular, no one bought him and several guards appeared to drag him off the stage. The bandit tried to struggle and break free, only to receive a blow across the head that knocked him out before they continued pulling him away.

Right at that moment, a knock came from the door to our alcove behind us.

Sebastian, who had been positioned at the door as our guard all this while, moved to open it by a small crack.

Whoever was behind it started talking to him, prompting him to turn back to us.

"Young Mistress. Are you interested in some sexual services? They have girls available here who are providing such services for their VIP guests."

I'm sorry, what? How am I supposed to react to that?

At least Delmare was as surprised as I was that this even happened so I didn't feel that left out when everyone else barely batted an eye at Sebastian's question.

I cleared my throat, "Ahem… Umm… I don't need that… Thank you, Sebastian."

He nodded before turning back to the door to pass my message before closing it, returning back to his former position as though nothing happened.

The Siren looked at everyone with wide eyes, "Ummm… Was that something normal?"

Mother giggled, "Ufufufu~ Indeed it is, little Delmare~ It seems like you are not familiar with the common sense of World too~ Would you like to attend a school with Aster to learn more about it?"

Oh~ Mother suggested it even before I could ask!

Delmare  gasped, "Do you mean that Aster is also attending a school to learn? Can I really join her?"

"Ufufufu~ Of course! If you are interested, I can ask the principal to enrol you in the same school~ But you would be joining as a transfer student since it's already the middle of the school term which means you have some catching up to do."

"Ah… If I can study with Aster, I don't mind… But umm… How much time do I have to catch up to everyone?"

"Ufufufu~ No need to worry, my dear~ Mary here will be helping you to catch up to the others! As long as you work hard and listen to her, you have nothing to worry about~"

The Siren turned to the maid in question, "I shall be in your care then!"

Mary bowed her head in turn, "Of course, Miss Delmare. You can leave everything to me."

Hmm… If it's Mary guiding her, I don't doubt that she would be able to catch up to us by the time this vacation ends. Just look at that level four tutor skill! That should help her catch up in basic skills so that she can pick her specialised skills when she joins me and Odeta at school~

I felt a nudge on my side and I turned to see Lisa shift herself closer to me on her chair, "Aster… If you'd like~ I can give you some sexual services myself~ Ehehehe~"

I giggled and moved closer to give her a peck on her lips.

Lisa recoiled back in surprise, her face quickly turning red,  "Awawawawa?"

Almost instantly, her teasing exterior melted away to be replaced with a blushing and stuttering maiden with just that kiss.

Yep… I think I can pretty much confirm that kisses are her weakness and I definitely enjoy teasing her with it~

Although… That reminds me of another problem.

I leaned towards the Infrid who was still blushing in embarrassment and whispered, "Lisa… Are we exclusive now?"

It took her a moment to recover before blinking at me, "Eh? What does Aster mean by that?"

"You know… Does this mean I can't be having sex with other girls from now on?"

"Eh? Of course not. If that were to happen, I would be sad too!"

"Huh? Why would you be sad?"

"Of course I would be sad! Aster is so wonderful and beautiful! If I were to prevent others from experiencing the pleasure of being with you, then I would surely be cursed by Hiandoca!" She explained like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Mother then giggled from the side, "Ufufufu~ I see my little one has already secured your first harem member~ Ara? Should I also assume that little Delmare is also part of it as well?"

Did Mother forget that we literally had a foursome in the bath last night? Look, even Ardi is looking away from us while trying to hide herself behind Odeta.

Oh wait… I keep forgetting that sex isn't really considered that intimate in this World… Damn it…

So my question to Lisa was akin to asking her if I couldn't shake hands with other people anymore.

But I'm selfish though… I don't want her having sex with anyone else but me…

As though reading my mind, Lisa giggled and cuddled herself against my arm, "Oh Aster~ You really are so cute! You were thinking of monopolising me for yourself, weren't you?"

I nodded, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Ehehe~ Didn't I already tell you? The only one I'm interested in is you~ You don't need to worry about me sleeping with someone else~ Ehehehe~ You're so, so cute~"

How do I even react to something like that?

Thankfully, I didn't need to as the auctioneer called out the next item on the stage.

"Honoured guests! For our next item of the day, we have a treasure that was recently found in one of the dungeons by a Dungeoneer party! It's a special kind of magic food that is said to increase the magic of those who eat it!"

Another pedestal was brought on stage and a box was placed on it, the lid flipping open to reveal ten round objects inside.

"We shall start the bid at ten Crea--"

I immediately raised my paddle and shouted, "Two hundred Creas!!"

What?!! Those are baby castellas!!

And they even told me there wouldn't be any sweets!!

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