What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 160 The Floating What

The Nekomata had black, straight hair that reached past her lower back and a pair of black cat ears poked out from the top of her head. The kimono she was wearing was also black in colour with gold accents while a katana with a black sheath rested on her hip.

I'm going to make a wild guess that her favourite colour was black.

She managed to pry Lisa off of her after a while, making hissing noises as she did so.

Lisa pouted at her, "Awww… Why do you have to be so uptight all the time? You should relax!"

"I am relaxed most of the time, it's just you who always makes me go on edge!"

"Awww… Don't be like that… Aren't we the best of friends?"

"We're business partners, not friends! Get that right, nyaa!"

She said 'nyaa'...

Can I pretty please pat her and make cat noises at her?!

She smoothed her kimono before looking at us, "So… Are you going to introduce us?"

Lisa clapped her hands together before turning to us, "Ah! That's right! This is the friend I was telling you about! Emilia! She's a very successful merchant!"

Emilia bowed her head slightly, "It is nice to meet you. I am Emilia von Sieger, heir to the Sieger Trading Company. My condolences for having to know a troublesome person like Lisa here."

[Name: Emilia von Sieger

Title: Heir of Sieger Trading Company, Boss, Loveless Neko, Crea Minded, Scarlet Flash

Race: Nekomata

Gender: Female

Current Mood: Curious


113 Strength

615 Dexterity

105 Endurance

122 Magic

​ Skills:

Assassination (Tier 1), Leadership (Tier 2), Business Management (Tier 3), Negotiations (Tier 3), Noble Etiquette (Tier 2), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 3), Dagger Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2))

Magic Skills:

Umbramancy (Tier 1), Aeromancy (Tier 1), Hydromancy (Tier 2)]

Oh, those are some pretty impressive stats actually.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Lisa protested.

"I'm sure."

The Infrid pouted at her but decided not to argue and instead, gestured to us, "This is Aster, my soulmate. The two girls beside her are Katsuki and Odeta, Aster's friends."

The three of us returned her greeting politely.

Emilia's eyes widened at Lisa, "Wait… Soulmate? Are you saying that she is the one your Clairvoyance has been showing you all this time?"

Lisa grinned, "That's right! So when are you finally going to find your own soulmate?"

Emilia scoffed, "Soulmates don't bring me profits, therefore I don't need one."

Ah, she's the type of person who decides if something was worth their time through their monetary value huh.

Emilia then waved her hand, "So what do you want? I know you well enough that if you were to come and find me on your own, it's usually because you're looking for something."

Lisa turned to me and I stepped forward to address her, "We're looking for some new clothes we can buy for Odeta here. Lisa mentioned that you could help us?"

Emilia turned to look at Odeta up and down, "Ah, I see the problem. There's no way you'll find stores catered to Amraps around here even if it's the capital city. Don't worry, I can help with that! Follow me~"

She led the way towards the harbour, specifically towards the giant ship.

I couldn't help but ask, "Is that ship yours?"

"It sure is. The pride and joy of the Sieger Trading Company, The Floating Pussy~"

It took all I had to maintain a neutral face when I heard the name.

Did no one point out the problematic nature of that name at all? Or was that the idea from the start?

Either I was the only one who understood it or such a name was normal here since no one else reacted to what she said.

Instead, I tried to change the subject, "Was the dragon transported by the ship as well?"

"That's right. The ship functions as both a mobile store and also a transport ship. We bring wares from all over the World and we do our own trades too. We even have an auction hall on board as well, anything you might want or need could probably be found on board The Floating Pussy."

I couldn't help myself…

"So I guess we're going to enter the floating pussy now?"

Emilia smiled at me, "Of course we are. We have multiple boutiques on board including a few that cater to Amraps too so I'm sure we'll definitely be able to find something suitable for your friend here."

I'm seriously trying my best to keep a straight face you know?!

