What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 164 Sometimes You Just Need Proper Motivation

Needless to say, we won that event.

Even though I was exhausted halfway through, Lisa just kept going and going. An Infrid on aphrodisiacs was a really dangerous combination it seems… I really need my lewd boons to keep up with her.

​ I also realised that she really just wanted an excuse to have public sex with me.

Well, at least she helped us win the event so I didn't complain much and the cake was as good as it looked.

Lisa also managed to save a slice for Mother, Odeta and Katsuki before I lost myself in the cake and devoured it by myself.

She then brought the me who had fallen into unconscious bliss back home, letting Odeta pick me up and return me back to my room. It was the best sleep I had, that night was totally worth it.

The next morning, I remembered to ask Mother about the cruise trip.

"Ara, ara? A cruise trip with my little one? Of course Mama will say yes~" Was my Mother's response to the suggestion.

Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Mother accepted the idea so easily. In fact she even asked if I wanted to invite more friends along on the trip as well.

Well…The problem was that I wasn't exactly close enough with anyone else to invite them along.

I mean sure, there were a few people I might talk to while in class but it wasn't to the point I would call them friends yet. Partly because I didn't want anyone in school to know about my background too.

The classmates I get along with the best were ironically the girls in my Iatromancy class, more because of how weird it was…

"Alright class~ Are we ready for today's practical lesson?" Teacher Anna asked cheerfully.

"Yes, teacher!" The other girls replied equally cheerfully.

"Is Aster ready as well?"

"Yes, teacher," I affirmed.

"Alright, then let's… Ehehehe… Let's get started!"

She took out her usual knife and made a cut along her lower arm, drawing blood.

She didn't even flinch when she did that… In fact, I'm pretty sure I saw her shiver in delight from the pain.

Well, who am to judge someone for their fetishes? I'm in a relationship with someone with a very particular fetish myself as well.

At least the other girls in the class have gotten used to it so none of them were screaming or even fainting at the sight of her mutilating herself anymore.

Teacher Anna stretched out her bleeding arm proudly, "Now, who wants to start first?!"

One of the girls at the other side of the class was the first to raise her hand, "Me! Let me try, teacher!"

She then went up to the teacher and stretched out her palm towards her.

"Flesh to flesh, knit and repair, heal and cleanse the wounds, return the flesh to its pristine form. Close Wounds!"

Unfortunately, nothing happened and the wound was still there.

Teacher Anna simply patted her head with her other hand, "No need to worry! You just need to keep trying! Would anyone else like to give it a shot?"

Emily, the girl who sits beside me for this class, was next to raise her hand, "Let me try, teacher!"

She went up to take her place in front of the teacher and recited the spell as well, only for her to achieve the same results as the first girl.

"Mmmm… Seems like we still have a ways to go! It's ok! You just need to practise!" Teacher Anna assured Emily.

"How do you do it, sister Aster?" Emily asked.

I'm not really sure what to tell her so I just made something up, "Well… When I heal people I focus on the feeling of wanting to restore them back to health. Maybe you can try that?"

"Sister Aster is an angel~"

"She's so cool~"

"I want to be like her~"

The rest of the class then took their turns trying to heal teacher Anna of her wound but none succeeded.

"It seems like we're still not at the stage yet~ I'll just have to let all of you continue practising! Now, Aster! Would you be so kind as to heal me? I'm… Actually losing quite a bit of blood…"

I really question how she managed to last this long…

"Flesh to flesh, knit and repair, heal the incisions and the bruises. [Close Wounds]."

My hands glowed and the wound slowly knitted itself together to restore back to her perfect, unblemished skin, the magic having healed her arm completely.

Teacher Anna flexed the arm a few times and grinned, "Perfect as always, Aster! Your talent truly is remarkable! As for the rest, let's revise what each of you did wrong to fail in casting the spell! Like Aster had said, one of the ways is to focus on that feeling but some of you may not understand that yet so let's see now…"

She then went to each of the girls and told them exactly what they were doing wrong. For Emily, she was too focused on trying to materialise the magic that she failed to register the state of the wound in front of her.

Despite her shortcomings, Teacher Anna was still quite a competent Iatromancy teacher at the end of the day so she knew how to teach at least.

Once she had gone to each of her students and told them what was wrong, she went ahead to slice open her arm again.

"Alright! Round two! Who wants to try first?!"