Odeta finally spoke up, "Sister Aster? What's wrong with what I'm wearing right now?"

I puffed my cheeks at her, "You need some other clothes to look cute too! As much as I like being able to touch your abs with your current attire, it's too plain! We need to find more clothes for you!"

It's definitely a waste that she doesn't dress up at all despite her having such good looks!

Emilia turned her head back to us, "Not to worry Miss Aster, my staff will definitely find something suitable for your friend. As long as you can afford it of course."

Lisa gasped, "Ehhh? I thought Emilia would be giving us a friend discount of a hundred percent!"

"Nyaaa?! No way that's going to happen! I'm still a businesswoman, you know? They recently increased the tariffs for imports here! I need to earn back my costs!"

I really want to pat her…

Our group soon reached the gangway that led towards the deck of the ship that was guarded by several other Nekomatas wearing clothes in a similar style to Emilia's.

"Boss! Welcome back!" All of them greeted her with ninety degree bows.

Emilia nodded at them, "I'm back with guests. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you, boss!"

That sight kind of reminded me of underlings greeting a yakuza boss… Heck, the aesthetics certainly do match...

Climbing aboard the ship, I quickly realised that it was way bigger than I thought it was.

The dragon that we saw earlier being paraded through the streets would have barely taken up a fifth of the deck, that's how big this ship was.

The deck itself already looked like a market square of its own with all the stalls set up around and various people perusing the offered wares.

"When we come through the various city ports, it basically turns into a sort of mini festival on the deck of the ship," Emilia explained proudly.

True enough, they not only had stalls that were selling wares, they even had game stalls set up for people to play too.

Lisa's eyes lit up and turned to the Nekomata, "Oh! That reminds me! Are you guys still hosting that event?"

Emilia smirked, "Oh, most definitely. I guess you can finally participate since you have a soulmate now."

Lisa pumped her fist in a victory pose before looking at me, "Aster~ They have a couples event that they would hold at night here~ I always wanted to join! Could we please participate tonight?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What kind of event is it?"

"Ehehehe~ It's an event where couples compete to see who is the best couple through a series of challenges! I'm sure we could win it!"

I made a face at her, "I don't know, Lisa… I'm not really a big fan of public shows like that…"

"One of the prizes is a special deluxe chocolate cake from a famous patisserie in Nekinumi Kingdom!"

"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go sign up for it right now!"

What?! It's a special deluxe chocolate cake from a famous patisserie! Of course I'll want it!!

Odeta pumped her fists, "We'll come and cheer you on, Aster!"

Unexpectedly, Lisa shook her head, "Sorry, it's a couple only event so only couples are allowed in. Don't worry, I'll take good care of Aster!"

"Ehh… That's so not fair…"

I reached up and patted her head, "It's ok, Odeta! I'll win it for us! Now why don't we get you some cute clothes?"

Emilia nodded towards the deck of the ship, "Please follow me."

She guided us towards one of the stairs leading down towards the lower decks of the ship. When we descended below, it was like we came to another World.

The design of the lower decks looked like a shopping mall with the multiple levels of shops lined up around the hold.

This isn't a ship… This is literally a floating mall!

That was when I realised something.

"Isn't having the boss like yourself guiding us a little… I dunno… Extravagant?"

Lisa giggled, "Oh, Emilia here doesn't mind, right?"

The Nekomata rolled her eyes, "I'm only doing this for you, you know? I don't forget a debt and you did save my life after all so I can at least do this much. I'm not some kind of ungrateful Nekomata like those stupid Nomads."

It took me a while to remember that there were two factions in the Nekomata race where one focused on their traditional hunter-gatherer values while the other were the industrialists and both sides hated each other.

They're like house cats and wild cats I believe, so Emilia would be considered a 'house cat' to the other side.

Well, one thing's for sure, I wouldn't mind her being my house cat~

Ahem… Umm… Forget I said anything.

Where's the shop for Odeta's clothes again?

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