Seriously though, isn't there a better way to teach these students instead of constantly cutting yourself? I guess the alternative was for us to injure ourselves or even get someone else who was hurt to be our test subject…

Ironically, having a masochist as our teacher was actually the best option.

Right as I thought of that, a student had rushed into the class.

"Teacher Anna! It's an emergency! My friend… He… He got hurt! Eh? You're bleeding too!!"

Our teacher quickly casted her own [Close Wounds] spell and healed herself before addressing the student.

"Calm down. What happened?"

"Eh? Ah! We were just practising our magic and he lost control of his spell and hurt himself! Please help him!"

I thought teacher Anna would rush to help him but she had turned to us and smiled, "Ohhh! Looks like we can have a live demonstration! Follow me!"

Wow, really? Alright then…

The class followed after teacher Anna as the boy led us towards one of the classrooms down the hall. Inside, a boy was on the floor clutching a burnt arm, probably the result of a Pyromancy spell.

Emily gasped, "Billy?!!"

Teacher Anna turned to her, "You know this boy?"

"Ye… Yes… He's one of my classmates who looked down on me for choosing Iatromancy as my studies…"

"Oh! This is perfect! Emily, try and heal him!"

"E… Eh? But… But I don't know how yet… Would the close wounds spell even work on him?"

"Heh~ Only one way to find out! Come on! Let him see for himself that he shouldn't look down on Iatromancy! This is your time to shine and teach him a lesson!"

Teacher… The boy is in pain… Though I guess it's just a minor burn so his life isn't really in any danger but is this really alright?

Oh what do I know? I am not involved in this.

Emily hesitated but eventually went to the boy's side after our teacher gestured for her to come closer.

Billy had his eyes shut while groaning from the pain so he didn't realise she was there until she spoke up.

"Umm… Billy? What happened?"

He looked at her and cried, "I… I burned myself! Emily! You're studying healing magic right?! Heal me! Hurry!! It hurts!!"

Emily's lips twitched, "O… Oh? Didn't you say… Iatromancy was useless? Why… Why do you even want a useless magic to be used on you?"

"It doesn't matter does it?! You're already useless so at least be useful and heal me for once!"

"Ha… Haha… Hahahaha… That looks like a bad burn~ Does it hurt?"

"What?! Of course it hurts! What are you--AARRGGHH!!"

Emily pressed down hard on his arm with a sadistic smile on her face, "Oh! Does it hurt here? What about here? Is it painful when I do this?"

"Ahhhh!! What are you doing?! Stop!!"

"Oh, but I need to make sure that I know how bad the injury is before I can heal it~ Does it also hurt when I do this?"

"Arrgghh!! Yes it does!! Stop!! Stop!!"

Umm… Teacher? Don't you think you should… Wait. Why are you smiling and nodding along like this is natural? What the heck? Even the rest of the class is also nodding along too.

I mean… I get he may be a jerk but… You know what, I don't even care. It's not like I know this guy anyway.

"Hehe~ So do you think Iatromancy is useless?" Emily asked.

"What are you talking about?! Of course it isssaaarrghhh!!!"

"Oh my~ Then I guess I shouldn't use such a useless magic on you~ Well, good luck with that burned arm I guess~ I think you might lose it if it isn't healed now~"

That was obviously a lie… It would probably scar but it's not like he'll lose that arm…

His eyes widened at the threat, not even realising that it was not true, "Wait, wait!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please help me!"

"Oh? Now you want me to help you? Maybe if you get down on your knees and beg properly… I might reconsider."

"Wha… What?"

"Hmmm? Not willing to do it? I guess it'll be better if you go chop off that arm then~"

He hesitated for a moment more before getting down on her knees, "Please! Please save me!"

"Say that Iatromancy is the best magic and you're a piece of trash."

"Iatromancy is the best magic and… And I'm a piece of trash!"

"And once I heal your arm… You'll have to say these words whenever I ask you to~"

"What? No way!"

"Ah, I guess I'll just let you lose that arm~"

"No, no, please! I… I promise!"

"Oh very well~ Flesh to flesh, knit and repair, heal and cleanse the wounds, return the flesh to its pristine form. [Close Wounds]."

Light shone on the boy's arm as the spell materialised to restore him back to health

What the heck is this teaching method… Is she a sadist? Is that how she managed to cast her magic?

I wanna go on a vacation already…

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